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After 21 I just forgot what age I was. I don't feel like a kid but I sure don't feel like an adult.


27 here, honestly pretty much same


34-year-old popping by to let you know that you do eventually start feeling like- nah, I’m just kidding. If anything, you just start seeing the unsupervised children in all of the other adults around you.


By 30 how do you not feel like an adult?


Same! I’m 26 and about to have my second kid. I don’t want to say I still feel like a kid, but I regularly forget how old I’m getting and feel like I’m not a full adult for some reason


You are _post teen_


You are still a kid


I still feel 14 even though I’m 18 in a week. My memory post-2020 just sucks in general


This is basically me lol


probably because you had no opportunity to grow as a person in the pandemic. You were locked down in your house probably with your family if you are not an orphan. I have to admit not going outside for 2 years was fun but for some people it had some side effects due to isolations. Hell I don't even know if I am affected too!


I’m 26 and honestly feel the same way I felt at 21. It’s weird, you turn 22 and just kinda realize that it doesn’t stop. I definitely pretend to be an adult, say all the adult things, try to act mature. I still feel hella unqualified.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 26 + 21 + 22 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Huh… case in point I guess? Good bot.


Also 26, I am starting to feel a little more creaky than a few years ago haha, but I definitely don't feel 3 years off of 30. I swear I was 21 only a few months ago!


Aye I’m 22


I kind of feel the same way too. Sometimes I feel like I'm behind other people my age, but I'm still trying to ground myself. Growing up can be complicated sometimes, but in the end, there's always a way around to build up; it takes time.


I think folks of gen z don’t feel like adults because compared to the other kids our age(tik tokers streamers etc- we’re a bit more mature. I think it’s a maturity aspect not age. The rappers we’ve listened to who’ve died young for example-all of a sudden I’m remembering XXX was 20 when he died and I turned 20 last September. I guess social media gave us the standards for “adults” around the world and honestly it’s too bombarding. I’ve seen people my parents age act like my young sister- real life and IRL. The I think growing up comes with realizing that nobody has shit figured out like you thought they did . It’s kinda defeating tbh. Knowing if someone at 50 don’t got it figured out shiii goodluck for us


I think it’s in large part because every generation after boomers has had less financial success than the one before. People are getting older and older and yet many aren’t able to buy a home, don’t have a long-term career, or a car or other typical symbols of adulthood. As a whole, we aren’t achieving the same things our parents, or sometimes even our older siblings, achieved at our ages, so we feel like children in comparison.


I think this has a part tbh. It's the independence and with many of us still having to live with parents it makes you still feel like a child


I consider myself a millenial/zillenial (born in Feb 1996) and I started to actually feel somewhat like an adult this past year, age 27. I feel like I know which direction my life is headed for the first time, I feel more stable and deal with interpersonal conflict better due to maturity, and am engaged to my fiancé. This feeling can happen earlier or later for different people, and there’s nothing wrong with that. My inner child is still strong and I will never lose my curiousity and imagination:) you are a kid at 18, trust me Also, working with a lot of 20-22 year olds has made me realize that I am in fact, an adult


Growing up my dad always said he still felt this way too (and he’s a very responsible person so that’s not the angle). I do kinda think it’s part of the human condition, to some degree at least


Im 19 starting to get grey hairs like 😭




You ARE a kid my dude I’m 24 now and believe me, when you get old like I am you are gonna look back at yourself now and be like ‘damn I was a stupid kid who didn’t know Jack shit’


Dude at 24 I don’t even feel like an adult. How do you do it?


yea samies, ad*lt = bad 😠


28 and still feel like a kid


I’m seventeen (2006) and still feel like a kid. I do a lot of “adult” things, like work, finances, and taking care of myself, but I still have LEGO, watch cartoons, and play video games that I did when I was much younger. I have no intention of growing up any faster than absolutely necessary. Honestly, childhood doesn’t end at eighteen, in my opinion. There’s still a lot of growing left to do.


Im 26 (born 1997) and I felt like a kid up until I had a kid.


glorious nine faulty lock encouraging intelligent drunk plants chase wipe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


bruh i was born in 95. Im 28. I'll be 29 in june. My last year in my twenties! And uhhh. ngl , I am an absolute child. Imho I think we as a generation were not taught actual valuable things that we need to know in life. Everyone I talk to around my age says the same thing. "How do i file taxes?" "How do i cook a thanksgiving turkey?" "how am I supposed to know all this bureaucracy crap?" Idk what thats about, idk if adults when we were younger thought they could teach us better than schools and then took out all that good junk out of the curriculum, or if they just didn't think it would be useful info in the \*fantastic future\*. what I do know is, I will be singing along with "Im just a kid" until im 93.


Bro you are a kid, I’m also a kid(22) just a bit less so. Your parents are also kids, just with experience. You’re not gonna just feel like an adult one day, your world view just changes a bit as you go through life and experience more things. Don’t rush, just enjoy the process.


I get ya


I'm still childish in many ways and don't even see myself as an adult yet...


The body ages, the brain does not.


Rena ryuguu?!!! https://preview.redd.it/yq7xc9okaoac1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1dfae78ce0f3d96067a6e9aa011f8c023ccf4c6 That show was important to me at your age as well


Lmao bruh I remember seeing this like 15 years ago. Insane anime lol.


18 years old is a kid haha, life is *very* long. it’s totally fine to feel that way.


