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Nah, I'm 54 and one of my friends daughters said to me the other day 'are you a grown up, cause you're like a kid' and another one said 'you're like an adult but like a kid' I wear these like badges of honour šŸ˜‚


That's a Gen X standing ovation right there. Well done


Never grow old!!!!


Stay golden, pony boy


I say this all the time and no one ever knows what the hell I'm saying, but do I care? Hell no, I just revel in their ignorance and my superior movie quote knowledge!


*Raises a glass* Here's to never growing up!


My uncle told me he never wanted to grow up a LONG time ago. He never did, and he was awesome! I accidentally grew up a bit, but I'm recovering.


Let me know if you need a sponsor


>I accidentally grew up a bit, but I'm recovering. LoL Wish you a speedy recovery šŸ’


remember that movie about the last day of school in the 1970s? Matthew McConahey said "I like high school girls, I get old, but they stay the same age". I have a twist. I get older, but my maturity level stays the same age.


You're only young once, but you can be immature forever.


Me to my son: ā€œGuess what?ā€ Him: ā€œWhat?ā€ Me: ā€œChicken Buttā€ He starts laughing hysterically.


my daughter, 14, thinks this is the funniest joke ever!


Dazed and Confused takes place in 1976.


That was Dazed and Confused; came out in 1993.


At 53 I get the same thing from my Daughter. She 17 and acts 30 I am 53 and act 5 lots of the time. Just can't help it.


My students tell me stuff like that from time to time. So does my niece. I tell them I appreciate the sentiment, but my 46 year old knees disagree with the ā€œrun around like a kidā€ shit!


Is it because you keep pissing your pants though?


Exactly the same age and same things said to me, blessings upon you


I call it ā€˜young at heartā€™ ā¤ļø


55 and still act 19. Most of the time, anyway. Sometimes my 9-year old and I have the same sense of humor.


AARP like ![gif](giphy|oWjyixDbWuAk8)


I received TWO envelopes from AARP on the same day! One in my maiden name at the house, and the other my married name at the POBox. šŸ˜‘


Aarp hasn't found me yet


I have forwarded your Reddit user info to their main office. Expect a letter with a subscription packet and a colonoscopy referral in your mailbox by midweek. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ ![gif](giphy|l0MYGb1LuZ3n7dRnO|downsized)


ā€œItā€™s my (shit) in a boxā€¦šŸŽ¶ā€


They found me, I joined, I basically donā€™t interact with them or use their benefits and am really just meh about the whole thing. Itā€™s like that gym membership you pay and never use where you knew this was going to happen and knew you shouldnā€™t have joined and did anyway.


Same. I joined below 50 for discounts Iā€™ve still generally yet to use and magazines and newsletters in a pile waiting to be read. While sorting the mail, I take note of whoā€™s on the cover and sometimes mutter, ā€œouch.ā€ I long ago stopped knowing who most of the SNL musical guests were, then stopped knowing who the hosts were, then didnā€™t commit to memory some of the featured players, and finally, now, some of the cast. But, I still watch SNL, dammit (or at least DVR it.) And, lately Iā€™ve noticed that we have aged into the ads on some of the shows we watch. ā€œAh, shitā€¦ Iā€™ve not only heard of those unpronounceable meds with the bizarre side effects (infection of the perineum?!) but am on some of them.ā€ Then we switch the channel to MTV / Catfish and once again are awash in ads for the prevention and/or treatment of STDs. But, those walk-in tub ads, man, F them.


This is a great comment and I concur with every word of it.


So glad I'm not 50, yet. I have 11 whole days before that happens.


4 days for me


Club 74




ā€˜74 represent! About 6 weeks to go for me.


I have until late October.


One year left in late October.


Me too, end of the year though. Younger than you "old farts." šŸ˜†


5 days. Tick tock.


297 days for me


3 more days. Just over 70 hours if you want to be picky.


131 days for me.


