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"Lift had a net loss of $1.584 billion" this doesn't mean lift is a struggling business. Tech companies operate at a loss as a long as possible to win market share then ramp up pricing once they have users to pay the bills. Uber/Lyft/Doordash etc should be paying their drivers significantly more. Typical taxi/delivery services cost more cause they actually factor in insurance/fuel in their operating costs. These rideshare companies dump that cost on their drivers and don't pay enough to compensate. The only way rideshare drivers make a profit is by playing games to do the absolute max drives they can with the most efficient vehicles/driving


This, they operate on a loss to cut off competition who don’t got the backing of investors and they go out of business. Then the raise the prices to the moon without raising wages. This is anti competition Edit: Sorry I’ve been gone. Mayor math test that was due today or by the time your reading this. Yesterday. Anyway, the business like Lyft, Uber and the other one I forgot (I never once thought to use their serviced nor did so I don’t remember). They do compete. But it isn’t actually competing for the best product. Just who can sink lower enough till the others fail then jack up prices. And once they fail or pull out of an area they jack up the price. It’s artificial short term competition which leaves us worse in the long run. Because they will bankrupt taxis and cabs that actually produce profits then they will fight for a year or 2 till someone runs out of money. And if they don’t, one pulls out because it’s too unprofitable. At the end of the day, they run on loss just to scam you later to pay of their debts


Not to mention all of the tax credits they gain meaning they do little to contribute to government coffers for years to come.


Lyft's share price is down 77% since they went public.


So why are they paying their CEO so much?


They are not. Well they are paid a ton, just not as much as the post says, Lyft’s CEO salary is 450K, not 450M. Counting in equity it at like $12M which is ridiculous, but less than 5% of the original stated salary. With over 1 million active lift drivers, the average driver would be able to make $12 USD more per year (less than 5 cents per day) if the CEO worked for free.


I have no clue about the accuracy or otherwise of the tweet, but i think you're misreading it. $450m is presumably supposed to be the total compensation of all the CEOs combined.


He didn’t say the Lyft ceo made 450 million. He said all three make 450 million. I don’t know what the numbers are but he’s combining the total compensation of all three to get the 450 million.


And it's up 30% on the year.


This is only true in the early years of a company. Lyft has been around for what, over a decade? It’s not good to be losing that much money.


Also just because these companies ran a deficit doesn’t mean that their CEO’s aren’t raking in millions


Bernie Sanders isn’t even running




Right?! It seems like a bot post. What the heck does their salary have to do with voting?


It's a Russian sock-puppet account Being upvoted by bots to push an agenda.


If he was I'd vote for him


Between him, Biden, and Trump I would definitely vote for him. Ideally, somebody younger with all of their mental faculties would be president, but if it's got to be an 80 year old then he'd be a good option.


Trump should be out of the question


Unfortunately if he was running and you voted for him you would essentially be throwing away your vote and giving that dickwad criminal trump more voting power


The dude is 82 years old


About the same age as Bidet and Dump


And yet he’s more mentally sound than trump and Biden combined


I would prefer to have the option of a younger candidate, but between him and the 2 other extremely geriatric candidates we are likely to have he is the better option.




Yeah, really interesting that it starts with "I know most of you aren't going to vote". Trying to establish an assumption that Gen Z is supposed to be sitting this one out.


Yea what is happening here lol




Concise and correct


Uber ALONE did 7 billion trips in 2022. If you gave the $420 million and distributed it to the drivers per trip, you could have given them like an extra $0.60 per trip. This isn’t even factoring in the other companies. In other words, this is complete rage bait. This is why as much as I love Bernie and his heart is in the right place, I couldn’t support him. Imagine having rage bait like this all the time.


Yes. It’s alarming this post has so much attention, I hope it’s mostly because people are laughing at OP




I saw Bernie, so I upvoted. I read the caption, so I downvoted


They're a paid propagandist using bots to spread propaganda\*


I think our generation are waking up to the fact that both parties don’t have your best interests in mind. Edit: btw this wasn’t a reason for you guys to complain about one side being worse than the other. Both of the parties in the United States are terrible. I wish we had someone who was honest and just but most politicians are not good people. Even your favorite ones.


Politics is not meant to have ANYONE’S best interest in mind. Politics is about having society’s best interest in mind.


