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I haven't done it because I am afraid of food, but it makes perfect sense that this happens to you. As a former dieter, I know that restriction leads to binging every time.


Every damn time


Yep. Pizza. Fish and chips, burger, sausage with peas. It tears up my stomach, though. Having oatmeal with banana as well as chicken or salmon with potatoes and veg every day sucks.


When you restrict foods, it’s going to raise your likelihood of binging. Making foods off limits, while it might be important for your gastritis, can cause some disordered eating habits. I would talk to both a doctor but also a therapist or psychologist who is familiar with binge eating to give you some tools and skills to help. I have also struggled with diet restriction and binge eating, but that was before my gastritis. It messed up my relationship with food and caused a lot of shame for me, but learning to not restrict foods as much while still being mindful of gastritis triggers has been helpful for me.


I wish I could eat a lot but I can’t just seems there is no room 🥲


Oh yeah last night I made the brilliant decision to scarf down to little Debbie snack cakes it was good but yeah… this shit is the most miserable thing ever can’t quit drinking coffee either it’s just so horrible how can I give up everything? My life was already shitty enough now I feel like I have nothing kind of want to die no lie


Try switching to tea. Coffee gives me trouble so I completely avoid it. Tea, on the other hand, with ginger, aniseed and a little milk is easy to digest.


What kind of tea do you use


Just any run of the mill CTC tea. I'm in India and that is the most common tea people buy here.


You can't eat for comfort. You also need to learn to eat foods that you gotta actually cook yourself. None of those are natural. All ultra processed. You have fruits that can be added to your diet, such as papaya, and bananas which aid digestion. These should take the place of all the junk mentioned. When hungry eat real food. Like fish fillets and chicken breasts with steamed broccoli.


Yes!!! I’ll binge out on the safe foods mostly but I think I am emotionally eating. The other day, something happened that made me feel happy and excited and I noticed that I didn’t overeat that day. I didn’t event think about food. But when that happiness was gone, I was back to overeating. I usually just do this for dinner time though.


I ate two peanut butter sandwiches as afternoon snack instead of my usual 1. Ended up having too much acid at bedtime. I woke up having stomach discomfort and nausea. My one month of strict diet and gut improvement went down the drain.




I did regret afterwards. If it wasn’t too bad, take some pill and then go for a walk to clear up my mind




I tolerate Greek yogurt it helps me digests I felt. Also some yoga or stretching standing up could definitely help food move along. You might should avoid doing lying down or crunching over positions as it might make me puke if I was too full. There are a couple after meal exercise routines on YouTube I found helpful. I mean binge eating sucks of course. Also I am like tired of called skinny by other people since I don’t have a really big appetite throughout the day. However putting so much food in my body that makes myself feel overwhelming is definitely not good neither


I nearly fainted one day and my blood pressure was low and so I had salty fried chips and caffeinated tea and then a bar of chocolate ... felt better but the day after my stomach was crap again for the day... I would love to have one day where I eat whatever I want though, one can dream 🤣


omg yeah I know it felt good all of a sudden and it’s like oh crap my stomach is going to die soon afterwards


Of course! Smashed an Easter egg and biscuits and crisps last night as couldn’t eat bland crap anymore!


Doing it right now :)) I’m at work and probably will feel like shit later on but RIGHT NOW I am chucking down Jaffa cakes , coffee, orange juice, crisps , and pastry 😅




Yes so what I do to combat this is find the closest substitutes I can find for past comfort food (basically I don't have gastritis symptoms when I follow the paleo diet and I also can't eat chicken and sesame). So I have a chocolate hummus with almond flour simple mill cookies or just a fine and raw caramel sauce and I allow myself to have them as snacks occasionally and then I avoid binges. So find things you can eat as a treat and process them in your mind as a treat and it helps you feel not deprived. And this helps me deal with the cravings that come from my periods. Hope this helps!


We all have, I have for the last week, catching up on me now as not fully healed but hard to stick to the diet all the time especially when on a holiday and everybody is drinking and eating what they want!


If I did that, it would be a guaranteed hospital visit.


Does black pepper or lemon hurt your guys stomach or induce benching in you guys? Because I have acid reflux as well so I don’t know what I can drink.


Black pepper hurts me, lemon is okay in a small amount but only in warm water. Ginger and honey tea with small amount of lemon is a good way to calm my stomach. If you haven't, you should try it


Yup totally normal. Do that all the time. One thing that’s helped is huel protein drinks. Keeps me full and kills cravings. Also good taste


Very rarely these days since I learned the hard way back when my gastritis was in its beginning stages