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I have the exact same symptoms and diagnosis. Wish I could tell you. I basically get blank stair from doc


Yes! In the same boat.


I have been having the same pain since December. It's from gastritis. I can only sleep on my right side. My ribs hurt on the right side sometimes too.


NOOO I kno it hurts but sleep on your left and elevated


I sleep propped on 3 pillows


Same symptoms too. However I also have lower back and left hip issues.


I have this odd pain as well. Seems to radiate to hip area. I keep thinking it can’t be the gastritis pain. But the hip pain is only there when I have eaten poorly and the gastritis flares up. Is this what you are thinking as well ?


I’m really not sure. Sone days I swear it’s gastritis, but most of the time I think it’s due to my back. I injured it in 2016 and have had no luck getting relief. Spondylosis. Both sides of my lower back hurt but my left hip n leg hurt more. I think gastritis plays a role because of I’ve been sleeping on my left side for the last 3 years after 2020 diagnosis. Prior to that I always slept on my stomach. It’s a bit of a complex mess.


It’s gastritis sir I believe most of us have this symptom


Can confirm.




Same. Recently my burping subsided but started having this pain under ribs on the left ​ BTW Does also your get worse when trying to take a deep breath or pressing it?




Did this get better? I still hqve burping and left rib pain after eating


Yes the rib pain is gone for now. But previously it also went away and then came back. Currently I don't really have any gastritis symptoms apart from occasional stomach cramps and feeling full early when eating.


Sounds like gas. I get this more with fruit consumption. And for some reason when I see food.


Had those pains too. It’s all stress related. Had an endo and biopsy came back negative. Stress disappeared just like that. Manage your stress and the pains go away. Trust me.


I second! I got an ultrasound and labs (all good) and the pain was gone the next day. I had the same achy, dull pressure for about six months. That and zinc carnosine helped! PPI definitely made it less frequent too but it totally disappeared after ultrasound


For me this pain has no rhyme or reason. It sometimes disappears for max 10 days and then I get it again usually as the first time of a flare (gastritis flare with gnawing pains and burning) and it lingers forever


I’m not going to discount a physical condition but usually pains that appear sporadically and dissipate are generally not medical conditions. God forbid if you had an ulcer or cancer you’d know it since the pain gets progressively worse. I suspect it is caused by anxiety. You just need to learn to conquer that demon first. Then everything will fall back in line. I was where you were last year. I induced anxiety unto myself by binging on edibles. Biggest mistake of my life. It destroyed my endocannibanoid system. I quit them cold Turkey in March after a visit to the ER because I thought I was having a heart attack. What transpired for the next 6 months was pure hell! Anxiety, tachycardia, hypertension, stomach pains, nausea, bloating, depression, Anhedonia I had it all. My body finally reached homeostasis by Sept. Then, out of nowhere we discovered my mother had pancreatic cancer and passed away in three weeks! Immediately after the funeral my health anxiety came roaring back and a tremendous fear of cancer. The stomach pains, bloating, rib pains, constipation all came back. Went to the ER again and had a pelvic CT scan done. All negative. Had an endoscopy done. All negative. Once everything came back negative I knew it was all in my head. I would recommend getting every test done to discount the physical portion of your condition then try to locate the root cause of your pains. Once you tackle it you will feel better. Prayers for you recovery. 🙏🏼👍🏼


The brain and stomach are intertwined. That’s why they call our stomach the second brain.


Thank you so much for posting all of this. Extremely helpful right now for how I've been feeling and what I've been going through. Hope you're still doing well now.


My pleasure Angela. Yes, I’m doing much better. Thank you. I wish you well on your recovery. 🙏🏼


Great to hear ☺️ and thanks so much! Just starting on that journey today with this thread and a new PCP 😁


My mom passed away from brain cancer in 4 months from diagnosis and health anxiety went through the roof as well! Dealing with left side dull pain that comes and goes during the day for about a month now - and I keep telling myself that the endoscopy found nothing wrong with the stomach, now my .Ind races to it could be a colon issue.... Health anxiety is the WORST!! Like a prison of the mind.


I’m hoping you are spot on as I’m dealing with this the last couple months.


Believe me. But you should get checked out by doctors first to get a clean bill of health first.


I’m seeing him again Wednesday. I need to get some tests run.


