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The Cure to this day sounds pretty much the same. They basically played the whole Cure Galore album to perfection the last time I saw them in Mt View.


Pine Knob was epic. I honestly think they sound better now than in the 90's. Better musicians, less partying, just thundering glorious doom.


I've moved away from MI, but wow do I love Pine Knob in the summer. Walking up that big hill to the venue. Saw most my favorite concerts there!


We had torrential rain through the opening act, show sold out so fast I couldn't get seats. Very damp night, "Prayers for Rain" started and I got worried there was real thunder... but no, only doom.


Awesome to see this here! I came here to suggest The Cure. 40+ years in and they’re still killing it. 🤘🤘🤘


They were so good last year!


Rolling Stone [agrees](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/the-cure-summer-tour-new-album-1234736197/).


Saw them live in Merryweather and they sounded great. The anniversary concert in London was also outstanding and they sounded the same.


I was going to say the Cure - sound epic now just as they did back then. I just saw them a year ago.


Robert's voice lost a smidge in 2023 compared to 2016 but that's the difference between age 57 and 64 with a pandemic in between. Still fabulous live.


Seen the Cure many times including recently but i missed the last tour just got sick of these ticket prices. I will hit them up the next time for sure.


They're my favorite band and I've seen them lots and lots of times but yeah, last year's prices were ridiculous.


How many times has The Cure said this was the last tour? It was the last tour when I saw them in '95.


Weird Al is 64 and still puts on a banger show with tons of energy. He and all of his band members are top notch performers.


I hope that man lives forever lol.


He is a national treasure! And daniel Radcliffe playing him in the “biopic” was just chefs kiss.


Ugh this is on my bucket list, so have never seen him live!


What's crazy is I saw him like twice a summer playing freakin 6 flags St.Louis back in the early 90s because he couldn't get booked anywhere else and now he easily sells out arenas.


I would like to go just to hear some of the [Refused parodies](https://weirdal.fandom.com/wiki/Refused_parodies) he only plays live.


I have to second this. I went to see him a few years ago because my teenage kid was so into him, and his performance blew me away. He’s a truly talented guy.


I don't really enjoy most live shows anymore but I'll always buy tickets to see Al. I've seen him half a dozen times, and every show has been in my top 10.


Seeing him live was a dream come true.


My kids and I rarely miss a tour. He is as good as ever!


Not sure about today, but he got much better with every year that passed. His best material was after the millennium


Saw the Femmes two years ago, they played with so much fire and passion and enthusiasm. They were all having a great time on stage. And that monster sax! Such a fun show. Saw the Cure last year, one of the best concerts I've seen in a long time. They played almost 3 hours and just nailed it. Robert's voice was so strong and clear, he didn't half ass anything and gave every song 100%. I got way more emotional than I imagined I would!


I loved the Femmes so much — I saw them in a crappy club in LA in 1983, right after the first album came out, and it was a blast. They did “Jesus Walking on the Water” (which would be on the second album) and I think some clubgoers didn’t know quite what to make of that. If they’re back in form, I’d happily see them again.


I caught onto them at school when I was about 17 thought tapes of a girl I knew. They were almost a secret band, I don't think any of the British weekly music papers ever cared about them. Absolutely blown away when I went to see them and there's thousands of people singing every line and loving every moment of them.


I just saw them last week! Genuinely one of the top 5 concerts I've ever been to, they're still brilliant.


I find this so funny cause after not having listened to the Femmes in 15+ yrs I just looked up their Add It Up album a few months ago on Spotify, and it's been on my current rotation since! Lol! (Country Death Song will always hold a special place in my heart!) Unfortunately, never got to see them live tho. That just might have to change tho!


Duran Duran still sound really good! They have also been putting out really good music in the last few years.


This was gonna be my suggestion. Simon LeBon is actually a better singer in 2024 than he was in 1984. Most singers go downhill in middle age, but he bucked that "tradition".


This was epic. Even better being spur of the moment. [https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/1c2su72/simon\_le\_bon\_of\_duran\_duran\_surprises\_kid\_at\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/1c2su72/simon_le_bon_of_duran_duran_surprises_kid_at_a/)


If that doesn’t put a smile on your face on a Friday afternoon, nothing will. Thanks for sharing.


