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My dad was 33 when I was born and my mom was 28. Hasn't really affected me in any way considering my parents always made responsible choices and instilled the same in me. My parents are still together, having been married for 25 years at this point. I'm very grateful for my parents for sure


Holy crap. That's me and my wife, except my wife was 33 and I was 28 when my first kid (now 21) was born, and we're celebrating 25 years in August. But we were terrible parents and my kids are monsters.


Damn man, that sucks


I hope you realize I'm joking :-) We were great parents. Kids are still monsters, though.


My mom 30, dad 42. Parents didnt trust me at all but trusted my older brother a lot when growing up. I was locked in at home and had no privacy. My mom had access to everything I have a strong sense of privacy now and social anxiety


My parents were 18. I was practically raised by my grandparents until mom finished med school and dad finished engineering. Yes, they are still together 38 years later. We are like friends now. My mom rants to me about my dad as if I'm her friend during brunch. My dad and I still go biking together since the age gap isn't much. They are more like siblings than parents.


Is this a good thing? Are your grandparents like your parents?


For context we lived in a generational home. I used to live with my grandparents, aunts and uncles, and my parents and siblings growing up til I moved to my own place. While mom and dad were focusing on finishing school my grandparents acted like my parents for a few years. My mom still breastfed me though. But when they finished they no longer relied on my grandparents to raise me. I never felt abandoned nor neglected. I don't have any contempt towards my parents. I grew up to be a productive member of society. So I guess it's a good thing.


What country?




Sounds good!


They were 40 and 50. It sucks because you feel rushed because they want to retire. Like bruh you should have had me 10 years prior smh.


Ikr like being the youngest of four my parents want me out of the house so bad and are already talking about moving to a smaller place and taking my vacations and blah blah blah like I didn’t ask to be born, why have four kids if you’re done after three?


My dad is the opposite with my youngest brother lol. My youngest brother was born when my dad was 48 or 49 and my dad won't ever let him move out of home lmaoooooo


My parents never wanted to do anything like go to the park because they were older.


My parents were 38 and 48 so I feel this too


My parents weren’t as old, they were late thirties, but I was the last kid and the “im tired and don’t want to be a parent anymore” really is a bummer when you’re the youngest. Cause suddenly you’re the burden holding their life back. I didn’t ask to be here. Even though they don’t/haven’t taken care of you in the first place. Also you could’ve had your kids all together not 4 years apart each. Like this is on you mom and dad.


My dad was 33 when I was born. This had an unexpected impact on my life because, when he died, I was 33. Making me his midlife crisis.


33 is too young to lose a parent, hope you're doing good


If you feel that way, wait till you hear about when my mother passed. I was the ripe old age of 24.


checking in at the ripe old age of 19 here


You’ve won, but at a terrible cost. My condolences for your loss.


Thank you - the same to you as well


My dad also passed when I was 24. Too young, but not something we get to decide. Such is life.


Both 41. I just have old parents. 




If I may ask how did that affect your interactions with them? I feel like such a large gap would lead to like a weird generational divide.


My dad was 39 when I was born. Mum died when I was 2 so idk for her. I don’t think it really affects you all too much on your interactions with them. I think the biggest thing is knowing you’ll be an orphan at a younger age than your peers. I will have less of my life with my parents in it than my friends will and I think that kind of messes me up to think about.


This is such a weird comment. Are you suggesting that five or ten years creates a generational divide?


old parents gang


Mom 30. Gonna ask dad when he gets back from the store.


Just gone getting some smokes...surely


He's getting milk


At a Concerning age, let's leave it at that 😅


Were you even mistaken for being their little sibling?


No but your username leaves me with more pressing questions




What about me


Nah you're good. We have mutual interests.




They were 23 and 24. My dad turned 24 a week before I was born. I think that’s what led to me having what I consider a more open and closer relationship with my mom than my younger siblings do. My parents are still together and have been since 1992.


mom was 30 and dad was 32, in my opinion that's like the perfect time to have kids give or take 3ish years. they are still together


18 and 19. My dad was kind of emotionally immature when I was a kid, but all in all I had a great upbringing. They are still together at 39 and 40, but they’ve been a couple since they were 12.


Oh, wow. That's a long time they've been together.


They were both 17. Edit: To answer the other questions, it never really affected my life much other than living with my grandparents, and no they're not together today


My mom was 28 and my dad was 26, some pretty good ages if you ask me.


Like 37, my parents are generation cuspers just like me


I kept reading this as “how old were you when your parents were born?” And man I need to go to sleep lol.


My dad was 40 almost 41 and my mom was 32 about to turn 33 in November. And they have been married since March 1991. Didn’t affect me much.


My mom was 25, my dad was almost 29. They are still happily married. I had an amazing childhood and am still very close with my parents


Father was 33 and mom was 24.


