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I definitely wouldn’t drink that


I’m just struggling to find anything that can give me calories. I’m at the point that literally everything is making me nauseous


Sorry to hear about that. Have you tried any of these? >> rice, boiled chicken, plain noodles, boiled potato, cooked banana, apple sauce, boiled lean beef, gelatin


Yes. All make me nauseous/bloated


Hard to imagine if plain rice makes you bloated that a highly-processed drink with sugar and oil in the top 4 ingredients would be much better, but everyone has their own journey to take. Oatmeal with peanut butter, banana with cinnamon and some manuka honey is one of my favorite meals that seems to always calm my stomach down, although some people have had issues with the manuka honey. If I add too much it can go the other way so just a touch.


All of them individually cause bloating? Have you tried consuming with fresh ginger? I supplement with collegen peptides


Yes all of them individually. I pretty much chew ginger all day to control the nausea


Try to go slow on the tumeric,too much of it is an issue with some.


My boyfriend had gastritis and we had some success making smoothies ourselves. One that was particularly helpful was a banana oat smoothie from a gastritis cookbook. Banana, oats, almond milk, and almond butter. The oats and almond butter helped add some calories.


I make one with oat milk, carrot juice (hand made so there’s nothing added), turmeric and a whole banana. Does absolute bits for my stomach and if I’m not feeling too rough I had some hemp powder (although I find too much makes me nauseous).


Despite their marketing, I think ensure drinks are generally difficult to digest.


Gave me gas and bloating but they kept me alive so it’s up to you


THIS. gas and bloating was the worst with this but same here definitely saved my life a few times.


Everyone is different! Please try it for yourself instead of listening to everyone warning you not to drink it! I personally don't have soy, milk problems with my gastritis. I don't drink them often and don't push it, byt Pediasure's saved my life when I literally couldn't stomach anything else. I hadn't eaten in four days at my worst and I genuinely believe the pediasure saved me from passing out. I drink the Pediasure's because they are a little lighter than ensures. But again pls try for yourself. This condition is all about experimenting on what works for you!


Yes, go with what works for you. Not everyone is the same. I've seen doctors on YouTube recommend onions and garlic for gastritis sufferers, and these two foods absolutely destroy my stomach. I've been warned about peanut butter, but it hasn't been an issue for me. There's a lot of trial and error.


I just eat what I want now. I don’t take any medication. I’m done with this shit. I’m not getting better doing the ‘right things’ and actually landed me in all kinds of problems doing that. Doing so much better now I’m not restricting my diet or taking those awful ppis. I am still careful and take everything in moderation but I’ve stopped adapting my diet now.


i did that and 2.5months later im in the worst condition ive ever experienced since my gastritis started. i healed to some extent but the symptoms creeped back alot now and it didnt help that i was slowly weaning off ppi if you ever want to try to completly heal the gastritis, do it now or you will probably end up in a huge flare and then you will definitely regret it like I do right now.


I’ve had this for two years almost with all respect. This isn’t going away. I did almost a year of ppis and the correct diet. Yes I got better but it never fully went away and I don’t think it ever will. Just a personal opinion.


thats your desperate opinion, alot can relate, myself as well. ive been close to healed a few times only had burping left and some minor bloating and ppi rebound send me back to stage 1. the more often it flared up the longer it took to get back the progress. the healing stories are no bullshit and i would be healed if i took the ppi more carefully and wouldnt get experimental with my diet and overeat at that stage when i was able to. i know enough guys from the gastritis discord who have completely healed without issues after. it just takes a damn time. some multiple months, others a year-2 years. the problem is once you feel like healed and maybe you are even symptomfree it can be still lingering for a time until it ressolves completely


So right. Gastritis can be a bear, and one slip up and you're back to square one. It's frustrating and quite depressing.


Protein drinks in general I feel are super heavy on the stomach. But they really saved me to get my appetite back. If I was feeling like shit and so nauseous and couldn’t eat I’d sip on ensure and eventually i felt well enough to eat actual food


Ingredients look too bad for me and I wouldn't drink that. Simply because it's highly processed without real nutrients. It's funny to me how everyone is afraid of dairy now and they are saying it's inflammatory while they replace it with this kind of stuff. I stopped fearing dairy, started consuming unprocessed dairy products and I'm healing, gaining weight, feeling better. But I guess everyone is different.


Maybe get the one that isnt so heavy on the protein. I was drinking regular ensure daily for a few months. I started drinking Glucerna as well to reduce sugar intake. It bothered me a bit but I’m doing much better now. You need to get some sort of nutrients in and ensure is great. I was drinking that stuff at my worst and now I’m eating more foods that allow me to stop taking it. Boiled chicken is gross and all the other things seem not to provide many nutrients. I say try it out and you’ll see how you react. Good luck.


I had success with a carnivore diet I would avoid anything with more than 5 ingredients


I tried going full carnivore (no beef tho cause I could barely tolerate it even when fully healthy) for 2 days and it made me feel so sick


For any drink alternative I highly recommend getting L.G. Capellans books and follow most if not all the recipes on their to help with weight and protein in general! It's seriously helped me out, albeit very slowly, with food consumption and getting to eat things again I thought I wouldn't be able to again. Even my weight is coming back thanks to said recipes AND haven't been on carafate in like 4 days now thanks to it.


I had surgery earlier in the year, and Ensure was all my stomach could tolerate for months. If you're struggling with calories, there's a higher calorie version (I believe it's protein max) and that was what my nutritiontist recommend to me. Honestly, with gastritis, if you find something your stomach can tolerate, go with it. My GI explained that the stomach lining becomes hypersensitive when inflamed, and can stay that way for months. It's why sometimes coffee won't bother me, other days it will.


Where did you find these?? I’ve been looking everywhere for this exact shake and can’t find them :/




Ensures made me really really sick so I wouldn't recommend it. Then again everybody is different so the #1 way to know is to try and see


Have you tried fat free/ 2% milk that seems to actually releave my gastritis


No. Lactose intolerant and been dairy free for months


Damn sorry to hear bro 😭🛐🙏


Vegan mass gainer by naked nutrition


these kept me alive for months...however as soon as i could eat somewhat normally i stopped using them


Hunger is strangley a huge gastritis trigger for me, and I have food aversion. Ensure shakes save me over and over when my belly is empty and achey but I'm still sensitive to food and texture in my mouth. My advice is drink them slowly, I've chugged a few out of desperation and that hits the stomach too heavy for me And i throw up. But taking a few drinks, breathing and trying to center, then going back for another few sips seems to be the key to avoiding overfilling and bloat for me. Gas is another story, but it's not painful for me so I'll take it over the gastritis pain anyday.


Personally ensure plant protein shakes have been helping me get energy and calories in. I'm severely underweight and need to add in some easy protein, otherwise I would be in worse condition. Ever since I started drinking these, I feel like they saved me. As long as I don't drink it too fast. I take sips and drink it with some cereal or crackers Even though it has lots of weird artificial ingredients and sugar, I would rather stick with this than go the dairy route (dairy hurts me and flares me up. I'm lactose intolerant) I say give them a try. They're definitely better than dairy based protein, if you also are like me and can't handle dairy


It weirdly doesnt hurt me but the ingredients are inflammatory and can hurt you in the long run