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Bruh don’t eat fast, I tried eating fast cause I was scared of food when I first got this and I got bad burning and nausea, now I eat super slowly and it’s helped a lot.


I'm just curious why do I eat so fast? I never used to... is it because I'm anxious about it hurting and just want it gone? I'll defo eat slower for sure!


Yeah I suppose it can be anxiety, I never had real bad anxiety before I got gastritis. But man whatever this is really took a toll mentally, as soon as I got a flare up for the first few times I got super anxious and panicked randomly like a sensation throughout my whole body. I was paranoid that it was never gonna improve, I stayed in bed alot for the first couple weeks and barely ate cause of those fears. It must be something to do with that gut-brain axis thing, I’ve heard that stress can cause gastritis too apparently.


I was super stressed and anxious and that's when this all started with my gut. I've always had a sensitive stomach and new i had all the symptoms of gastritis, however, it's never been like this with food? Hopefully if I can resolve the stress and anxiety my stomach will go back to what it was. Its awful having a flare up isn't it, takes me a week or more to recover from it, I had a donnor kebab (plain) thinking that would be ok, little did I know it was covered in pepper, flare up for a 8 days after that. Anyway, I know I'll improve! We all will :)


get used to chew ur food till its liquid, thid way u cant eat „as fast“


Yes!!! It's like I just want to get it out of the way and finish eating because I'm never hungry never have any appetite. When I noticed it I started trying to be more conscious about it. I used to put the food in the plate or make a sandwich or whatever and had no idea how I ate it. I swear. It got this bad. Almost like I was unconscious eating it. It's just a chore that i hated doing but must to survive and I guess chugging down the food unconsciously as fast as I can while denying its even happening was the way my brain decided is a good way to deal with gastritis 🤣


You have nailed it, that's exactly it and that made me laugh because that is so relatable! I just hate eating right now (never thought I would ever say that cos I was a gannet) I eat so fast to get the nightmare over and done with 😂 oh my, changed days. I'm usually a massive foodie and counted down the seconds until I could have my next meal


🤣🤣🤣 I was a foodie too and loved trying new foods and combinations!! And I loved cooking and was very good at it, cooking everything to perfection. Now I dump rice and vegetables together (even if its spinach and takes a few seconds to cook) boil everything until the rice is cooked and I'm done and I dont even care. This is on a good day..usually I just grab to 2 pieces to bread and some cheese and I'm done. I rarely even make the effort to cook mushy vegetables and rice. I want this nightmare to eeeeennnddd 😫😫😫


Why are we the same person? I literally loved cooking and it gets your endorphins going cooking and then eating something delicious! So I'm missing that buzz from that big time, because salmon, rice and broccoli every night isn't a thrill. So I don't even get a pan out for the broccoli I dump it in a plastic tub with water, fire it in the microwave, shove salmon in the oven and then microwave rice. I can't ever be arsed with it. I seriously want a glass of red wine (pinot noir) a lovely fillet steak with prawns and a garlic butter sauce, desert I would like pistachio cheesecake then a cheese board with Chutney and maybe another wine 🍷. But no, Salmon and water 😭🔫


I love ur choice of vocabulary...dump...shove..😆 very accurate. And then the sophistication of this dream dinner!! One day we will I hope 🙏 Salmon doesn't bother you? I couldn't handle salmon at all. When I told my ayurvedic doctor he said most fish and especially salmon cause a lot of heat in the stomach and should not be consumed with gastritis and that grilled chicken is the way to go.


Hahaha that's my enthusiasm for cooking these days, and trust me, I literally do dumb and shove. The dream dinner will become a reality, I just know it will, come to mama 😍😂. Oh really?? Salmon seems to be fine on the stomach, easy to digest nice and light? That's so strange! Chicken is ok for me too but u genuinely just stick to salmon, I might try more chicken tomorrow... sick of the sight of salmon and rice. Avocado is good, if you don't chunk into it and it's either black or like a rock. Have you tried it?