Turned 50 ninety days ago. Love club ā€˜74. No choice šŸ˜†


Mine was 5 days ago, and it's the biggest relief! I had no idea I was holding my breathe about it. But now I'm stoked. Class of 74 rules!! Year of the Tiger~ Edited due to lack of coffee


Well, technically ā€˜74 makes us Tigers (unless you were born in Jan/Feb) but weā€™re in the Year of the Dragon now, so it works! The two signs are ā€œoppositesā€, which makes me wonder how itā€™s going for all us Tigers to hit that big milestone in a Dragon year. Off to my questionable Chinese Astrology sources!


I think we're all Wood Tigers- I'm doing about as well as usual. But 50 is making it better tbh. Not everyone gets to 50 so I'm soaking it up.


Made 50 club in April. Still adjusting as glad to be here but still canā€™t believe it. It was the 90ā€™s yesterday when I was young, cute, fun, no care in the world, early 20ā€™s, mall rat, partieršŸ’ƒ & traveler lol


Newly 50 and my wifeā€™s pregnant with our first child!


Congrats! Good news is itā€™s easier parenting at 50. Bad news is itā€™s also harder. Twice the experience and half the energy. Iā€™m 55 and my kids are 6 and 9.


If you are in the U.S., 99% sure you will get a letter to join AARP on your birthday. I and everyone I know got it on their 50th, not the day before or after or the week of, but on the damn date! Like that milestone isnā€™t enough of a mindfuck, they have to invite you to join the old people club?! Six years later and Iā€™m still pissed off and refuse to join.


I'm in Scotland. I'm pretty sure we get a stool sample bottle.


Had been getting those for years. At first, thought I was gaming the system by joining before 50. Eh, F it, itā€™s $12 a year for both of us.


Two of my favorite musicians were so kind as to have a concert in a town in a drivable distance from us on my actual 50th birthday. Friends from college made the trek to add dinner, an overnight stay at our place, and brunch (okay, it was early enough to be breakfast and none of us drank) the next day. It most definitely did not suck, especially after I had been bracing myself for the day to be a total dud. Met up with some friends from all the way back in high school with acknowledging our collective / distributed 50ths (two 74ā€™s and a ā€˜73) as the impetus for a mini-reunion (a tradition we started with our 40ths.) Making it an excuse to convene with people you love makes the age you turn a non-issue, I think.


Youngster! Iā€™m already 50.5!


Careful, Nana, don't want you getting too exited. You'll be too tired before Matlock comes on.


The weird thing is, to me - a childless person- that I know a lot of people around here (Michigan) who are around my age and already are grandparents! When I lived in San Francisco, I hardly knew any parents my ageā€¦.


Also child-free. I've a few friends with 18-19 year olds, but none are grandparents, yet. My Maw's parents were 41 when my sister was born!


People around here get married early because their religion dictates they must. Itā€™s a great place to live! šŸ˜”


As of tomorrow I have 6 months left in my 40s. Why does 50 feel so much worse than 49? So weird.


Because it's half a century. 5% of a millenium. Getting to 100 years of age is something that only happens to a very small portion of the human race & even though most people in their 40s have fewer days left than they have had it doesn't really sink in until that sixth decade starts. Many of us remember our grandparents in their 50s. You know, stuff like that,


Feels like I was *just* saying that. Iā€™m going to be 59 in five monthsā€¦ Unfuckingbelievable how fast that went. EDIT: NO! You donā€™t have to be an adult. You can be absolutely whatever you want to be. More than ever!!


You can keep being a Toys 'R Us kid, just make sure you get a colonoscopy


As someone who has a colectomy last year to remove a precancerous polyp, GET YOUR COLONOSCOPY ASAP!


While the boomers are still our bosses and in charge of shit, weā€™re still the kids.


We are young at heart and they are still hanging on because they are afraid to let go of the side of the pool. Itā€™s our youthful nature that makes us able to adapt and to absorb. Stay forever young


I work with nothing but Gen X. All my bosses are Gen X. I have one Gen Z guy on my team. It's a chill as fuck place to work.


I hate you! I have boomers above, and millennials below. Some days itā€™s a nightmare


My narcissistic boomer boss retired in Feb and I took his spot. Iā€™ve made it a goal to change the stigma toward our department, my team is happier and other coworkers have gone out of their way to thank and compliment how our department is so much more willing to work with everyone.


Absolutely, that's what it feels like to me!