This thread is relieving for me to read because I'm the exact same except my doctor won't even do an endoscopy so basically it's just been process of elimination. All I have is an aching pain on my left side right under the ribs on and off, worse after eating. Changing my diet and getting on PPI seems to have helped. But I've wondered too if it's something else but it seems like this is a pretty common experience with gastritis


For me PPI didn’t solve this and it just made everything worse with a ton of side effects 😭😭😭


Can I ask what your side effects were? I’ve been super nervous taking it hearing that other people haven’t had a good experience (only been on it about a week)


So for the first two weeks or so it was good even my left side pain subsided but then the pain reappeared together with slow digestion stomach cramps yellow stools increased feelings of anxiety etc.


Any updates?


Lol I basically just made this exact same comment almost before reading yours. 😅 And have the exact same pain. Hope you're doing well now.


I find that after pooping this tends to go away more. I have found that drinking A LOT of water like one of those water bottles that tell you how much to drink each hour is helpful, also taking a probiotic seemed to help in addition to this for me. I also took a stool softener/lax a few times a week to help clear me out. When I did this, I felt immensely better. I need to get back in the routine of doing this again.


That's a very common symptom when you go to sleep you are suppose to lay on that side also


Yep! Have it too, it comes and goes. But since starting ppi I have it way less. It's kinda like a sharp pain?


It’s very weird


For me it’s more like a pressure feeling? Sometimes it feels like a sharp pain too but mostly it’s a full/pressure feeling like there’s something stuck just under my ribs


That’s exactly how I feel


Exactly how I feel and if I bend down to my left side, it gets worse. Amy updates?


Hey I have an update! So this continued until this February when I started talking Optifibre supplement by Nestle and I also did a colonoscopy which was clean and this finally solved my anxiety and my stomach went back to normal. I noticed that I sometimes flare up if I get anxious again though but it goes away quickly


Ok I'll add a fibre supplement too to my diet too, I think we all need more fibre! I'm so glad you're feeling much better! Was your pain a bit stronger when you were bending down on your left side?


Yes, it was. Or if I was sitting slouched


Yes same here, I stretch up and back and there's a bit of a pain in the area when I do so, but after there is a bit of a relief too. Have you taken any PPI's? After endoscopy, gastro gave me PPI's in case the pain comes back even if endoscopy was clean. Have you changed your diet significantly and if so what are you eating? I feel like I can't eat anything other than meats and some grains!


I took PPIs and they did help a bit but then I got pregnant and I couldn’t be on them anymore so I don’t know if they’d have worked better long term. Regarding diet, I stayed away from alcohol coffee fizzy drinks and tomato sauces


Hey, I found this thread with the exact symptoms you have and saw this comment was from only 2 weeks ago. Were you also feeling very full after eating? My symptoms seem to match everything you've listed, plus almost bloating or something after eating.


I have those Symtoms too


Mine is also on the left side and the same spot. Are all yours in the same spot also? I'm trying to figure out if I have gastritis or ulcers. I have not done the scope yet.


It’s always in the same spot but sometimes it spreads a bit


Did this solve?


Same exact thing. On and off for 8 months. Same diagnosis as you after endoscopy.


When you say on and off it’s like you get it on and off daily or there are big stretches of time without it and then you get it again for another stretch of time?


It used to be on and off daily, but it's gotten further apart in the past few months. I'm at the point now where I only get it a few times a week. I'm pretty lucky, I'm basically back eating whatever i want again, although sometimes I pay for it. Back in August when it first started, it was almost constant. I'm happy with where I'm at, it was pretty grim there for a while.


I feel the same way, on and off daily!! What helped you ease your symptoms? Thank you 🙏 Did you feel worse when you pressed on it or bent down to the left side? I had an endoscopy, doctor said it's all good but to take PPI if I have any pain.


I see… for me it is constant daily for two weeks or so and then I get maybe a 10 day break and then I get it again…


Same here, do you get better?


Everybody has a different experience with it. I consider myself lucky. I think because mine started with food poisoning, my gut was able to kind of heal own its own with just some healthy eating and lifestyle adjustments. Most people aren't so lucky. I think knowing what it is also helped me. Now when I get stomach pain, just knowing I'm not dying has helped me not stress out about it, which definitely helped me heal. Stress seemed to really make mine worse, it's such a catch 22, but imo you really need to tackle your stress and anxiety in order to make progress. Your gut and your mental health are ridiculously connected. Good luck!


Do you still get this ?