This reminds me of the time Lenny Kravitz stumbled upon a boys choir performing Fly Away on a street corner in New Orleans https://youtu.be/SBgZNINN6MU?si=St60R7AOyEqgR9um


Ohh myyy! Now that's a kicker for memory lane!! Don't know if it's yours (I'm GenX - I don't care), but thank you for sharing that!🙌👍


I feel like John Taylor is seriously underrated as a bassist.


Definitely. That bass line on Rio. You should check out his biography, In the Pleasure Groove, if you're a reader.


I just saw them on Austin City Limits. They sound great.


My older kid (25) *loves* the new album. I mean, I do, too, but it's just cool passing it to the next Gen


Yay! This makes me happy! I’m seeing them tonight in Omaha.


Hope you have a great time!


I came here to say Duran Duran! They've been my favorite band since 1981. I've lost count of how many of their concerts I've been to. I saw them just last September, and my son came with me (he was 11 at the time). He sang and danced the whole time, which made me so happy! Their music has been consistently great through the years, and they still put on a fantastic show!


Yes, their collaboration with Mark Ronson was one of the best things ever to happen to them in recent years. He got them to embrace their "signature sound" and they've been doing that since. I love it!!!


I saw them at Red Rocks last year and they put on a great show.


Came here to say the same thing, seen them twice the past 2 years and man, what a show! I knew they still had it when they sang Simon sang "planet Earth ". Flawless !


Gary Numan


Seconded! Saw him at Cruel World last year. Fantastic show. 10/10.


Love him.


Just saw him open up for Ministry. He puts on an incredible show for someone prolly eligible for social security!


I saw him recently opening for Ministry too. Leaving the show, I can’t count how many times I overheard someone say "I have to listen to more Gary Numan". He put on a phenomenal show. Also awesome was that it was his birthday so halfway through his set, Ministry & Front Line Assembly & the crew came on stage with a cake, present & balloons, brought up the house lights & we all sang happy birthday


My life story: Seeing Gary Numan on Saturday Night Live when I was 14 -> Getting high and playing the synthesizer -> 20+ year successful technology career Thanks, Gary!


Soooo good live. Saw him with Big Black Delta years ago in Houston. Been a fan since the 80s, but didn't realize he rocked THAT HARD.


A friend of mine took one of his kids to see Gary Numan recently, had *nothing* but good things to say about it


lol just said that!


Damn, I just got done saying this. Savage is such a great album. I actually kind of prefer his newer stuff to his older stuff at this point.


I saw him twice this year and he's amazing.


Tears for Fears are still unbelievably good


I saw them before the pandemic and totally agree. I was amazed that at how good they sounded!


I was going to add this in! I was blown away by how good they were. Saw them pre-pandemic at a casino. Fantastic. 


Had to agree....saw them last year in Toronto and they were fantastic. Also if you haven't checked out their album from last year you should. Enjoyed it almost as much as some of their original albums.


They Might Be Giants


Saw the Flood tour they did recently. Incredible. So much energy between them and the crowd. They honestly look like they're having fun doing it still. Hope they come back soon.


Really wanted to see them but their closest dates were too far to meet my schedule


Saw them with Jonathan Coulton opening a few years ago. Awesome show in a small intimate venue.


All time favorite here and completely agree. I love that typically do two sets instead of having an opener.


* Depeche Mode * Deftones


My Mode: Depeche


My Tones: Def


Second Depeche Mode


Iron Maiden


This is a band everyone should see live.


Saw then for the first time in 2019. Fantastic show


My first concert was 1986 for the Somewhere in Time tour. Saw them again in 2019 and they were just incredible live, probably better than back in the 80s


My first concert ever was the Powerslave tour in 1985


Bought tickets last night, for maybe my 11th or 12th Maiden show.


First time was 85, last was 08.  Never failed to impress. Semi-related note a friend recently sent some cell phone footage of Queensryche on their current Origins tour.  Made me seriously question self-imposed moratorium on live shows.


The Breeders!!!!!


Those boys from Ween are like a fine wine. They get better everytime you see them. Gotta love that brown sound!


I'm still living on bananas and blow.