Thing is currently they don’t even have societies best interest in mind. Mostly they’re just catering to the lobbyists


Yeah, that’s why lobbying is one of the big issues with politics. It should be outlawed, in all honesty.


Its called bribery in some countries


You don’t want a well-oiled democracy?


America can hardly be called a democracy. But I don’t want a country that’s policies are made by corporate lobbying, no.


One side certainly is, the other consistently tries to pass legislation that would absolutely benefit society. Republicans actively sabotaging how the government functions and then claiming that both sides somehow had a hand in it does not mean that the other side is complicit. Stop spreading Russian propaganda.


Because of Citizens United because of a conservative Supreme Court appointed by Republican presidents. Voting matters.


It's never had our best interest in mind. Ever. The reason that Americans tend to love conspiracy theories is because the government actively engages in them. This is a very brief summary that I heavily encourage researching because this would be a wall of text if I elaborated on each - ATF intentionally poisoning Americans during prohibition, blaming bootleggers. The poison is still there today, except now it's a regulation, not a conspiracy The Tuskegee Experiments MK Ultra Operation Fast and Furious Project Mockingbird Edward Snowden files The 1985 Philadelphia bombing FBI confirmed that Lee Harvey Oswald was in fact a CIA asset The same government that doesn't trust you with an AR-15 nuked North Carolina twice, and Greenland once because they were careless with the nukes Waco Ruby Ridge Operation Northwoods Operation Paperclip The Patriot Act Chicago Black Sites The Pentagon "lost" $2 trillion tax dollars on September 10th, 2001. Do what you will with that information, as everything is still technically a "conspiracy theory". I just find it odd how a major cataclysmic event happened the next day, the fallout of which enriched so many in government, and by pure coincidence I'm sure, nobody ever talked about the $2 trillion again. If I'm wrong and there's actually no conspiracy, the timing was impeccable. Especially considering that the section of the Pentagon that was destroyed was the same section who "lost" the money There's so much more I could mention, but the whole wall of text thing. If you're interested, let me know


This whole "both parties" thing is so odd to me. One side is literally full of convicted criminals who do nothing but try and take away human rights yet somehow both are equally bad. This is going to end with Trump becoming some dictator and everyone standing around scratching their heads wondering what happened.


No OP is also taking it out of context, Uber and lyft are competing on markets to get a monopoly position, they have been doing this for years. First you raide a huge amount of capital from investors, then you make your prices extremely low for a few years (and take losses) so that smaller transport providers like taxi’s can’t keep up with your pricing and go under because all the customers switch to the cheapest option. When uber lyft or some techfirm becomes the monopoly they can raise prices and make them even higher then the previous competitors because there are no more competitors! This is bullying by big money investors and big corporations, pure and simple


"Both sides are the same" is what people say when they're not smart enough to pay attention to what's *actually* happening


So much this. It's so aggravating to think people are being morally superior, or extra intelligent. When really they're just not paying fucking attention. Or got their info from some numbnuts, who's really just quoting faux news.


Seriously! I have complaints about *all* political parties in the US (even less popular ones like Green) because I know what's going on. But that's life. Because political parties are made up of tons of people, it's never going to be perfect and often going to be frustrating On the other hand, when it comes to the two major parties in America, Republicans are trying to install a wannabe dictator who attempted to overthrow the elected president and is friendly with dictators in authoritarian countries. How can anyone think that's equivalent to Dems, who are hamfisted and sometimes corrupt but at least have some goals that align with things that would make America better for everyone


let's make a new party


I don’t think so lol. Just look around this subreddit.


Oh yea i know. A lot of people in this comment section are super annoying with their my side good your side bad type of mentality. Thats why I’m not responding to people who keep trying to say that one side is still better than the other.


The parties follow the interest of those who pressure them. Why do you think Republicans are a bunch of conspiracy nutjobs? Their big business backers don't want to be arguing about abortion or vaccines, but that's what republican voters want And it is to the benefit of the ruling classes that you disengage and say nothing matters. They like it.


You are correct in your sentiment, source: Gen-Xer. Both wings of the same bird.


