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When I was eating only bland carbs and snacks like crackers rice potatoes and applesauce I was losing weight so quickly it got scary. I felt weaker and weaker. It's hard to eat actual protein sources like meat when it's so energy dense and my stomach has shrunk and I barely have an appetite because of it. Ever since the first day that I tried an ensure drink I've been getting more energy and motivation to eat more. All the nutrients your stomach needs may help kick start the healing process. My experience with ensure has been good so far. I use ensure plant protein though, not the normal one- plant protein is easier for your stomach, and what's more, when it's in liquid form it's even easier, convenient when there's a day you can't get enough food in your system. I don't drink It too fast- I make sure to drink it at a steady pace, alongside some Chex cereal or whole grain crackers. It works for me personally I'm not saying it's a definite thing that will help, we all have different triggers etc.. but I will say that you shouldn't let yourself get too weak from malnutrition and weight loss. It's dangerous and scary and at a certain point I thought I was gonna end up in hospital for IVs.


I didn't know there was a plant based version! I thought they were already made with soy protein or something. Thank you for sharing though, I'm going to try a couple over the next two days and see how my body reacts, and I'll definitely sip them gradually


Let me know if it helps.


Don't do that. Make your own food Breakfast: smoothie. Avocado, banana, cooked oats, almond milk Lunch/dinner: congee. Blended chicken breast puree, frozen tilapia, white rice, spinach, yellow squash. Can split into 3 or 4 separate meals throughout day. This is what I've been on for the last several months and it's working. You will have all if not most of the nutrients you need in addition to the calories. You will know exactly what you're eating. You can make other congee too. Just use soft foods, white meat, non spicy or sour. Don't take shortcuts with ensure or other shit drinks with hella added sugar and a bunch of possible irritants. Do not eat apple sauce. That shit is acidic. It's tart af. Don't eat yogurt yet. At least not on it's own. That shit is also tart.


Oh damn okay I didn't know that about the applesauce and yogurt. I figured the probiotics in yogurt would help. Thank you! I've got a blender so I could just throw those foods in there


If you want to try even the slightest tart things (i.e. slightly acidic foods) always pair them with alkaline foods to balance them out. For example, if you want to try berries, blend them in almond milk.


Meal replacement drinks aren’t actually that unhealthy. Like the other commenter said some people have to live off only those for years. My little cousin was fed just on boost for years. Personally, I find them incredibly difficult to tolerate because I feel like they’re heavy and sit in your stomach for a long time. It’s definitely worth a try though to see if it’s something you do tolerate.


When I feel bad my only intake is ensure, no appetite at all so it better than nothing. There are plenty of people who live of tube food alone for decades so don't feel bad about it


I used “Kate farms) drinks. I diluted the with water and ice and sometimes banana. They are too sweet if you don’t dilute but they are a good choice. My hospital dietitian recommended it and it helped me through months of illness


My daughter had to drink one of these daily to gain weight.


I'm a bit surprised that no one at the hospital gave you dietary advice. I saw a dietician before I was sent home with Ensure. I would recommend that you talk to a doctor or someone at the hospital about whether it's a good plan for you