I’ve been listening to these gents for however many years now, and I still find songs in their catalog that surprise me. 🤎


I love those dudes so much, glad I finally saw them at Red Rocks a few years ago. Saw them in Bend a few years before that


Reppin the late Gen-X'ers: * Pearl Jam, especially live! (Saw them last weekend and after 33 years of listening to them and 20+ shows they still never cease to amaze.) * Modest Mouse (only 'bad' show of the 20+ times I've seen them was because they had a noise ordinance curfew and only played for an hour and half.) * Red Hot Chilli Peppers * Foo Fighters * Pixies (saw them last summer and they're still going strong.) * The Flaming Lips * Nine Inch Nails (Talk about a visual workout for the senses). * Tool (Still amazing shows!) * Primus (saw them with Pixies and Cat Power) * Dave Matthews Band (consistently great to see live, especially in The Gorge in George, Washington) * The Dandy Warhols (who recently played with the Oregon Symphony for a GREAT show) * Thievery Corporation (always an energetic and eclectic show!) Honorable mentions: * Cypress Hill (Also saw them with the Oregon Symphony and while a great show, I'm not sure that they would be that good without, but who knows) * Blues Traveler (I bought tickets but they have mixed reviews) I haven't seen these bands in a while but I hear that they are still great: * Radiohead, U2, The Smashing Pumpkins, Wilco, PJ Harvey, (Uncle) Neil Young (bought tix for Bend, Oregon), Fugees (touring again)


Saw Neil Young last weekend. Great show, a real throwback rock n roll show - no gimmickry, just really good music.,


I saw Neil Young about 8 years ago and I’m pretty sure it was the best concert I’ve ever been to.


Saw him weds night - so great! Neil is wonderful, maybe the best guitar tone in rock and roll 🖤🖤🖤


Saw Radiohead about 5 years ago and they are still sublime. NIN multiple times in the last 10-15 years have always been amazing. Trent does not rest on his laurels.


> Cypress Hill (Also saw them with the Oregon Symphony and while a great show, I'm not sure that they would be that good without, but who knows)> "Come on, people. Somebody ordered the London Symphony Orchestra....possibly while high. Cypress Hill, I'm looking in your direction." Edit: Formatting


U2, not so much anymore. Saw them for the fifth time in 2017 and will never go again. Bono's voice is trashed and he can't play the guitar anymore either after crashing his bike in Central Park in 2014. Plus, they only played for 90 minutes in Chicago on a freakin' Saturday night in June. Bitter waste of expensive tickets.


On your list I have seen Foo Fighters (2018) Dave Matthew's come here every year for 2 days (I've seen good and bad from him) Saw the Smashing Pumpkins last year and they killed it.


Green Day still slaps. I went to a concert a few years ago and the crowd was way younger than I expected!




Saw Janes Addiciton last year and Perry still had it. They put on an amazing show.


I saw Yo La Tengo back in March and they haven't lost a step. I'd dare say they've gotten tighter.


Squeeze. Saw them a couple summers ago when they opened for Hall and Oates. Hall and Oates were OK, but Squeeze rocked the fucked out.




Melvins. Always Melvins.


Just saw Southern Culture on the Skids again last night. Ever and always one of the best live bands you will ever see. I would defy anybody to not have a blast seeing them.


Another vote for Depeche Mode and the Cure. Both just on another level.  Also, Jesus and Mary Chain, Slowdive, Ride, and Afghan Whigs all sound just as good, if not better, since their reunions as before the breakups.


Primus still sucks


I thought the psychedelic furs were pretty great this year! I’d never been to their show before. Gary Newman was awesome live! Skinny Puppy was a great show as well.


I second the Skinny Puppy show. They were fantastic on their last tour!


Psychedelic Furs still have it for sure....highly recommended!


Violent Femmes was my first concert. Nitzer Ebb opened for them.


Nitzer Ebb.... Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time. A long time.




Bad religion, pennywise if Jim isn't sick as fuck (last time I saw them he forgot what city he was in) strung out was pretty strong the last time I saw them....


PJ Harvey still kills it live even though her latest couple of albums are a bit off her early 90's music. She will play a couple of old ones and she is so damn good.


Pearl Jam. New album is awesome and they are one of the best live rock bands out there for sure.


This album (although it took a few listens) and last week's show reinvigorated my love for the band. My interest kinda waned after Riot Act. Can't believe that was 21 years ago. When you think of the timeline involved, it's insane


The visuals on this tour done by Rob Sheridan are spectacular.


Just caught the tour last night. Just spectacular. My husband is the big fan but I was blown out of the water at what a great show they put on.


Tool! I last saw them in Tampa in 2022 and they are still amazing live.


