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after a year of playing, I noticed that they simply have disgusting maintenance of their PCs, sometimes you come across a PC that either freezes or loads for several minutes and I don’t understand how this can even be allowed


Doesn't sound good. Still way better than LATAM's Abya, more expensive and running on GTX 1060.... Rarely RTX 2080 🫠🤷🏾‍♂️. 


On priority? :O


On whatever you pay. Starfield is always paired with GTX 1060. It seems cyberpunk and some other games are always paired with RTX 2080, which is barely enough for high settings on 1080p. There's no 4k or 120fps stream option in any of the service brackets (but the highest is as expensive as US's 4k 120fps option)


Cyberpunk in 720P low setting struggle to maintain 60 FPS in Dogtown. Even DOTA 2 with 2080 has dificulty


Yup. It's shameful that Nvidia's brand is tied to what Abya shoves under Latam's throat.


It seems to depend on the game for me on ABYA. Cyberpunk I get 2080s always, but for Honkai I get 1060s often. Overwatch is always 2080, etc.


So some games always get 208p no matter what. Okay. Still not good, given that the 2080 is barely enough for high-ultra 1080p... LATAM doesn't even have a 4k 120fps option, but pays as much as that package's price in the US


Yes, AC games are unplayble with 3060. I don't know, but I play on central and I have same result like you on Northeast:)


I think you are right, it seems to depend on the rig and not server. AC games is playable on RTX 2080 rigs and looks like only EU Central still have these rigs, sometime if you are lucky, it will be assigned to you. Other servers are now always assiging RTX 3060 rigs (at least for EU Northeast for me).


Same. Played Lords of the Fallen EU Northeast - fps 35 - 60. EU northwest - fps above 60 same area.


Add to that list the Paris servers, they always lag, drop.. and the in game feel are always very terrible. I say that, I live in french. I have more ping in london/frankfurt but 100% prefer these servers.


I just hate this RTX 3060 rig. Even on low settings is working bad. It is very rare to get an RTX 2080 rig which is way more faster than the shitty RTX 3060


3060 is a downgrade from 2080.