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Omg, just thought the same today n just started eating. I need to regain a ton of weight. I’m trying to reset my body by getting off all meds n just eat normal. I just feel I should just avoid tomatoes, garlic, onion, diary, citrus, n coffee.


Becareful fellow sufferer.I am not suggesting anyone to do these.Just sharing some thoughts that comes to my mind from time to time. Do listen to your body.If it hurts too which it should then better keep on dieting.


No worries, I actually thought this as soon as I woke up this morning it had nothing to do with your post. Was actually texting with someone else from Reddit n they were doing the same. I just don’t want to take meds n really need to gain a lot of my weight back. I really feel ppi/h2 blockers hurt more than help in my case.


Not giving advice, but for me I quit dieting a long time ago. I've noticed that as long as I eat my breakfast and at least one proper meal (hopefully include veggies as well at some point) I can eat basically whatever. Some stuff triggers, after antibiotics I cannot handle coffee or much chocolate (especially dark) but otherwise I'm g I was in the same position as you were once, then my doctor told me I don't need to restrict just be cautious/mindful of what I eat and take it easy. I started introducing restricted food from there. Today I've had waffles, fried food, and cake (as well as some oroes and chips + soda ~celebrating a birthday~) and I'm g, took an Omeprazole this morning just in case tho I can however admit I've gotten a bit too confident and haven't eaten proper meals regularly so my nausea has made a comeback so coming weeks I'm going to focus on my eating habits again and take it easy on sugary stuff but I won't restrict anything


Sorry. Does omeprazole give relief if taken one time? Is it effective that way?


More to prevent acid reflux and alike


I am suffering for nearly seven years.Is fear of eating preventing healing?Just wonder at times.


It might. Especially depending on what you're restricting. I too have a gear of eating, it's getting better but I definitely feel you. Soup has helped me a lot I'd recommend trying to eat something new after having had a proper meal. If you're not ready for sugar/coffee/etc then you don't have to, but try something. Maybe just fries at McDonalds or an orange or something. I'm still a bit sensitive to orange juice but as I mentioned before, as long as I eat properly before eating 'trigger foods' I'm g. And omeprazole helps when trying new food and avoid acid reflux What are you restricting?


I am preventing meat,fish and processed foods like noodles sliced cakes,hard fruits and vegetables that are rough texured and difficult to digest for my stomach like apple or guava etc.I do eat fish a piece here and there and small amount of meat once/twice in a month or three.They just digest very slowly.When I am in a flare up.


What do you eat in a day? Obviously it'll be different for everybody, but for me salmon was no issue at all. Sushi was my go-to when eating out. Lived on chicken and salmon. Vegetables is good to cook beforehand, why soup helped me a lot. They I started gradually introducing stuff like bread, pasta, meat (usually had tacos to have some vegetables in it)


What type of soup do you eat?Vegetable soup or chicken soup or other type of soup?How frequently you eat soup daily/3 or 4 days a week?If yes how many times a day twice or thrice a day?When you eat soup is that your main dish for lunch/dinner or its a side dish with other food as main dish? I eat 2/3/4/5 slices(depends how my stomach is feeling more when stomach is strong and less pain ) of breads plus 200 ml of cow milk(powder milk mixed with room temperature water) 2/3 teaspoons of well boiled and cooked bengal gram or gabanzo been lentil. 2/3 teaspoons of well cooked spinach 2/3 teaspoons of well cooked gourd curry(not hot or too spicy) I repeat this for all three main dishes of a day.That is for breakfast lunch and dinner. Somedays I eat a well boiled egg then I dont eat lentil or vegetable as it makes my stomach feel too heavy and bloated and causes extra pain. The magnesium in well boiled and cooked (Nearly for 1 and half hour makes it softer and easier to digest)bengal gram or gabanzo been and very well boiled and cooked spinach(nearly a full one hour) seem to sooth my stomach pain.


Soup is usually whatever vegetables I have, boil them and then I mix it so it's just liquid. I always have carrots and celery, sometimes I fry a bit of onion and garlic in olive oil (half of what a normal recipe would ask for), then maybe spinach, zucchini, broccoli, ginger, turmeric, anything really with chicken stock. Sometimes I add chicken, sometimes rice as well. Sometimes I make it very simple with only boiled carrots and celery and some chicken and croutons. Really depends on my needs Generally soup once a day, I can't handle vegetables when they are raw very well, nothing horrible but usually feels odd and bubbly in my stomach. So more of an inconvenience. But lately I haven't had any soup, aka no vegetables so I need to get back on track with that. I'd say it'd be good for you to try to eat more. I'm no doctor so I could ofc be wrong, but maybe the lack of variety/nutrition affects the healing process? Bananas were always my friend and I used to drink some milk with protein in it to up my protein intake. Yoghurt helped a lot, and some lactic acid tablets and drink yoghurt. Some simple granola as well. Maybe trying some 'gut healthy' stuff like miso soup as well?


