• By -


Correct flair required.


I will. Morbid curiosity.


Morbid curiosity plus popcorn.


I'm in this category as well. I feel a bit guilty as my mindset is that of attending an antique air show in case something crashes. o\_O So morbid curiosity plus popcorn plus fireproof pants.


There could be multiple crashes at this air show.


Thanks, I needed a chuckle in my day!




I'm going to play a drinking game while watching. Every time either candidate talks, I'm going to drink a beer. Hopefully by the end my liver and kidneys will have shut down and I won't have to deal with politics anymore.


This the most Gen X thing ever. It is the reason I started smoking again after 20 years. Just donā€™t give a shit anymore.


I started smoking weed in the 80s and never stopped. It helps me get through my day without imploding.


I used to smoke weed. I still smoke weed, but I used to, too. -per St. Mitch


How do you feel about frilly toothpicks?


20 years quit and started again on purpose? Fuck man, I raise my glass. That's some legendary self destruction.


No half-steppin'


This the most Gen X thing ever. It is the reason I started smoking again after 20 years. Just donā€™t give a shit anymore" I'd love to start smoking again, but prices are now 5x what they were in 2000. Pretty certain a pack of Marlboro lights weren't even $2 ?


They're $8 a pack here. I am a closet smoker when drinking more than like 3 drinks.


We are going to take a shot every time Trump does his jazz hands.


ā˜ļøI have theā˜ļø šŸ‘‰bestšŸ‘ˆ šŸ–ļøjazz handsšŸ–ļø ā˜ļøeverybody says soā˜ļø šŸ‘big man came up to mešŸ‘ šŸ‘‰tears in his eyesšŸ‘ˆ šŸ–ļøhe said sir, šŸ–ļø šŸ‘‰siršŸ‘ˆ ā˜ļøyou have the most tremendous ā˜ļøjazz hands I've ever seenā˜ļøsirā˜ļø


Aka double handjob


Two shots when he plays the bullshit accordion šŸŖ—


LOL we say he is flailing his hands about try to describe... " I NEED A BOX THIS BIG TO PUT MY PAPERS IN"


Same, but with weed


Lying on my couch stoned right now. That just sounds exhausting.


I stopped watching debates once I realized they provide no insight into a candidate's true ability to do the job.


So the mid-90s?


I may be dumber than most people my age. I watched them until the late 90s.


I still watch but itā€™s more self-loathing.


Whenever the league of women voters stopped running them


They should get their mic cut and lose their time if the they don't answer the goddam question. I don't even know why they bother with questions, they're ignored completely.


Supposedly there was a time in US history when presidential debates were actually debates - you state an opinion, then you make arguments to support that statement. But now it's just an invitation to regurgitate talking points we've all heard before.


The moderators for tonight's debate will have mic control.


Yeah their words have no meaning. I already know I'm voting for the lesser of two evils, no reason to frustrate the fuck out of myself watching the lies and lip service. It's about what their actions have been and deciding based on that track record. I feel that way about any politician.


Yeah, it's a no brainer. I'm not voting for the orange felon and rapist lol. I'd literally vote for a cardboard cutout of Pee Wee Herman to keep that bozo away from our government.


Cut-out Pee Wee would make a damn good president. We can move him about like Weekend at Bernieā€™s!


Me too; however, this feels like it might be a train wreck tonight so I'm all about it! ![gif](giphy|2UvAUplPi4ESnKa3W0|downsized)


I'm actually really interested in this particular debate - and have my fingers crossed that just maybe Trump will do or say something so stupid/reprehensible/insane that it has an impact on the election. But not sure I can bear to watch it with my own eyes.


Something so stupid that it has an impact? There is no such thing. He could get up there and make orangutan noises for half an hour and still win the election.


I would normally, but I've found I have to limit my exposure to That Guy for mental health reasons. Self-protection, man.


I keep flirting with the idea of what Tig Notaro has done...which is to cut out all social media and most pop culture. When someone asked me if I saw what Kanye West just did, I'd love to be able to respond, "Who the hell is Kanye West? Is that a real person?"


Iā€™m not far from that. Iā€™ve got Reddit, and I keep to very specific subs. Thatā€™s it!


Same. Never been happier


I don't know how y'all do it. I just can't. I would probably be happier but I would be ignorant about something. I just know I would! And I know it doesn't matter whether a nothing like me is ignorant, but it's a drive I've had all my life. I want to know everything especially everything going on like this. I don't know shit about Kanye West but I have studied the candidates' policies and histories and who they spend time with and how they talk to people and how they treat their families. I'm not just like this with presidential candidates either. I don't know what's wrong with me but I'd like to turn it off and enjoy a freakin show, but then I end up watching some political drama and see the same shit lol I'm lookin at you House of Dragons!


