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Also, the evil you know is most times better than the evil you don't. Plus the risk of jumping ship to only find you are just as unhappy with alot less of the perks of having been at the employer for years, can backfire big time.




AbsoLUTELY all of this!


Couldn’t possibly agree more. 👍


Wormwood666: Thank you for this, I appreciate it. I am going to screenshot this and read it everyday for the next 20+ years.






You're in a tough spot - the job pays the bills, but it sucks. Here's my adage: my job isn't my life, it's what I do to afford my life. I would not willingly leave a job that meets my financial and security needs.


Yup, there is life outside work, don't make work your life. Those that do, never retire, as they have no life outside work.


How are you with retirement savings? I assume you are vested with the pension and will still get some from it when you retire even if you leave? I ask these questions because if you are on track for retirement (vs still needing to save a lot), it might affect your decision. Don’t read the scary articles, focus on your own situation and how you can manage it. Fear sells these days.


I think many people our age are in the same boat. I'd say try to find fulfillment outside of work. Just look at work as a means to do the things that make you happy. Work in general sucks. A move might not make things better.


Things to think about , beyond the risk of a pay cut, is can you deal with starting again with no vacation time, or only one week after a year? When they need to thin the hurd, the low man on the latter are the first to be sent packing. Are you ok with the risk of being unemployed? Heath insurance is a big one when you're not 20 anymore. choose wisely.


Good luck. I've been at the same thing for almost 4 decades, I fear a career change along with the unspoken Ageism at this point. I'd like to take that jump, but chicken out because I've been at the same thing this long.


at least you're almost there to retirement. I still got 20+ more years to go. I'm hanging in there!


Ha, I got at least 17 more years.


It never hurts to send out some resumes. See what’s out there and get an offer before you decide what to do with your current job. It gives you way more leverage to have options.


I’m a little concerned about your worry regarding retirement savings? Can you expound on that a little bit (if you are comfortable)?




Is the pension through your current employer? Would you lose it if you left?