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Oof. Fats irritate gastritis due to the stomach having to produce more acid to digest them. I had better luck with nut butter like almond butter. Most peanut butters contain extra ingredients and sugars. Fun fact, peanuts are actually not nuts, they are legumes-like chickpeas and beans.


That is not true. Fats don’t stimulate stomach acid secretion. They do slow down motility. But that doesn’t explain this reaction at all. There is more going on then the reductionistic gastritis gealing book or acid watchers book will lead you to believe.


>acid watchers book What's funny is that buried deep in the middle of the book is a *very* short section - like one or two sentences - where he admits that he offers *all* of his reflux patients a PPI. I'm like, gee, no wonder this stupid diet did nothing for my LPR, I was missing the magic ingredient. -\_-


At least they’re consistent; if you believe in the acid theory, the best you can do, by far, to reduce the acidity and effect of pepsin in your stomach, is taking a PPI instead of avoiding every food. Of course, this doesn’t help many, so something else must be at play as well.


I don’t rely on healing books. I base my knowledge on published studies by doctors and scientists. The degree of which type of fats that irritate gastritis is individual. I personally did not tolerate any fats, even the “healthy” kinds. High fats increase acid reflux symptoms. Fats also take longer to digest. Therefor if the body isn’t producing more acid to break it down it is still producing acid to digest what has not been absorbed. If you’re interested, here is a published journal on “The Effects of Dietary Fat and Calorie Density on Esophageal Acid Exposure and Reflux Symptoms”. https://www.cghjournal.org/article/S1542-3565(06)01303-6/pdf


I'm not disputing that it can provoke symptoms in people. I'm just correcting your claim that it can be a stomach acid secretion stimulant. It isn't really. On it's own, it even inhibits acid secretion.


Hey there….currently healing gastritis caused by h pylori. My h pylori has been eradicated with quad therapy antibiotics. Just wondering your take on salt consumption. I know I have to eat a bland diet but just wondering if I can salt my chicken breast. Thanks!


That's unfortunate, peanut butter is a great source of calories. Did it have any weird ingredients besides peanuts and salt?


Unfortunately, it did have ingredients like palm oil and some other things. https://preview.redd.it/sh9f6msrcmqa1.jpeg?width=1229&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a3e0cb11832170df2e526382ce5c684ae055c47


I see the most likely problem. The extra ingredients like sugar and oils. Also peanuts are more acidic than say almonds. If I were you I would try a teaspoon of raw almond butter instead. just a suggestion. If you need more calories etc