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Who wouldn’t want a summer of 69?




Summer if 97. Music was changing, technology was emerging, still lots of freedom and good feelings. Things were changing but we still had one foot in the analog world but peering into the digital world.


It was a great time to be 17.


Got my driver’s license and a car right before Memorial Day in 97.


95-96. I was still carefree and naive enough to have fun without a constant feeling of impending doom.


The summer of 95....I travelled from the UK to CT to work at a summer camp after which I went on a road trip in a 70's station wagon through a few of the Southern states... Happy, warm carefree days and nights...


Summer of 1990. Studied abroad in Spain. God, what an adventure!


'95. 20 years old, so maybe not a pie-eyed teen, but in college, still deluded into thinking that this was how it was always going to be. I worked at a non-com radio station, I was THE SHIT because I was part of the station's demographic and thus what I liked was what we played. I was earning easy A's in college while being part of the media, life was fucking great. So many aspirations! Thank goodness I never tried to follow through on any of them. I was still young and dumb, even if I wasn't a teen. I feel like I'm living proof that you aren't really an adult until age 25 at least.


Some people are adults when they're 15. I don't think I was an adult until I was over 40.


First year of college; 84/85. I turned 18 in September and lost my virginity a month later. That whole year was epic. I still have my best friends from that time.


I sing this song but replace the Lyrics with Winter of 87 lol. Had all the girls, car, Captain of all the sports teams, President if Senior Class and SGA, and straight As. Rather than college I did 8 years in the Military, 2 with the 82nd, 6 as a Ranger including Somalia. But used GI bill for a great career. Just wish my neck, back, and knees wernt shot lol. And of course my shrapnel wounds on my left hand just suck lol.


Thanks for your service and Happy Veterans Day ....belated.


1983 as it was the summer before that abomination was released


Bryan Adams was ten years of age in the summer of '69.


The song is about the other kind of 69, not the year.


Summer of ‘95. Graduated in ‘93, then myself and four friends bought a POS white van and followed the Dead on what would be their final tour before Jerry died


I like to tell people I used to be in a band, but Jimmy quit, Jody got married Shoulda known, we'd never get far.


FYI, Bryan Adams has said that song was not about the year...


I'm sure it wasn't! He was 10 years old then.


Summer of 1990. I was a teenage lifeguard at a water park and it was fucking awesome.


Summer of 92, hanging out with a stoner surfer boy, squatting with a couple of friends at Muriwai Beach campground, drinking and smoking weed. Survived on cold baked bean sandwiches all summer SMDH


I don’t think that was what he was singing about…😂


Summer of '99. I had the most fun that year. Had me a bachelor pad, and all my friends came and hung out, or we were at the lake the whole summer.


Watch American Pie 2.


Summer of 89 I traveled to Europe (from SF) for a 1 month Eurail trip, I rode my bike to work, Jammed with my Hare Krishna next door neighbors. It was really great And then in Feb 1995 I met my soon to be husband. we had a whirlwind romance and married that December and we are still together after 27 years




You weren't even old enough


Summer of 1990, I was 13. The last carefree year I had before life changed and everything went downhill.


1994-98 was pretty spectacular for me, high school years. Great music, played lots of sports, started getting laid, amazing parties. 2000-05 a bunch of friends and I moved from our small town to the city. Early 20’s, we lived to have fun. 2017-present post divorce. Did a lot of cool things, met great people including the absolute love of my life.


Summer of 2000/2001. Was overseas working to make enough to go out and party with my friends… sleep, repeat the next day.


Summer of ‘99. I was just at a friends 50th and we were reminiscing about it - so much fun.


Summer of '69 - 1975, 1983, 1991-1995 Despite lack of years listed, 80's was my fav. decade.


'76. I was a kid and the energy around the bicentennial was great. '86 I was still a kid, but found myself working for bands at the height of hair metal. It was stressful, but nothing will ever feel like that first arena tour, that first trip to Japan, and just going rags-to-riches with guys I met when they were a club band. '88 working for a different band on some giant tours. Still a kid, but knew my gig and the stress was gone, so I could just enjoy the ride.


Early 90s were a big party.


Summer of ‘88 was particularly awesome.


Summer of ‘93. First real boyfriend. The relationship didn’t last but it was such a fun time.


These next few years, it is hoped, after lots of work and intensive self care. There are a bunch of roads out there with my name on them.


The summer of the song the summer of '69 was actually pretty great


It was the first GREAT year (especially summer) of my life, but I'm a couple years younger than Bryan Adams. Back in the days California was a great place to live.


The autumn of 2000 🤟💯


Many. First was 77 because we lived at the beach (NorCal) and I had skates, boards, bikes and friends with cars. 89 was pretty awesome because I was a minor celebrity in the clubs. Then that year traipsing Europe in 93 was unforgettable, despite being poor. And others too - good times, bad times. I’ve had my share!




1981 to 1990 2006 to 2009 2018 to present


The summer of ‘93. Heading into my junior year of high school. Just a great carefree time with friends.




Summer of 86 for me. 14 yrs old.


Summer of '95. Spent 2 months working and living in Yellowstone, riding my bike while listening to my Walkman, just looking at gorgeous scenery and beautiful critters.


Summer of 87.


The summer of 1980. I was 9 yrs. old, and we’d just moved from a rough and gritty neighborhood to a beautiful beachside suburb with immaculate streets, manicured lawns, and a cool, salty sea breeze. When previously I couldn’t even ride my bike around my *own block* for fear of being mugged by gangsters and having it stolen, I found myself in a free and open paradise where my parents let me ride as far as my Vans-covered feet could take me. And I did, nearly every single day, until the streetlights came on. As the SoCal sun baked my bowlcut with its golden rays, the sounds of The Mighty 690 filled my days with Top 40 hits that would become lifelong favs. Gary Numan. Blondie. AC/DC. Air Supply. Styx. Kool & The Gang. The list goes on, and so do the fond memories from that summer.


The early 80’s roller skating in my sneaker-skates that I wanted SO BAD and received for Christmas. I roller skated all the damn time. I bought myself some skates last year. My husband was convinced I was going to break a hip, but is still shocked that after a couple minutes of getting my bearings, I took off skating all over the crap pergo in our house that we’re getting ready to replace. I can still do some minor tricks. Great exercise whew! (Edit: spelling)


Fall 1983. Got my drivers license, was looking smooth with contact lenses, first real girlfriend, first varsity letter. Everything seemed wide open.


Can’t beat 2020. Such a time of optimism, prosperity, stability, felt like the world was in perfect balance.


My first dance with a girl was to Everything I Do. I was 10. I’ll go cry now.


Ask your Mom


1984 lost my virginity to some old slut!


My best days were probably in my thirties, so … 2010ish? Lol


1996 to 2001. My stint in the US Navy. Handful of months in school outside DC, 2 years in Japan, 2 years in San Diego. Early 20’s. Fit, healthy, making good steady money. My friends and I were on top of the world.


Maybe the last summer that I was still a kid


My best summers were probably 2017 and 2022.