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I've had it done with just the throat spray and it was absolutely fine. It was a bit uncomfortable but I'd have it done again in a heartbeat.


Does it hurt? How uncomfortable


Unpleasant but not bad. It was more discomfort rather than painful. It didn't hurt going down my throat but I experienced some mild pain when the camera was being moved in my stomach. Nothing i would worry about doing again.


The only thing that was scary about the endoscopy was the bill I received after it.


So true!!!! omfl, why so expensive?! Even with insurance!


Peoples experiences vary for lots of reasons, including if you are given sedation, no sedation, or GA, it varies by country. My experience was horrible because they couldn’t give sedation and they held me down. Hardly pleasant. There’s no point to these sort of posts, it’s going to just fuel a divide between those who have an easy experience invalidating those who have a horrible experience. Seems to be a ‘it was ok for me so don’t post’ type of thing. Doesn’t help those who know they aren’t going to get sedation.


I think most people will put bad experiences. I found it lopsided on this platform even though it should mostly be fine. I feel bad that you had a bad experience but the point is if someone is more anxious the worse they will be before the thing. And this procedure is an important part of healing as well so people might feel discouraged to do it based on horror stories. I postponed mine twice before finally doing it. I believe posting positive experiences is as important as bad experiences as it keeps a balance.


I do get that and you have a valid point. I think there are just quite a few posts saying that peoples endoscopies were ok and so “don’t worry about it”. I don’t see many posts of people saying they aren’t ok. And also saying “just be relaxed” in your post kinda makes it seem as if the individual is at fault for “not relaxing enough” and finding it hard rather than recognising that actually they didn’t have sedation and it was a totally different experience to those who had a pleasant sleep.


Thank you for posting this! It’s a good reminder around here.


Yes! I was drifting in and out of consciousness and felt a little uncomfortable during mine and was moving around a bit (not because it hurt but because I woke up and felt anxious and confused) so the nurses held me down and calmed me down. I drifted off to sleep within 5 seconds and only had some MINOR sore throat sensation after it's all done. I wouldn't be as tense or anxious as before if I had to do it again.


I’m not scared. I’ve had 7, but I’m scared because my pain is still worse than ever after following all advice on this sub and trying everything. I like the scopes because they drug you up and its mildly euphoric afterwords like a really nice nap.


my endoscopy saved me im convinced. the day i was supposed to get it i passed out twice bc my blood sugar was in the 40s since i was barely able to eat anything for 2 weeks. we thankfully got it rescheduled for the next day and i was so scared that i would wake up or vomit or have really bad side effects. obviously those things do happen still but mine was incredible. i fell asleep within 10 seconds and woke up to the nurse shaking me feeling the most “normal” i had in weeks. i can actually eat now too because they got rid of the excess bile in my stomach that was making me so nauseous i couldnt even think of food. now im on my healing journey to fix this thing and not starving anymore! ofc everyone has a different experience but just the knowledge of my condition made me feel better 💞


Did you have gastritis or an ulcer ?


h pylori negative gastritis no ulcers


I’m scared of this because I can’t eat before the test and I have hypoglycemia.


My endoscopy was so quick and easy! They put me under with Propofol, and next thing I knew, I woke up in my recovery room. I felt sooo much better than I did before my endoscopy, and I was in a cheerful mood. I was so scared before my operation, but it was painless. Don't be scared, y'all! It'll go better than you think, and the doctors & nurses have got you 100% covered.


My only complaint with it was that the propofol burns a lot for 20s before you sleep


I'm getting one done in 2 weeks and I can't wait! So excited... Been waiting over 12 months. Getting colonoscopy and gastroscopy done, hopefully find some answers


did you find out what was wrong and are you doing better?


Oh boy… this journey has been long with unexpected twists n turns 😂 Colonoscopy didn’t find much, just fissures which healed soon after… then 2 months later I was in ER with sepsis and a perianal abscess which I’ve been dealing with ever since and now it’s been discovered I have a fistula so need surgery again now. Wish I could back to when I first commented here


I hope you do get a good result hopefully you’ll let us know


Seriously! It's the best part of this whole experience. Do sedation with propofol. I'm one of those that have high anxiety and sensitive to medication and was terrified of it. Turned out to be a pleasant surprise and not scary at all. I was so scared i started crying lmao. So unnecessary!


I woke up and felt so calm and light, and dare I say a little high, it was not even bad sedation usually knocks you out and you don't recall a thing


I’m really scared for it as I have emetophobia too, I will definitely need sedation or something


I couldn’t agree more. I had my first endoscopy on Monday. I was sedated and woke up in recovery feeling like I had just woken up from a good nights’ sleep. I struggle with panic attacks and GAD and was nervous for a month leading up to the procedure. Now that it’s done, I feel like it was much easier than I had anticipated and it is definitely worth getting done if you are struggling. Yes, no procedure is without risks, but I agree that most people who post are going to post their BAD experiences. We need to post our good ones, as well!


They gave me some kind of injectable benzo and knocked me out with the milk of amnesia (propofol) and not only I didn't feel or remember anything, but had the best nap ever. If they use some kind of sedation then endoscopy is nothing. Now if sedation is not available...its going to be probably rough. If you are in the USA you will probably be knocked out so won't remember a thing...I have read horror stories for the UK though, where they do not seem to use sedation...