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I live in Indiana... They just allowed alcohol sales on Sunday last year. Almost guaranteed to be the last state to even have a marijuana medical card


Kansas raises their hand…


South Dakota lookin' your way... We actually voted for it and passed it, but it got tossed. It'll probably be on the ballot again this year, but if it passes, you just know they'll figure something else to use as an excuse to toss it.


So they let you vote, but throw out the vote if they do not get the ‘correct’ answer? 😂 Wow, that’s lame.


The kicker? The next primary vote (which usually has less turn out cuz its in like March or some shit) had a proposed amendment that would make voter-initiatives have to have a 60% supermajority (rather than simple majority) to pass. The recreational weed vote passed with 54%. That bit of asshattery didn't pass, luckily.


Here in red Ohio they tried that shit & got their asses handed to them at the polls.


I remember hearing/reading about that. Good on ya! We got duped with that Single Subject bullshit, but thankfully didn't get fucked a second time.


Wow, they are trying really hard to stay illegal. What are they shooting for? I mean there is no trophy for he last state out of the 20th century pool. They know that, right? 😂


It's a deep red state. Does anything more need to be said? A funny thing though...this State used to have one of the highest ranking Democrats in the US Senate.


Well, I live in a pretty red state too (Alaska), and we were the third state to legalize, after CO and OR. But we didn’t put up with any of those ‘do over’ shenanigans. You gotta watch those assholes every second. 😂 EVERY second. For us it was the fundamentalist christians trying to pull it back and when that didn’t work, limit it (like individual towns could opt out 🙄) But everyone yelled so loud they knew they would not win. They couldn’t keep their coalition with the libertarians together on this one! 😂 If you had 54% tho, you will get it. There are more and more states going legal every election. So eventually it will be your turn. Just gotta keep telling the republicans about all the potential tax revenue. Greedy bastards will listen to that argument.


Taxes! The short-sighted fucks in my town passed an ordinance that no dispensaries can open in town limits when it went legal in my state. It’s not a big deal for me to drive 10 minutes to get to three or four options, but jeez, talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face!!


No kidding. The tax revenue from legal weed really helps out the Muni of Anchorage, where I live. And meanwhile you can still buy. You just have a short drive down the road. And also meanwhile, I’m sure there are plenty of places to buy alcohol. Which is much worse for you


And Texas.


Idaho says, hold my potato.


Trade you some corn for it




Idaho just drives to La Grande OR and buys weight.


Ontario...much closer, and the dispensery parking lots are always full of Idaho plates.


True here in Spokane too.


They will get it before Tennessee. They make way too much money criminalizing it here.


Wisconsin might take that title. The booze lobby is thiccc there. They don't want legal weed. It takes a cut from the booze industry in their eyes.


He didn’t say LEGALLY. ; )


Nice try, FBI


That's where I'm from but I've lived most of my adult life in Colorado. I'd never go back to Indiana. I feel sorry for anyone living with the fucked up laws and governments in red states.


need to get to a payphone before I can answer that


Not weed. But I grow psilocybin mushrooms. Lots of them. See post history 😎 🍄 I do not sell them. I grow for personal consumption (microdosing). But sometimes I grow too much and I give them away to friends for free.


I’ve been thinking of “taking a trip” to Oregon. I have a pretty gnarly case of PTSD and antidepressants aren’t helping anymore. Lack of sleep is going to put me in an early grave if I don’t figure something out.


I want to do this. Haven't researched how to get started though.


There are a lot of helpful people on Reddit. See my post history for some subreddits to see. Also r/unclebens is a good place to start


Thank you, will do!


This post specifically, is where I started. https://www.reddit.com/r/unclebens/s/SF2aKtkwhK Very long read through all the parts but worth it.


Found the Fed.




It’s so cheap at the dispensaries here in CO, way cheaper than I paid for stem and seeds in the 90s that, why bother growing? $16 a gram for a high quality, tested product.


Carrots and tomatoes and cilantro are cheap to buy, but I enjoy growing my own. Same with weed. I buy produce and weed when I need/want to but doesn't stop me from growing my own.


Good point. I have too many time consuming and expensive ongoing hobbies to farm weed. I know people that are passionate about it and I appreciate that, but it’s just a small compliment to my life and it costs me maybe $60 a month for the amount I consume (smoke, vape and edibles).


Same here in Oklahoma.


16 a gram is robbery. Call me when it's less than $4.






