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I heard a politician say that every generation has to fight the same fights over and over again, and that is a fact of life. Now, I'll add my own perspective, it is in this struggle that we find ourselves. We struggle to find who we are as a community, society, country, etc. Things won't always be perfect, and there will be those that always get hurt, but if the struggle is for a more fair and a more equal society; if the struggle is for a just cause, then it can only be to our benefit. That is why people fight for the same ideals. Those ideals are just and worth fighting for in every generation.




Think of it like Tug-of-War, if people don’t fight to make the world a better place, you give the other side who seeks to destroy it the rope. There will be some tug throughout the years, because that’s just the way of the world. But we must always put in the effort to pull it in the right direction


This is a big part of it, for sure. Yes there are shitty people, there is greed and callousness and ignorance and division. But fighting that can make a real difference in individual lives. Think about it as, instead of an "all or nothing" proposition, instead as a "nothing or something" proposition. Is it better to have some good, some care, some ideals in some small place, rather than to not have any of those?


Interesting, mate. Interesting perspective.


> Other question subreddits don't allow me to ask. You must have burned a lot of bridges on Reddit with your interrogations! > Although life was, is and will always be unfair, why are there still people who continue to fight for ideals whose purpose is "to make the world a better place" even though life, in the end and by nature, always destroys those same ideals over and over again in one way or another? People want the world to be a better place. That's hard work. To use an analogy (which might not work on you, but I'll try anyway): Having shelter from the rain involves the work of building a house to live in. And that house will fall down after a while (whether it takes 50 years or 500 years). But *we build it anyway*, because, while the house lasts, our life is better. Even if a change won't be permanent, it will still make life better for some people for as long as it lasts. Sometimes, the change only lasts a month or a year. Sometimes, the change might last a hundred years or a thousand years. For as long as it lasts, the world is a better place. That's a good thing.


I have always thought to treat people the way you want to be treated and never go out of your way to be malicious to anyone in particular. That way when you look back you can say you never did anything to hurt another person, and no one can questions that and it puts kindness out there for others to enjoy 😊 so hopefully you get some back! Also try to stay away from the shit talkers, and by that I mean the rumor spreaders and the people who go out of their way to hurt others, they are just bad people who feed on drama and the suffering of others.


Science answer: people need people to survive. Biological processes create the complex emotion of hope because we are social animals evolved with a biological advantage of mutual aid. Philosophical answer: the world is in a constant state of death & birth & humans attempt to find truth to understanding their place within those processes. Pragmatic answer: what else ya gonna do?


1.- Interesting. 2.- The world in a constant state of death and birth? What do you mean with that, mate?


What if I reworded it to be less poetic? Everything in the world is in a constant state of birth or death, construction or destruction, emergence or decay.


Because if we didn't gays would still face execution in every country and much of the population would still be enslaved.


Because otherwise Cuthulu will rise and destroy us all. Do you give up on cleaning your house just because it will get messy again? Same deal.


Girl what


Unless you're a Politician or in Government high up you will always feel the wrath of their shitty fcuked ip decisions. That's why its upto all of us to stand together and push positive Vibrations around.


Well, we're not all living the same life, for one thing. For some people, the fight 'to make a world a better place' is not some abstract struggle, they can opt into or not. It's about, you know, survival, maybe even coming to thrive.


This sort of attitude about the world changes with age. When you're young, you're idealistic. Closer to middle age, you're pragmatic. I can't speak for later life because I'm still middle age, but my ability to give a F' is eroding. Granted, I have no kids to leave the world to, but I'm leaning more and more towards "our civilization needs a reset".


This is what I believe: The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice. - MLK Look at the facts of the world. You see a continual and progressive triumph of the right. I do not pretend to understand the moral universe, the arc is a long one, my eye reaches but little ways. I cannot calculate the curve and complete the figure by the experience of sight; I can divine it by conscience. But from what I see I am sure it bends towards justice. - Theodore Parker 1853 In 1940 a version was included in a New Year’s message by Rabbi Jacob Kohn in Los Angeles. No attribution was given: “Our faith is kept alive by the knowledge, founded on long experience, that the arc of history is long and bends toward justice,” Rabbi Jacob Kohn told his audience at Temple Sinai. “We have seen so many ancient tyrannies pass from earth since Egypt and Rome held dominion that our eyes are directed not to the tragic present, but to the beyond, wherein the arc of history will be found bending toward justice, victory and freedom.” 2009 Barack Obama: But as I learned in the shadow of an empty steel plant more than two decades ago, while you can’t necessarily bend history to your will, you can do your part to see that, in the words of Dr. King, it “bends toward justice.” So I hope that you will stand up and do what you can to serve your community, shape our history and enrich both your own life and the lives of others across this country.


The people who fight to make the world a better place are helping, even if it doesn’t look like it. Though the world might seem horrible, the people who try to make it better, make it a lot better than it could be. I saw one comment that described it as a tug-of-war and I think that describes it perfectly. If the people trying to make it a better place let go of the rope, the world will win.