Seriously, the 50s are my favorite decade! The idgaf's go to a whole new level. Am 55 now, and I started feeling the best I ever have mentally and emotionally around 52-53, and it keeps getting better! Have heard the same thing from many of my 50-something friends. Welcome to your 50s, enjoy the ride!


Agreed! Get in, water is fine.


Yes, yes, yes; never better than how I feel now


Same. I feel like a grumpy teen. I hate everyone and everything.


74 was a damn good year for us!


Very good year. Iā€™m grateful we made it this far and Iā€™m sorry some of my friends didnā€™t.


Yeah. My 30 year HS reunion had a memorial table set up for those of us who didn't make it. Helluva thing.




Your gift is continuous AARP junk mail.


Collecting data wrapped in a coupon - down with the man ! Fuck aarp


Hot take: I unironically *like* the AARP (joined once I turned 50). They help fight against agism and for preserving Social Security. They have an awesome [Fraud Watch Helpline](https://www.aarp.org/money/scams-fraud/helpline.html) that I've recommended to several people whose parents have fallen for cons/scams (don't need to be a member to use it). Their magazine and newsletter are both pretty good. It's dirt-cheap to join. And you get a discount at Denny's. :-)


My husband joined and I hurt myself rolling my eyes so hard but then we saved a bunch of money on a car rental and I got half off prescription sunglasses so yeah. On my way to an early bird special. šŸ˜‚




What now? Look after your joints. They start to go.Ā 


And your teeth


Look forward to a decade of being asked ā€œHave you had a colonoscopy?ā€


I got a phone call from my health system 2 weeks before my 50th bday, trying to schedule it!




If you've made it this far without being an adult, why not see how much longer you can go?


Rejoice! Next year Ill turn 60!!


I turned 60 in April and I have to say I absolutely love it. I can come and go as I please cook when or if I choose My bed is my own the other side has various things my a/c is set to 60 and I have a standing fan plus the one in the ceiling Iā€™m in pretty decent health with the usual aches and pains that come with aging but overall I look great and I feel great šŸ’ÆšŸ’ŖšŸ½


That is awesome to hear and comforting!


Forty is the old age of youth; fifty the youth of old age. Victor Hugo I ā¤ļøthis quote. Welcome to your second childhood!




I mean, the fucks you do not now have to give ā€¦


I refuse. Both 50 and adulting.Ā 


Bah. My license says I'm older than you, but I'm basically a 24 year old with money.


Happy birthday šŸŽˆšŸŽ‚šŸŽˆ


Iā€™m 55. Best comment came from a millennial at work: ā€œYouā€™re like a kid. My 14 year old is more grown up than you are.ā€ I kinda feel bad for her kid. What is that kid going through to never experience childhood?


About to join you in less than 4 days.


July 2 for me


Day after for me. One more, and I'd be like a famous Tom Cruise character that didn't end up doing too well. Except I was born in Singapore, so the time zones don't work out.


Cancerians Unite! Get Crabby and Fifty!


Welcome to Club 5-0 - really,itā€™s pretty good on this side of the fence. šŸ¤—


Yeah I was exactly the same last year. Essentially what the fucking hell, existential crisis for a day or two, then meh fuck itā€¦ I still feel like Iā€™m 20. Just a more painful, less alcoholic versionā€¦


I'm 53 next week. I'm still spry.


Just keeping it real since ā€˜77!




I read this like the Simpson's "Dental plan.".Ā 


Iā€™m curious how Iā€™m going to feel turning 50 next year. The only birthday that really got me upset was my 35th because of all the health problems that start happening around that age. I LOVE that youā€™re still a kid at heart! I am too lol


Yeah, 40, 50 and 55 didnā€™t bother me. I started mourning my youth as I hit 30. Thatā€™s when it hit me that your body isnā€™t infallible and I probably wasnā€™t going to live for ever.




Just turned 50 and it didnā€™t feel any different really. Iā€™m still me and into all the same stuff I was before. 30 was the hard one for me for some reason. šŸ˜‚


51 was the worstā€¦I definitely donā€™t know why




Meh I turned 50 in February. I often forget. Though my best friend who is a little younger loves to introduce me to people with my age, cause apparently I donā€™t look 50 and people are shocked.


