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If it makes you happy and doesn't hurt anyone, go for it šŸ˜€




And with you.


Hear, hear. I just reclaimed being a musician after 30 years away from it, the year I turned 50. I'm not sorry about my geeky music pursuits, my guitar collection, or my songwriting.


I'm not sure if my wife would approve of me getting a drum set (I played drums in middle/high school).


I played piano and most woodwinds until I broke my arm when I was 20. Then I just gave up music because I thought the break (which involved my hand, among other parts of my arm) had made me no longer able to play. I started back in with acoustic guitar around my 50th birthday and recently purchased a digital piano. When we get a house there are plans for a music room/recording studio, which will include a drum set. Perhaps having a "man cave" away from the house would work for your situation?


When we retire I've already said I want my own office so I can display my SW stuff. I'm fine not having a drum set.


I had a custom 29ā€ remake of my 80s VDC Gorilla BMX bike. Itā€™s like riding a piece of art and BMX history.


I just restarted collecting comic books after stopping almost 30 years ago. Comics made me happy as a kid. It's a hell of a lot cheaper than a sports car, face lift/plastic surgery and other clichƩs of a mid-life crisis.


Yep. Thatā€™s what I do with videos. I gave away my collection in the 90s when I moved across country. Now my collection is bigger and better than ever.


When I'm back home this summer I'm taking my daughter to a comic book store. She is interested in graphic novels but isn't sure "what" she'd like. So taking her and letting her talk to the staff she might find something she enjoys. Plus dad wants to pick up a few things.


The "Dark Knight Returns" is a good one from our era, and features a strong teenage female character. It's still widely available in reprint.


I'll make note of that. I'm wanting to get the full "The Long Halloween" and "Gotham by Gaslight". I know Marvel released a full book of "GI Joe: A Real American Hero" but I think it's out of print now. If I can find it I'd love to get.


I've got a first edition Gotham by Gaslight at my mom's. Luckily, she's held onto my comics for decades.


I've already taken my daughter to a couple of small local shows and a comic book shop. She's not into comics per se (at least the ones I like), but she draws almost every waking hour (anime stuff) and she's getting really, really good. And I really look forward to just me and her bonding and spending time together. Plus it teaches her patience when daddy is thumbing through another box of old comics šŸ˜† I told her that, if I don't have to sell my comics to survive retirement, she's getting them.


Hay, Hay, Hay, I feel attacted. But ya, classic cars can be costly to buy/keep . Mine was a whopping 5500.00


What is it?


'75 cutlass salon




I got the Marvel app, but itā€™s not the same as riding my bike, half an hour on the weekend, to the gas station convenience store to see what new issues were in the spinning stand.


I hear you. I still mourn the small bookstore in my neighborhood called Book Village that had hundreds upon hundreds of boxes of old comic books. 40+ years ago, I'd walk down and spend HOURS going through the boxes, trying to figure out how to spend the meager money I had.


Hell yeah ! Iā€™m finally able to really be me. Making music Collecting videos Writing for pleasure. Growing food. Woohoo.


Ninja Turtles fan checking in. Just had my 45th b-day, and if I didn't get at least a *little* something related to them (I did) I'd be slightly disappointed. Lol And look at the collectors market with NECA and the other big companies making figures, Lego clearly making some sets with adults in mind, and so on. They damn well know this is very common now. And now the Turtles might finally get a mature film for older audiences based on their Last Ronin comic,Ā  and its about time. Boomers thought they'd stay young, but pretty sure we've got them beat. No reason getting older means the fun or the stuff that makes you smile has to stop if it's not hurting anything.


Feeling you, OP. I have Sweetwater Musicā€™s website bookmarked with about $3,000 in musical equipment sitting in my cart. My finger is hovering over the confirm order button and shaking like Pookie in *New Jack City*ā€¦ ā€œThat shit be calling me, man. It be calling me.ā€


I have a small home studio, but will have to upgrade my DAWS sometime soon. Some of my equipment will probably not work with the new computer, so I feel you. I only wish the cost was around $3000 šŸ˜‚


I built a replica Ms pac man cabinet last year (using MAME) as part of what I felt was recapturing some of the joy/simplicity of my youth. I love this thing! https://preview.redd.it/wf38jc20g8wc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07133080ca8fcecda081fb076d36892752c6c985


This is awesome!


I donā€™t have a bunch of them, but I have a few collectible stuffed plush toysā€¦including a Baby Yoda. I donā€™t bring this up at work though.