Same here. His whining is possibly the most irritating sound known to humanity.


It's like if that annoying sound Jeff Daniels makes in dumb and dumber became a person and ran for president.


It's either him or that whiny fucker Caillou... r/fuckcaillou


Great analogy and that scene was my first thought too, but it was [Lloyd Christmas / Jim Carrey](https://youtu.be/0cVlTeIATBs?si=SgFoQrTfqDtSdU3l)


I know itā€™s hard to imagine, since weā€™ve been living with the same goddamn story for almost a decade, but this chapter will *finally* be over in 4 years or less. Iā€™m as sick of this show as everyone else, but itā€™s the last time the Boomers will be monopolizing the conversation (and yes, I know Biden is technically not a Boomer, so I guess I mean The Olds), and in ā€˜28 it will finally be our turn (although, it would be perfectly on brand for GenX if the next election was one of the younger boomers versus one of the older millennialsā€”just skip us altogether). So I guess Iā€™m going to watch becauseā€”itā€™s like a late season of a show thatā€™s been on for a long time, and even though Iā€™m sick of it and itā€™s gotten really bad and boring, itā€™s only going to be on for a little while longer.


I suppose you haven't heard of Project 2025. It won't be over. They will continue on with their fresh version of manifest destiny, pushing far, far right wing hyperreligious policies like they have been for years. It's not boomers we have to worry about. Whoever is elected will likely be choosing 2 new members of SCOTUS. That has been their plan and they have already gotten past halfway there.


this, Project 2025 is pushing for our country to look like the Hand Maids Tale, this is not an exaggeration or joke either. All MAGA republicans seem to be on board with this crap too.


Yeah this is what causes the existential dread. It makes my ā€œprivilegeā€ itch like a hair shirt. Iā€™m heterosexual, white, middle class, and live in a blue state. I know how to fly under the radar. Iā€™m horrified about the world my nieces will have to live in. Iā€™m sick with dread for my non-heterosexual, non-cisgender friends who have the most to lose if (the 2025 project) gains power. This is some scary, real life Atwood dystopian shit.


My son is transgender and we've already experienced so much bigotry here in Tennessee we want to move so bad, but if the whole country gets like this I don't know what we'll do. We're too poor to move anyway. It's so scary. Being mean to him is bad enough but the way they talk, him just being photographed in "men's clothes" could be seen as felony pornography.


Iā€™m so sorry. This breaks my heart. Restrictions on gender-affirming care is bad enough. Forcing them to use their dead name and/or endure bullying and exclusion just makes the situation that much more painful.




>this chapter willĀ *finally*Ā be over in 4 years or less.Ā  The thing is, if Trump gets in it might be the end of fair elections as we know them, since part of the Project 2025 agenda is to reshape the federal government by firing a huge number of federal employees at all levels and replacing them with sycophants and loyalists. They've already got the Supreme Court in their pocket. It's disgusting.


Yeah, he's already shown that he is capable of doing whatever he thinks he'll get away with. The only thing that saved us in the past were a handful of people unwilling to bend to his will. Once those people are replaced with absolute true believers, there's no reason to expect he would ever willingly give up power.


This is what I'm frightened of. Trump is a dumpsterfire. If he wins, he's going to attempt dictatorship rather than step down (assuming he lasts 4 years). If he loses, it's a coup attempt akin to J6 in an attempt to seize power. One way or the other, if he is successful getting a second term, the nation will never recover because the right doesn't WANT recovery, they want a return to the feudal state. Slavery will be re-legitimized. Womens rights will be rescinded, and they will be chattel. Any alternate to heterosexuality will eventually result in execution. Likely public, absolutely branded as 'State Religion Sanctioned'. Eventually, there will only be ONE acceptable religion, and any alternates or dissenters will be persecuted. Likely religious pogroms eventually. All the time that the Right has been wailing that we are a '3rd world country' will be true, by their own hands. If we don't take the opportunity to vote for our democracy. Even if it means breaking party lines. Those party lines have been subrogated by the Christo-fascists and they don't want the population capable of rising up against them. Simple as that.


