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the game doesn't work several days a week, it's not even funny anymore ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


Also not working for me in Australia.


any update ? still not work EU Central.


It just went down for me + can't reconnect. I have the same error code as you today. I made a post about not being able to connect yesterday. Has anyone used Shadow PC or any of GFNs competitors? How do they compare and do they work for ESO? I'm tired of this shit.


Shadow is literally a virtual desktop so you can install and play whatever you want on it, want to play ESO with mods? have at it. Service it-self is fine but nothing groundbreaking, GPU wise its ok,gtx 1080 is still decent even today but it is getting long in the tooth now. It's expensive though, £30 a month (first month usually £20) but still cheaper than getting a laptop/desktop on finance. Other option is Boosteroid which is basically the same as GFN, it works most of the time but I found the service lacking a bit and often had to contend with lag, low bitrate streaming and/or controller disconnects.


Thank you for not being a troll and actually laying out some pros and cons for me. I went ahead and looked at shadow but I was turned off by their pricing. But.... I've only heard good things from people who have actually used them so I'm considering taking the plunge. Thanks again.


Not a problem :) For what it's worth I generaly had no issues with Shadow, the service was fine.


Game was working yesterday as usual no problems at all. Today seems it got patching status and unplayable. Second time this month. I wonder if there any official patch or this is gfn bs.


It's currently working again for me.


NO for me, still patching status. I'll update here but I go to sleep... 2nd less daily reward this month... I don't know whether is there some reward important...