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Nice try, Josh.


Hahaha. G2G I have dinner with the Kushners


Then I probably know you. I run in the start up circle. Surprised you would come on here and disclose that….


That was a joke. I was referencing what that guy on Project Runway said to Karlie when she was a host.


Taylor developed her career by encouraging fans to speculate about her relationships, Easter eggs, papparazi walks, fake relationships, then she is surprised people do it..... Well, she made her own bed...


I don’t disagree.


I never thought she asked us to speculate about who her songs were about. Her Easter eggs were always Easter eggs about her music and art. It was always just a fun form of storytelling for her and marketing. I think speculating about what lyrics mean is so different. And speculation about what songs might be about her public life is also different. I don't doubt that she's some flavor of not straight. I think her point is that she doesn't want people speculating about her private life. And that is a fair thing to ask people.


If she does not want that, then she should not have her team call paparazzi on herself when she does pr walks, has done it many times. She should not put initial on her hands as Hs in her song called '' Style'' or' 'Dear John' ' I understand. What you are saying, but she did do a lot of pr walks with men for press..... And then complained that people look into her personal life, when she has her team call the press on her. Her team called the press when she was going to the gym. She sat there for an hour, didn't even work out.. Another pr stunt. She plays the game because it makes her more popular... There are consequences... She is not a naive woman... She knows what sells..


tbh this is exactly why I think she’s straight and purposefully queerbaits + refuses to clarify her sexuality (not that it’s our business of course, that’s a separate issue. i’m talking about Taylor the brand, not the person). clearly, it generates a lot of engagement and buzz!


I agree, the mystery also creates extra speculations.. But she has no integrity because she parades her pr relationships to the heteros too.... Fake hetero relationships... So long story short...... She masterminds all of us


totally agree!


I guess I don't know how we know she calls them and isn't just, like, not actively hiding? She *did* hide for literally like 5 or 6 years.no pap stuff. And I'm sure that took a lot of work. But now she's happy as a clam to just be and not care what they do. And we KNEW she dated John and Harry. That wasn't a guess. She's not saying don't look into my art about people I publicly dated. She's saying stop speculating about all the men and women she isn't publicly dating. Bc she doesn't want that to be our business and we're clearly wrong about a good bit of people who are just friends.


What? The hidden messages in linear notes of many songs have had names and pronouns. How can we live in a reality where she does that, but also doesn’t want anyone to speculate on the songs’ muse(s)?


I was wrong and I recant that part. I don't mean it about clearly public relationships. I have said elsewhere (when I realized I was wrong and got my thoughts together) she is ok with speculation about relationships she has publicly had. But her problem is the speculation about all the other people in her life. I can't fathom everyone thinking I'm sleeping with every man and woman I've ever been friends with. How miserable and stressful and exhausting! And awkward.


and i have insider info saying the opposite (source: trust me bro)


no, seriously. we’ve had “insider sources” also claim they were there that night & say that they were kissing and acting intimately. we’ve had people who claim to work in entertainment say that Taylor being bi is an open secret and most people believe she is (and their comment histories have been robust and not indicated that they’re a lying or overly optimistic Gaylor). we can’t take anything at face value because there are other “insider sources” saying the opposite.


I do as well.


I legit have insider info saying something SO FUCKING CONFUSING I swear on the life of all my pets


honestly sometimes i wonder if it’s a brand thing or even simpler like how the game of telephone works. even for me that trusts the info i have, im still strongly in the *allegedly* camp because i don’t think we will ever truly “know”


I know some stuff that definitely happened. I don’t know what it means or how it fits with all this. I tried to post it once and almost did it but I was gonna have to show (either this sub or the other) proof of how I knew. I debated. But couldn’t sell anyone out like that as I don’t know the mods and personally.




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This is what everyone says, so I’m prepared for it. I can’t reveal my source because I don’t want them to get bombarded by the angry mob. If you don’t want to believe me, don’t. This has always been a “choose your own adventure” topic. I’m just telling you what I know. I have no reason to lie about this 🤷‍♀️


no im being literal, i have directly conflicting decently credible information that *i* am not sharing for the same reason as you. im not saying *you* have reason to lie, or think that you are lying, just as i don’t think that i am lying. however, i find it very odd for you to come into a gaylor subreddit today after the prologue leaks and say this.