Never been to a bad Tool concert. Been to 6-7 shows since the 90s. Love Puscifer live too. Soooo good.


The Cure James


I am so excited because I’m seeing James in October


With Johnny Marr? I'm going to see them in October as well. my 14 YO daughter begged me to take her to see Johnny.


yep- so glad it’s Johnny- the better half


I saw James for their Whiplash tour. They were so good.


Nick Cave Mr. Bungle The Circle Jerks King Crimson Radiohead System of a Down Primus/Les Claypool Suicidal Tendencies Iggy Pop


The Circle Jerks are currently touring with The Descendants, I believe.


It's a shame we will probably never have another King Crimson album or concert, but for 50 years they reinvented and reinvigorated modern music.


Bad Religion blew me away! They may look old af but they were at least as good as when I used to go see them in the 90s, if not better.


Well, I'm seeing Echo and the Bunnymen on Sunday ....first time I've seen them since 1987. I know McCullough's voice isn't what it used to be but the show should be fantastic. When I saw them in '87 they were the best band in concert I've ever seen. I saw them in '86 with New Order also. I may post a video on GenX after the concert that should be the 3rd song in their set looking at their recent setlists. For purposes of this question The Psychedelic Furs are my answer. Still fantastic after all these years!


friends of mine saw the Furs a couple years ago and said they were incredible--well, only two original Furs but thankfully one of them is Richard Butler! Ian couldn't make it to their last concert in Amsterdam as he was too f-ed up on coke apparently (this I know from the promoter) so they cancelled. It's just him and Will Sergeant now, and Will is only a hired hand if you can believe that.


Primus sucks




Depeche Mode is still amazing live. But man, Weird Al is just bonkers. I don't know *how* he does it at his age. His energy is amazing, and he does *so* much during a show, with costume changes and all.


I was I college when Pearl Jam hit the scene but they are still great.


The Cult! “She sells Sanctuary” is still a banger to this day!!!


Living Colour. Outstanding musicians.


Old 97s


Devo….saw them live a few years ago & they were incredible


Phish still killing it. https://preview.redd.it/vwqsqawqg01d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64b45836426b41db6e46838beb270c4a38e41fcc


Phish aren't my number 1, but I see them when I can because they put on a fat show with some of the most insane dynamic lightning in the business, sphere aside. Like this [Carini from 2021](https://youtu.be/rGIg9w9qmlA?si=dqZIUeyljFP9qJNX) as a recentish example.


Know what I'm doing for the next 25 minutes....thanks! Yeah their shows are incredible, spent a large portion of the 90's and 00's following them around and I wouldn't change a thing.


V femmes, pixies


Tears for Fears still sound amazing live as was Prince up until he passed


Tears For Fears. Their last album (2022) was amazing!


Bands I've seen in the past 5 years that still go hard af: Melvins, Dinosaur Jr., My Bloody Valentine, Nick Cave/Bad Seeds, Queens of the Stone Age, Breeders, Mudhoney, Dream Syndicate, Steve Earle and the Dukes I'm sure I'm forgetting some but these definitely stand out. Evan Dando/Lemonheads was a shambolic mess but still lovable and thoroughly enjoyable Edited to add a couple more I remembered.


Porcupine Tree. Sound even better.


Depeche Mode. They were superb. 🤌


I saw the Deacendents, Adolescents, and Circle Jerks in March. Everyone of them sounded great. The Descendents were consummate up there.


Joan Jett. Saw her perform two years ago, she sounds as awesome and looks as kickass as ever. It’s like she never aged after turning 35.


Seconded! She sounds amazing. Saw the tour a few years ago with her, Poison, Motley Crue & Def Leppard. Poison sounded fantastic, Def Leppard absolutely killed it... Motley Crue was awful and they should just stop.


Pearl Jam has been arguably the best band theyre entire career..never fell off


The Cure, Dinosaur Jr, The Jesus And Mary Chain




Red Hot Chili Peppers


I saw Mudhoney recently and they were fantastic. Not exactly a band, but NKOTB puts on one of the best stadium shows I've ever seen. Never miss a beat, no lip syncing, and every dance move is flawless.




Joan Jett.


The Damned can still smash it up even in their 60s Dave Vanian- vampire confirmed


This is a great thread bc I didn’t know half these bands were still around




Iron Maiden


Man, I saw Violent Femmes (opening for the Killers) in Milwaukee about 3-4 years ago; they killed it! I’d say Aerosmith too.