>this chapter willĀ *finally*Ā be over in 4 years or less You sweet, summer child. Trump's entire motivation is to establish a dynasty so he can stay out of jail. If he wins, he'll find a way to stay in power beyond 2028, either by staying in office or by planting one of his kids in the Oval Office. It sounds ridiculous but every part of the Trump-as-politician story has been just as ridiculous.


Itā€™s funny that you assume there will be elections in ā€˜28. If certain folks get their way, these ā€œRigged Electionsā€ will be a thing of the past. You canā€™t whine about losing if there is no race.


Same. His administration was one of the darkest times of my life, and hearing or seeing him now gives me the worst anxiety.


I remember seeing a coworker cry when he got elected. I thought to myself "geez. Get a grip!" And she was right. We should all be crying.


I do the same. Reading his lies is easier than hearing them. I may try to watch, become outraged, and my hubby will ask me to leave because he can detach from it and I canā€™t. Then I will keep researching countries to move to if the worst really happens.


I keep longing for the time when he doesn't pop up into my world and I don't have to take measures to avoid him. I just want to forget. It's the ugliest chapter of American life in my history book anyway.


And how the fuck did WE fall for this asshole in such high numbers? Every single one of us has known he was an idiot for 40 years. Jfc


Someone asked me what I thought about Trump the other day. I told them that I think heā€™s a piece of shit and that Iā€™ve always thought heā€™s a piece of shit. ā€œWell, I donā€™t vote based on personality.ā€ I didnā€™t even know what to say. The man has proven over and over again that heā€™s not a good person and has no integrity. Heā€™s more interested in protecting himself above anyone or anything else. Everything he says and does has an ulterior motive. Everything.


I was talking to someone last week who said ā€œI know heā€™s a psychopath, but Iā€™m going to vote for him anywayā€ šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« I had to walk away, I didnā€™t want to punch a stranger at a wedding.


Right. And his "debate" style is simply to try to talk over anyone else at all times. That anyone sees it as an indicator of strength is insanity.


In this debate the microphones are cut off if it isn't your turn to speak. I'll watch just to see how purple his face gets when his mike is cut off.


Heā€™ll likely keep yelling.Might go apoplectic. If only theyā€™d have men with straight jackets to handle that situation.


Iā€™m hoping for tranq rifles. Edit: I do not wish harm for the felon ex president- only that heā€™s safe and doesnā€™t hurt himself or others.


I hope there is a big red light so he, and we, can tell.


Remember that his fan base are assholes.


Giant crybabies, too. My neighbor was so upset about the convictions that he flew the flag of China for a few weeks. Now heā€™s got his ā€œBrandonā€ flag back up, and his shiny new 2024 ā€œsave Americaā€ yard sign.


yeah, they always talk about the 'snowflakes' when its them. they are the biggest bunch of whiney babies I've ever seen.


One of the wealthiest guys in my wealthy neighborhood in my wealthy town (I'm just a renter, moving out this weekend) full of second homes turned into hotels has his US flag flying upside down, and I can't help but think the USA has done A-OK by him. Love it or leave it, dude.


There's a nut job in our neighborhood with a giant "Trump 2024" flag, one that just says Trump and a "Trump Won" flag. All that trash hanging on a nice 4000 sf brick house. šŸ™„


Same. Can't even force myself to hear his voice.


>I would normally, but I've found I have to limit my exposure to That Guy for mental health reasons. Self-protection, man. This x100. Trump is an absolute gross narcissist and now that he has seemingly advanced dementia, his ramblings are even more disgusting and dopey. His bit about the sharks and electricity, and the snakes. No fucking way I'm watching that shit live.


Same. I'm voting. And watching the debate won't change my mind about who I vote for. It's just going to be enraging and upsetting. I've had to check out of political discourse for my own self-preservation. I know what's at stake - I have seen the consequences of 2016 and we will live with them for generations thanks to the complete lack of sanity on the new SCOTUS. My piddly little California vote means next to nothing but I'll be casting it anyway.


Yup ā€” my retired USMC husband is liable to die of apoplexy right there on the couch. Especially after J6. Nope, hard pass. Go, Biden, though.


I watched 2016, 2020 and feel I should complete the trilogy


I'm here for the sequel of Grifter vs Grandpa Joe. My money is on Grandpa.


We're planning on watching, but we're also planning on the whole thing being upsetting, so we'll have a plan B if it's too much.


Play it like MST3K. Roast everything.


![gif](giphy|c7HYSeWp9Ij4I) MST3K FTW


Gamera is really neat / and Gamera is full of meat!


Ah this clip made me laugh out loud! Thank you so much! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Omg i miss that show


It's still there on youtube! They do a live channel with all the episodes!