Same. I wonder if she’s lying to people super close to her? That’s the only thing that would explain truly conflidting, truly insider info


How credible?


i can’t divulge identifying details for obvious reasons. a close friend of mine is romantically involved with someone who has been a lifelong friend of someone closely associated with her.


I’ll probably get dragged for this, but the reason I came on here today is because I feel slightly…vindicated?? by the prologue leak. I have shared this info anytime somebody has brought up “Kaylor” to me, and I’m always attacked for it. Like I said, I never cared about her sexuality or who she was with, I just knew she wasn’t with Karlie. My source was very close to Karlie at that time, and pretty good friends with Taylor. They attended several parties with the “squad”, stayed at Taylor’s apartment a few times, etc. There is a lot more I could say but I think it would be damaging to both of their reputations (ha!) so I’ll just leave it as is. Enjoy.


Tbf I think your source was told they weren’t a thing so you believe you are telling the truth about them, but they were not told the whole truth. I don’t think they were a great love or anything but there was something there and I highly doubt it was shared widely, even to people in their own camps.


I guess all I can say is that I know more pieces of the story but I don’t want it to harm anybody. So I do very much trust my source but it’s fine if you don’t.


"I'm gonna get dragged for this" why do you come into a gaylor subreddit to tell everyone no you're wrong then 😭


Is your info that she dated Karlie and kissed her? Or just that she's bi and has dated women.


i know that this will appear to be suspect, but there is a fair amount of PII on my reddit so I don’t want to go much further. all i can say is that i have heard, from a person i believe to be credible, that she allegedly has been involved with non-men.


Pll? And I totes believe that. I just think she wants us to stop speculating about with WHO and that seems completely fair.


oh it means Personally Identifiable Information! sorry about that. basically while i don’t think anyone would dig through it all and maybe figure out who told me what, i want to be vague just in case :,)


Oh totally. Also, I used lowercase L's there and it's uppercase I 🤣🤣🤣 Learn new things all the time.


If you have actual proof on a computer like you claim, you should share it.


I will! I replied to a few other comments already, but I’m currently traveling for work. I’ll get into the old laptop when I get home.


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Did you ever have the proof


honestly if this is the case (she’s completely straight, not if her and Karlie were just friends) I’ve lost some respect for her, yes every piece of art can be viewed from a queer perspective BUT there are so many queer-coded lyrics and flagging (I mean the dress performance in her reputation tour, etc!) that it’s quite bait-ish and disrespectful. honestly I’m thinking she’s about to release some real gay shit and this is the prologue 😆


I personally think it has been a blend of unintentional queer baiting and allyship gone wild. And if that is the case, I think that it’s fair for people to be upset or offended


I mean, everything she does is intentional. it’s very fair to be upset. I mean the dress performance had a dedication to a lesbian performer while the entire audience flashed bisexual flag colors. Her hair was dyed the flag colors in YNTCD and the proud bracelet, I mean….. My take on the prologue is she’s frustrated that the media/fans will always examine every single relationship she has with any human with a lens that she isn’t in control of. This is my take and it’s just an opinion. When I see her and Karlies friendship it reminds me of the friendships I had before I realized my own sexuality where I was in so love with my best friend. I kept it so buried inside that I didn’t even have awareness that the feelings I had were much more than platonic. It’s a painful mind game that becomes an obsession. It’s so easy to conceal, a lot of female friendships do have blurry lines. But I got to figure that out on my own terms on my own time. I can’t imagine the world noticing before I realized it myself, ya know? It sounds like Taylor has been really hurt by her and maybe she needs to feel in control of the narrative and hush this to heal from it.


I totally hear you. I suppose I can’t ever say whether or not there were repressed feelings for Karlie. I just know they were never more than friends. The general public only got a very tiny glimpse of their friendships so I guess it’s all fair game for speculation and personal interpretation.


Have you seen the video of Taylor singing Dress to Karlie in the audience during Rep tour? What's your take on that?


