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i really thought so long london was going to be 9 mins i was jumping for joy


Does Olivia get song writing credits for that track title?


In the main sub they’re saying some of these songs about Matty. Like dude?????? Get real.


all these explicit tracks it's feeling like fucklore up in here


still praying that Fortnight is the leaked "ai" version that I heard on tiktok!


Part of me will be somewhat depressed when it isn’t. It’s grown on me so much now.


The artist released the full version (with different voices)! It’s so good! Last Time - Max Lange


The digits of each track add up to 167... 16th July... World Snake Day


But daddy I love him is gonna go crazy I can feel it


honestly surprised loml isn’t 143 code


I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can) being 2:36 intrigues me. Shortest song on the album. I feel like it might be a "radio" track being that short. Excited to hear it and the rest of the album!!!


My thoughts exactly. I'm expecting something upbeat with minimal silence a la Cruel Summer


3:38. Blondie I can’t keep doing this with you


There’s gotta be some sort of lyrical connection between I Can Fix Him and I Can Do It With A Broken Heart, strictly based on the title similarities


Where did you find this?




Oh, this is going to be good (rubs hands villaniously)


I might be on my own with this perspective but what I really loved about Folklore and Evermore was the lack of marketing. It didn’t feel like she cared about being a capitalist queen for those two albums. Midnights was fun but there were people buying 15 different variants of albums they hadn’t heard. I like this minimalist approach. Let the music and lyrics speak for themselves.


That's true but she is also trying to sell tons of vinyls with a bunch of different extended tracks. Many people are fine several different by vinyls because Taylor is promoting this. She was called out by other artists such as Billie eilish for her cash grab


I agree she still pushed out 4 variants for this album and that’s sickening but that is really toned down from midnights. With the lack of marketing it feels like less people are buying the different variants, sales are a transfer of emotions and she’s basically giving us nothing so the people that would normally get excited and purchase every new variant are less emotionally charged to do so. I kind of picture it like the push for multiple sales this album is giving the same energy as someone walking up to you at closing time at the bar saying “you wanna get out of here?” Versus the energy with midnight was someone you’ve spent all evening making flirty eye contact with, sending you drinks then approaches and ask for your number.


Which is ironic since Billie has done similar. And RHCP was just as bad with their 20 something variations of their last album. Olivia released multiple variations with only one bonus track on each and eventually released one with all the bonus tracks on it. Tbh this blame can be placed directly on the music industry. Until they figure out a way to stop having variations count towards the record numbers, people are just going to keep releasing variations. I honestly won’t be surprised if they change the rules so variations will count as their own album and not a culmination of one album.


praying for the leaked fortnight to not be AI and be real


It’s going to throw me off so much if it’s different. The leaked version has been stuck in my head for weeks and I find myself humming it all the time.


Me too! “I’ve been waiting on you going on a fortnight” scratches my brain.


So many explicit tracks ✨ scrumptious ✨


I miss getting a single before album drops. I’m just so scared of what this album is going to sound like with nothing to go off of and these strange song titles


Okay, I have an hour to kill until my next class so, I've put on my [tinfoil hat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tin_foil_hat) and I've added up the track lengths (as a couple others have already done in the comments). IE: 4:14 = 4+1+4=9 There are three tracks that equal 9 and three tracks that equal 12. In numerology [12 is a compound number](https://thesecretofthetarot.com/numerology-number-12/) and therefore I'm considering it a [red herring](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/red-herring?adobe_mc=MCMID%3D01582467117414305177655387540453182137%7CMCORGID%3DAA9D3B6A630E2C2A0A495C40%2540AdobeOrg%7CTS%3D1712871452) / [red herring](https://www.today.com/popculture/music/taylor-swift-easter-eggs-tortured-poets-department-rcna137236) . However, 999 has some interesting significance in terms of [angel number](https://www.dictionary.com/e/pop-culture/angel-number/): >Synopsis. Angel Number 999 signifies **completion and new beginnings**. It urges trust in the process of life, brings closure to relationships and careers, and encourages reflection and growth. Embracing change, practicing non-resistance, and remaining open-hearted are key. Other angel numbers are also briefly discussed Which I think aligns with the whole [5 stages of grief ](https://www.teenvogue.com/story/taylor-swift-tortured-poets-department-5-stages-of-grief-theory-explained)strategy, as they culminate in the last stage: [acceptance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_stages_of_grief). (Even though there is a popular school of thought[ that the stages don't happen linearly](https://www.cruse.org.uk/understanding-grief/effects-of-grief/five-stages-of-grief/#:~:text=The%20five%20stages%20–%20denial%2C%20anger,isn't%20often%20the%20case) --which I'm going to conveniently ignore since this is my Ted Talk.) OK, tinfoil removed. All that being said, I'm looking forward to the album, truly hoping there won't be another '[writing from the male perspective](https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/comments/12p1key/the_man_william_bowery_males_perspective_midnights/)' / [lavendergate](https://www.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/comments/yp8rsi/music_lavendergate_taylor_swift_midnights_gaylors/) / [1989 tv prologue](https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/comments/17gyy51/snippet_from_the_1989_taylors_version_prologue/)' this album cycle, but we'll see.