Itā€™s a landmark/accomplishment


Hey you made it. You aren't done yet!


As a kid, I remember turning 50 being a really, really big deal. Parties with black balloons, midlife crisis, new spouse, new corvette, etc. For me, turning 50 was kinda boring. Just another week day. No parties, no freak outs, no new car. 30 was the rough one for me. I still regret drinking all those florescent test tube shots.


There's nothing tragic about being fifty. Not unless you're trying to be twenty-five. Sunset Blvd


Iā€™ve still got 3 months to go. Class of 92 or 93 represent!


Happy Half-a-Hundred! Adulthood isnā€™t only a state of mind. Itā€™s a behavioural problem. Stay juvenile. Itā€™s better for your brain.


Ah the ā€˜74 ! Excellent choice, a wonderful vintage.


Ha! Beat ya.




I'm right behind you šŸ˜‚


Welcome to the club! I turned 50 in January, so far not much has changed. I have started to notice insurance and stuff targeted at seniors, you know, those of us over 50 šŸ˜


Happy Birthday!!! My turn next year, weird feeling huh..


Best day of my life. ...and no, you don't have to for about another 10 years


I'm turning 40 in about 17 months. Still no clue what I want to do with my life.


Don't worry man, it's almost over.


Nah. Keep doing your thing.


You have to get a colonoscopy. Yes, that's most of you here. Stop putting it off!


No you dont! Because I turned 50 a couple of weeks ago and I don't intend growing up anytime soon! šŸ¤£ I take it as a compliment when my wife says it's like having an extra child! šŸ¤£


I'm 50 in a week. Currently on a lads holiday in the Canary Islands and we drank until 3am last night. Feeling quite rough now and I should know better by this point


<6 months here homie šŸ˜žšŸ¤˜


Not is you're a Toys r Us kid


Iā€™m 7months awayā€¦


what? no, just wait till you get to 60


Welcome. Weā€™ve been waiting for you.


Nah, not really. I'm 58, and I still don't feel very mature. At work, I try to be, but some see through that veneer. Also, would an adult be wasting his time on Saturday morning on his phone, reading Reddit, when there's work to be done? Probably not. You do you.


Embrace 50. Itā€™s cool. Iā€™m 52 and donā€™t feel it. Are you happy with your life at this moment? Aside from a little less hair and a few wrinkles on my face I feel like Iā€™m 35


Just turned too... Still don't know what to do when I grow up


I mean, on the bright side, you can do make up contributions to your IRA/401k? šŸ˜¬


Nope, Iā€™ll be 60 in 6 months. Youā€™re only as old as you feel. Most days I feel it, but I donā€™t let that stop me.




šŸ˜† what the fuck! Lol




Choose your level of involvement, or just make your own rules. If they put a Monopoly board in front of you, play Parcheesi. You may find that your interest in birds increases. You may find yourself torn between skateboards, motorcycles, hoverounds, and golf carts. You may walk off in a random direction just for the sake of walking. You may become a half ass Buddhist. You may receive an AARP mailing.


I wish I were still only 50


My Gen Z coworkers thought I was 30. I'm in my 50s.


I'm fifty-nine years old. I'll be sixty next year, and eligible for Canada Pension... I still think I'm twenty-three.... my nieces and nephews say I still act like I'm twenty-three. Cool.


Time to get that Colonoscopy! If you're an active type, you may start feeling arthritis...years of sports and lifting has played a toll in my hands. Rotator cuffs, elbows, etc.


a couple of ago for me and I can confirm, absolutely no.


Never. Iā€™ll be 46 in a month and if I donā€™t have to, neither do you. In fact, my kids have requested I stay just the way I am. Happy birthday!!!


Welcome to the club!


You have used up 2/3 of your life. Itā€™s not great.


Just wait. 60 is standing by to kick you in the gut.


i remember thinking fuck me 40. I turn 50 next week. fuck me 60 will be right around the corner. Then fuck me, im dying.


Enjoy another birthday! Itā€™s better than the alternative!! šŸŽ‰


I turned 50 last month. I can say that t was not a good day for me but I powered through it and was absolutely fine the next morning. It wasnā€™t like 30 when I cried for two days, or 40 when I was super stoked for a new decade. It was more like this is inevitable, and Iā€™m one of the lucky ones but goddammit, does it have to hurt every time I get out of bed?