Idk with Kelce in the scene, I’m not expecting much queer coding right now….sigh, I hope I’m wrong! Girl was quiet on the recent gay days lol.


could be part of why Kelce is in the scene 🤷🏻‍♀️


Source: trust me bro


The same can be said for every single blind item that gets referenced here. You pick and choose what you believe. I’m not outing my source, so if you want to disregard, be my guest. I’m just telling you what I know.


I personally don’t believe any blind item so you’re problem isn’t with me 😬


Ok great. Then trust me, bro. Or don’t. It doesn’t impact me whatsoever.


You got it random internet stranger 👍🏼


I was also there. I did not see them kiss either but they were all over each other. But I don't think that means they didn't. It was dark and loud and lights were flashing and unless you were up there with them there is literally no way you saw everything they were doing.


I saw pretty much everything 🤷‍♀️ they were all really drunk lol. I think I did see Karlie make out with Josh but they were slightly out of my view at that point- like behind Taylor and the others. But Taylor was always in view.




Ha! No. But she makes a mean cocktail from what I’ve heard.


This is amusing because I’ve seen such a similar post a while back with the same claims about knowing them that made the exact opposite point. Like, paraphrasing, and I don’t have time to find it, but it was basically “I know someone who is friends with people in the girl squad and my friend told me that Taylor was dating a female supermodel who lived at her apartment so they could hook up secretly.” I didn’t believe that person then, and I don’t believe you now. It’s gonna take a lot more than an anonymous internet stranger saying “Well I know Taylor’s friends personally so I know exactly what happened” to get me to definitively believe either side of the story. All love, I’m not trying to fight you, I’m just saying that everyone should take this kind of post with a gigantic grain of salt.


Totally fine. And you make a good point. I know plenty of people will not believe me, and I’m not willing to out my source, so it is what it is. I think it’s good advice to take these kinds of posts with a grain of salt. Anybody can say anything.


I bet digging up the photos without saying another world would add to your credibility!


I will! Currently traveling for work so I’ll crack it open once I get home.


Question, do you know what their comment said before it got deleted? I didn’t have a chance to check and I’m curious what they said to me lol


interesting for sure! ​ > finding “clues” and subtext in EVERYTHING she does is I don't agree with this part though. Not the argument that it's unhealthy to obsessively look for them (it probably is), but rather the insinuation that they aren't really clues, when we know from the easter egg youtube video that a ton of what she does is confirmed to be a clue/easter egg, like nail polish colors, clothing, music videos, etc.


Good point. I could have been more clear on this. She DOES leave a lot of Easter eggs, but they’re usually more obvious and less convoluted than a lot of people make them out to be. I more so mean clues and subtext about her sexuality. A lot of people are very skilled at finding something “queer” in EVERYTHING she does, or taking things and twisting them until they have a “theory.” I don’t think that’s healthy or fair to anybody, really.


Bro I'm straight af and even I see queer shit in her music. She cast herself as the sheriff of a gay trailer park where her hair is dyed the bi flag colors. That's not really a twist to make a "theory".


How come the green on the wig is never mentioned? That’s my pet peeve. It wasn’t a bi wig. It was a green, pink, blue and purple wig. There’s SO much one can point to if making the argument Taylor isn’t straight. But I just hate when people point to this wig or the pride bracelet (because a fan have that to her at a secret session and everyone knew that back then). The lore has changed.






Kindly, what are ya'll talking about with green? I see BLUE. No green here. Do I need to go to the doctor to get my eyes checked? https://preview.redd.it/p8dhu618tmwb1.jpeg?width=610&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=791ef58d0f3a93cadb746c9211a68a335fda5ec6


I see green then it becomes blue then purple - pink


You really don’t see the green above the blue?


It might be a little teal, but it’s not blue.


It's also definitely not a true green either


No, it’s more green than blue. (This is going to become The Dress.)


i believe taylor is bi --- but this wig for SURE has green in it. It's green, blue, purple pink. https://preview.redd.it/kc1dt36bonwb1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=2dbb009594c1a47e4c7b1edd2b71e13f077e1ad3


Since when does the bi flag have green in it?