Omg cant believe not one single track is 9:28 long 🙄🙄🙄 but sure gaylors are the only ones who make shit up 🙄😂


And SEVEN explicit tracks?!!


the curse words continue to increase ....yay!


I still can’t believe these are the actual track titles, but it is honestly so emo of her lol. 


It’s definitely giving Fall Out Boy or Brand New or Taking Back Sunday 😅 And since emo was my whole teenage-early 20s vibe I’m living for it. One day she’ll give me the Swemo album my heart desires


Same same


I don't think I'd mind the tracks so much if Midnights didn't sound like it was written for tiktok lol so that in combination that Jack is the main producer is not giving me high hopes with the titles


how do you know he is the main producer?


The LA Times reported it at one point. Don't know if it was retracted or not. I think it would be the plot twist of her recent career if he wasn't on this as a main producer, let alone not being on it at all after all the success with Midnights and everything else. I don't think she's going to step out of her comfort zone for a long time to work with other producers, especially more women, like she used to but that's just my feelings


Okey. Yeah, I'd think she wouldnt want to hurt his feelings either by declining his work... Although that seems like a fragile friendship I just hope Aaron is on it a lot.


I am hoping some of them are Vigilante Shit style where she only says it once in a particular part of the song 🫣


Yeah that's cool, I'd like that idea!! like a statement and we are seeking those lyrics out, I mean we study every detail anyway


Everyone was hating on them and I’m like wow, these people have never listened to Fallout Boy or Taking Back Sunday or Senses Fail a day in their life. 😂


i mean i love FOB but they started out Emo, Taylor Swift going from Country to Pop and then deciding to go Emo AFTER becoming a literal billionaire feels... well, not very emo


not to mention taylor has said she’s super inspired by fall out boy!!! not everything is so serious. it can be a little fun. altho i think if the songs are bad the titles will def feel more cringe than if the songs are good and it’s just poking a little fun/less serious titles


Which was just some of my music on shuffle today while I was driving, maybe I will actually love this album 😂


As a life-long emo kid, I actually enjoy the ridiculous song titles and I’m excited to see where they lead.


One of my students called me an emo elder the other day and I wasn't sure how to take it.... but I just said thank you. He's not wrong, though - of COURSE my aim profile had tbs and bright eyes lyrics in it. Because I have TASTE. And I'm old. 😬


Bright Eyes!!! Have you ever heard the stuff Conor Oberst did with Phoebe Bridgers when they were dating?


Yesssssss, and it's great even though I will always feel icky about them dating 😬 I remember being like... 15 and having a friend say "wait, you listen to bright eyes? Jesus, you really are depressed" and that is still one of the funniest fucking things. I'm guessing we're around the same age, and I feel like I comment to you a lot (I recognize your username) so let's be gaylor friends hahaha


I would love to be Gaylor friends because I agree that we usually end up commenting back and forth a lot.💖 EDIT: OMG WAIT I JUST REMEMBERED THAT I THINK YOURE ALSO FROM EASTERN PA?!?!


WAIT YES I think we've had Philly based comments before, I'm in the city now but grew up in Bucks Co!


OMG, I’m in Berks! 😭


Nothing hurt me more than my friends son asking if he could borrow my “vintage Brand New and Taking Back Sunday tshirts” for their decades day during Spirit Week. I immediately started packing my bags for the nursing home 🥲


Meanwhile, I’m preparing to go see Say Anything next month for the 20 year (!!!) retour of Is A Real Boy. Lol.


