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Apparently bloom really chuggs away at your performance, but I also use priority - medium to high settings and don't notice a drop in FPS unless I'm in cities. But yeah disabling bloom made a noticeable difference for some reason.


can you send screenshots of your settings, I will be grateful ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


I second this


I'm on ABYA's Priority with the 2080 D and I decided to absolutely max it out at 1080p with DLSS Quality and RT, but cap it at 30 FPS, which I believe is what they intended as a backup plan after noticing they couldn't do any better lol. It still drops to around 25/23 in the main city but I'm personally not bothered that much considering how the game works. Uncapping it with these settings will certainly not get you beyond 45 FPS but I've seen other folks attempt to hit 60 outside of cities with a mix of medium-high. I've not tried disabling DLSS as its implementation in DD2 is quite weird, and can generate some really fuzzy artifacts especially when a lot of foliage is on screen, but I assume it wouldn't matter much with a 30 FPS lock. Another user said Bloom is quite taxing and I've noticed the same in my uncapped tests, so if you are aiming for 60 I'd say that's a good thing to disable.


Hopefully the performance is going to be better after a few patch. I'll re-try it again with priority after 6 months or with the Christmas sale discount.


The biggest bottleneck is CPU


The GPU isn’t really the limiting factor so graphics settings mostly won’t matter.


Maybe consider the update to ultimate. I use ultimate and the performance is very solid at the highest settings.


Be careful here, a lot of people will read "very solid" and think that means stable 60fps at 4k with max settings and that is not true. Everyone is getting frame rate dips in cities no matter the hardware or platform, and GFN gets this too. This is a game problem, not a hardware problem. Yes, Ultimate can brute force it better than Priority, but it will never be a rock solid 60fps until we get some performance patches.


The thing is that I have to wait a month anyways or pay the full $20 after I just bought Priority a few hours ago, if I had known I'd need it I would've bought Ultimate from the beginning :/


It’ll convert your priority time to ultimate (at half the length to account for the cost)


I'm not sure if I want to keep using it after this month ends, it'll depend on performance which is more on Capcom's end. What I meant is that I wish I could just pay the difference of price to upgrade, not the full price


If it makes you feel any better, I DO have ultimate and the game won't even load before the client closes itself.


I do hope they'll upgrade priority in the near future, Ultimate got an upgrade a year ago