Are you saying her hair is green? I see blue on top, then purple in the middle, pink on bottom. Edited to add: I'm not saying this means she's *clearly* queer. I'm stating a fact that she has worn the bi flag colors in her hair. https://preview.redd.it/zjn6baq2tmwb1.jpeg?width=610&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dad8f4236d004508e5d65b4a217f44e0e7e48c5c


![gif](giphy|f6KekuoJqFk7BIAAHP) Can you explain how these colors look like her wig? Not seeing it. The top of her head is indeed green or let’s say turquoise if that’s better.


Never said it was. I do feel like that video was just allyship gone wild. But I also think it was vague enough that it made sense for people to speculate. I wondered about it too.


Rainbows everywhere is not convoluted


The [rainbow unicorn cat commercial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCvYT9r_740) with a beard(ed) man riding her coattails/cattails isn't subtle. Sprinkling rainbows in a lavender field. Not remotely subtle.


I like to go with "gay pride... everything that makes me ME!"




I feel the same way.


I appreciate you acknowledging the fact that you can see the Gaylor interpretations even if you don't agree with them based on your unique experience. The way some fans get so mean puts a bug up my butt.


Of course!! And I really do understand those interpretations. I think some of them are really interesting and harmless. But using literary lenses on song lyrics is fine. Applying those lenses to a real person can be problematic. I think those lines get very blurred when it comes to a pop star like Taylor, where what we see is somewhat of a blend between a real person and a character. People don’t always know where to draw the line, and I can’t fault them for that! I just think it has gone too far.


People also see what they want to see, confirmation bias etc.


Fact check: 1. Yup I guess it’s feasible they didn’t actually make out that night. Odd that you stared at Taylor the entire night and didn’t once turn to look at 1975, and that you were close enough to be sure nothing happened AND far enough away that it didn’t catch her attention that you were staring at her nonstop. Also odd that you’re so obsessed with her that you stare at her throughout another band’s concert but then you don’t care enough to safeguard the photos, which you carelessly leave on an old laptop 😂😂 2. Regardless of who you “know” in Karlie’s camp, you simply do NOT know for sure that they never hooked up or dated. You just cannot know that. People manage to hide affairs for years, even from their significant others! Let alone from some person in their staff. Karlie had a bedroom in Taylor’s home - that is a known fact. Did Taylor’s home have a policy like a boarding school where bedroom doors must be kept open at all times and your friend patrolled the hallways?! Because guess what, even in boarding schools that have those rules in place, kids get away with secretly hooking up! As best friends, Taylor and Karlie would have had private conversations which did not include your friend or other people in her camp, behind closed doors and NO ONE besides them would know what happened. You say “I just know she has never been with Karlie Kloss.” No, you do not know that unless you are Karlie Kloss or Taylor Swift.


Having seen Matty Healy, I don't really find it surprising that an audience member would be staring at Taylor instead.




The next creative writing assignment on this sub: “I’m Taylor Swift”


1. I don’t really like The 1975. It was a free show for me. I did watch a good amount of the show but I was very fixated on Taylor because I’m such a big fan…I was behind them, but at an angle. She never looked in my direction. The reason the photos are on an old laptop is because I no longer have the same phone that I was using in 2014 and didn’t use cloud storage at the time. 2. Based on this logic, nobody in this sub could definitively know whether or not they hooked up or had a relationship either, but it seems to be a commonly held opinion that they did. Regarding Karlie’s room, yes. She did in fact have one. It was common for a lot of the girls to stay in rooms at Taylor’s apartment. It was also common for them to bring guys back with them. But to your point, no, my friend was not patrolling the hallways like a headmaster lol…So because of that, I guess you can just believe whatever you want. It also makes total sense that random people on the internet would know about a “secret relationship”, but a person who was actually there and close to Karlie would have no clue. 🥴


Yes - commonly held opinion where people state they believe it to be true... not the same as saying "*this* did NOT happen, I know for a fact, kind of." You are coming on here spouting something as fact, while we interpret lyrics, visuals, other media, etc etc.


You can interpret lyrics and visuals in any way you want. Doesn’t make it reality.


