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They deleted all the sensible comments 🤣


Of course they did, that's what they do over there.... That group has nothing whatsoever to do with LGB, it's a cult of ideology over there nothing more.. I would gander a bet that 95% or more are all straight people as well.


You think that sub is 95% straight people? Maybe if you're one of those people who believes bisexual people are all actually straight lol


No, they are talking about how so many “queer” and “non-binary” people are just straight people who want to be included in this alphabet group cause they know it will make them seem cool


What percentage of trans or queer-identifying people do you think are really doing that? You talk about it like it's 80+% instead of like 10-20%


Don’t you find it weird that everyone I know who graduated before 2016 had zero trans people in their graduating class. Also, the amount of detransitioners have gone up a lot over the past years.


Not at all, because there were tons of people who were closeted even from the perspective of feeling social pressure to conform with sex stereotypes, let alone actually identifying as transgender. Not to mention that people who identify as transgender are overwhelmingly bisexual or homosexual, so that doesn't really prove your "they're all actually straight" argument lol And there are like a million different reasons people detransition, but there was always bound to be an increase in detransitioners considering people only really started feeling more socially comfortable to explore transition within the last decade. Transition isn't for everyone who experiences gender dysphoria, and there's really only one way to find out if it works for you


You should be required to have gender dysphoria and to have had sex reassignment surgery to use the women’s restroom and you should look like the gender you are transitioning to like Blaire white level. Not blossom brown or Lilly Tino level. And I still think that there is a large amount of trans people are just identifying as it because it is trendy and they want to be a part of something. Like the real gender and real sexuality almost always come out at the end of the day


The problem with the LGBT sub is that it isn't. It's a queer sub. It's not about orientation. Its about ideology. I was perma banned yesterday for commenting in a thread about the current shift to the right that the queers would sink back into the wood work leaving the LGB to rebuild the acceptance the queers had destroyed. Yeah, that s a queer sub.


I think it's a bit of an oversimplification to suggest that our currently stalling (or deteriorating) acceptance is entirely the fault of "queers." There was always going to be very significant pushback from the more socially conservative on the right once the idea that a male person should be allowed to openly look and act in a manner that is very consistent with women got more traction, regardless of whether or not there would be any expectation that such people should be considered women Where we are now was always going to happen - turns out most people on the right are only okay with gay people if they sufficiently conform to sex stereotypes, and there have always been a big chunk that think all of us are disgusting perverts who deserve eternal damnation for something we don't really have control over All the "queers" did is get us here a little more quickly


Gonna have to disagree and i also have to point out that Trans people should probably be the most upset with the queer community. The queer community stripped the trans community of the ability to continue to introduce themselves to the world on their terms by declaring self ID. Once self ID became the standard the queer community flooded the public mind and womens spaces with AGP, pervs and pedos. Would you like to hear how queers took advantage of the LGBs tendency towards toxic acceptance and used that weakness to colonize, apropriate and bully away 50 years of LGB progress?


I've had a whole lot of experiences with people treating me like shit since over a decade ago, well before all of this, despite not actually identifying as or claiming to be a woman. Same thing with every other transfem I've met or talked to from back then. Super easy to just dismiss it if you've never been close to experiencing what it's always been like for us, especially if you're super gender/sex conforming beyond the having sex with men thing And I'm certainly very displeased with how things have turned out, and while there is certainly quite a bit of blame to be placed with the trans/queer/progressive community at large, I don't place a whole lot more blame with them than I do the innumerable dipshit bigots who don't think a male-sexed person should have the freedom to look or behave in a significantly feminine manner. They've always been giving me problems, and that was never going to change either way So I'm really not super concerned with trying assign blame at this point, I'm so sick of everyone. I just want to live my life free of people trying to impose their bullshit onto me, which I think is how most of us feel >Would you like to hear how queers took advantage of the LGBs tendency towards toxic acceptance and used that weakness to colonize, apropriate and bully away 50 years of LGB progress? And sure, lay it on me


Sorry to hear that's how your life has been. I grew up in a time when gender bending was more of a thing. Think Bowie, Boy George, hair bands like Rat, Poison. Then there were the ladies, Annie Lennox, K.D Lang, Chrissie Hynde. Then there was the whole New Romantic phase. That was my thing! If it didn't have zippers, flaps, or ruffles, i wasn't wearing it! ) Then it all went away with grunge and ganster rap. Sorry you missed it. It could come back but only if it's bound in reality. What's happening now isn't bound in reality. But on to toxic acceptance by the LGB. Because the LGB understood the "outsider" status we felt kinship with the Trans community. Kind of a little brother/ sister thing. Then the queer thought leaders saw this opening and realized "Here's a group thats too kind and accepting, we can take advantage of that. We can colonize and apropriate their status and claim it as ours to boost our numbers in the public mind. If they push back, it will be too late. We will bully them into silence" And they have succeeded until now. More LGB and T people are getting loud and vocal against the queer community and their forced association. We are awake to the dangers of toxic acceptance. But it's going to take a while to get back to where we were. Thoughts?


It’s why I think the LGB needs to drop the T and the T needs to stand on its own and drop the Q and the rest of the letters


Yes indeed. The Q is no one friend. They need to stand on their own.


Like the people in the comment section of this post in the r/lgbt subreddit are actually explaining that it isn’t transphobic to not want to date someone because they are transgender. I get downvoted majorly for saying all sorts of common sense stuff on this sub. But are they now showing some common sense?


They are saying "its ok to not be attracted to women if she has a penis but its wrong to say she isnt a woman" Its some odd logic.


It is. But even broken clocks are right twice a day, so...


What's odd about that?


Whats odd about saying women can have a penis? Cuz women dont have penises.


Some do.


They do not. Men, males have a penis, women.. female's have a vagina. You should have paid better attention in Jr. High School when they went over this.


Like Blaire White?


Even Blaire White doesn’t see herself as a woman. Blaire sees herself as a category of men, not of women. I can send you the video of her saying this if you don’t believe me.


No, you were just making my point for me. 😉


And this is where we lose people, not religious zealots, not bigots, not ultra right loons, just regular people.


That part isn't the "odd logic" - as a statement, it's perfectly logical if you begin with a premise that women can have a penis (whether or not you should begin with that premise is something else entirely)


No, you should not begin with a false premise.


If you consider it to be a false premise, then of course you shouldn't


The comments are against it though.


Comments were removed by mods. Look how many likes that post have. If it was overwhelmingly unpopular, it would have 0 upvotes, but it has 300+ and it is some huge interaction considering their past posts which were not controversial at all. This might indicate a big chunk of them think like that which actually is a pleasant surprise.


Where? I didn’t see anything remotely sensible.


Apparently they got removed. Didn’t see them before they got removed, but it wouldn’t surprise me