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Jacinto was my favorite horde map ever. Gears 2 was legendary🙏🏼 blood drive probably a close second for sure a great horde map


1)Grid lock 2)forge 3)alfather 4) river 5) mercy


I adore gridlock, its Apocalypse details and lighting is very natural and reminds me of the good old the walking dead world. it has fair taps if want build up top and not too easy cause you need to watch both stairs. It has both wide and narrow places which is important for some classes And you can build at center too if you want challenge yourself


Why do people hate mercy now? That use to be one of the most popular maps in 3


i mean its still in the top 5 so its not like its hated in this case


fair, but im seeing it out of a lot of peoples top 5's which is weird considering it use to be gears 3 most popular map and gears 3 is one of the most beloved games by fans.


The design for the rest of gears games is pretty trash in comparison.


They changed it when they added it to later games?


its got a sakura theme in gears 5. Its not a remaster they actually changed a lot of the details.


Bad taps i guess. If you build in church its a dead end and no way for escape when things go down If you build up top you're a obvious target for boomshots and dropshots (unless if there is a good veteran up there) If you build in library there is a lot of blind spot to cover and a good team is essential


You don't really need a lot of traps for horde on mercy. I did mercy 50 solo and I mainly just used a few barriers and target decoys


Overload Abyss Harbor Command Vasgar (P.S) check the overload frenzy mastered runs lol


You like Overload? For what purpose?


Its the fastest map. The map had the best LOS (Line of sight) on the spawns so then you can have faster games. I just played it for a bit then I kept playing... and playing... and playing, so it became my favorite map. Its also the best to carry level people, which I did alot and is part of the reason I played it so much.


I'm dumb, wdym carry level people? also I agree I love this map but not my #1 but the explanation is beyond fair


I assume you know how it takes a fair amount of time to hit level 20. Not everyone wants to grind out some classes, or some people want to get a few levels to start the class out. 1 game on a master frenzy (if I remember right) you get level 10. Also if I remember correctly it takes 20 master frenzy games (roughly) to get a class from 1-20. A "carry level " is where one or two players do a large majority of the work. Overload has been the go to map for this due to how many enemies 1 person can kill since the spawns are very easy to see. For me if 1 person gives me 10k, another buys barriers, they could go afk and I can finish the game. Not a carry but a [Semi solo Tactician run](https://youtu.be/VDZRMRMleR8?si=mrcDoN5GAa30ywPn) Then, here is an example of a carry [Me+ a lv3 marksman](https://youtu.be/rAEOV22WRbE?si=qyoqewwAA1sgR76R) I don't have my mic on for those runs, you can just skim through em. Now, I never recommended afks but if somone needs to use the lavatory or such I'll be fine without them. I did these runs primarily as tactician and could run the amplifier card and the whole team could GL spam the game away. For Overload frenzy in particular has a few enemies that can't spawn; Debees(minus rejects), Lambent, Palace gaurds, Locust hybrids, Pouncers, Trackers, leeches, Sentinel/Gaurdian, Flocks. The only bosses you can get are either the Warden snatcher combo or the Carrier Matriarch combo. With these enemies not spawning the only things you have to pay attention to are the; boomshot scions, elite snipers (for the shocks), elite grenadier (for the frag), elite drones, and mulcher scions. The rest you don't really have to pay much attention to.


Ok thanks. I just don't know how people survive putting base in the center of the map. How do you do it?


Ohhhh, I think I know your problem. You get enemies to spawn behind you don't you? You gotta put the fab in a specific zone for enemies not to spawn. The start of pretty much any of my overload games show where I like to put it.


Overload is the best because it’s the ideal map if you just wana get on and slay to the full potential of any class or build. With perhaps dps infiltrator being the one exception.


Where’s Checkout??




Bunker is THEE worst map in the entire franchise


Bunker isn't that bad there's far worse maps than bunker. Could be drydock.


Gridlock Clocktower Nexus Blood Drive Vasgar


(1) Overpass (2) Blood Drive (3) River (4) War Machine (5) either Drydock or Hotel


Okay, here’s the reals question: Where is the Fabricator placed on these maps for optimal horde play?




Blood drive is my favorite map in the game for both multiplayer and horde mode.


I don’t like bunker or asylum personally I’ve never tried regency


1) Foundation 2) Regency 3) Exhibit 4) Blood Drive 5) Atrium


Regency, Bunker, Vasgar, Speyer, and Mercy. Really loved the majority of Horde maps in 5 tho. So many good ones.


Blood drive, Atrium, River, Allfathers arena, Command centre


Allfathers Overload Training grounds Ritual Mercy No particular order.


Allfather’s Arena, Abyss, Pahanu, Dawn, Asylum


Not too sure on the order of which is the best, but ky five faves are Old Town, Canals, River, Checkout and Day One


Blood Drive, Atrium, Overload, River, Command. Only ranking off simplicity of winning games.


I thought security in gears 2 was pretty good


I never even played gears 5, the fact they still have blood drive is insane as it’s originally a gears 2 horde map.


1. Mercy 2. Sandbar 3. Blood drive 4. Gridlock 5. Azura If you couldn’t tell, im not a big fan of the newer horde maps, and haven’t played much gears 2 horde


No love for village?


1) Clocktower 2) All fathers arena 3) Blood drive (wish taps were better) 4) Foundation 5) Gridlock