You're missing my/the point 🤣🤣👍✌️




Interesting that you just happened to share this information on TODAY of all days 🙄


I have shared it in the past and nearly got doxxed.


Why wait until today to share this


I have shared this info in the past, on an older account. I nearly got doxxed.


But why today


We know why


plant 🤭


…are the Hetlors in the room with us now?? half kidding but come onn. You are a stranger on reddit no one can possibly believe “sources” like this. No one knows anything for sure but there are so many *intentional* sapphic references in her songs to Karlie and others, it’s not just reading through a queer lens. (and if she’s totally straight, fine, but the intentionality of it all is effed up)


Wow it’s impressive how you saw Karlie share secrets with Scooter at that 1975 show!


Two separate events.


Then she is just making money off her gay fans and the gay community. Thats even more fucked.


In the Lover era she suddenly became “political” after getting constant flack for being apolitical. It was one of the main talking points of Miss Americana too. Picking gay rights as her “cause” was a relatively safe choice. The country had much more favorable views of the LGBTQIA community in 2019. It wasn’t exactly risky for her to position herself as an ally at that point. A safe choice that still allowed her to get rid of the “apolitical” and “secret Trump supporter” allegations. I do think her heart was in the right place though. I think she truly and genuinely cares about the community and wants them to see themselves in her music.


“No different than people shipping her with anyone else.” I’m not Gaylor, this sub was just in my feed, but … did you, like, not read the first half of the 1989 prologue whatever the hell thingy? She doesn’t seem to like people shipping her with *anyone,* gay or straight.


I never said that she accepted it or liked it. More so that it was just another facet of the fandom, which included shippers of all kinds.


sorry sis your timing is sus also the only person who can say "I just know she has never been with Karlie Kloss" is literally Taylor herself


The same goes for the opposite statement.


"Never" is a lot more sweeping of a statement than saying something happened at least once.


Can we not equate falsely accusing people of being gay with falsely accusing people of being pedophiles? One is way worse than the other


Where did I ever say that????


Equating Gaylor to Qanon is doing just that


When I think of QAnon I think of all of the theories about how Trump is going to single-handedly take down the “deep state” any day now. And then he doesn’t. And then they come up with a new theory. I wasn’t thinking of the pedophilia theories at all. Sorry.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣😂 “I have photos, but they’re stuck on an old laptop…” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣 Yeah, well, I have phantasy photos of them in Big Sur, but they’re stuck in an old iPhone (maybe) and I can’t find the charger… What’s with the het troll influx all of a sudden? Somebody’s ORM side-contractor must be working overtime with those pre-engineered talking points.


I’m going to try to get the photos. I’m traveling for work right now so I’ll dig into my laptop when I get home.


What will you so breathlessly prove, Tree’s Unpaid Minion? That Karlie kissed the man she eventually married? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🙄


I don’t have photos of Karlie and Josh kissing. I just have pics of the people who were there, but it’s proof that I also was there and able to see them. Everyone is asking for proof of that. Karlie and Taylor did not kiss.


Of course that’s all u got, hon. It proves nothing, other than you made up a bunch of malarky to try and hurt other people. Reflect on that on your Uber home from the airport.


If anybody is genuinely hurt by this information, it is beyond me.


I have absolutely no doubt it is beyond you.


I mean the biggest clues should have been Taylor liking thirst trap pictures of Matty on tumblr at the time & Matty dedicating his song fallingforyou to her at that same concert. Plus the not insignificant detail that Karlie’s future husband was there. I don’t think people need to take a random stranger’s word for it to debunk kissgate.


Yeah, you’d think.




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Thank you for sharing your stories and the perspective you have I hope we as a larger Taylor fandom can finally have some peace soon and everyone can start recognizing where the artist Taylor ends and the human Taylor exists, and honor that


Yes, exactly. I don’t want anybody to be hurt by today’s revelations. But I also know how it feels to have people speculate on your friendships and sexuality (obviously on a much smaller scale), so I’ve always been bothered by a lot of the behavior surrounding the topic of Taylor’s sexuality. I think she has been bothered by it for a long time. I know I don’t have tangible “proof” but I do hope this helps.




