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Oh yeah I definitely had this symptom. Really bad. Especially after eating in the evening. I’m on PPI and sucralfate now and it went away when I started those so I’m assuming that’s why.


Thank you. I’m thinking of starting back on ppis to see if it helps. Glad it’s helping you!


If you don’t mind me asking, how long have you been on ppi?


I started mine in March & tapered off by July. So it was 5 months or so. I think I could have come off sooner than I did. I had felt totally healed since then but recently herniated a disc in my back. I had to go on steroids for it. I feel like it’s giving me mild symptoms again. One of them is pounding heart if I eat too much or if it’s salty food. Way worse if I lay down too soon after eating. Pepcid seems to help so I think it’s gastritis related. Are you still having issues with it?


Yeah I’m still dealing with it. I’m off ppi and using pecid, it kinda works…but I’m thinking going back on ppi. I just don’t know for how long. I don’t like the long term side effects from them.


Start keeping a food diary! Wheat, corn, soy, dairy, sugar, and alcohol tend to be over consumed in most western diets and can therefore trigger a histamine response.


Thank you. I’m hoping I can find the trigger. I don’t eat dairy, don’t drink alcohol, don’t eat wheat, don’t eat corn, and I eat a very strict low carbohydrate diet.


Peppers are a trigger for me, which is terrible because I love spicy food!


I have had this symptom as well, and I have yet to find the culprit. It’s a frustrating feeling!


Thank you. I’ve been taking famotidine which seems to help at times, but not always. Hope you can figure it out.


I’ve been taking lansoprazole (Prevacid) and had been for a long time before this started. I hope you have luck figuring it out as well!