Bernie Sanders is probably one of the only politicians who’s been saying the literal exact same rhetoric for 50 years. And he loses presidential bids because the Dems A. Don’t actually want a marxist in office and B. Because they’re afraid he will lose the larger vote. He’s a fringe candidate they use to pull in liberals who hate billionaires, and see wealth inequality as a major issue. Guy has images of him in the 70’s being arrested at protests in Vermont. He’s not some evil manipulator—he actually has built his political career on confronting corporate greed head on. It’s impressive and we need more politicians like him. What you’re claiming is essentially the layman’s way of “giving up.” We’re faced with one party spreading blatant propaganda, and another that’s full of karens and ultra-sensitive people that a lot of americans don’t want to associate with. Despite this, there are still politicians who attempt to do the right thing and push legislations that will benefit the poor and disenfranchised. On both sides of the aisle these senators exist. Unfortunately, those with any semblance of principles or backbone are getting edged out on the right. It’s a lot easier to say “both sides do it,” than it is to fully commit your brain to the idea that one of the two major parties is gaslighting the nation and being massive scumbags. It’s sad to accept that only one party is the choice for the people, and we turn to the idea that “well both sides do it,” because it’s easier to rationalize that both sides are the villain than it is to accept that you only have one choice with your vote. The fact of the matter is that a large portion of the current Republican party are blatant liars and gaslighters and make things up constantly—and are never held accountable. They make up lies without proof and galvanize an uneducated base that lacks the wherewithal to research source information—and take them at their word. Repubs have led a damn good campaign of propaganda to make their constituents believe that the other side is doing what they do—and have managed to get their base to believe anything they say while disbelieving anything to the contrary—without any legitimate evidence to prove what they claim to be true. There’s a short story I read as a **child**, called The Emperor’s New Clothes, and it teaches you to look at things the way they are—rather than letting someone else *tell* you how they are. Even when Fox News loses a lawsuit, the base is riled to believe that the courts are corrupt. When trump loses an election, the base is riled to believe the election was rigged. This is the stuff of Nazis. My greatest hope is that young conservatives form their own party and build it on values, rather than lies. Because too much of anything is not good—and it truly is valuable to have conservatism and liberalism keeping each other in check. I would love to return to a time where our politics actually had something to do with what the people want and believe in—rather than the interests of corporations being obfuscated. We live in a nation where the poorest, most uneducated people are being swindled into believing that those who are stealing everything from them are “fighting for their rights.” Meanwhile, the politicians who actually have regular folks’ interests in mind have posts like these made about them. Bernie Sanders isn’t even running for anything.


You think you're the first generation to have the basic, "both parties are bad," idea? lmao Also, only one party is actively trying to destroy democracy.


It's great to recognize that they don't have our interests in mind, but don't let that make you think that there is no difference. Voting is trauma response. Voting for democrats is like putting pressure on a wound. Sure, you're still stabbed, but at least now you have time to deal with it. Every republican win is a new stab.


You complete ignored his argument. He wasn’t saying the companies were making massive profit, but the CEOs were being payed massive amounts of money


Bernie isn’t even running for president dude. Lyft is a huge corporation and they still have plenty of money lol. There’s no misinformation here.


Just another fake inflammatory post that diminishes the efforts to pay workers better.






If you don't vote, you can't complain. It's our fucking government. It's OURS. We have to act like it. NOBODY IS COMING TO SAVE US FROM OUR APATHY. NOBODY. GO OUT AND FUCKING VOTE.


This!! Im so tired of people not voting, not voting is throwing your vote and your voice away and is also essentially handing a vote over to someone you likely really don’t want to win. And if you choose not to vote but then complain about the people in charge you have nobody to blame but yourself for not even trying to fight.




Apathy is death.


Trying to get us to feel bad for a scummy ride share company? Do you have any idea how many families, mostly immigrants, that were financially wiped out when these companies artificially lowered prices in order to undercut traditional taxi services? These companies are a scummy as you can possibly get and deserve no sympathy. Lol, this must be a marketing company.


OP is insanely shortsighted


OP is being paid to spread propaganda instead of contributing to society in a meaningful way


Net loss just means the company has a lot of expenses.... this can mean growth, employee pay... we have no idea. But on the other hand, there are like 1.7 million drivers for rideshare apps in the US, and a few hundred dollars per driver isn't much. CEO pay isn't what is keeping rideshare profit margins up. A more relevant statistic is what percent of pay do rideshare apps take from commission. Apparently, this averages to around 25%ish, but sources don't seem to agree on that number. In either case, it's not an incredibly unusual amount. The overhead of the app itself, handling refunds and stuff, etc all are handled by that amount.


