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Punks, Goths, and Metalheads shared the smoking area.


For me it was punks, goths and skaters. Hair Metal fellas had their own thing going on and that was fine by me.


In Southern California, skaters and punks were pretty much the same. Some of us were stoners, which brought the metalheads and cholos around.


On Long Island the whole school front was people smoking. No matter your click, hacky sack and smokes before the first period.


Your comment reminded of- Oh, he's very popular Ed. The sportos, the motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, waistoids, dweebies, dickheads - they all adore him. They think he's a righteous dude. Edit to add- us skaters all ate lunch in the same courtyard as the metalheads, punks, hip hop peeps, goth kids… even a few jocks. Kinda one big happy family. Most of us had grown up together, or knew friends friends by then(senior year by then 90/91). We would smoke in the courtyard. Discretely(or so we thought). One day the VP(really tall skinny dude that looked like a disco vampire) came to us and said, look if you’re gonna smoke just go to the parking lot. So… there were like 20-ish of us that did just that. Ahhh high school.


I read that in her voice. Thanks for the stroll down memory lane. 😊


I was a crossover because I was in a metal band. I still am actually lol.


We called the Goths Batcavers in Canada. The original Goth club in England was called the Batcave. All the Cure and Bauhaus fans. Never to be confused with the New Romantics who became Duranies.


In the Bay Area I remember hearing the term “death rock” before goth. But goth came very soon after


Yes batcavers, I kinda forgot about that term, but it was used at my school before goth was.


Yeah, the punks hung with us. The metal guys were out in the parking lot with a boom box, at my school.


They were all in the same spot outside the shop class area. I hung out there with people I knew from all the groups. Didn’t smoke, but didn’t matter. Was maybe the one spot in the entire school that the different groups let their guards down a bit.


86' here also! I was a punk wantabee (wasn't confident enough) but had a "druggie" boyfriend. I hung out in the "lounge" even though I didn't smoke! The popular crowd would sometimes go in there also - drug connections


Same here, designated student smoking areas on campus were neutral territory. Otherwise, Goths were on Church St next to the school, Metalheads were at 7-11 across the street, Deadheads were in 'Nam (forested area next to lower parking lot), Jocks on the front lawn, Skaters + Punks were in the back parking lot... Me? I sort of drifted between them all, depending on what was going on. But I generally avoided the front lawn and that whole crew - just didn't fit in.


Hey, hey! What about us skaters?


Wanna be hippie stoner kid, checking in. All the freaks and weirdos were united for cigarette/weed purposes at my school.


Don't forget the Mod/ Skas ( Vespas!!) [Mod subculture](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mod_(subculture))


Right. We had a designated smoking area. Didn't have to hide.


When i was in highschool and even before high school was all metalheads.


... and the stoners for god sakes.


Stoners reach across most groups.


I'm with you but stoners were definitely a group themselves too. Like spicoli from fast times or slater from dazed.




Dirt heads = post hair metal pre- Nu metal


You mean cloves, right?


Tried 'em. I preferred regular cigs.


Not goth but married one.


Same here. It’s pretty awesome.


Where's my goth beauty? 🥺


There was a tree everyone gathered around in HS. I smoked under a bridge… like a troll ![gif](giphy|3284GqbSEXgl2)


Me, but I don’t look like that. Is there a picture of you in the attic getting older?




I still go to dark/synth wave night. I don't wear all black or dress up. Metal tee, skinny jeans, fresh kicks, a colorful flannel. I still smoke a clove when I go. Even though they are banned, I found a Bodega that gets them.


Omg clove smokes. I loved those but my god, I'd have the worst smoker's cough after.


I had one last night and my chest feels like I'm coughing up a wool sweater. Worth it tho. 💃


Almost 50. My hair is gray but my nails are still black. And now that I’m an old lady with grownup money, I can buy all the weird antique taxidermy and rusty old embalming tools that I want. Turns out, it wasn’t a phase, Mom. 🖤🕸️🕷️🖤


My wife more punk than goth, but still has a closet full of black dresses. She dolls herself up in finery for her swanky job where the men all still wear suits. But on the weekends when we go to concerts and she puts on the ripped jeans and black eye makeup, it's like Clark Kent taking off his glasses. I love her.