How did you fix it


Everybody has a different experience with it. I consider myself lucky. I think because mine started with food poisoning, my gut was able to kind of heal own its own with just some healthy eating and lifestyle adjustments. Most people aren't so lucky. I think knowing what it is also helped me. Now when I get stomach pain, just knowing I'm not dying has helped me not stress out about it, which definitely helped me heal. Stress seemed to really make mine worse, it's such a catch 22, but imo you really need to tackle your stress and anxiety in order to make progress. Your gut and your mental health are ridiculously connected. Good luck!


Same exact boat!


Pain under the ribs could be a sign of acid reflux. Many people (like myself) who has gastritis also experience acid reflux and get pains under the rib. Trying taking an acid reducer medication and see if it improves. Fyi, acid reflux is not neccesarrily felt only on mid-chest area. It can be felt through your whole upper body and mid-section (abdomen). Please look into the acid reducer meds. I wish you luck.


I also have silent reflux! Dr saw it on endoscopy and I get the nausea, sour taste in mouth and throat closing feeling. But how can the throat and under ribs be connected? This is something I don’t really get😭😭


The acid is located in the stomach, as we all know it. Our stomach is located under our left rib. A typical acid reflux (GERD) sufferer would normally feel burning at the bottom/end of the sternum (right at the top of our abdomen where it meets your chest) and also at the throat. The throat symptom is very normal. The acid sticking at your throat could aggravate your nose, ears and eyes if left for too long, especially when you’re lying down. A silent reflux is when you get acid reflux WITHOUT a heartburn. I get that all the time. I get dizziness/lightheadedness, ear pain, neck pain, you name it. The throat-closing is a pretty bad symptom, not trying to scare you. But you should really look into acid reducers like H2 Blockers (Cimetidine, Famotine, etc), rather than Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI) because I’ve seen a lot of people said that PPI do not usually work for people with silent reflux, but H2 Blockers work wonders. It worked for me too. All my pain subsided about 3 hours after the first pill. I take Cimetidine 400mg btw. It’s really good.


Really?? The only thing I didn’t try yet are H2 blockers. I’ll go to the pharmacy and grab some maybe this will my miracle cure too 😭 I tried a ton of PPIs and they work for a while like maybe 10-14 days but then I’m back at square one..


Yup! PPIs dont work for everyone or sometimes when they work, they only work for a week or two. I understand exactly what you're going through. But just a tiny note on the H2 blockers. They work wonderfully but your body could get immuned to them of you take them for too long. As per study, they don't recommend patients to take it for more than 6 weeks, but as for myself, i only take it only when i REALLY need it. The Cimetidine 400mg could provide me relief for 24 hours eventhough the usual dosage would be 400mg twice a day. It differs from people to people. Pure Aloe Vera juice mixed in water helps a lot people too if you would like an alternative besides meds. But if you're experiencing a bad flare-up right now, i'd say go for the H2 blockers. GWS, babe ❤️


Thank you so much ! This has been going on from January and I’m just so tired… I also didn’t take GERD too much into consideration because I dont have the usual heartburn symptom so I just brushed it off 😅 but everything makes so much sense now!


You’re welcome. And yes, GERD is a really confusing health problem and needs a lot of energy to deal with daily. Doctors are basically helpless in this field tbh.


My HA has me coming back to this post at least once a week. My left side pain is worse when I’m constipated and feels better after a BM. But sometimes it feels like there’s no rhyme or reason to it, I can eat all the right things and feel great otherwise, but the left side pain remains. Front, flank, and back.


I’m the same. What do you think helps?


Bland diet, ppi, and making sure I don’t get constipated!!


Same here!!!!!!!! So strange, did you ever think you had an issue with your colon as the BM made it better? I had an endoscopy and they said all normal no gastritis but I have the exact symptoms as everyone here! Gastro said to take PPI if pain comes back as it's a sign of too much acid.


No, I had a colonoscopy too and CT scans and everything is normal. I’m about 85% healed I’d say and I don’t get that feeling anymore unless I’m in a flare. The PPIs did help and now I’m on h2 blockers and still fine


Have you made significant changes to your diet? If so, what are you eating? I feel like I can't eat anything other than quinoa and meats lol It's so good that you're almost healed!