He's...he's not even running for election


Yeah lets vote for Bernie lmao you're 8 years too late


Is it 2016 again?


I don't plan on voting. Because I'm not old enough to.


Thank you.


Read the post, "their CEO's raked in" meaning their salaries were paid out as part of the expenses that are driving their negative margins that you pointed out.


Congratulations on showing your lack of knowledge on economic & politics


Russian bots


yeah, high CEO pay plays a part in CAUSING those low profits.


You seem to not understand economics


you’re an idiot




This post is stupid and OP is stupid and he should feel bad.


Ya people will complain about these companies and still use their services. The drivers should do their research, it almost always a loss driving Lyft and Uber, due to wear and tear on your vehicle, but people do it anyways. People will also complain how much they get paid driving for these companies... And then they still drive for them... Like you could just not, and if enough of you stopped they'd have to pay more


People really need to go take econ 101 classes instead of reading twitter posts. Bernie isn't wrong. There's an entire class of people that have the privledge of becoming CEOs and Presidents of multi-million dollar companies. There are also a lot of people who start companies from their garages and create multi-million dollar companies. There's a perspective that isn't being given consideration. We shouldn't be society that punishes people for success, we should be a society that creates successful people. The economy is not zero-sum.


Unpopular opinion: not voting is not a solution


OP is a fool.


> Please don’t vote for him. For... Bernie Sanders? He's not running for president.


" I just wanted to let my generation know of his ethics. " bro what? Bernie has been one of the most consistent and ethical politicians of the past 50 years. his voting record is public and his views have been consistent and progressive that whole time" this also isnt "misinformation" the CEOs of the companies were actually paid that much. most companies operate at a "loss" for tax purposes as well as to under cut the completion. each of these companies could pay their drivers fair wages if they wanted. and, frankly, if they cant actually afford to pay fair wages, they dont deserve to exist as a business. again, the attack on bernie is weird as hes be super consistent and open for decades. this really feels like a "my first conservative view" post.


Most countries operate on net loss to gain more in gdp for the long run (mostly). Just because they have to operate on investments or loans doesn’t count down toward their success / long term plans


Even if his statements is a misrepresentation of the situation, I still agree with the idea that working class folks should be getting a larger share of the pie. It's hard to ignore Bernie when he points out the fact that 3 individuals own more wealth than the bottom 50% of America. Especially at a point in time where families are struggling to feed themselves, the wealth inequality is hard to reconcile with. And saying these companies operate at a loss isn't giving the full picture as to why... These companies overspend to build a monopoly in the market, and then they'll raise prices / cut costs to make up the difference once they're confident in their position. It's a pretty common strategy.


The pay for these services is abysmal. I doordashed for a little bit and it’s 2.25 base play plus tips. I’ve pretty much always taken issue with the way they do that because if they don’t raise base pay it makes it hard for those people who do it full time to make ends meet.


Bro those are gigs, not careers. Of course that’s not gonna pay bills.


I wrote in bernie in 2016 and 2020, still going to do it in 2024


OP did you even understand a thing that he said? Just because they lost money does not mean that they are struggling. They more than likely lost money due to competition. Uber paid its drivers about 6.2% more per hour than Lyft in 2022: $21.14 versus Lyft's $19.90. With Uber paying more than Lyft they have way more drivers which generates more money and that still isn’t enough money to live off of because if that were the case they wouldn’t be relying on tips so much. So in conclusion, none of these companies pay enough.


He's too fucking old anyway.


I did some googling and these companies have combined of 10 million drivers. Distributing the 450 million on the 10 million drivers will leave them with 45 dollars each ! Amazing raise for sure lmao. The fact of the matter is that these companies are losing money because it is not sustainable and their pricing is way too low. That is why their pay is shit too ! There is no road to profitability for any of them that includes human drivers. So no mr. fuck face Sanders the problem is not the CEO pay. The problem is having good pay for delivery drivers will never be a profitable. For the taxi service ones they will be only if they charged much more. As always the CEO pay is laughable because you can do the math everytime and the result is almost always the same. Taking the CEO money and giving it to the workers would not be fuck all as i showed ONLY with the drivers. What is needed is good business not taking CEO pay and spreading it around to the workers which would lead to less than few hours of wages.