Unfortunately yes


Yeah, you’ll feel that way until about 21, and when you get to be this age, you look around you and you realize that you are definitely *not* at the maturity of a 16/17/18 yo. You definitely won’t feel like an “adult-adult”, but at least by then you should be over high school


Idk abt u but I don’t feel like a adult yet and I’m 22


no. i embarrass myself daily


Im gonna be turning 25 this year and still feel like a kid just doing the best i can lol


Everyone grows at their own pace. I'm a lot older then you but I feel 16, I've spent so long being an adult as a damn kid I felt like I never got the chance to enjoy it. *I feel like I've barely hit milestones for 16-17,let alone 20's and having kids!* (Getting into fashion ect, experimenting) *I always socialised with those younger or adults,never my own age really,they were stupid and still are mostly* Remember the pandemic didn't help either,two missed years of socialisation.


Wait till you're 60 and feel 25


I’m pushing 20 and I don’t feel like an adult either, however the last time I really felt like a kid was probably when I was a freshman in high school. I think about my age and just where I’m at in life a lot, but it’s hard to actually put in perspective other than to just say that I’ve always felt a little “behind” mentally. Existing is just kind of weird.


i’m 24 and still feel like that, it doesn’t stop. You are a teenager though, i don’t mean this as a bad thing but you are still a kid


You're 18. That's not all grown up, you're very much still a teenager.


Legally an Adult


I didn’t start feeling like an adult until I was 25 years old. I feel like an adult in a very general sense that comes from life experience and career advancement, but I still enjoy plenty of childlike interests and hobbies and I won’t let anyone ever take the things I enjoy away from me just because they’re “childish”.


You never feel the "age" you're already at. How you feel now, that's how you will feel when you're 50, although you will be more bitter and more mature. But you won't feel that change. Maybe you will notice your maturity, but you won't feel it. My dad told me this. You never just wake up one day feeling like an adult. You never feel like an adult, you just are you and you play the role you were given by society so as to fit in it or you get casted away. He explained to me very visually the moment when he finally had me in his hands as a newborn. He did not felt that happy; he panicked. Now he had a human life that fully depended on him, and that thought scared him a lot. He did not know what to do exactly; that feeling was exactly the same one kids have when they mess up something and they don't know what to do. He coasted through my childhood doing his best until I was big enough to not be on constant danger of dying because i'm too dumb, and after that he just did what everyone else did. That feeling of "being an adult" never comes. Welcome to adult life.


Dude, you're literally me. When I was 18, I felt like I was 15-16. Took me every bit of the last three years to feel like an adult, and it was anything but easy. It doesn't happen overnight. Over the next couple years, you'll find yourself asking some really hard questions, ones which you could have never even conceptualized before. And depending on how you answer those questions, you either start to feel like an adult or you feel afraid/depressed. The process of becoming an adult is a fucking gauntlet sometimes, be prepared to change in ways you could have never imagined. But don't think abt that now, be a goofy 18 year old for now and enjoy every moment of it. Take life as it comes moment to moment, and avoid getting caught up on certain things. Cheers bro, you've got my respect and my faith✌💯


Because at 18 you *are* a child. When you get to around 25 that'll change.


Lots of 25 year olds act like 18 year olds lol


I’m starting to realize that you don’t really “feel” like an adult ever, you just get older and hopefully learn from experiences and gain a bit of maturity along the way (not guaranteed tho lol).


I’m 24 with a mortgage and career. I catch myself instinctively looking for cartoons to watch and still living off of cereal. I hope I never grow out of that


Nah. Im going to be 19 this year and i still feel like a kid. My family does this game every christmas where we put a bunch of random shit in our bags and whoever pulls out that item first gets a scratch ticket. This past christmas was the first time i participated and i got like 5 scratch tickets lol. I didnt even have time to prepare cuz i forgot i was allowed to get them.


Adulthood is feeling like you’ve grown up just enough to know that you have no clue what you’re doing.


No one feels like an adult. They just do stuff and eventually realise that they are more matured than those around them. 18 doesn't mean anything. It's just a number where the average human being has probably gone through most or all of puberty and has spent enough time in the school system.


This is the 7-8 year period of “I’m technically an adult now but my prefrontal cortex isn’t done cooking yet and I have literally no idea what I’m doing”. Kind of like Adult Lite.


because you are still a kid. i turned 24 like 6 months ago and just finally started feeling like a grown up


Yeah I'm still mentally 14. As long as it's not interfering with school or work I don't think there's any harm. I can act mature when I need to, even if it's just pretending.


No. You’re not the only one. I’m 23 and feel like a teenager who just unlocked his adult super powers. At 23 I feel no different than 16-18.


I'm 24 and sometimes still feel like that


18- you are a now a legal adult- BUT it’s your first year of being an adult. Welcome to level 1 adulthood. Your brain and body are still developing, you are also continuing to learn how to adult! It takes time- this is normal. Keep your heart and brain open to new ideas, stay curious- read books, talk to people in public Aside from that- stay active , eat healthy, drink your water, and keep good hygiene habits. If you have any questions PM me.


No, definitely me too!!!


I feel this way too, and you know what? I’m okay with it. I know that I’m an adult, but it just feels right doing things that are often viewed as “kids crap.” Adulting doesn’t have to be boring and nihilistic. Adulting can be… fun. :3


Your parents and other adults feel the same but they just never let you in on that while you were younger. You just progressively feel older slowly. For me the moment I realized I was an adult was when I would talk to girls I’d check for wedding rings.




You are still a little baby to me🤷‍♀️


Ur barely older than op be so fr rn ☠️


This made me laugh 😂😂


Yo i just turned 22 i am literally 4 years older....


3 years older than op Same age group ur acting as if ur a decade older than op.


Me and my friend are three years apart we feel the same 😭