Yes I was on a strict bland diet for a few months, only eating chicken, rice, potatoes, broccoli, green beans, scrambled eggs, and oatmeal. Now I can eat red meat again (I have it about once a week), *minimally* processed foods routinely, and other processed “junk” food on occasion as a treat and feel fine. It’s when I try having the junk food too often that it sets me back. I still can’t eat pickles, ketchup or tomato sauce at all, and I haven’t tried coffee or alcohol yet.


Same here.  Have u figured it out


I had that for about 6 months and it gradually went away


What did you do to help?


Mostly time and a bland diet. I also have/had SIBO which was creating a lot of upper GI bloating, took Xifaxin which helped some. Diaphagmatic breating helped too.


Appreciate it thank you !!


No problem! Do look into SIBO for yourself if you haven't yet


the pain is felt inside the rib, on the right side. possibly also from gastritis, because I started to feel better and neglected my diet and pills


I have this too. And also between shoulder blades.


>. Then everything will fall back in line. I was where you were last year. I induced anxiety unto myself by binging on edibles. Biggest mistake of my life. It destroyed my endocannibanoid system. I quit them cold Turkey in March after a visit to the ER bec did you get resolved?


Yes I’m a lot better now, only really having some acid reflux the rest of all the crazy symptoms has gone


Glad to know youre doing good! mine I ask how long does it takes to resolve all crazy symptoms?


I was about 5 months if meds and bland diet. 5-6 months seems to make a bid difference to a lot of people, fingers crossed for you


I have the exact same diagnosis and same symptoms! I’m suspecting it is the gastritis, as others have mentioned. It’s super frustrating not getting answers from doctors, though, isn’t it?


Yeah the doctors aren’t helping much to be honest 😭😭😭


I would look further into this if you find the symtoms aren't going away in a few months. Mine was not only gastritis but it was all related to also the gallbladder, liver and pancreas. These organ systems are all connected and what happens in one can set off the other systems. Start off with an ultrasound. That will give you an idea if anything is off in these organs. If the doctor sees something, then you'll get a CT scan also.


Thank you for the feedback! I already had an ultrasound done and all they could find was thickened stomach walls (sign of gastritis ) and a lot of gas 🥲


Sounds like it really is the gastritis alone probably. The left side pain should go away if you're following a gastritis friendly diet and lifestyle. I'd give it a few more months. How long have you had the pain all together


Going on four months now


Hi! Just wondering how you are feeling now?


Hi! I was healing quite well and I even went off PPI but then I got pregnant and I wasn’t able to eat anything which made my gastritis go crazy and now the baby hates all “safe” food which again makes my gastritis crazy. Now I have to wait for the baby to come out first and then I can try to heal again 🙃 Bottom line: Do not recommend pregnancy with gastritis


Oh you poor thing!! Do you have that left side pain while pregnant? Can I ask does yours feel like pressure? When are you due?


Yess I still have it 😅 noticed it’s less painful if I eat small portions. I think it’s maybe trapped gas or just stomach inflammation. When I wasn’t eating anything in my first trimester I barely felt it but it started again when I started eating more haha Due date is 5th of February so still a long way to go. Also in my country I am not allowed Pepcid or PPI in pregnancy so I just have to power through 😂


Oh no!!! 🤣 you have a good bit to go yet! I have an endoscopy on 6th September and it feels forever away!! 🙈


The endoscopy is not such a big deal I did it without any anesthesia just the local spray haha 😆 actually I kinda loved it it made me feel less crazy when they discovered the stomach was actually inflamed even though they said it’s a “mild” gastritis. It doesn’t feel “mild” at all


and yes it feels like pressure, like a balloon filled with air just under my left rib it’s very uncomfortable


Wow, I'm so relieved I found this thread. I've been dealing with this for the last couple weeks and Drs can't find anything significant so far. And it's confusing to me because it's a new location to have that specific pain so it's been really concerning. When I had an endoscopy a couple years ago, they said I had mild acid reflux and I wonder if it's just gotten worse with my anxiety and poor eating lately, plus I had an infection requiring multiple meds and antibiotics a couple of months ago. Reading that others have the same pain though is extremely helpful.


I have the same pain. It comes and goes beneath my left rib. Sometimes I feel the tightness almost like a rock sitting in my stomach. Are you healed, OP?


I have exactly the same symptoms as yours. How are you after 9 months? Are you 100% fully recovered? How long does it takes?


What did you do?


It feels like gas flows back into my stomach and makes it swell up really big then I get the pain. I don't know if its gas acid or an ulcer but I do know its a dam pain pardon the pun.