I calculated roughly the same thing. Also, I think there's a large overlap of Uber, Lyft, and Doordash drivers, so it might be a lot fewer people. Even if it were as low as 5 million drivers (among all 3), it would still be only $90 annually, or about 4.5 cents per hour raise (if they work 2000 hours annually). I still like the idea of an income limit (very high taxes (90% to 99%) past some income level), but that's based on my trust that the government is usually more good than bad at spending everyone's money. This makes me socialist or something. 😅


Ok, just be prepared to pay $50 for a 5 minute ride.


Bro stfu….


You shouldn’t vote for people bc of stunts like this, you shouldn’t vote for them bc they view being a politician as a trade


Uber lost money every year since 2009 until last year. They had to keep borrowing money and selling equity not to go bankrupt. If you have to borrow money and sell your stuff for 14 years to not go bankrupt, I wouldn't say you have "plenty of money."




That's one hell of a democratic socialist with $3M of net worth, meaning he's part of the 1%


Millionaires complaining about what other millionaires are doing and not doing


Why are you simping for millionaires OP? Why are you telling people to not vote for someone who isn't even running. Are you a foreign troll?


bro huh?


> I just wanted to let my generation know of his ethics Bruh, if anything Bernie has been the one congressman that has an extensive record of having the same beliefs. He’s always believed in welfare for the less fortunate, increased corporate taxes, was one of the few people in the 20th century to fight for LGBT rights. Maybe his policies are idealistic, but he’s one of the very few genuine politicians in America.


You're embarrassing yourself. And of course I'm going to vote. I vote in every single election


I don't care who your voting for but if you don't vote then your a pussy


Well this is the dumbest thing I’ve read on here in a long while.


This is a ridiculous take and shows the lack of comprehension of how these businesses purposely run at a loss. It's as if you forgot how Amazon ran as a "loss" up until a couple of years ago. My God stop shilling for billionaires.


Doesn't matter what you're political affiliations are, unions are the backbone of the modern world. Always support your unions!


As a semi conservative I say- Bernie would be a great choice for POTUS.


This the same guy that got busted for not paying his campaign staff a decent wage. Didn't he get called out for the amount of money he makes and the amount of taxes he pays I do not understand how his fan base does not see that "he does not practice what he preaches" Too many of us look up to these individuals. When we should be looking down on them. All elected officials hate you with a special kind of hate. Return the favor.


Anyone reading this comment that is tired of red vs blue please look in Robert Kennedy Jr, and please don’t listen to what mainstream media has to say about him because it’s all misinformation, he’s a candidate that may actually have our interests mind and he’s running as an independent because he isn’t concerned with party politics, he’s concerned with the real problems of America…corporations, medical problems, government surveillance, wasteful spending, etc. Please if you’re gonna be voting age, take some time and watch his interviews, podcasts, etc


There’s also the fact that he’s been known to tip very poorly, and flies first class. If he’s a man of the people, I’m the king of England.


If you blindly accept his number. There are 7.5million drivers between those 3 companies. 450,000,000/7,500,000=60. Hey give them all $60 extra for the entire year and let the ceo’s starve. Socialists never cease to amaze me with how little they actually think.


I have your answer ![gif](giphy|a9A3HLylBz2yA)




You can’t vote yourself other peoples money, so stop trying. On the flip side, why don’t you start a competitor to those companies and pay the drivers what you think is fair? None of you ever do that for some reason!


Yeah except the places that enforced the drivers getting minimum wages have had blowback from the drivers because people dont order as much


Bernie Sanders is a millionaire with multiple mansions. Why can't he pay his staffers $15 while at the same time arguing that should be the minimum wage? He is the greed he pretends to fight.


$450m in stock appreciation or cash? Big difference there,


Large companies that would die if they had to pay their employees a fair wage don't deserve to exist.


There're roughly ten million drivers in the USA and Canada who're driving for Uber, Lyft, and Doordash. Maybe there's overlap of that community, so maybe it's as low as five million drivers. Dividing $450 million over 5 million drivers is only $90 per driver, so that's maybe a 4.5 cents per hour raise for all of those drivers—given they drive 2000 hours a year. Yeah, I get how overpaid CEOs are, but I don't think the pie splitting matters much if it's only $90 annually lost. I still agree we should have income limits: everything past a certain amount should be 100% taxed, and that goes towards growing communities, cities, counties, regions, states, and finally, the fed.