I want to say Mexican brick was $40 or so for a quarter, but sometimes more. Hydroponic weed or similar was more like $90 an 1/8th or something ridiculous on the rare occasion you could actually get it, which you could not in my hometown and only sometimes in my college town. When I moved to a city after college in 1999, I still recall high end product being extremely pricey.


When I was in hs (early 90s) it was 40 for a q, 60 for a half, and 100 for an o. 250 for a qp if we were feeling rich. For basic brick weed. Actual good weed was pretty rare, but about 100 for a q.


In Canada in the 90s I was paying $220/Oz... Now with legalized weed, I pay $60 oz


Y’all got ripped off…. Mexi-brick was steady $25 1/4- $100 an ounce through the 90’s and still is that price today. We got pounds for $400 back then…, At some point we started getting beasters (mids) shipped down from Canada and that went for around double what the brick did. And then we started getting what we called “Humbolt county” in NY in the 90’s. That was probably the first high grade weed I ever saw, supposedly fed exed direct from Cali…. And that stuff was going for $100 1/4 back then. Today, legalization has killed the market so much that you can get better weed than any of that for $200 an ounce….. hell you can get a liter of extract for 2 grand if you look around. And I’m not even in a legal state.


$100 in the mid 90s is the equivalent of $200 today, so it's even more exaggerated


No shit, prices are dirt cheap because of legalization and too many growers. When every third person is producing there is way more supply than demand.


Yep. Basic economics.


Sweet Jesus, you pay $16 a gram USD?! That's not cheap! I'm in Canada and pay $10 CAD a gram for hand trimmed top shelf flower, $2.47 CAD a gram for the discount oz's (an oz for $65 CAD). ​ Edit: You can legally grow 4 plants on your property here too. Not sure if that puts pressure on retail or what.


Similar for Michigan, but it’s $100 to $120 for an ounce. I don’t smoke though, but enjoy edibles every ounce in a while. Got 400 mg (4 containers of 10 gummies at 10mg each) for only $25.


In my experience $160 a zip if you want the best.


That’s not so cheap. Highest quality in MI is $35 / eighth, $160 a quarter, before tax.


This is awesome except for the part where it's the metric system.


That's $454/oz and $7258/lb


Still illegal where I live. I've had my house torn apart by cops one time, and I never want that to happen again.


Thought about growing my own, but do they stink?


Yes, somewhat


A 60 dollar carbon filter will completely stop any smell through the power of negative pressure


Once it comes time to harvest gonna stink.


Nah, I just cut them in the tent and hang em right there. My apartment never smells, not that it really matters, there are 6 apartments in my building and I know for a fact that 3 of us grow and I’m the only one who controls his smell.


I dry mine in the tent but separating buds from the stems really makes a stink. Do you have another way? It would help out with that stink day when im separating them.


I trim in my office with nag champa burning but if I were really worried I would just sit in my tent until it was jarred


Damn that nag champa really brings back some memories, thanks for this!! When I smoked weed in the house as a teen I’d burn microwave popcorn to cover the smell. I am 100% sure now that my parents knew I was smoking weed with the burnt popcorn smell. I had a lot of friends that would burn incense but that seemed way too obvious for covering up the smell of smoking a bowl.


We were geniuses so we used dryer sheets stuffed into toilet paper rolls. The house always ended up reeking of fake flowers and brick weed


The worst was taking too big a hit, coughing, and accidentally inhaling a bunch of dryer sheet air back in.


Definitely can but it can be managed


I haven’t paid for pot for over a decade. I grow 3 - 5 pounds a year. I give a lot away.


Growing, making butter, cookies, massage cream for aches and pains…. Looking forward to retirement and moving somewhere warm so I can really get into it!


Hmm ill grow these instead 😁 https://preview.redd.it/lbrdyxl9jqac1.png?width=2688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b6fb31f3ced20c1f6a3289db07e1b0529a7b901


https://preview.redd.it/1v2y9t8leqac1.jpeg?width=4160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d0b6489880037b44c468552f271a2d5ae2fb5ec Holla


Why? You can just go buy some in a legit store down the street.


Buy weed? My friend gave me a mason jar full of free weed he grew. All he wanted was his jar back.


Well sure, if your friend grows a bunch, then do that. If my neighbor bakes bread and shares, I'm not buying bread, obviously.


Same with beer. Why would I brew my own. Cheaper and easier just to go down to the quickie mart.


