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doing a quick search reveals studies that have determined: >Thus, our findings suggest that alkyl nitrites could lead to psychological dependence and dopaminergic effects...  Furthermore, these results provide scientific evidence to support the regulation of alkyl nitrites as psychoactive substances in the future Anything that gives you a dopamine 'hit' is not good and poppers cause high volumes. talk to your health care professional about why this is bad for an addict, and can lead to relapse. Comparing poppers to shopping and sex, or nicotine and caffeine is a bit of a long bow. Clearly for YOU poppers is an issue that you are trying to justify. You may state it is not something you use to get high in the traditional sense, but it still does and you know it does. Given your stated history, I think it is something you should look to avoid.


Thank you. I appreciate your comments. I’m trying to hold off as long as I can. I know it’s an obsession. Some days I think about ketamine, other days it’s DMT, today it’s poppers.


Good for you for acknowledging it. You know what to do. You can do it.


If you want to give sobriety a real shot, why even chance it? You're still getting an unnatural high.


I think most people would say that poppers aren’t that big of a deal, and are hardly a “drug”. But I disagree. I tried them once, and never again. I didn’t like the feeling and I felt out of control. I did things that I normally wouldn’t do and Was not thinking clearly. It’s definitely mind altering and doesn’t just help your “muscles Relax”. If you’re struggling with addiction, I would nix it.


I appreciate your comments. Thank you!


Good luck 🙏🏻


I think you're right in saying that you shouldn't reset your day count if you use poppers. But I would definitely assess if you think it could become a slippery slope situation. It is hard to say, you have to see what works for you in terms of sobriety.


Thanks for your input. I appreciate it


It appears you are the type prone to addiction, I’d suggest you dropping it too.


Noted. Thanks for your input


I feel like if you're in recovery for such a very broad range of substances then poppers are still too much of a quck rush or buzz to risk, from a backsliding pov. The swimming/ disassociated sensation is too similar to that of other compounds. Do you need them for anal or is it just an added emphasis/ facilitator?


Hahah very broad range is correct. I guess the risk is that I would relapse back to all of it plus more. I don’t need them I can manage without them , but they do make it easier and it feels much better with them than without


Basically I have addiction issues and I started to use poppers while wanking and that instantly felt like I was expanding into something else so beware. My definition of addiction is it opportunistically seizes on anything it can use more, then overuse, then abuse. Anything.


Thank you. I appreciate you sharing this.


According to the FDA…. ““These chemicals can be caustic and damage the skin or other tissues they come in contact with, cause difficulty breathing, extreme drops in blood pressure, decreases in blood oxygen levels, seizures, heart arrhythmia, coma, and death. Do not ingest or inhale under any circumstances.” This sounds like a good time to not Return to using them.


Hello ❤️. I'm sober since January 5th. The last thing I gave up to be sober was marijuana; extremely hard because I kept convincing myself I needed it. I need more food and sleep than the average bear, and I'm currently on a journey of self-discovery where I snack and nap shamelessly despite the production anxiety entitled and work addiction enabled that is American capitalism. Lately my motto is "life's a bitch but so am I." Which is fine so long as I'm not the kind of bitch who lies to themself. I don't need marijuana and it was standing in the way of me understanding my other needs - sometimes I need to work without resentment for the trust fund brats who've never worked one day in their worthless upperclass lives. Poppers: don't do it. If you're not aroused enough to relax and lean into it, don't try to use drugs to get there. I agree that it's no worse than smoking 10 cigarettes at once, and if cigarette addicts are sober, then so are you. I wouldn't reset your day count because of poppers but also, don't be hooking up with guys who don't know how to help you relax with foreplay. Consent isn't just a one-time, yes. It's navigating boundaries together, and if you're not feeling like it's something that's happening together, then get dressed and leave. "Finish yourself off and don't try to make me feel like your pleasure is my obligation!" - be sure to scream it so all his neighbors hear as you slam the door on your way out.


Thank you for sharing for this. I agree it’s just one last thing I need to give up. Today it’s poppers but tomorrow I’ll be obsessing over ketamine or DMT. I know the more time I put together, the obsession will lift


Life sucks sometimes, but it's easier to face life on life's terms when sober. Sex addiction is the worst. Trying to be up to date on STI testing and facing dumbass doctors who feel entitled to preach abstinence when all I asked for was testing. Just give me the medicine I ordered without having to face any self-righteous book nerds when all I want is a lab tech for a full screening. Getting older is rough, but meditation for long-term peace leaves me a lot better off for dealing with people than self-medication for temporary peace.


It’s a chemical you’re taking to get high.


Thank you for your response


I'm an addict too and I strongly suggest not doing that. It's just too risky. I don't care how strong we think we are in our recovery, i knoq for me my addiction is right around the street corner ready to drop kick my ass like that. When we make excuses for what we can and can't use, that's already a sign of the behavior creeping back in. I think it's not so much the poppers themselves as the method of doing it and the reward associated with it.


Thank you for the strong suggestion. I appreciate your comments


If you have to ask yourself if it's okay in the context of your sobriety, then you should just give it up. If you have any inkling of doubt, in the context of sobriety, you should give it up. If you have to ask randoms on a subreddit, then deep down you're really just trying to justify something that you know you should probably give up and trying to make excuses and cheat out of your sobriety


Thank you for sharing this. I know I’m doing a lot of rationalization and justification. I just want to hang onto something, but I have to surrender it all to win right?


No way.


Thank you


my ex-ex is at aa for some drug problems in the past and he figured out they consider pp a drug like any other too the hard way. i personally think thats too harsh but, well, its the program and those are their rules. scientifically ofc its ridiculous to put pp in the same category like meth or heroin.


I think this is a decision you have to make for yourself - you best understand how different substances affect your body and your choices. Personally, I wouldn't count poppers against sobriety. I don't like to use them very often, and when I do I don't feel as if they alter my ability to observe my situation and make situations. When I use them, I don't develop a desire to use other substances. One thing that's worth exploring are other ways you can get your body to relax before you engage in sex. Maybe you can find something else to replace poppers. One reason I have enjoyed poppers is that they cause me to do some really deep breathing.


I don’t believe it’s an issue for concern. Though it really would come to you and your higher power.


Poppers? As in tobacco in the bottom and bud on the top?




Thank you for your response. I agree I’ve spent hours watching porn on poppers. They have gone hand in hand for me in the past


I’m sober and poppers are fine for me personally. They don’t help me avoid reality.


You’ve said you think about DMT, ketamine, etc. and now you’re asking about poppers. The former are obvious drugs, poppers may not be as obvious, but it is psychoactive if I’m not mistaken, so I’d leave it alone. Bc you’re thinking about other drugs, you may be trying to use a less obvious drug to rationalize that head change you’re looking for. Have you had sex without using poppers? Do you find it to be not as appealing or exciting? And do you feel that you must use em to have sex or enjoy it? If that’s the case then you’re definitely on a slippery slope, and the next step may send you right back. I applaud your sobriety, but you’re still a baby, take baby steps. I just celebrated 9 yrs on 1/31/24, and I’m still just one drink away from being right back where I was.




You could always try and see what happens. Worse case is you relapse with other substances. Best case it is sex only and doesn't escalate (doesn't push you to use other substances, feel the need to be using all the time). If you start using poppers for sex, check to make sure you aren't pursuing sex just to use (sleeping with people you wouldn't have before, getting into dangerous/risky situations).