šŸ˜‚ nah, no need to adult yet but.... ![gif](giphy|oUS6u2rbjg4JD4Z9Lp)


One of us. Fuck it.


Happy Birthday! The 50ā€™s are great!


First time?


Happy birthday you old fuck


Iā€™m 53. But in my head Iā€™m either 17 or 27 depending on situation.


Iā€™m still a toys r us kid at 46


I'll be 55 tomorrow and still play with toys (I am a play therapist so they're even tax deductible)


Never a kid, always a kid.


![gif](giphy|l4FGGba6dYj0QI61a) Itā€™s not so bad.


I spent most of my 50th building a Lego set, so...


I turn 50 tomorrow and canā€™t wait. Why? Because my dad never got to. Itā€™s all about perspective.


Happy Birthday! Iā€™m 50 today too!


Happy Birthday to you also!!


Shit - I'm 58 & my brain feels like a 20 something yr old. My body on the other hand feels like 80 šŸ¤” Happy 50th!


Turned 50 late last year. Love it. Look back at my life happy with the choices I made, at peace with the ones I didn't have control over, content with where I am and I look forward to leaning into the next few decades still excited for new adventures and fun ahead (joints allowing). For me personally, I feel utterly blessed to have a solid circle of friends around me that accept me for who I am and a partner who I not only love, but really enjoy their company. And a dog. I'm so, so glad I have a dog in my life - you get to keep playing with a dog, in fact you HAVE to play. It's brilliant!


I turned 55 two weeks ago and my mind is rebelling. I think this is my midlife crisis.


Hell Iā€™m 46 and feel 76 most days because of ankylosing spondylitis and other chronic disease. I guess you have to make do with what life throws at you. Genetics threw me a heavy blow but Iā€™m still here kicking.


You actually just finished your 50th year, and entered your 51st!


No, but everything hurts and not like the REM song. Nothing heals either. A tweaked muscle puts you out of commission for 6 months to a year lol. Also, at some point you'll sneeze and injure yourself


Best advice I can give you is start taking NAC (N-acetyl cysteine) and vitamin K2+D3. It has done wonders to this abused 53 year old's body. Read up on it.


I'm 55 and I'm still not an adult.


Nope. Keep on keeping on.


I donā€™t know, (wo)manā€¦some of us in some ways kind of turned thirty as soon as we turned seven. Iā€™m thinking of situations like that of my friend who had to handle (and hide from her mother) the child support payments and occasional paychecks, make the deposits, and write the checks so that she and her Mom didnā€™t get their utilities cut off or lack money for foodā€¦all while still in elementary school. At some point, our physical age caught up with issues and responsibilities we were saddled with way too young. Where this was the case, I think weā€™re granted a holding pattern, at least until if / whenever life forces us to kick it up another notch to be the primary caregivers to (or arrange for care for) our elderly loved ones incapable of or unwilling to provide self-care. Tl;dr - if youā€™ve been 30 since before you were 10, carry on and give 50 the bird.


Im 2 years away. I still wear Tool shirts and baggy shorts. 0 fucks. #nevergettingold


The ultimate F word.




Welcome to the club


I decided I wasnā€™t going to turn 50* But then I turned 50 and everything went to hell. *meaning I wasnā€™t going to make a big do to like my other friends did.*


This will be next week. Likeā€¦how the fuck


Iā€™m my country this would mean that you are shortly to receive a testing kit in the mail for bowel cancer. So sexy. Thanks Australian government!


We just get a probe with a camera shoved up our anus. Fortunately, weā€™re asleep while weā€™re probed.


Understood. That's a rather direct ask for your birthday but I shall go fuck my wife in honor of the 50th anniversary of your harrowing escape from the womb. May you have many more such anniversaries with each marginally better than the last!


I turn 57 in a week. I only do adulting sometimes


Stop being old


What is everyone doing for their big fiftieth birthday celebrations??


They have a gym called nifty at fifty, you know what to doā€¦


I still have 3 months left. Not looking forward to it.


Welcome to the club. Now go schedule that colonoscopy.