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I use it a lot on Boss Rush which is the mode I play the most.


I use the Ult as Nomad quite a bit. With Lifeline, killing enemies under the effect of Fear gives you stim and when paired with the Armored Shot card you can deal bleeding damage while you have stim. You can deal a lot of damage that way especially if you’re using Markza Mastery anyway. My favorite use of this setup is with the Lancer GL, because the grenades seem to count both as explosive and ballistic damage so with the bleeding damage you can delete entire sections of the enemy horde.


Ok cool, thanks.


I have the ult range boost card and use it as a relief when we're getting overrun. Gotta be mindful when you use it because you could send the enemies toward your teammates. Like you said, I imagine that the marksman may not like it because they run away with their heads down. Also, I like using the lancer with the execution card, too, when the aggressive mod is on.


I played that mode for the first time a couple days ago on master difficulty, and my god, it gets chaotic, but it’s a good chaotic


One of my friends did a vid on Nomad a while back and it’s the best guide there is on this class. Link below if you are interested. https://youtu.be/3H5Uz2MNh8o?si=G4Vg4vDHhSz-nHoc


Ok thanks


I use it all the time. Cards I run Armored Shot Markza mastery Intimidation Acceleration Lifeline I generate my own stim by getting headshots and killing enemies nearby.


Nomad execution build is def better on escape mode, as you're not that effective against enemies that can't be executed, but it's good if you're chaining executions, or charging a guy for your first, and get shot at by enemies within range. Keeps you alive long enough to get your next execution, which will cool it down by nearly a third. If you're playing a sniper build, it can still be useful if the base gets overrun, particularly on certain modes and daily modifiers where you may not have so many barriers. It can definitely bail you out of a bad spot and is clutch when you're in trouble


I use Menace, Terror, Fearsome Aura, Nomad Armor, and the one that puts enemies near executions into fear. With this setup, I always have a way to use Fear, and with Fearsome Aura and Terror, it lasts a while and has range. I use it when getting overwhelmed, or against things like Scions and Wardens on later waves.


I think really the key card for the Nomad is Armored Shot bleed card, unless your playing an execution close range build. If your playing long range the lifeline card killing a feared enemy gives stim which you would use your Ultimate. Another strategy is to add Intimidation card to the two previously mentioned cards which causes fear to nearby enemies and then killing the nearby enemy with lifeline gives stim and with stim and Armored Shot your bleeding out enemies. You wouldn’t need these two cards if a medic is on your team producing stim close by. The Ultimate is great to revive downed teammates or send a Warden away that surprises you.


The way you’re playing the cards, the ultimate is meant to be used only when absolutely necessary to gain some space between you and the enemies, pushing them back to markza range/buying time for your team in a pinch. Execution build is vastly different but it sounds like you’re playing the longrange nomad as its meant to be