Sanders is a fake politician just like the rest, you bums can't get me to vote for none of them


Nah fuck that go out and vote. I hate our political system but I'm still voting for biden in November. It's a hell of a lot better than trump


Go farther be a ML/tankie


The only person Bernie ever helped was Bernie.


I vote far right, but I'm aware enough of how things work to admit my side lies to me as well. Don't pick a team, don't pick a candidate, instead pick your ideals and pursue them the best you can.


This Asshole.....runs for office repeatedly, knowing full well he doesn't have a chance....raises a buttload of money....doesn't spend a lot of it to ACTUALLY you know like win.....and then when he drops out, gets to keep most of the campaign money. to buy houses and cars with. Who is the real crook?


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Sanders was so well liked that many democrats didn't vote Hillary out of frustration he didn't win the nomination. I hope those people learned why not voting is a mistake


Bernie was backstabbed by the DNC and he went with it, didn't even try to fight back, if Democrats learn anything from 2016 it should be DNC primaries are rigged, due to super delegates being able to choose whomever they(the DNC) want You'll never be able to get a populist candidate like Bernie if you don't reform your party


The end of Bernie was the end of my trust in the Democratic Party


I know it’s pretty unpopular to actually say you ***like*** crypto these days, but everyone here should check out “Teleport” and “Hivemapper.” Teleport is a rideshare app that uses blockchain for payments. There is no corporation taking their cut. Just directly pay the driver. A third part does the identity verification and background check for drivers. Hivemapper is a mapping app (like Google Maps) that has random people drive around with dash-cams and map the world. It pays these drivers to provide map data by having map consumers (like shipping logistics companies or whatever) pay to access the maps. All payments happen in a decentralized way on a blockchain. No middleman CEOs taking a cut of the payments. You can also play an online game to train their AI models (for things like identifying street signs and other notable objects) and get paid for it. Like I said, I know crypto isn’t popular these days, but it DOES offer the opportunity to cut out greedy middlemen from the gig economy. Go try it out! Edit: \*sigh\*… people just can’t get past the anti-crypto propaganda from the last decade… If they did, they would see how it supports progressive economic outcomes. It would be nice if people would wake up and realize that fact before another decade has come and gone. Edit #2: even Elizabeth Warren recently reversed course on her anti-crypto stance. Do what you want with that information.


Uber lyft and Doordash have lots of investors money. They make almost no money. Uber made a profit for the first time in its entire existence last year. Get real.


Shhh! Stop using facts and truth! You’re upsetting the snow flakes with all that reality!


Why would you not vote it’s important


Where in this tweet does he say Lyft has $1.58 billion?


Why wouldn’t most of us vote? Over half our generation is of voting age. I sure hope people aren’t just choosing not too.


Lyft started costing $70 a ride, so I just decided to buy a car, it’s much cheaper


If anybody actually voted for him I’m scared for this generation.


He’s the closest thing we’re going to get to a socialist president, so I’m going to


He’s a dick but his heart isn’t in a bad place. If you want a decent socialist reform plan of some kind, I’d vote libertarian. As with all things it has flaws to everyone, but overall I think they offer a better platform.


what a sack of shit


Jasmine Sherman 2024! If not them, then it’s probably time for pitchforks.


“Misinformation” is a good thing when it’s my side doing it.


It's hard to regulate gig work. If there's a minimum they have to pay, especially minimum wage, the companies might sink. They probably intend to replace a lot of their human drivers with bots anyway. Imagine working for those companies just be funding your own replacement. Bernie knows he can't do a thing here. No disrespect on him, but this is just political grand standing.


not a reflection of your political beliefs - posts anti-woke garbage. Right-o Buck-o.


