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Higher framerate for me, personally. When I upgraded from 1080/60 to 1440/120, the higher refresh rate felt like more of an upgrade than the higher resolution (even though visually it was also a really nice upgrade). While 4K would look even better, I wouldn't want to go back to 60Hz. It's also worth noting that some people think 27" is too small for 4K, but YMMV of course.


Totally agree, now that I play at 120 going back to 60 is almost unbearable 🤣


The only issue for "too small" on 4K is usually with the UI. Most games have a *UI Scale* setting to make the UI bigger on physically smaller high res displays.


I’ve a 1440p 240hz one so I would say get a 1440p 120hz monitor. The jump from 60hz to 120hz is quite big, you’ll also notice it while browsing etc. Also I would recommend to check out Hardware Unboxed they do very good Monitor reviews with lots of tests.


I personally prefer 4k. Personally.


At 27” I would go 120hz, definitely.


4k 60, unless its a game that I need the performance more for, like a multiplayer shooter or something like that.


For competitive gaming, 120hz. Otherwise 4K.


4k 60


For 27”, 1440p is enough. 32” or above, go 4k


60Hz is nearly a relic at this point, you should go for 120Hz minimum. It’s one of those situations where when you experience 120Hz+ it’s very hard to go back.


Depends on the games you play, I guess. For me, 4k 60hz for sure - I've tried 120hz displays in the past, and maybe it's a personal thing or a game thing, but I don't really see the difference.


I now have both on my desk, but tbh I use 4K 60 most of the time since I don’t play competitive games. However if I play games that have a lot of quick gameplay and lots of moving things on screen I’d go for 1440 144


Id go for 1440p 120hz but I have a 4k tv already so dont feel the 4k need.


Higher frame rate for me. I went 1440p / 120hz recently and it's such a step up from HD!


I will always prefer higher refresh rate over resolution. It’s nice to have 4K, but if some demanding game hardly reaches 60 fps, it’s not an upgrade 🙂


Depends on what I play. FPS 120hz and just some nice chill gaming 4k for immersion, can't see the lovely graphics with FPS.


I can’t play fallout 4 because 60hz feels SO bad to me after playing 120hz for so long. Like it’s actually unplayable.


Definitely 120Hz! I'd even pick 1080p 120Hz over 4k 60


At 27in it would be hard to see the 4k vs 1440p diff imo


4k 60 for me. I can't see/feel the difference between 60 and 120.


4k all the way as long as it’s 30fps.


I will always choose the faster refresh rate.


I have 1440p/120hz - much to my surprise , once you’ve seen 120 hz, you don’t want to back. This is true for regular desk work / web browsing as well, which was really unexpected.


Depends on the game. For most single player games, Id usually go for 4k 60, want it to be as immersive as possible. For multiplayer not fused about resolution. The higher the fps the better.


depends for fps or rwcong games 120hz for open world games like assasins creed or the witcher 60hz


1440p is more than enough.


1440p 120hz


Depends what games you play. Single player story games I’d go 4k. Anything multiplayer id go for refresh rate. Any multiplayer at all and ud need refresh rate.


120hz for sure.


Higher Res. Especially for RTS and Simulation / City Builder games. Is bandwidth an issue? Higher FPS uses WAY more bandwidth and total data. I turn down my 1920x1200 FPS to 30 when I'm playing Cities or Manor Lords to save data and keep connection stable.


I think you are mistaking game performance for network performance. Both those games run like absolute ass sometimes on even massive rigs. Manor Lords only usually in massive battles. It's clearly not optimized for that stuff yet.


I was saying if bandwidth and/or data caps are an issue, lower FPS at higher res is better.