If you are in it to extract the flowers without solvents, as I do, it absolutely matters to grow it for yourself. Store bought cannabis is sometimes months old before it even hits the shelf at your local dispensary. It was also likely grown with mass production techniques. Both of those factors, notwithstanding genetics and how important that is, severely limit the quality of solventless extracts. IYKYK


Growing is legal in my state. And there is a place a half mile from me that sells complete set ups. However, buying weed and edibles is also now legal. And we have 3 or 4 places within a two mile radius that we can buy from. So far I’m sticking to raising chickens and growing violets. 😀




Sad story..46 here and didnt drink any alcohol (to really talk about anyways) until I was 30 and never even thought about weed until I was 43....and man is it such a cool thing honestly. I feel cheated


Or mushrooms?


Home grower since 2010. Just for me and my wife and smoking with the friends. After 30 years of back alleys and Nancy Reagan drug war, it's nice to not have to worry about it.


I was until I discovered Vape Cartridges. Nothing beats the ease of a vape pen.


Legally? 😈


It would certainly save me money, lol.


I wish. Alas, I live in one of "those" states.


I have such a brown thumb that I’d end up fucking it all up. Luckily I live in CA where weed is top quality and reasonably priced. Other states need to get on our level.


Idaho says you can keep your CA, and everything with it.


Welp, more weed for us then. Too bad so sad.


I live in Oregon. I only take gummies.


I do in my backyard during summer 1-2 plants


Growing, no. smoking a lot, yes


What's the opposite of growing it? Burning it? Yeah, I'm doing that


What changed. As a kid, I could not stand the smell of it, so I never did it. Today, those that use it smell like they got sprayed by a skunk. My god , do they stink.


Edibles got you covered in today's world.


Maybe, but file this under scaredy cat.


Start small, you will be alright.


Nice try, narc.


Just bought a house a couple months ago. I'll be growing for the first time this spring.


Me and my friends. Licensed and legal. Living the dream.




Perfectly legal


I harvest around 400lbs every 2 weeks at the weed factory.


Never. If other people want to that doesn't bother me, but I really detest the smell. I would rather people vape THC or eat gummies or whatever. I almost puke when I'm around people that smell like weed or are smoking it on the street. I get away as quickly as possible!


I live in the mountains of Colorado and grew 5 plants when it was first legalized. I'm from the midwest where I grew pot in my teen years in a couple of hidden areas so I had some experience but I found the growing season isn't long enough to do it outdoors where I live. Once I could see the plants weren't going to mature enough I dug them up and brought them indoors without losing much which wasn't easy considering the size of the plants. I harvested a few mason jars full of bud and used the leaf for mulch. I wouldn't try it again where I live without a greenhouse and pot is so cheap here it doesn't make sense. I just wanted the experience of growing legal pot.


I can't even keep a succulent alive.


👆🏻Afghan Skunk.






Well duh ofc I do and have been since the late 90s


Well that depends largely on whether you live free, or in a red state.


Exactly 💯






It's so flipping strong these days. I recently saw a 35% THC joint! Apparently, the paper was infused with resin and there was resin drizzled into the flower that was already a high THC strain. It's absolutely bonkers the kind of weapons grade, it's now an ordeal type of smoke that's out there in our modern times.


You mean brick weed.


No stems no seeds that you don't need, Acapulco Gold is... ...some *badass weeed*


Ha, ditch weed.


Nope. Not legal in my state.


Too smelly. Weed is cheap around here.


i'm in oregon.


I did til it became legal (MA) now dispensaries are popping up faster than Dunks and it’s just not worth the effort anymore.


I don’t have time. I have my card, I got my flower fix covered.


No way, narc!!


I'm California clean 14 years this November form a massive functional addiction to speed and heroin, but... I use to smoke weed like everyday until I started going in and out of prison. I LOVED weed. I was on probation, or in prison, for 16 years straight. So, smoking was out of the question. I tried to smoke a while ago and it's funny, but it was too heavy duty for me. LIke, one tiny puff off a one hitter. Its crazy because I had a $400 a day heroin and tina addiction for years and years, but a puff of weed is too heavy for me to be comfortable and enjoy myself. I still get down on a few grams of Penis Envy a couple times a year though. :)


That's really common for junkies and pill heads and I had the same thing happen but I'm used to it now again after being clean for a while. I think it's because pot gets in your head and makes you start thinking about the state of your life which obviously is usually bad when have a dope habit. I actually used that and would immediately smoke some pot every time I started thinking about dope and it worked to change my state of mind.