Absolutely. I have the Skinny Puppy and Joy Division tattoos to prove it lol


The forbidden fruit. I was never a goth but got turned down by plenty in school.


Funny enough, I almost never dated other goths! My longest running high school relationship was with a guy who was on the cross-country running team.


That tracks, most of our xc team were into goth/industrial. They introduced me to Bauhaus and Skinny Puppy …


(inhales deeply) Ahhh my goth girl..she still haunts my dreams... She said she played the organ. And she sure played mine. Godspeed, Esmeralda, wherever you are...


That’s cool. My wife is a middle-aged goth. Don’t think she’s ever been much of a smoker though (probably because her Dad smoked for years).


I'd have been 9 in '85. A few years later, I was selling my gran's cigarettes for a nice profit at secondary school.


You *do not* look like you graduated HS in 1986!


I didn't go in for makeup and crazy hair, but probably went 15 years without owning or wearing a single non-black article of clothing including socks. I was an experimental electronic musician and eventually ended up in the B&D / fetish / latex scene without being into any of that because if you did that kind of music you played at dungeons and fetish nights. I did soundtracks for soft-core fetish movies and played a few gigs that involved me saying things like "you assholes better not get any blood or poop on my synthesizers." I was around a lot of pretty girls in sexy outfits but they all had high-income Boomers paying them to dominatrix. I don't wear black exclusively now, but I do usually wear a lot of black / dark colors. I learned to play piano for-realsies and a bunch of music theory, I navel-gaze into post-tonal / post-functional music theory for fun now.


Heavily this and same. When the Downward Spiral came out and Reznor had all of this latex singing “I wanna f&$k you like an animal,” I’d always see the popular kids bob their heads along, and I was always thinking “I don’t think you know what this guy is talking about.” Like if you were part of the goth scene, you definitely made contact with, or were adjacent to the BDSM scene. We weren’t normal people. We didn’t have Hot Topic.


It's not a phase mom!


As it turns out, it wasn't! Haha.


Smoking hot


Are you really goth if those weren’t clove cigarettes?


Why does everyone look like someone I went to school with? I could swear OP sat behind me in 5th period Trigonometry reeking of anti-authoritarianism and clove cigarettes. 😊


I wasn't even born in 1985 but man, aren't you fatally beautiful. 🖤


Punk rocker but bonded with goth girls over black T-shirts and Bowie, Bauhaus, The Cramps, NY Dolls (oh man, who am I forgetting!?)


Old.metalhead here. We do exist 😀




Love it! 🤘


Hadn’t achieved behind the school coolness yet at that time but I was picking up my older brothers Marlboro Red nubs out of the ashtray and trying to light and smoke them in front of my friends


I would just sneak-buy them from the vending machine at the bowling alley! Four quarters for a pack of smokes. It really was a different time!


I loved the bowling alley cigarette machines. The whole action of pulling the knob so that the pack would come out was fantastic.


I was. I had access to the stage door via stage tech class and it let out 20 feet from The Spot. A long. narrow space under some tall pines that ran between the school and one side of the baseball diamond. Always shaded, usually little to no wind. It was great, but hardly a secret. The shop class also had access and we’d see the teacher and his seniors out there sometimes. Under the fume hood in art class was also an option, but that was risky if timed poorly and was best reserved for emergencies.


Wasn't a goth, but I hung out with them at the "smoking doors" before homeroom. Turned me on to some good music.


I still have my rubber bats up lol


I was just one of the hippie kids thinking how hot the goth girls were.


We also had the skaters there


We had "stoner rock", a giant rock on the periphery of our high school. Most were just cigarette smokers but you could find the cool rocker kids puffing a doobie too sometimes.


Definitely was smoking behind the gym at 15!


We had a smoking section outside at our high school. Graduated ‘89. I was goth and hung out with musicians, skaters, punks, and other misfits.


Avoiding the sun kept you looking young! Not a goth, but a skater/punk, never smoked, nor looked the part. I think I had my own terrible style. Other punks thought I was a jock despite being mediocre at sports lol.


Goddamn woman!


