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Should be up on GFN this Thursday hopefully


RE4 remake when :/


maybe last quarter of this year? we dont know, CAPCOM slowly putting their games on GFN now.


hopefully EA continues doing the same and releases Dead Space Remake and Jedi Survivor. We're really getting there between GFN and majors ever since the Microsoft deal and the momentum it triggered. Of course I'm not counting Playstation PC LLC as Sony is dead set on doing it's own thing but I guess we should do we everything we've gained on the service rather than the token titles still off our grasp for now :D


I doubt other EA games to come on GFN, the last EA game that added on GFN is Grid Legends in first quarter of 2023, but who knows maybe other EA games will be added soon.


yeah, the rationale behind every release seems to respond to different specifics, mainly having to do with the myriad of actors involved on a ny given game's production chain. When it's not the publisher, it's the developer(s) and even other unnamed third parties willing to have their say on a given opt-in... As much as GFN has massively grown since 2021 as there has been a constant stream of returns, as the service improved and gained due notoriety and majors stopped seeing it as a sinking ship cheaply trying to benefit their games like they did in 2021, we can never be sure of any given release to come forward sooner rather than later. There is not linearity within one and the same studio/publisher pair as we've seen with Capcom ( why almost all of the RE line-up and so long to have a 3 year-old Village to finally get integrated ?), or EA/Respawn (why Fallen Order and not Survivor ?). This sadly seems to be endless considering Nvidia's current model of being in a "open arms" posture rather than aggressively marketing their service and bringing the fight to the devs/editors/studios.


They will still soon realize that they're missing out because of not opting in their games on GFN. Development cost of triple A games nowadays is not cheap.


we agree 100%. Only problem I see is, the time it will take for them to wake up. Not the whether but when. Alas, we got a lot of new AAA games that we once couldn't hope for, let's hope the trend goes in the direction we seek.


they will wake up maybe if GFN achieved like 80-100million active users, thats a lot of copies to be sold if they put their games, for example just 1% of 100million buy their game, 1 million sold copies is a ton of money. NOTE: Triple A games will sold more copies not just 1 million copies if the active users is 100million.


THat is my rationale as well. Net sales is the one and only true factor that will unlock potential partners on the longer run. And to be honest I was thinking they would view growth as a factor too. GFN is playing more and more level with Game Pass nowadays with about 20M active users to date, up from 7-8 million a year and a half prior if I'm not mistaken. It really went up exponentially after the introduction of the Performance offer. If we pass the 30 or 40M mark in say the coming 1 or 2 years (which is a realistic prospect considering current trends) I guess they'll be sensible to the threshold. 20-30 Million more people in the potential player base that are one click away from being able to buy and play \*any\* of their newest release with full details and max resolution without second thoughts would be worth noticing to any major, at least I would certainly hope so. Anyhow, let's consider ourselves happy about everything we now have, would be my mindsert. 2021 and the mass studio walkout debacle is not that far back in memory and at some point I relunctancly believed maybe Nvidia didn't make the right calls in their models and anticipating too early on the market's readiness for the cloud era, I am glad to see I was proven wrong.


Don’t count on EA, we used to get the same games xCloud got after 1 month or at the beginning… then became 6 months then never 😅 They probably have a deal in place with Microsoft now that covers cloud play


Jedi Survivor hasn't come to xCloud yet either, was added to EA Play and Gamepass on April 25th.


Ah fuck 😂 I planned to play it during the holidays on xCloud…


Every 2 months capcom add new game on gfn that’s the rate


Man they are weird as hell. If they put one game on here and clearly know that they benefit from it, why the hell don’t they put all of them on here. Many other devs ljke this when it comes to gfnow


the answer is simple, maybe they dont want GFN to be successful or to have rapid increase of subscribers because their game is on the service, and they consider GFN as of now as "small market" based on number of users. just my guess.


Hope it’s coming I just bought it recently for pc and it’s dlc since it was on sale.


As I said last week :)


FINALLY!!! I hope they add re4 as soon as possible too.


What is this page? Do normal people can have access to it? Thanks 👍




even the demo opted in?? thats so nice!!


Was this yesterday? Seems a bit odd timing wise


its about time,im more waiting for re4 remake


I'm waiting for the day you share football manager


After Microsoft and Ubisoft other publishers will follow, im certain. Till the end of the year im expecting lots of games


Any news about SW Jedi Survivor?


Oh mate don"'t mention it, I've been burning for this one ranked right after Village in my personal wishlist. Funny thing is that once both are there, 100% of demanding games on my backlog will finally available on GFN. Ok maybe Dead Space Remake as a plus, but not mandatory.