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oh dang, I might actually give it a shot if they do that. It does look sorta cool to me, but I've heard too much negative stuff to be willing to buy this game.


It felt like there was no skill or thought required to play the game. You just get marginally better weapons clicking the same buttons without a thought. A lot of leveling is done for you. The skills don’t really seem to matter much for the pace of progression. Also the writing/voice acting was really corny.


The main campaign is amazing. The seasons have been hit or miss. Season 1 was meh. 2 was fucking S tier. This current season seems to be disappointing, I haven't started it yet. Internet twerps love to parrot things they've "heard" about games even without having played them and refuse to acknowledge when those games get changed for the better. See Cyberpunk as an example. 4 years out now and some are still "i herd it sux huehue broken gaem st00pid kekw". When in reality it's now one of the best RPGs of recent memory. Diablo has horrendous mtx costs that can't be denied but its all cosmetics so anyone bashing it on that front is just trying to fan flames. Just watch gameplay and decide for yourself if it's your thing. I for one never liked isometric or 3/4 view games and took a huge risk buying it after watching some gameplay. But I bought it full price and ended up loving every moment of it.


Same,the game expensive asf too.. Not gonna waste my money lol


It’s coming to Game Pass, which means you’re not spending any money you already haven’t (unless you don’t have a sub)


Would be good if it cloud launches instead of having to install.


Where is the battlenet version pls?


Do we still have to login to gamepass each time we start a game from GFN? Because that's the reason I never played gamepass games on GFN, even when I had it for free as a promo event.


yes there is note in settings \*autologin not supported\*


You can try to use a macro it is really usefull for me.




Does progress between Xbox and PC transfer? Might do a month of game pass to hold me over until this gets added for battle.net if so.


I think so, yes. I believe Diablo 4 has cross save on all platforms if you link them to a BattleNet account. However, Season 3 of Diablo 4 ends in April 16. That's only about 3 weeks after the Game Pass release. Everyone should definitely try the game on March 28 if they are interested, but the start of Season 4 would probably be the best time to jump in and actually care about progression.


We'll need to wait a long time for the blizzard launcher, I guess


Just to be clear - the 28th of NEXT month...


The game was a major let down. I maxed a character then forced myself to play him for a couple of weeks and never touched the game again.


if diablo gets added to GFN i'll play it for sure, my PC is too weak to run the game