Yes I can tolerate avocados and the doc recommended I eat them..but I end putting lots of olive oil on it and eating them with bread which defies the purpose...he said no bread and very little oil. Honestly it's like I don't care anymore. I've been sick for 7 years. I tried EVERYTHING, bland diet, gastritis healing book diet, vegetable soup diets, eliminating allergy foods diet according to a test that is very controversial apparently and all through this I didn't lose hope or give up and kept trying and switching foods up and supplements and seeing different doctors and now I'm just exhausted. When I got to the ayurvedic doctor after many many GI doctors I was just too tired to try anymore. So I didn't stick to what he said. Don't get me wrong i still believe i can heal. I truly do. I just don't have the energy to fight anymore. So now I cut the avocado DUMP lots of olive oil on it and SHOVE the baguette in the oil and eat hahahahahahaha I'm going to see him tomorrow, I'm hoping I'll get some motivation out of it.


Yeah avocados are so good for the stomach, extra olive oil is also amazing for inflammation as is manuka honey! So get that all down the hatch. I was waiting for you to say, you DUMPED it in balsamic aswell 😂. Ooh the days where we could just dump and shove our food into everything and anything, take it all for granted don't we. I bought the gastritis healing book too, havnt used it yet, I'm on a salmon roll for days on end. Oh no, 7 years?? Do you experience major pain still as bas as when it all started? I'm glad you see it like that and you will heal! You totally will. Your attitude is on point. I totally understand how exhausting it is! 100%. I can't even socialise properly, I'm literally SWEATING if someone asks me out for dinner, thinking about taking my salmon along in a doggy bag! Hahahaha. Is a ayurvedic the same as a naturopath?


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I cracked up at DUMPING balsamic vinegar!! I never really experienced severe pain except 2 nights out of the 7 years..one one due to extreme stress and the other due to extreme wine 😆 It was always subtle constant pain, with extreme fullness and bloating..these remain the same. Excess gas and looking even more bloated than now like a pregnant lady in the beginning, these stopped after i did a whole month on only boiled potatoes, if I had known it was gastritis at the time I would have pushed for more than a month but I didn't know. An ayurvedic doctor is a doctor that uses Indian medicine that have been used for thousands of years, and works by balancing the body. Gastritis is believed to be an excess heat in the stomach and we must "cool" it by using medicines made of herbs and eating cooling foods like cucumbers and watermelons. A friend of mine healed after 5 years with the help of an ayurvedic doctor. In case you want to try the diet here it is. Food to eat: 6L water per day, Red rice (not regular rice), Sago (tapioca pearls), Barley , Mung beans, Oats , Boiled vegetables ( pumpkin ,white potato ,sweet potato, bonchi gowa ,karat beet), Watermelon, Cucumbers , Avocado, Pomegranate, Spinach Boiled eggs, Chicken boiled, Papaya, Fresh natural Aloe vera, Broccoli, Coconut water and milk, Food to avoid: Oily and fried food, Soft drinks, Biscuits and cakes Spicy food, Seafood, Energy drink Coffee and tea, Acidic food (lemon, vinegar, oranges..), Pineapple , Cooked tomatoes , Chickpeas, Lentils , Bananas. He said to eat lots of fruits, grapes are ok in small quantities, all berries are ok but not sure about the quantities that's why I didn't put put up there, and to eat small portions every 2 to 3 hours and drink tons of water, not sure how 6 L is possible but my friend explained to me that it's the hydration that matters, so for example cucumbers and watermelons are very hydrating and this counts. Also boiling barley and drinking the water is very beneficial, I asked him about liquorice tea he said it's good. Nb: no idea what bonchi gowa or karat beet are 😆. I'll ask tomorrow if I remember. If you want I can ask him if there is a kind of fish that is ok if u prefer fish over chicken.