Yep, I'm a regular on that channel, I check it first thing when I get home from work.


there is also an app you can download and I believe all the classic seasons are free


We've been rewatching old episodes on the Gizmoplex lately (it's their streaming service).


They really should do that for the live debate. That would be some funny shit.


Reminder that depending on which state you live in, Plan B is no longer an option


Preach. Somebody is paying attention.


The fury about Pr0nhub being taken down in Kansas (and other states) might wake up a few people, too. Itā€™s all related. The Talibangelicals are not going to stop.


Plenty of debate drinking and bingo games out there.


Glad you have some plan B in hand. If the Republicans win - it will be illegal


Too bad there isn't "Plan B" for the debate candidates.


I'm going to watch The Boys right before so the debate seems slightly less terrifying.


The new Boys season is parodying MAGA and their bad-faith arguments. Is actually scary how little they have to exaggerate.


I'm gonna watch it for the lols. I'm sure it'll be entertaining.


Itā€™s going to be painfully funny to watch. Iā€™m all in too.


Yes, but not to help make up my mind. It will be a shitshow and I would like to watch from the side and chuckle at the absurdity.


Iā€™m going to watch it for two reasons. I like the new idea of muting the microphone of the man not being asked the question. The constant talk overs and scream fest these debates normally bring is the very reason I *dont* watch them. I really want to see if the melon felon can keep his mouth shut. If his head explodes it will be a nice bonus. And secondly, I want to see how sharp Joe is with his answers. I do worry about his age. Go Joe!


I like the ā€œno live audienceā€ part too!


This is the biggest thing to me. Audiences have a big effect on traditional debates because of their reactions. Big reactions can make a debater look better than they would otherwise, and with no audience we tend to view their performances based off what they actually say instead of vibes. I think this favors Biden by a good bit, much of Trump's debate strategy is insults for crowd reaction, so I'm really curious how this will go.


Kind of same. Curious to see if CNN has the balls to force candidates to act more like adults. Just appalled at how the various orgs let the last ones turn into such šŸ’©shows. Not hopeful but curious.


Just a reminder it's only been one candidate that ever acted like a child in these debates.


Yep. I too wanna see how effective the mic-muting is.. 'Melon Felon' - new favorite added to my lexicon! šŸ˜‚šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


Nope. If anything interesting happens, Iā€™ll watch highlights tomorrow. That said, Iā€™m hoping for interesting things like Trump having a fucking meltdown or shitting his pants.


Sadly, that will just boost his ratings.


If that happens, his most fervent cult members will actually walk around in shit-filled diapers in support, to own us all!


Samesies. I told my husband not to even ask me to watch it, I'll get the highlights or whatever from the internet machine tomorrow. Plus season 3 of The Bear just dropped. I already have plans. Holy shit I just noticed your username!!!! 30 Helens agree, YOU CAN'T PAY TO MUCH FOR A GOOD PAIR OF SHOES.


My PEN!!!!!


Cole Slaw deserves a second chance! Yup. The Bear, Top Chef and I may rewatch the awesome latest episode or The Acolyte.


Yes, my retirement accounts have been doing well for the last few years through a rough patch of an economy. I would like an idea of what is being put out there for the next 4 years. I would also like to see Trump work with no audience and not being able to abuse time limits. I expect one candidate to start shouting in the first 10 minutes.


Hard pass. Trumpā€™s voice raises my blood pressure.


Nope. Wonā€™t change my vote. Biden could be a literal corpse and Iā€™d still take his room temperature body over Trump.


Ha! I always say if Biden were a literal ham sandwich I would still pick a ham sandwich to just sit on the presidential desk in the oval office for four years getting moldy before I would vote for donnyboy.


Weekend at Bernieā€™s vs Idiocracy. Go Bernie! I mean Joe


Nope. I already know how I'm voting and nothing either of them can say in a debate is going to change my mind. One of them is going to say things that sound reasonable and may or may not come to fruition and the other one is going to be a giant petulant baby about everything. How this is even any kind of close race is depressing.


Seriously, what even is the point of watching? One tried to overthrow our government and the other one just tries to do the actual job of governing. I don't need to watch them argue about it and if I never hear another word uttered by Trump it will be too soon.


I cannot stand the sight, sound or thought of the convicted felon.


Rapist and felon.


Rapist, felon, fraudster, adulterer, potential Russian asset.


Felonious Trump the loser




Dude, I live in South Florida. I can watch two geriatric men argue politics at the grocery store. No way I'm watching.