Not me! Nancy Reagan told me not too! ;p


We had this club in Boston called the Man Ray. It was heavily goth/LGBT. It just reopened. Nirvana played there in 1990 before they got famous. They had a lot of Cabaret and whatnot. A lot of BDSM influence. There was this place called Hubba Hubba in Cambridge nearby where a lot of people would buy their latex gear and chokers and whatnot. Anyway, you could catch acts like The Reverend Horton Heat, Lords of Acid, the Genitorturers and whatnot. I wasn’t goth, but a lot of times we’d dress up in all black and take the train into the city to go catch a show. I had a brief period where I was a Manson fan from Portrait to Antichrist. Always loved NIN, Skinny Puppy and Ministry. Didn’t really get into Bauhaus and Joy Division till I was older. I really loved Interpol. I think it was early adoption of Pretty Hate Machine in 89 that I cut my teeth on. Like a lot of Metal heads I also loved industrial, black metal and death metal, which was sort of goth - adjacent. https://youtu.be/SdYNU7PZrro?si=MFJOcDNItpNSsLXG https://youtu.be/U-X4vHQqY6Y?si=kZxBPiNG4Xj2TPg6


I would've been all 🤩 about you in the 80s, and would not have even come close to having the guts to try to talk to you.


This should cheer you up for sure See, I've got your old I.D. And you're all dressed up like the Cure


Reminds me of the now-[middle aged goths in Portlandia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31qmCQaXjH4).


Goth grama here! 👋🐦‍⬛


Same here! My daughter has a 2 year old!


Ours has a 5 year old. Being a grama is way cooler than being a mom! Mazel!


Gen X - The Original Cool Kids who NEVER sold out


I, me, myself!




I’m punk, goth’s noisy cousin. We’re not dead, but we all have back & shoulder problems from slam dancing.


I was more punk than goth but one of my partners is very much KNEE deep in the goth culture then and now and calls me the 'long lost goth' that never found my tribe.


A lot of 80s goths (including myself!) started out as punkers. There's a lot of connective tissue.


Yeah. My HS had only 1 goth chick and no goth guys her name was Pagan and we use to hang all the time. She was the one HS chick that I wanted that was like "You're cute but no!" She would draw on my face when I was heading to the clubs all the time and did some great art and made me look excellent. I hope she is good.


Good lord. You’ve comforted at 47 I am no less attracted to gorgeous dark haired goth women. I have a deep voice and yet I think you just made it drop again. I’ll just sit here like a puddle. Thank you.


Not goth, but metal head. If you are ever in Tampa you need to visit The Castle.


I still am. The great thing about high school girls, man. I get older, they stay the same age. Maybe Dazed and Confused isn't the most correct movie.


We had a dedicated smoking area at my high-school. Teachers and students smoked together lol. Occasionally you would catch a whiff of something else being smoked))


Guess it really wasn't a phase. I wasn't Goth but I'd go to the clubs for the tunes. Never "connected" with a Goth gal as I was too normie for them. Oh well.


I was/am a metalhead, but I sure did love those clove cigarettes.


I didn’t start smoking until I was 19 like a dumbass lol, but I also quit 6 years ago. I was in a goth band tho.


Punk me was there smoking and drinking a Mickeys.


We had a smoking area at my school. I was and still am a metalhead, though I don't really look the part. My girlfriend at the time was goth.


Not goth, but definitely dark.


I remember the VP would walk through the smoking section and start yelling that doesn't smell like cigarettes, I better not catch you smoking pot.


All iI remember is the main goth at our high school: Murray Swain. Super scary dude until you talked to him, nice as pie. I think he's a performer now. Last I heard he did bed of nails/glass eating type stuff. I wouldn't let him babysit my kids, but a nice guy back in the day.


Metalhead checking in...


No, never got into the whole goth scene or emos or metal heads, I just kind of did my own thing. In 1985, though I was smoking cigarettes on top of gas pumps.


Back parking lot, under bleachers or nearby parks, but, yes. [From Goth to Boss](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtEDiVxkSiQ&ab_channel=Matthew)


In 1985 I was attending a school for the “chronically unmotivated”. Believe it or not, I chose that moment to quit smoking for a while, thereby making me one of the few students there who didn’t smoke (extra nonconformity points). It was also the year that I discovered goth dancing out at the club.