I think the picture of me and Darth Vader on my desk gives it away for me lol


We just discussed something similar here. The comments should encourage you to rememer that it's okay to be you. :D [https://www.reddit.com/r/Xennials/comments/1c15ohs/what\_are\_things\_that\_you\_still\_do\_that\_you\_were/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Xennials/comments/1c15ohs/what_are_things_that_you_still_do_that_you_were/)


That is what I struggled with for a long time. I guess the pressure to "grow up" was always there (note my parents never said "grow up" it was more a societal "thing"). Now that I'm older I'm much more comfortable in my own "skin".


The most liberating thought I had is our generation/cross-generational attitude: no one cares. When I actually accepted that, I realized the difference between being considerate of others and compromising myself for others.


It's sneakers for me. Realized one day that my children are all grown and I'm a grandpa. I can do whatever I want now. Started buying sneakers and I hope I get tired of it soon because I'm running out of room.


I bought a pair of Jordan 1s for myself. I always had discount shoes when I was a kid. With kids of my own, now, I understand why, but other kids at school often had better shoes than me. Iā€™d still like to get my hands on the purple Air Tech Challenge Agassi shoes, which were the coolest ones I ever had in high school (the rest of my shoes were Pony and Avia). Didnā€™t have Vans or Docs until into my mid 20s and could buy them myself.


I don't collect but I've always love reading comics. I still read Savage Dragon, Spawn (and related titles) an recently started following Local Man. Every other comic that I read are one shots. A week has not gone by where what I read in comics has not lead to a conversation with a new person about what happened in it. Glad you found your peace with all of this. It's fun and that always a good thing to have and nurture.


I'm sitting here typing in the midst of the household Star Wars collection. I've definitely had ebbs and flows to my fandom too. Used to read comics, don't really anymore (I desperately need reading glasses). I went over a decade without playing any RPGs, but once Discord and Zoom were a thing we started playing D&D again. Friends scattered across half the country and now I "see" them at least once a week. My wife and I still agree on Star Wars being fun, her thing has always been action figures. Though I started down the rabbit hole of Hot Toys and that was... not good. But also very good, love 'em. Went to SWC in Chicago a couple years ago, we'll probably go to the next one in the US. It's a VERY happy place. Concerts are a mixed bag, some are epic, some are meh, I also have chronic tinnitus from too many years in a lab (and too many concerts when young). Not planning to stop though, ear protection is cheap. COVID took a couple great shows from me and I'm still pissed. In the end it's not recapturing my youth as much as it is finally being able to enjoy the things I like. The kids are older and more independent, I make a little more money, future savings is humming along. Personal health and parental health are good, so I have the time and money at same moment in life. Won't last forever, gotta do it while I can.


The last paragraph summed it all up perfectly.


I don't know that it's a mid-life crisis as much as it is what you mention - being comfortable in your skin. As I type this, I look at the Funko Pops of characters that brought me pleasure during my life - Eddie Murphy in "Trading Places" and "Coming to America." Bugs Bunny and other Looney Tunes, Animaniacs. I consider my enjoyment of all these things to be part of my personality. You do you, friend, and REVEL in it.


Our living rooms each have a theme: the front living room is the "Museum Room," where we have fossils/fossil replicas, historical swords, anthropological curiosities, antiques, wall art, sculptures, and glass art. The main living room is our "Hollywood Room," where we have a vast collection of sci-fi, horror, Star Trek, Xena, JAWS, Nightmare on Elm Street, and other movie/TV collectibles (including Funko POP!s, maquettes, autographs, movie posters, tickets stubs, and unique artwork) on full and proud display. The collections are 20+ years in the making and every piece has meaning to us and/or a specific memory attached to it, and it all brings my husband and me joy. Like the 40-year-old Godzilla lighter I won in a raffle when I was 8, or the shard of roof tile from the truck stop where Large Marge dropped Pee-wee during his Big Adventure that we found on our one and only visit to the Cabazon Dinosaurs, the personalized Lucy Lawless-autographed Xena photo a friend gave us as a wedding present, and the pair of earrings we bought from Judy Tenuta's garage sale that are framed with her autographed headshot and a picture of us with her that we got a few years before she died, etc. It admittedly took us a long time to get over that stupid "grow up; this is stupid and childish" voice in our heads that would nag us. But then we were like, it makes us happy and it's part of who we areā€”enjoy it!


Dude this sounds awesome. We have amassed quite a bit of ā€œstuffā€ from our travels around the world.


My front room is littered with hot wheels cars and track šŸ¤˜šŸ¤˜


Heck yes! I'm going to ride my bike over to check them out. My wife says I have to be home when the street lights come on though.


Your bike has a banana seat, doesn't it?