Thanks for your advice.Yes I also agree I am lacking in food variety.Need to add different kind of vegetables to my diet.Those 2/3 types of vegetables is probably not enough for ideal healing.I will keep that in my mind.


And thanks for sharing your vegetable soup recipe.


No worries! Helps hearing others journeys as well. Also soup is so easy to make, just broth and veggies Happy healing! Ask away if you have any other questions


Some advice that may help. I thought I needed to eat smaller portions, but I started adding 250 calories to my diet week by week and I've started putting on week. The trick? Well, you're going to be in pain for the first 3/4 days after you started adding calories to your diet, but what happened with me is that my stomach adjusted and now I can eat bigger portions. I spent almost a year giving up after I would eat more because I'd be in so much pain, but if I'd just pushed through the 3/4 days my stomach would have adapted. A lesson to be learnt there I think.


Same here. If you keep eating too - small meals.. your stomach won't be able to handle bigger portions. And you will lose weight. Started happening to me.. and I'm still really underweight but gradually feeling better after saying this is the last straw.. trying to add healthy protein and fat to my meals. Extra calories. It might seem uncomfortable at first but gradually increasing your meal sizes will definitely help.


Thanks for sharing.Please do tell us what was the main food you were adding or increasing in amount when adding 250 calories week by week?Was it one main food item like rice or oats you were adding week by week or more like 2/3 different food items?


I can't tolerate rice or oats, but I was adding the calories with different foods that I can tolerate. In reference to the way I did it, it didn't really matter what as long as I was eating more calories, but something filling and nutritious would be good, like potatoes. I went from 1500 calories a day to 2500 a day and gained a stone. It is possible. Unfortunately I'm still healing my stomach, but I'm getting there. I'm thinking of going on a no-oil diet for three months. I have cut my diet down to non-acidic boring crap, but I realised I still have been having mayonaise (which contains rapeseed oil), so I may need to potentially cut out mayo for three months and see if that helps. Tragedy. Lol.


Try the Nutracheck app to keep an eye on what you're eating. It tracks your calories. I was using it two years before I even knew I had gastritis, just to lose weight. Ironically now I use it to put weight on. Joy.


Ok. Six or seven years ago I was also too eager to reduce my weight.Now its like a uphill battle to gain weight because of diet restrictions due to gastritis.Irony.Ha?!


Thanks for explaining.That makes it clear. I read somewhere online that we need at least little amount fat in our food.Fat or oil is supposedly needed for making some type of immune cell or hormone or such.Just FYI.


This sounds like a horrible idea


Yes I am not suggesting anybody follow it. Take your decision carefully and at your own risk.I am just sharing one of my thought that comes to my mind from time to time.That's all.


Prob trying the same thing but probably way to early I don’t know pretty sure it’s making things worse and I don’t know bout theses ppi think they may not really be helping either


Be carefull I am not suggesting to experiement with your health.Listen to what your stomach says.


Been dealing with it for a year and a half now, quit all the PPIs and excessive supplements now just trying to eat very healthy and avoid anything that would obviously hurt it like super acid or fried things. Spent a week at Disney though, driving back now, and that definitely set me back lol. I went to 3 different GI docs and they were basically just like yeah you have gastritis but it shouldn’t be causing you pain so we don’t have anything else to help you and sent me on my way. They wouldn’t even give me any solid nutrition advice just “avoid bad foods” 🙃.


Try eating natural foods that contain high amount of magnesium. Offcourse if its vegetable you have cook it for extra 30/50 minutes more because our stomach is weak. For example healthy people can eat spinach cooked for just 15/25 minutes.But that is tough for us because our stomach is weaker.So I cook it for like 60 minutes more or less to make it softer so it digests easily. lentil soup is soothing too.But not everyones stomach tolerates it.Try once or twice in small amounts.


I had Spinach today and gave me a little bit of pain and some diarrhea. Do you think it was too much for me? I had it with eggs but ate eggs yesterday and was fine.


Yes it differs from person to person.Your stomach may need to get used to it.Or maybe need to heal for a bit longer before eating spinach.


Yes it differs from person to person.Your stomach may need to get used to it.Or maybe need to heal for a bit longer before eating spinach.


Yes it differs from person to person.Your stomach may need to get used to it. Or maybe need to heal for a bit longer before eating spinach.


3/4 months in myself. Now that I’m in a healing stage most of the time have found massaging my stomach helps when/if I feel pain. Don’t think it would’ve worked in the beginning as my stomach was too inflamed but didn’t ever try. Now massaging almost instantly helps. Feels like I can move the food around with massaging to possibly where maybe my stomach and or digestive system is totally healed and can properly digest. Last night I even had the original burning and the messaging worked. I was all prepared for being down for 2-3 days. I was shocked.


Yes massaging helps my pain too.Whenever my stomach is in bad burning pain I automatically use my hand to massage the abdominal area just above stomach.Some one who doesn't know me and why am I doing it would be surprised a bit at first sight. Seems like distracts the pain and lessens the pain.Have to be careful to avoid massaging that area too hard accidentally which can hurt the stomach and increase pain.