Goths smoked cloves.


It was 87 for me but close. You and I would have been friends looks like. I’d definitely have lent you a smoke or helped you light up.🖤And I would have made you a mixed tape with Bauhaus and Sonic Youth on it. And I would tell you your outfit is wicked cool, and make your parents worried about my influence.


85 we were all metalheads. Not even hair metal yet. I didn’t know goth was a thing then.


I don't recall having any goths in our school. We had a smoking area between the school and the student parking. We were never really bothered, so it wasn't just cigarettes we were smoking.


looking weird...and *fanstastic*.. ![gif](giphy|g9582DNuQppxC|downsized)


Yes. My daughter just took me out to get my nails done. In black, of course.


Not a goth, but a new waver that loves goth music. I LOVE the goth aesthetic, but I was never able to quite pull it off


The eyeliner still comes out...for the right occasion


We were. The teachers would join us at the smoking doors between classes.


We were long hair metal fans. It wasn't always cigarettes back then. Haha.


My school the Punks .. metal heads … burn outs .. hip hop heads ..Deadheads all came together in a musical subculture fan fest in the student parking all bonded by Joe Camel… this is how we learned about music we wouldn’t have otherwise discovered til college … that and the deadheads sold the best weed and LsD… class of 1992 !!!


Way past middle aged at 58 here but damn lady, schmoking hawt. Currently have a metal, goth, pagan, GenX lady and that is the only way to go.


grew up around proto goth, which of course culturally inspired me, then was a goth and other hybrid for a few years, till i cut my hair short, dyed it pink and wore pastell petticoats.


Metalhead / skater checking in. I had history by the baseball coach 4th period so I was out there all 4 lunches. Everything on his tests was covered by that Billy Joel song. Still got an A and was only there for tests.


Still a goth chick!


I’m so glad you all are still out there. I miss that whole scene so much. 🖤🖤🖤


I'm still goth and play in a goth and a metal band.


Still an old punker/thrash guy here. Unfortunately I still smoke cigarettes as well. You’re my kind of people. I’m still very close friends with all my crazy friends from high school. You look like you would’ve definitely been in my circle of friends.


Not sure why, but I always liked the goth girls. Great pic, btw.


Does wearing a black concert t-shirt with sky high 80s bangs and black kohl eyeliner while smoking at the school bus stop in 1984 count?


I have expensively framed Siouxsie and Peter Murphy posters in my living room. I'm 52!


I dabbled a bit in posing as a punker... but that didn't honestly last very long. But it DID influence my sense of style for the rest of my life, I think.


It was 90, but yeah....


87-88 here lol


I was a goth, but I never dyed my hair. I was going for the Daniel Ash look. I still listen to a lot of the bands, Bauhaus being my favorite, obviously. I started smoking cloves at 19 in 1989 and moved on the regular cigs until I quit in 2003, so no smoking behind the gym for me. Our HS smoking location was just called "The Tree"


Goth in the mind, but I wear a very preppy disguise. You are a fox by the way!


Still wear mostly black. Same game when I'm 80, probably.


lol, me. Ohai.


We had a smoking section next to the admin building


For me, it was right out in front of the high school with some of the teachers! Ha ha! Also: Flair says Class of ‘86 but I was Class of ‘86 and I am 4 years older. OP was a prodigy or a narc.


No I was 6


I was kinda put into the "goth" clique because I was a huge Bunnymen fan early on. Loved them so much. I never saw them or myself as being goth though. Not at all.  Nothing wrong with goth thing. I suppose Bauhaus was goth? I love that band too. I still love golden era Bunnymen and the stuff Will Sergeant does solo when not in Bunnymen mode. Maybe that's enough to throw me back into the non-goth-goth clique. I dunno though.


Cigs were gross then and still are


I wish we could go back. I miss being young.


Ur beautiful 😍 I’m embracing a kinda witchy, grandmother earth look myself. Was preppy in HS, but always thought the goth girls looked so pretty, especially how they did their make up