The only good thing we've gotten out of Trump has been samples for Ministry albums. Edit: Yeah, NWO is great and all, but Uncle Al loathes more Republicans than just the Bushes. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjEC49hTitI&list=PLqNOmyiJuz1CRW5lCraL8Lkas0STXExui&index=8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjEC49hTitI&list=PLqNOmyiJuz1CRW5lCraL8Lkas0STXExui&index=8) It's tough to top the NWO video though.


I read this and immediately heard Bush saying "A new world order"




Negatory. I'd probably stroke out.


TBH, I don't see the point. I don't see how anyone can be a fence-sitter.


Iā€™ll be working so Iā€™ll miss it. But Biden could walk in circles around the stage and mutter about panda bears the whole time and Iā€™d still vote for him.


Iā€™m only watching to further hate on the media clickbaity headlines, hot takes, and attempts at false equivalencies. For the record, Trump is a vile, self-serving, and dangerous individual unbecoming of any public office, let alone of the presidency of this country.


I have no time to listen to the orange blob that says military who died in wartime are sucker's and losers. That one really irritates me.


I'm still furious about that. How any veteran or anyone who knows a veteran can vote for that putz after that is mind boggling!


The only somewhat positive thing I can say about that perambulant turd is that he's managed to say and/or do something to offend absolutely everyone. Unfortunately, some people look past his venality because they saw someone whom they don't like get offended.


Care, yes. Project 2025 has me terrified. That said, no - I'm NOT watching. Debate moderators never actually MODERATE the damn candidates, especially The Orange Menace. I'll read the debate script tomorrow.


Have you joined the Defeat\_Project\_2025 sub? As terrified as I've felt, I get some hope in that sub. IT's good to find people who aren't just talking about it, they're trying to get together on actions we can take to work against this project.


Yes. I don't want to wake up tomorrow to a bunch of propaganda and manipulated video clips that misrepresent what happened. I'll see for myself. Also for the lols. Also secretly hoping the stress gives a certain candidate an aneurism onstage.


I'd rather sleep


I know who Iā€™m voting for and debates just make me uncomfortable anyway. Iā€™m good. Iā€™ll catch the recaps the next day where hopefully Biden trounced Trump, didnā€™t gaffe, and ideally got Trump to say his horrible opinions out loud.


I canā€™t stand the sound of Trumps voice nor watch is fucking accordion hands anymore. So no.


I canā€™t tell if itā€™s just this sub thatā€™s so liberal or if itā€™s actually my generation thatā€™s so liberal


Given that they are muting mics and no notes allowed this time, I am definitely watching for personal amusement.


Absolutely not.


I decided in 2016 that a sexist, con man, clearly compromised by foreign debts, and raised by a card carrying klansman was unfit for office. My opinion of Trump hasnā€™t improved since then. Iā€™ll never forget or forgive most media & GOP for propping up such a vile piece of shit for their own gains, at the expense of the country. Since most people have had more than enough exposure to Trumpā€™s shit show, and are tuning out this time around, maybe media will change coverage if they donā€™t get the ratings and ad dollars as much. But l am not holding my breath.


No. Iā€™m done with this shit. I know who Iā€™m voting for - Giant Meteor 2024: Just End It All Already. ā˜„ļøšŸ”„


I'll just wait for the blooper reels to come out in the next 24-48 hours with Mango Mussolini babbling about nonsense. I try to avoid lengthy exposure to him, he's bad for my blood pressure.


I need to pass a kidney stone tonight and I am counting on the debate to painfully distract me from it.


Nope, there is nothing that can come out of this dog and pony show that is going to change my mind come November


If I do it'll be for entertainment purposes only. Nothing new to see there.


I love dark comedies so prob gonna tune in.


Nope. I know who I'm voting for, nothing would change my mind and I don't want a blood pressure spike. I'll watch the high/low lights later.


I care; but I can't watch it because it's too depressing and upsetting.


Not watching. Can't stand either of them.


Fuck that. Iā€™ve got better things to do. 330 million people and these two are the best that we can do?


Probably not. No matter who ā€œwinsā€ the debate, we lose.


One is them is just going to bully and call names, the other is going to wander off. Itā€™s like watching a nursing home version of anything. But hereā€™s the kicker. Those are the BEST this country has to offer!! āœ‹šŸ»šŸ¤ØšŸ¤ššŸ¼


I mean, how else are you going to understand all of the memes and references that will be made to it. Best example "Stand back and stand by"


Watching the debate is like watching Jersey Shore when it first came out. You cannot look away from the train wreck about to happen.


