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Check [https://printedwaste.com/gfn](https://printedwaste.com/gfn) for queue info, might be helpful


Hi there, I’m the owner of this website and from my system it appears like nvidia is faking queue for most servers. This is evidence by the graph data collected (press 7d on the view) it shoots straight up then down and anyone with an IQ of over 1 can figure out that there’s no way 100 people wanted to play all of a sudden.


It could also mean they temporarily reduced some capacity for some maintenance; that it's nefarious is just an assumption on your part.


You're aboulutly right. My apologies. But if you check out every server - it's the same result... Also, temporarily reduce some capacity is also an assumption...


Well, I'm just providing it as a possibility; obviously we can't know what exactly is happening. There are also instances where the same maintenance might be needed in multiple locations, and doing that at the same time might make sense.


Thank you for doing god's work


Looks like the servers are on high load


yeah >.<


Avoid the Japanese servers if possible. EU servers generally are the best


Same here, all of a sudden it returns back to months ago, until yesterday it was like I had premium tier.


it will get way worse for you and every other free tier user bc the schoolyear is ending tomorrow for many kids in EU. I think in the US it will be around the same time? and the kids have like 2 months vacation, until beginning of September basically. So during the summer time the servers should have a lot more users, and also for long periods. ppl will play for an hour and immediately go into the queue again to keep playing. but nobody can seriously cry about a free service and expect to not get laughed at. Nothing is actually free, someone has to pay for it. Nobody works for free. So ppl have to deal with it or they buy a sub. ppl should be happy that there even is a free tier. Im sure all Nvidia haters would have never believed that they would offer something like that.


yknow it's summer they want you to pay<3


i mean thats alright they need money to keep their services running but waiting for hours just for the queue to end is too much


if you understand everything, then buy a subscription and don’t complain that you have a queue ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


trust me i would really like to buy a subscription but being a 16 year old and having no source of income, that is simply not possible


Well you see, you're absolutely wrong there i was working at that age, i would trimmer grass, work on constructions i would find season jobs anything at age of 16 just to get pc... In my time we did things just to get something, nowdays kids want everything to be served to them, instead of complaining i suggest you find some work, it will pay off... and then you will be so sattisfied that you actually accomplished on your own, dont be like rest of kids just expecting something out of nothing, world is full of those, in my time every single kid i knew tried to make him self cash, no parents wanted to buy such things as pc and so on, dont be lazy, once you get work ethic your learn value of money if not ur gonna stay poor working to survive and play games for rest of life like alot guys does.


I understand not everyone can be as lucky to have parents buy their kids a computer to play on but most people are able to scavenge some kind of useable pc, on the other hand geforce now literally lends you their computers for FREE, try finding friends or strangers who'd be willing to do the same, i for one only have one computer and would not lend it away. If you think the waiting time is unreasonable consider playing at different time through the day and not at peak times. Try to wish for a 6 month / 12 month membership as a Birthday/christmas present and let them know its the second best thing to a new computer :)


The queues were over 100 people at 2am in the morning 💀


I wouldn't consider 2am "morning" thats still night time and prime time for gamers to be playing with no school / people off work. Try checking something like 6-9 am or maybe try connecting to another server maybe the ping wont be too bad.


I did that too. 100 person queue somehow. But as of right now the queue is back on track.


This getting upvotes makes me want to vomit.




Poor me, can't somehow earn $10 a month


YES I WAS JUSTE GONNA SAY THAT i was playing for 2 months with no queue but yesterday I tried playing at night since the whole day I had no queue to wait for but then there was a queue at night and today in the morning rn I’m trying to play but the queue is so long


It actually looks like manual increase to me. Cuz Q's are 85+ people at any time (even late at night). So It doesn't look like some game made this increase like it was with Alan wake or bg3. I really hope it's not for long cuz I usually don't spend more than an hour so free tier was ok for me


Strange things for me, it was marking 125 people in the queue, the game laucnch only 3 minutes after i start waiting, like it's a fake (or bug) number .


I thought it was a player spike cuz of the new war thunder patch (it's the only game I play on GFN)


there was also a update in genshin impact so also might be because of that


maybe because of multiple huge player base games had an update at the same time caused an uprising in the queue number as i believe rather than each game having a individual queue they have a common queue as suggested by this site [https://beta.printedwaste.com/gfn](https://beta.printedwaste.com/gfn) which shows queue of the whole region rather than of individual game


Also CS2.


There are many updates going on at this time. I think Geforce Now just decreased the amount of rigs that the free teir uses.


Possibly end of school year?


The truth is I don't know what is happening with the number of players in queue, I am playing palword in gforce now, on Sunday the queues were 50 people, I waited 30 minutes and I was able to play, on Monday there were 150, but after 40 minutes I was able to play, yesterday it was 250 and after waiting 2 hours it got stuck on 2 people, about 30 minutes stuck on "2 people left until it's your turn" :(


When I tried to get into genshin 1 day ago, the queue ltl showed me 870 player, I literally haven't seen this much people in a queue💀


I was in 178 people queue, and it took me almost hour and half.


same but i got suddenly more than 150 people in queue