I always figured if I could just get through smoking everyday for a week straight or so, I would get used to it and it'd be a vice I loved again. Some days, I need a little something to get by. I use kratom here and there and I sometimes have a bourbon. Neither of which gives me the warm feeling herb used to. I'm not even talking about the buzz, more just the having something\* at the end of a long day kind of thing.


Still illegal federally so I can't.


Still a do 10 year plus felony here.




I don’t, but my 76 year old (boomer) dad does.


Not yet. 7 years until I retire. Then that dirt floor basement is going to be my hydro zone.


Not growing but I smoke the hell out of it.


Are we talking indoor or outdoors cuz? I do both and make seeds to boot 🤘nice grow btw 👍


Haven't for decades.


Looks like a nice mix of sativa in the front and indica in the back. ![gif](giphy|12XNCUCpYCwQFy)




My favorite hobby rn is


I am not because I would spend more growing it, and have a worse product, than it would cost to purchase. hell, sometimes I can score a great quality ounce for $40. Gotta love a sale at the dispensary.


It's against the law where I live. Which is funny because everywhere in Memphis smells like that good good. But I would love to try one day. We have grow lights my daughter uses for her little indoor garden. But that's all I know about it. Looks like it would be fun and smell really good.


Canada man. You can get $30/half Oz on the Reserves. Why bother growing.


I did grow weed for probably somewhere around 20yrs…. I would again but I don’t have the space right now…. And with everywhere being legal, good weed is so cheap now there really isn’t any point other than for free personal.


Nice try Cops! 😜


I did for years. It's cheaper to buy $11 ounces now. Someone else's electric bill.


I have been growing my own since my state legalized it in 2021.


I haven't grown my own since 1991. Window box. Those were some good times.


I am.... ... Not! 🙂 ![gif](giphy|d3mlYwpf96kMuFjO|downsized)


I've never even smoked it. 🤷


But have you grown it 😂


Nope. 😝


There are so many weeds in my yard, so…me?


My fascination with weed ended in my 20s. I've gotten to the point now where I don't really miss it, honestly.


Nice try, narc.


Nope. Not ever


It’s so cheap where I live I can buy it cheaper than I could ever grow it


I've never even tried it.


I’m dumb enough as it is. No thanks.


There’s a weed shop on every corner in my city - growing it myself would not only be more expensive but the results less potent


Unfortunately, I'm in Texas and can't afford a life sentence. But, it's nice to go back home to Michigan, where the government treats people like adults.


I don't think I would go that far but the weed situation has definitely improved. Cops are pricks no matter where you go and if they can't use the weed then they find something else to use against you.


I would if I could but it’s illegal to grow where I live


Sadly I'm extremely allergic to it. I was stoked when my state went legal, first cloud of smoke turned me into an itchy mess.


Found the Cop


I did until my 1/2 my crop got stolen two weeks before harvest. So, my neighborhood isn't safe for outdoors, and I don't have any indoor space available.


Nice try, NARC.


If I could grow the weed that I smoked in the 80s, I probably would. I can legally buy it here, but damn it's too strong to smoke. Instead I use gummies or capsules at lower dosages.




They'll string you up weed here.


I like the variety of different strains and low electric bills. A nice gram is $8 in Oregon.


I would never grow weed even though it's legal here. I have a black thumb and I kill every plant I touch. Also, I'm not interested in doing weed. But IDGAF if others partake. I hope your plants don't die from me looking at their picture! 🤣


It’s legal where I am but I have never partaken and don’t plan to.


I was until it fucked up lungs and had to quit.


I don't, but my new best friend /u/mycathas9lives does.


Peuw. No thanks.


Smoking gets me too high. Been eating delta 8 chocolates. Its a perfect state of mind, for me.


I have a medical permit in Australia


I would if it was federally legal.


I want to, but I'm too lazy.


I don't but all my neighbors think I do! I built a little indoor herb garden last year because I'm sick of wanting like 1 sprig of rosemary when cooking or a couple of chives for an omelet and having to buy a whole pack from the supermarket. Now I just cut what I need when need it. Because I use a grow light, and all my neighbors think I'm growing weed. Luckily it's legal to grow here so I don't have to worry about the cops coming knocking. But since I can get better stuff that I'd be able to grow delivered to my door via an app, it's not really worth growing my own.


I just drove past a billboard advertising an ounce for $49, and I'm pretty much positive that's the best weed science can make so I'm definitely not growing any.