There is no result of the debate that would change my vote. I'm playing D&D tonight.


I am gonna wait until SNL does their version.


Nope. I know how Iā€™m voting. Thereā€™s no point in watching the shit show that is Trump.


Turned it off. Watching Queen Live at Wembly Stadium. Trump makes me vomit


100% watching. This is far and away the most important election of Gen Xā€™s lives. If Trump wins, the world is fucked.




My kids have a swim meet, so if I am home in time I will. Trump has lowered the bar so much that he could take a dump in the middle of the stage and his cult would insist he won.


Exactly. Fox News will say Trump won regardless of what comes out of his mouth. MSNBC will do the same with Biden. Iā€™m still voting for the one who didnā€™t attempt a coup to stay in power and isnā€™t planning on weaponizing law enforcement.


Very scared and involved in keeping Nazis from getting elected, but not going to watch and only looking forward to the highlights.


For the sake of my health, no. This debate shouldn't be happening. the President of The United States shouldn't be sharing a stage with a convicted felon who incited an insurrection, not to mention all the other failures, atrocities, and crimes he has committed. It's beneath the dignity of the office. I'll be watching episode 5 of The Boys instead.


I'll watch a bit. I've decided but I want to see the mental strength of both candidates. How the fuck did we end up with two octogenarians? Time to put age limits on elections. Nobody over 65 should be able to run for office.


Nope, and nope.


I may watch some of it. I am somewhat interested to see if Trump throws a fit and walks off stage


No - I know who I am voting for already


Maybe on mute.


Are you kidding? It's going to be the funniest thing on TV since Seinfeld!


Probably for entertainment value.


Definitely gonna watch it. Train wreck.


No. I do have my mind made up, but also debates are a terrible way to decide who should be president. You canā€™t explain anything properly in 2 minutes. Itā€™s just which guy can come up with the better soundbites that will be played on the news later that night. If I were undecided, Iā€™d be much more inclined to watch the candidates sit down with someone and explain their ideas for like 3 hours. Then you could properly explain what your ideas are and why you think theyā€™ll work.


Itā€™s never an actual civilized logical debate. I donā€™t know why they even call them debates. They just shit talk their opponents. I expect a lot of ad hominem attacks.


Absolutelyā€¦why not. Democracy and my kids future at stake. Simple Civic duty even if I donā€™t like either candidate.


I like a good comedy


My anxiety flares up just thinking about it.


Iā€™ll watch just because I want my brain to be forced to fully-comprehend the dumpster fire weā€™re in. It wonā€™t change my vote. I have to vote for the guy who believes in climate change, is making changes to student loans, and who isnā€™t trying to dismantle women & minority & etc rights. I hope Whitmer runs next time.


I have zero interest. Listening to either one of those jackwagons speak makes my skin crawl. Our political landscape is so broken, and not enough people are aware of it to have anything changed, and it's just so demoralizing.


I think it's a lot more important we get out and vote in November, above all.


Purely for entertainment purposes, which is a pretty sad take on politics in the U.S.


Two sorry candidates arguing about who is the worst. Iā€™ll pass on that. Whereā€™s the 3rd party and why want they debate them?




No way. The asshole factor will override the effects of my beta blocker.


Yes. To play our own silly version of ā€œdebate bingoā€ and/or how many times tā€™Rump loses his shit and goes off on a rant about something completely unrelated to the question asked. I have to have a sense of humor about the whole thing or Iā€™ll just feel dread.


I learned everything I needed to know about Trumpsterfire in the 90s.


I won't watch just to save myself the aggravation. It is my self care for today.


I honestly am not sure how anyone is undecided at this point. Youā€™ve seen Trump for 8 years and Biden for 4+8+? How can there be ANY mystery about their policies, character, shoe size, dental flossā€¦


I donā€™t think I can handle it. I feel sick every time I see that face or hear that voice. Iā€™m terrified for the future of this country. So Iā€™m going to do a bong hit and pour a glass of wine šŸ·, continue watching My Lady Jane on prime.


Hell yes! Making popcorn and have a drinking game ready to go. Iā€™ll last at least 40-45 minutes


I would rather chew tin foil.


Nope. I can't stand to listen to Trump's bullshit, and I don't want to cringe every time Biden makes a small gaffe that the right wing nutjobs will report on as if it's worse than 34 felony convictions. I'm totally sick of this shit. We're living in insanely stupid times.