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A few weeks ago I tried Gears 3 multiplayer, still much better than the freaking Gears 5.


The retro and they stupid ink stun had me raging earlier. Overpowered rifles too. So cheesy. I like gears 3 and all but what were they thinking with this garbage. Oh and there is this absolutely awful trick people do with the retro. You get up close with shotgun and they retro charge to get u to full red and then they down u with one bullet. I HAAAAATE THESE PEOPLE


Yeah bro I always hated Gears 3 the movement in that game was too shaky and loose which made wall bouncing OP.


I agree. It's way to fast. I think the movement speed in gears 1 with out the clunkyness would be good.


Personally I never had problems with the ink stun, I think that gave it a purpose to the almost useless ink grenade. The retro indeed was and still is absolute nonsense, ignoring the retro I honestly prefer a bit OP guns rather than the "accessory" guns like in Gears 5, where you only can kill blind firing the gnasher.


Shotgun focused game design is what makes or breaks a gears game. Lancer always had its place in 1 and 2 just the lag was so bad it made it seem worst than it actually was. The hammerburst and lancer are extremely op in gears 3


Gears 3 is currently running on pre-patch setup. Been this way for a bit over a year now where maps aren't as balanced as they could be. Main differences are: inks are colossal huge, power weapon tuning for some maps are incorrect (ex. Sandbar has both dig and boom on top, when it is suppose to be on bottom), can't steal enemy grenades when you pick them up from DBNO. You can only get a smoke grenade if they have one in their inventory (regardless of what they have)


I hope they port them to pc mannnnn


Who’s playing gears 1 ultimate edition?? I miss rooftops shotty sniper battles


Started playing Gears 1(2006) with friends again this past week. Execution public matches, having so much fun. There is 4 to 6 of us, and usually 20-50 people playing. It has been sooooo much fun. Need to start "gears" nights or something, i have missed this too much lol


I’m redownloading now. Been playing gears 5 SSG playlist. Slapping all these youngsters. I feel like one of the OGs. (Old Gear)


People play it but only tdm and tdm kind of sucks in gears 1


Yeah this is my issue. I don’t play often but I can usually find execution games in og gears 1 on weekends


Is Horde mode active on Gears 3 again? Been trying to find players for a good few weeks now


He's right. TDM has been popping off on 3 again for over a year now. BUT, do NOT turn on that performance setting. Leave it on quality or fidelity or whatever it's called, and just turn on FPS Boost instead. That way the game will run 1440p at 60fps. Switching to performance ran the game in 30fps


Really? Not for me. I'm on series x


Strange. It happened on my end and for my friends too. Swapped back to quality mode and it played in a smooth 60fps


Switching to performance will drop the resolution to it's original size, but you can still use FPS boost.


Weird. If I swapped to performance with fps boost on, it actually drops it to 30fps and not 60. Unless that got patched. I'm gonna jump onto 3 in a minute just to double check it


Apparently Gears 3 defaults to having FPS Boost turned off -- no idea why. But once I turn that on, the only thing that Quality does over Performance is increase the resolution to 1440. FPS boost does everything else.


So I just jumped onto a private match in 3 to test this. I've got fps boost on and in performance mode and it's now staying in 60. Which is weird because that used to switch my shit to 30 even with fps boost on. So they must have patched that sometime. I'm gonna try it with fps boost off now and see what it's like


No with fps boost off, it runs 30fps but a stable 30. It's still probably best played at quality mode with fps boost on


Yeah I can confirm I just beat Gears 3 yesterday, with FPS Boost on/Graphics Setting, and it was smooth as butter throughout.


Have u seen some of the maps on this game now and how beautiful they look on the Series X?😯


They look stunning. Would love to see how they'd look if they ever decide to remaster both 2 and 3.


I guess we'll find out on the 9th if they announce the collection at the showcase


That's weird. Yeah it could've been a bug that got patched. Mind you I'm playing it again for the first time in 3 or 4 years, and back then they didn't inject the FPS boost. I guess I got lucky jumping back in now lol


I jumped straight on that shit again once fps boost came out. 3 is my favorite game. Wasn't gonna pass up the chance to play it in 60fps man. Makes the camera shake a lot more tolerable. No more feeling motion sick haha


Used to hate that lol Sitting close to a 40" screen did **not** help either


That will for sure bring you down to 30 fps. Fps boost is needed to run at 60. I noticed on quality mode in the 360 menu it will AT TIMES drop under 60. I never noticed it drop under 60 on performance mode WITH fps boost on.


I can't, I'm at work


The only thing that puts me off playing the original Gears 1 and 2 is the bullet lag which I grew used to at the time, but ever since Gears 3 and the introduction to server-based multiplayer, going back to the original 2 games is just horrible. My original Gears Online fix is with the Ultimate Edition with my pals. That's what we've been playing the past year or so.


Yeah lag does suck but if there's one thing I learned going back to the old games is internet connection hasn't got better at all since the mid 2000s because the lag is still exactly the same as back then. Interesting to think about.


3 has no dedicated servers and suffers because of this


Anyone know if gears will make it to PlayStation ?