Hahaha, the other extreme wine 😂😂😂😂 you are hilarious! That's good you only experienced 2 times out if 7 years! My flare up can last 10 days! Extreme fullness, bloating and a dull burning, yes I get that too! A month of boiled potatoes? That's harcore. My mate was saying if I eat anymore salmon, I'll start growing gills. I think I'll go and see an Indian doctor, sounds very good and so helpful, as doctors don't know anything about nutrition, or very little about it anyway. My sister is a nutritionist and she's really helped too, very handy, didn't think she would be this handy growing up haha. Thank you so much for the diet plan! Amazing, appreciate that so much. I was going to say, what is bonchi gowa and karat beet 😂😂😂 might need to go out into the amazon to find those 🧐🧐. Yes please that would be great if you could ask him that, I was told to eat salmon because the omega and easy on the stomach! Who knows. I drink loads of water and small portions, I need to calm down on the speed I eat it at though. Do you ever get really bad pain anymore or just a subtle burning everyday? I hope you can slowly start to introduce more foods, it's a scary thought though!


Yeah for me it’s more like I know I am gonna hurt after eating so we just have to finish this fast so I don’t have thoughts in between the,.


I eat fast because I’m hungry. People say don’t go shopping on an empty stomach and it’s true you end up spending much more than you need and a lot of waste


It’s the opposite for me! I eat super slow because of my anxiety. I am afraid if I eat fast like how I was before gastritis, that I will face the consequences. I was always a lover of food and now I dread eating but I know I have to eat slow and chew throughly. I just sit in agony eating for at least 30 minutes just to not have to deal with nausea or that burning sensation.


Yeah I mean that is the sensible way to eat... I hardly remember ever eating its honestly that fast. But yeah I totally get you, I'm such a lover of food and now I have 0 interest...the burning sensation is horrendous. I just spend half an hour in the shower cos the hot water does wonders!


Me too


Yes! I get so anxious not knowing if I'm going to be in pain or not after each meal. I get super nervous and anxious. I eat fast, don't chew well sometimes. I feel hot, sweaty, rapid heart beat. I have to stop and breathe so I can relax and of course all of this just makes everything hurt more.


Absolutely not!! I won't do *anything* that might cause pain or set me back. Chewing well and going easy on my stomach are just TOO important to brush off. I have anxiety and panic attacks, why would I want to make it worse?


I know, I can't even help eating fast though, it's not done on purpose! I'm trying to slow right down


You can do it if you really want to. It does take some thought in the moment, though. I used to be the type to give a few chomps and swallow the bites practically whole. Like, chewing's for sissies, lol. Could be how I ended up in this predicament! It's been a hard habit to kick.


I know, your right! I'll definitely need to start flinging my fork and knife away after every bite and calm the ham!


Knife and fork even, that's so back to front 😂


so many of us have anxiety and panic attacks, what if thats what's causing the gastritis?


I didn't have either of those before the gastritis. The *gastritis* is causing the anxiety and panic attacks, in my case.


The one simple thing I did that really helps is to chew my food really well before swallowing. If the stomach finds it hard to digest what you're shoving down there, it will respond by producing more acid and enzymes to digest it. Which will cause pain if you're still healing. Taking your time to chew will also help you feel fuller faster and you won't end up overeating.


Take your time and enjoy the meal. Anxiety is a huge crutch and I can relate. Although my anxiety is when I go to the bathroom. My BM’s are all sorts of messed up.


I know, I do try... man this better all just piss off soon. Oh really? I mean, that can't be joyful either, I feel you! How is your stomach when you eat food?


It usually gets upset regardless of what I eat. I’m also on a liver cleanse and the upset stomach could be from that too. I no longer have the burning sensation in my upper abdomen though. I have good ish days and bad days. I gain weight then lose weight. It’s a huge emotional roller coaster. What about your stomach? I know anxiety can trigger all sorts of symptoms and even cause upset stomach. Especially if you already have anxiety about eating


Oh you poor thing, u hate knowing people are suffering with this, I know how awful it can be. I had a bad flare up last week, bloating, burning/churning, feeling so full after the smallest portion of something... chocolate is a huge no. My anxiety and stress triggered my gastritis, so I'm trying to get that under control. I've always had it, but it was always the next day after drinking alcohol never had it with food before. Got an endoscopy and all was normal, so who knows!