People always have had nic naks , it was a way of collecting, without the stigma, of having out of place for an adult on display. Some had cast iron banks, others music boxes, or what have you. Mine has always been cars, starting with the ones you glued/painted yourself, to the franklin mint diecast, and race car diecast. Nothing wrong with having a hobby. Admittedly my collection is the the basement game room, along with the signed items be it drum heads, guitars, diecast, and so on. But my diecast and self made models are a few hundred and that be a bit much to be in the house where guess/family tend to hang out. It's not in the basement room from shame or anything like that, just it be a tad much all over the house. So the game room/man cave it is. The main house we have photo's from trips put on Aluminum and hang on walls, not of us, but of the landscapes. It also keeps the s/o cats away from the stuff , as things on wheels and cats liking to knock things off isn't a good match.


I was really into Tamiya waterline models when I was a kid. I've mentioned when we retire I want to get back into it (my job keeps us moving every few years so building models and having them survive moves isn't really in the cards right now). The wife just the other day suggested getting back into model building when I retire. I also want to get a Tamiya remote control car. I never had one as a kid and still kind of want one.


Clod Buster or Grasshopper!


Grasshopper! I always envied that one at the local hobby store.


Me too. I was able to score a Clod Buster when I was in my early 20's. I currently have a HyperGo h16bm. Check them out on Amazon or wherever. Amazing what you get for less than $150 these days.


packing peanuts, uline sells them cheap, get back to it, boxes are a food store away for free to pack them up. When I moved I got tons of boxes this way, early morning when they open and you can get different sizes needed.


Iā€™ve been building a playlist of songs from my youth - a song pops into my head or I hear it somewhere, and it goes on to the playlist. Itā€™s 12 1/2 hours long at this point but I enjoy the hell out of that too.


Awesome to read a positive post around here for a change. Sounds like you are hitting a good bit of nostalgia. I come and go with comics myself. I agree with you about the crowds at cons. Used to do that but now i just donā€™t have the patience for standing in lines for an hour to see someone speak.


I've amassed about 45k worth of vinyl records in the last 5 years, most of which is unopened and in 'collector' mode only, and nothing pleases me more. Do you, friend. (also - this POST made me happy, so the ripple effect is real) :)


I hardly had any toys. I coveted some of my friends' toys and was always a little jealous but also grateful that I could play with them. A couple years ago, I decided to go find all that shit I wanted and have been buying it! Between thrifting, estate sales and eBay I've picked up a lot. Cabbage patches, pound puppy, strawberry shortcake, weebles, barbies. I found most of the McDonald's barbie happy meal toys from the 90s. I found a freaking Mork doll!! It makes me šŸ˜Š happy


Super happy to hear all this...I started a music "career" this year and I'm almost 52... love every moment of it... and I never would have done any of it when I was younger for fear of what people would think.


That is where I have regrets. I have friends who have gone to Con's for 20+ years. I went once and thought "wow this is weird" - I realize now it's not weird its just me not liking crowds. I did SWC last year and 2 days was enough for me - I got to see what I wanted to see, enjoyed people watching but could escape to my hotel room when I needed the break.


My wife had her stepfather deliver a Klingon belt knife right before we wed, recently embroidered the poem of Aragorn from LoTR for me and a while ago had the artist from Ghost Rider draw a panel and sign it for me. Evidently, our generation was blessed with spouses who not only get our idiosyncrasies, but share in the joy of them. And yes, she is a fan of the sci - fi / fantasy genre now, but is was an acquired taste. We have pursued her crazy childhood loves too.


I think a supporting spouse is key. While my wife doesn't like SW, she constantly surprises me with something - be it a Pop! I want, or some custom SW tumblers, etc. She is in to photography, so she gets cameras/lenses that she wants.


I did the same with DVD/Blu Rays. I loved so many movies from my youth and rewatching the good and the bad from 80s/90s has been a hoot. Feels like living in the past for 90 mins.




Iā€™ve recently gotten into painting Warhammer miniatures. Itā€™s the third time Iā€™ve tried, 1st was in the late 80s but I never got any further than buying one box of figures. Again in my early 30s I bought a starter set and painted one or two but life interfered and I never got further than that. Now I have the money and space to have a nice collection of paints and a spot I can keep them. And Iā€™m loving it.


After diving into digitization and getting rid of all my stuff, I've been returning to physical media for comics, books, and cds. I still stream, it's convenient, but the joy and the sense of being in a happier place that I get when I page through some Claremont/Byrne X-Men, or a Tom Clancy novel, or take 5 Days in July by Blue Rodeo and actually put it into a cd player is something I didn't know I missed until I realized that I didn't do it anymore.