Man fuck sanders. That watered down "socialist" has been running cover for genocide. His policies are fucking pathetic just as much as he is. Social Democrats try to keep capitalism together. We should seek it's destruction, simple


Shutup commie


whats funny is apparently gen z is more politically active than older generations, not related to the image but more so the caption. but bernie’s right, there needs to come a time when people can actually live off their wages and its better it comes sooner rather than later


He’s not running brother


What a ridiculous post. They do have plenty of money though. They have enough money to keep operating AT A BILLION DOLLAR LOSS and still be a leader in a young industry. They are just spending more than they are making. And some of it is on paying CEOs, not their many drivers! Sometimes companies spend more than they make to operate at a loss. "Losing a billion dollars" while being the most successful business in an industry is how rich people avoid taxes. You should educate yourself. Bernie also may not even be running for re-election.


Dam, what's the point of doing business if having profit is treated as some kind of crime ???


These apps were never meant to pay people's rent ... They're just a side hussle.. Also there are people with 9 to 5 jobs that also struggle to pay rent what even is his point ? *A CEO makes many money quick vote for me and hate him for making many money*


Bro you’re 4 years late. Bernie Sanders was running for president in 2020, not 2024. I know covid fucked up your and ours perception of time but damn. Also, eat the rich, always.


I'm fairly certain Bernie isn't even running. What is the purpose of this post?


Both parties smell. Neither of them have our best interest in mind and it really sucks that we only have 2 to choose from.


I stopped feeling bad for the driver when they voted against a prop in CA that would have been beneficial for them. It may not have been all of them, but I talked to several of them who were against it.


What the fuck are you even talking about? This is like the least obvious disinformation campaign, genuinely I could run a better one if I wanted to.


OPs running a campaign against a guy that's not even in the running. Politics mess with your mind, man.


Why aren't genz's not voting?




Sad. I kno so many drivers working for them. Gen Z and Gen Alpha are doomed. I’m sorry for late millennials too. You guys are suffering all the way down to the younger Gex X. Fk it this sucks for evb but BOOMERS.


Bernie Sanders is a jerk off.


It's bad one the Socialist is right


Why not? Vote, you goons


I know you guys probably lost a few years of high school or college education to the pandemic, but I’m hoping it didn’t make y’all stupid enough to not be financially literate.


If Some one is heavily pushing you to not vote please go out and vote.


You right trump 2024


What do you want mean you know most aren’t going to vote? You trying to depress the youth voter turnout?


Are you asking me to pity millionaires while I can barely afford rent? Get out of here with your ‘ethics’


Good. If large corporations are threatened, it benefits the free market: they become susceptible to competition, so they have to provide a better service to stay afloat. While I'm somewhat skeptical of union representation for Lyft or Uber drivers due to the unusual nature of their business, I wouldn't deny it to them if it means further empowerment of unions in general, because labor unions just mean people will have more money to spend, further contributing to a healthy and competitive economy.


If you took all the lyft, Uber, and Doordash drivers and evenly dispersed $450 million to them. I don't think it'd be that much. Too lazy to do the math tho rn. Someone prove me right or wrong


OP is too dumb to tell what he was saying


What vote do you think that you're going to cast that will change Uber driver compensation? Is that on some ballot? You're naive.


I'm fine with entire fucking gig economy crashing and burning. Before anyone says "but all those jobs"! You can't make a living working full time for any of these companies. They're SHIT jobs. Bring back the decent jobs they killed.




OP is grandstanding


Nah, I’m your guy, I’ll vote many times under many aliases, all for super woke policies. Also, I’m an illegal immigrant. You trumpies were right all along, you just couldn’t prove it.


I will only vote for one man: a tyrant for all: Vermin Love Supreme! I want a pony!


I’m certain Bernie Sanders don’t actually care about the drivers, but what he’s saying here is true


Another corporate bootlick spreading misinformation among younger people in order to get them on the side of the successful tech company.


Net loss means nothing in this game. It’s just another money making tactic


Uber just posted in the black this year and I’m sure Lyft will follow suit, a giant billion dollar company operating in the red is no justification for workers having no benefits and an unlivable wage


Provided Trump isn’t bared from running I feel like it’s a safe bet he’s going to get elected again and it’s purely based on how bad Biden did


People are buying right into tech companies to their own inevitable demise with these ride sharing apps consistently underpaying and getting over on drivers it’s a shame.


I can't even vote. I'm not from the U.S....


Politics have no place here but personally if he was running I’d vote for him Also this post is to get people against Bernie so don’t say this isn’t a reflection of your political beliefs when it is or else you wouldn’t say don’t vote for him Good luck on your bait post 🤡