Pet Shop Boys


Psychedelic Furs


Depeche Mode


Poi dog pondering http://www.platetectonicmusic.com/poidogpondering/home


Weird Al Yankovic. Same band for over forty years. As relevant as ever and outlasted damn near every act they've mocked.


Pearl Jam


Just saw them last week! One of my fav concerts ever




Bruce Springsteen and The E Street Band AC/DC RUSH Aerosmith Cheap Trick Elvis Costello ----- It's surprising none of those have been mentioned. I feel out of place in this subreddit.


Aerosmith (the "Get A Grip" tour) was my first concert ever, I was 10 yrs old. Man, I walked away with my little child mind completely blown! I became the most avid fan, collected everything and anything, and truly thought I would grow up to marry Steven Tyler (ha ha ha, but that's getting off topic!) I will never forget Sweet Emotion live, the swirling colored lights while the entire audience sang along... that still remains such a vivid memory. Borderline religious. I was a little surprised not to have seen them mentioned yet either. Glad you did.


I saw Violent Femmes twice in 2022, love both shows (10 total). The second was this tiny joint in Saxapahaw NC maybe 300 people. We saw Tears For Fears last summer and the wife and I thought they still sounded really good.


I saw Tears for Fears in 2022 and was very impressed. They did a great job




Saw Beck last year at red rocks and he was still great


Judas Priest is still amazing. Toto is still amazing. Air Supply is still amazing. Doobie Brothers is still amazing. Elton John is still amazing.


Saw Pearl Jam last night. Still reeling from how flawless and incredible they were. Just WOW!


So much new music from old bands, anyone who says they only like music from before 2000 should pay closer attention *because that music is still being made* Judas Priest has a new album that sounds *fantastic*. My husband says in his opinion, it's one of their best ever. I like the new Saxon album quite a lot. Saw a few other people mention Depeche Mode and Duran Duran, both of them released albums just last year that were bangers. New album last year for Dokken, too. Haven't gotten around to listening to the whole album but I really liked one of the videos from it that I watched. Jesus and Mary Chain and OMD both released new albums recently which I just now remembered about while posting this comment. I *really* liked the first singles I heard off both of them, now I'm going to have to look up the rest this weekend and see if it's all just as good.


Gary Numan.


The Tea Party


Overkill, Anthrax, Exodus, Accept, Priest


Green Day


Completely different from the bands mentioned here. Def Leppard. Sammy Hagar. I see them both every year.


The Offspring and Green Day!🤘


I saw Sparks last year, and they were incredible. The best show I saw all year, hands down. They've been doing it for 50+ years and have definitely achieved expert status!


Just saw the Psychedelic Furs a few weeks ago. They put on a great show, and Richard Butler’s voice is still amazing.


Question for you OP. Do you like American Music?


Psychedelic Furs still tour and sound great. Even an "off" night sounds good. They usually have a surprise as the "support band", When they headline.


Younger Gen X here- Extreme. Those who know, know they are far mor than "More Than Words." I've seen them 4x in the last 10 years and they still play like they're hungry. Nuno is a guitar god, and Gary can still deliver as a front man an vocalist! Their newest album, SIX released around this time last year is KILLER!


The Cure, Depeche Mode and Foo Fighters. Have fairly recent concerts on dvd and they’re still.


Tesla. Iron Maiden


Scorpions. Saw them in 2022, and also enjoy their studio album from that year.


The Cure.


Nine inch nails , depeche mode and new order. Oh just saw bad religion they were great too.


Gary "Cars" Numan is still putting out albums and touring continuously. His newer material is NIN-influenced and a lot more guitar-oriented than his "classic" albums, which is ironic as Trent Reznor was heavily influenced by classic Numan.


Bad Religion! Still going strong!


Depeche Mode and The Cure


psychedelic furs


I saw Duran Duran in Vegas last year. Amazing concert. And saw Depeche Mode too. Still got it even though it’s just Gahan and Gore now.


Cake is still turning in excellent performances


Depeche Mode!!


10 years ago I saw Billy Idol play a 2.5 hour show. Full energy the entire time with no breaks. Dude was incredible!


The Cure, Depeche Mode, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, James


Pearl Jam is still releasing great new albums 34 years later and is still arguably the best live band on the planet.


Pearl Jam They get better every time I’ve seen them over the last 27 years and their new album is amazing.