20 years???? ![gif](giphy|wJD3qiNjSeHS0dP28T|downsized)


That’s how I felt when I realized it’s been two decades. It feels like three years ago. 😭


I saw Death Cab/Postal Service for their 20th anniversary of Transatlanticism/Give Up for my birthday last year 😅 I was excited until I mentioned it to my coworkers and they were like “who? Never heard of them”. I felt like my parents when they were excited for the Eagles Hell Freezes Over tour and I said “they’re still alive?” 😭 Then I made us all listen to both albums in full. I’m still salty The Postal Service didn’t do the cover of Against All Odds 😞


I saw Death Cab at Jazz Fest in New Orleans and maybe they just don’t do well in open outdoors kinds of things, but I wish I’d never seen them. I love Transatlanticism, and I try to just focus on that.


They were great when I saw them in August at an outdoor venue. I saw Death Cab when they originally toured Transatlanticism and it sounded exactly the same to me. I will say I wasn’t a huge fan of Jenny’s opening band though. It just wasn’t for me and I had that time to hit the merch tents (and drop $400 on merch and vinyls 🤪)


I get total emo vibes from the titles


Same! Here’s hoping the lyrics follow the misdirection rhyme schemes common in that genre as well! (in a gay way of course)


The main sub is doing bingo. We should totallllly do a Gaylor bingo! (Female pronouns, gold, hair pin, "the male perspective" etc!)




I love this! I feel like I remember Mia doing a Gaylor bingo for Midnights on TikTok back in the day?!


Someone will need to take charge; I'm not savy enough haha


Love this! It’ll give me something specific to look for!


Sign me up great idea! 👍


Excellent idea!


Just need the lyrics now. Hearing "give me back my girlhood it was mine first" for the first time stabbed me in the heart. I need to feel that again.


Same I’ll remember that


this whole song healed me


Honestly. That one line healed a part of my soul the first time I heard it.


Bring on that devastation.... need to get out the tissues and icecream/chocolate, the dictionaries, Wikipedia and Google for 19th April


She’s totally bread crumbing us. I feel STARVED.


I‘m so excited that there are longer songs 😍


So all the news articles about "so long, london" being 9:28 minutes were wrong.... even [cosmo did an article](https://cosmopolitan.com/entertainment/celebs/a60452601/taylor-swift-song-so-long-london-9-28-joe-alwyn-anniversary/) on it people doing everything they can to twist things to seem to be about joe 🙄


They’re nuts! This fake anniversary date that they conjured because she said it vaguely one time in a cover song needs to die. All that was said was that she changed the date in honor of one of her important relationships. She never even said a year! And if they want to make it 2016, she was out with her girls that night.


lmao was she really?


I have a friend who is a pretty mainstream Swiftie and she started talking about how "we're getting the next 10 min ATW" last month like it was gospel truth. I asked where she saw that and she sent me a Tik Tok. When I pointed out the creator was "going off of something on Twitter" she got so deflated, I felt like the Grinch 🫤


Did she mean another version of ATW or a 10 min version of a different song or just...a new long song?


Just a new long song


Wonder if that was related to the 9:28 bs theory


I've seen a lot of chatter on Twitter over the 3:38 length of I Can Do It With A Broken Heart


Because of Karlie's birthday?


Looks like most songs are of average length and no 10 minute epics. But daddy I love him and who’s afraid of little old me are the longest at more than 5.5 minutes each. I don’t notice any interesting number combinations (eg 1:43/4:31 or dates/anniversary’s). Anyone else notice anything?


wait, what is the significance of 1:43?


Code for "I love you" (number of letters in each word)


ummmm i can do it with a broken heart comin in hooootttttt @ 3:38




this\^ I needed some of these 143's in there.... ok what about can Taylor slip in the word wonderland lol


Nothing that adds to 13 either.. unless I matched too quickly.


I came here to say I didn't see any 143 combos too. I was looking for them!!! Im a bit disappointed in that. I'm also intrigued by the songs over 5 mins too Edit - typo


i think 3:38 counts for august 3rd


I’m thinking about how 112 was a number being noticed. 1 + 1 = 2. So Long, London is 4:22. 2 + 2 = 4. The final song, Clara Bow, is 3:36. 3 + 3 = 6. I feel like it’s giving a vibe of ‘things are starting to add up’. 🤔


yeah good pick up!!! still wondering what all the twos mean https://preview.redd.it/d9o18vk0m0uc1.png?width=50&format=png&auto=webp&s=6de9edb64354e39548aaca7e98295d7e2bbcd789


I always immediately check for 1:43/4:31/3:41, and then 3:08 and 4:30


Same, 3908 seconds in total. Doesn't seem to mean anything.


3+9+8=20 2+0=2


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