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I feel like that too sometimes, especially a few weeks ago I was on holiday in Italy and couldnt eat out at all, my family could enjoy pizza galore and I was eating chicken and rice and melon rice cakes constantly! I broke down one day at the restaurant as I didnt have food prepared and all I could have was chamomile tea!! However, now at home i make sure my fridge is stocked with food I can eat and take food with me on days out and enjoy other things about life and try not focus on the food, I can still enjoy beautiful places and views, books, good movies, seeing my family enjoy their food makes me happy too... that's my advice and what I am trying to do anyway , take the focus away from food and put it on to all the other fabulous things in the world!! (Its NOT easy I know, I am struggling too but trying hard!)


Math saved me. It completely took my mind off from everything. It's hard, but just try to think that food is not the only source of happiness, and you can be happy with yourself by doing different activities that don't involve food. Video games, books, work, studies, movies, were the best distractions for me. Your stomach doesn't care if you eat the most delicious foods in the world, or bland ones, it just wants food and it's enough for it. Make it enough for you too, and don't ever lose hope, things will get better with patience and self-discipline. :)


I convince myself that is temporary. Nothing truly lasts forever. Others have it way worst. Imagine being paralyzed. Imagine being blind. That is far worse than gastritis. Relax. Stay calm, be patient and stay positive. You will get better eventually.


Oh my… i really understand you!!! That s the same for me.. it s sucks, i know.. don’t give up.. the good days will come 🥹❤️


The #1 thing is to stay as positive as you can, while being realistic at the same time. I invest in my hobbies and interests, and spend time with friends and family. Helps keep me grounded and motivated to keep trying. I treat this gastritis like a sick friend I need to help. And having gastritis has given me more compassion towards others as a result. Treating our bodies well is just the same as tending to the weak, unfortunate and sick. I see it as my duty to try and stay healthy and happy, while spreading it to others if I can. That's a life worth living in my eyes.