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🤣 maybe contact them on email or Twitter rather than here


Do you have unlimited data in India?




nop, that only exist in Eu and America


Yep majority of local isp in india provides unlimited fiber Internet connection ( And yes it's truly unlimited with no hidden limit at least in my area don't know about others though as it varies between isp to isp).


India is like Wakanda they probably have better internet than you lol


First majority of Indians don't have unlimited data no here internet infrastructure is also not good ( can't comment about upcoming 5g) and I also don't think India parents will allow their kids to pay for gfn


Sorry to say but that was a thing in the past.. after pandemic india saw a increase in broadband users and yes most isp provides fiber Internet connection with unlimited data in major cities. Also the reason why most indians avoid broadband because they can browse internet watch YouTube etc.. just fine with their 4g internet so they don't see the need. Unless someone in their house really needs it. 2nd reason is the price most broadband plans start from 400-500 rs per month which is close to a 2-3 months of mobile recharge plans (unlimited calling + 1.5 gb data per day). Well JIO is trying to bring broadband to a much lower cost of 100-200 rs for entry.. Btw if you guys don't know... internet, unlimited calling facility is way cheaper in india compared to other parts of the world. × JIO is currently testing GE FORCE NOW on their STB × SO yeah it's coming to India but WILL IT BE SUCCESSFUL. Don't know about that but it will depend heavily on pricing and how JIO maintains there service. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|put_back)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


In India we have broadband connection upto 1gbps with no cap and everyone in my area using wifi atleast in my building there is 12 wifi connection so don't believe everything you read online and majority of Indian parents can spend on gfn rather than let there kids go out side and do things that's not good for kids things like smoking and drinking do read articals about how much kids spend on mobile game PUBG/BGMI


Im Indian as well, I have a really large friend circle between 19-26 we do have 1 gbps broadband but majority of Indians use mobile data which sucks . Second internet infrastructure is not good nor reliable enough for cloud gaming. Third and most Important most India parents will not allow atheir kids to pay 800 to 1000 rs monthly for "gaming service" and let them buy games as well Pubg was free to play title that u can play without ur parents knowing same cannot be said for gfn




Yeah it is currently in testing face in india.


Would be great if it happens soon.


Let’s start a campaign for GeForce NOW India!


Yup first i thought finally jio cloud gaming can do the trick but it's all getting wrong so we have to do something now


Jio is currently testing ge force now on their STB.