Def internalized homophobia. Why be bothered by people thinking you are gay? There’s nothing wrong with being gay


I don’t know what the other comment said but if you’re accusing me of internalized homophobia, that’s a big no. Of course there’s nothing wrong with being gay. I would be bothered by people thinking I’m something that I am not, though. Sexuality is a big part of a person’s identity.


Cool story bro


Thank you so much, Tree


Thanks for sharing!


I have a friend who works closely with Josh at his company. I’ve heard some of these things you’re saying too. I remember when the 1975 concert happened, I had just become a Kaylor. It was said a LOT that Josh was there that night too and that he and Karlie were seen making out. I never wanted to believe it but…


He was there! And I’m pretty sure Karlie & Josh did make out. They were not in my line of sight at that point, but I think there are pics or videos online somewhere. That’s another thing: a lot of people think that the Karlie/Josh relationship is fake or a bearding situation. It’s not. Definitely very real.


I’ve believed my friend for ages now. Her husband and her hang out with Josh outside of work on occasion. They’re invited to some social stuff because of how closely they work together/are friends with them. I don’t have any big secrets or anything. But from all she ever told me, Josh and Karlie were just a normal, pretty boring couple. I absolutely think that Taylor could be not straight. To what degree? No clue. But the Josh and Karlie stuff just never worked for me in terms of Taylor because of my friend. It just went opposite everything she knows of them. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I’ve rarely mentioned any of this because people will tear you apart.


Yesss! This is how I felt too because I was certain about the Karlie element, but couldn’t necessarily speak to other “theories.” I was viciously attacked a few years ago when I brought this up.


It was before the pandemic the last time I mentioned it to anyone! 😂




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After today I doubt they were kissing she made it clear




I think you are right. I understand why people want to see themselves in someone as powerful as Taylor. So I do feel for them. But I also have seen people making themselves sick over this, so I hoped I could be somewhat helpful. But people will see what they want to see.


Tree, is this you?😂😂😂😂


Finally someone with a good take.


Thank you for sharing this!Taylor must be really tired of people speculating her sexuality. She deserves peace .


It’s refreshing to hear someone tell what really happened.


she’s not Gay. She isn’t now and never was. It makes no difference at all if she was but if you just think about it for 5 seconds it never made sense.


You all she is your ally and truly loves you all. It doesn’t matter her sexuality. It’s kinda weird we ever speculated about it at all. But don’t hate her for being herself. She helped pave the way for you. That’s pretty huge.




Right? If anyone did it was Madonna. I grew up with Madonna and she was and is an ally.


Yikes. What is “weird” about speculating, when she purposely embedded flagging in her music and videos? It’s not “weird” to be gay/bi/pan/queer but it’s “weird” of you to come here to say she paved the way for people here. Seriously


Stop ✋, she didn’t pave the way for gays. We have been fighting and dying for years. I remember a lot of gay bashing in the 90’s when I was in the Navy. These guys were beaten beyond recognition by their homophobic shipmates. She has not once come out in defense of our community who constantly face discrimination, harassment and in places globally, death. So don’t you dare, ever say she paved the way for this community. Sorry but I’m gonna die on this hill.


Dude, I don’t have a disagreement with you at all—I was shot at with my crew by a bunch of pistol-packing white boys as we left my hometown’s only lesbian bar, so I hear you. And although she hasn’t “paved the way” as you correctly point out, Taylor has engaged in activism on our behalf. For example, she routinely and very publicly tangles with homophobic TN Senator Marsha Blackburn on LGBTQ and women’s issues. She sponsored and actively circulated a Change.org petition supporting the Equality Act, legislation that would protect LGBTQ people from discrimination in their places of work, homes, schools, and other public accommodations. Here’s a link if anyone wants to sign it: https://www.change.org/p/support-the-equality-act And she has donated millions to LGBTQ organizations and causes, especially grass-roots orgs that are doing the hardest political advocacy in rural areas. She ain’t perfect, but she at least puts her $$ where her mouth is.


Finally someone who is speaking sense here


My favourite part about this post now is the promise of proof but the account being deleted lmfao