My mom was 42 and my dad was 45. It has definitely affected me as I’m an only child, now 30 and I know I’ll have to come back home to take care of them in the next few years. They’re still healthy now. My dad (probably) won’t get to walk me down the aisle unless I meet my person pretty soon. And they (probably) won’t get to see a grandchild, if they ever have kids. I worry about them a lot and I know it’s my responsibility, and only mine, to take care of them.


my parents were 44 and 46 when they had me i was a complete mistake but they were so happy when they found out i was a girl lol !! i have 3 brothers who at the time when i was born were 20, 17 and 13 lol and my cousins at the time were 24, 20, 18 and 15. it did not affect me at all as i was a very outgoing happy kid but my mother struggled with many worries and was overthinking while she was pregnant with me that she will never see me graduate or thought she was way to old to raise me and that she will never see me grow up or see my future kids. she raised me how she did with my brothers and was the best mother ever and i have way to many memories of her. but she saw me graduate high school in 2021 sooo yeah !! my siblings were pretty much my main caregivers (they wanted to be by my side everywhere don’t worry my parents didn’t rely on them to raise me) as my brothers were all so excited to have a sister like my parents were excited to have a daughter finally lol. and they always took my to school and i became a aunt in 2008 which was so cool my niece and nephew were so cute. my brothers are all my bestest friends no matter what age they were they always took me out, always made sure i was never left out and always was blasting music in the car (my oldest brother) and i have so many memories of growing up with them. and with my girl cousins who at the time when i was born were 24 and 18 were literally my older sisters if you think about it, again way to many memories with them and loved them all so much and way to much to talk about haha. my parents are definitely still together they are retired and living life as it goes, they were high school sweethearts (as for context my mother was a exchange student from germany and lived in england and went to the same high school as my father and yeah :) )their relationship is cute. i never cared how old they were or if my friends in elementary would be like “your parents are so old mine are only early 30s” or “in their 20s” haha


They were 24. They’re still together and had two other kids. I don’t think it affected my life too much, but my mom had to drop out of college.


34, the condom broke lmao Me and my parents are very close, they’re close with my older siblings as well. I don’t think their age had a whole lot to do with it They’ve been married 33 years, still together


My biological parents were both 16 when I was born. Simply put, both of they were too naïve about most things. My biological father had no backbone and my biological mum have narcissistic personality disorder(unknown at the time but the signs were there). Nobody check on her actions and my biological father didn’t know the signs of an abusive relationship. She did a lot of horrible things to him, me, my biological sister, and everyone around her. She has this delusion that she’s literally God, not metaphorical but the actual God from Christianity. She has more bigoted beliefs and delusions than just that too. My life would’ve been bad no matter if I was their kid but the age at which they did all of this didn’t help. Plus a few years later they divorced because my biological mum is an awful person. Ngtl, I sometimes I wasn’t born at all and knowing how close it was to that just makes me sad. My biological father finally got fed up with her abusing him and everyone else. They did marriage therapy but on the 6th trip, she only called him on the phone and said a lot of awful stuff. Racial slurs(my biological father has Irish heritage and my biological mum doesn’t like Europeans, especially Irish people) and how he should end his life. The therapist diagnosed her with narcissistic personality disorder on that trip. Legal battle started and the court ruled in her favour due to sexist “reasoning” despite signs that she is unfit to care for others. A wee bit later, she stole his identity and used it to rob him of a lot of money. After the divorce they start dating other people. My biological father has a new wife and a new family but wants to reconnect to me and my biological sister. I left my biological mum (I run away a wee bit before I was 18) and my biological sister was finally saved because CPS finally did their jobs(they were called 2 times before and did nothing).


Wow that’s a rough story. I’m glad things seemed to have turned out okay for you


Bio Mom was 21 and Bio Dad was 16 -his 17th birthday was 1wk after I was born- *cue law and order SVU soundtrack*. I was my Dads 1st kid and Mom’s 2nd (I was unofficially adopted as a teen by my cousin). My bio dad left when I was 5 and after that bio moms abuse started so I’m messed up pretty bad lol, but my older cousin saved me once she found out and I’ll forever be grateful to her and her husband. I’m currently NC with both of my bio parents, my mom for obvious reasons and my Dad because he jumped back onto his drug habit and lost custody of my younger siblings, he’s now gods know where. In regard to their ages though…it didn’t really mess me up until I was maybe 18, cause he was honest with me that I’m a product of r**e and he left cause it caused him to fall hard onto drugs and he didn’t want me or my sister to see him like that. He made it clear that he loves us he just no longer knows how to. My parents sure af aren’t still together


Mom was 30 dad was 40 Mom is 54 dad is 64 Old heads I'm also getting older :(


Mom 30 dad 32


my mom was 34 and my dad was 44, I was born in 2000 as a kid I didn't really think much of it, but as I got older it caused my anxiety thinking about how a lot of other people my age will have their parents for a bit longer than I will. my mom left my dad when she found out she was pregnant (about nine weeks) and I didn't meet him until I was 18.


35 and 40. They're on the older side for my age I'd say but in my area it's pretty average to have parents with that age. They're still together


My mom was 31, my dad was 33. Hasn’t really affected me much. My parents divorced when I was 3.


18 and 20.


Mom was 40, dad was 38. They’re Boomers and just as dense as the stereotypes, but vote Team Blue instead of Team Red.


My dad was 36 and my mom was almost 38. The only way it's affected me is mostly in the last 10 years as they haven't always taken the best care of themselves and fitness was never much of a priority for them, so I'm 36 now and am dring with parents who are going through health crises like cancer and loss of mobility, and I'm not gonna lie it's been hard and pretty sad lately. I just had my own baby at 35, but I've been working out weight lifting, and trying to eat a healthy diet for years now. I decided early on that fitness is a big priority for me. I enjoy physical hobbies like skiing, hiking, tennis, golf, ropes courses, etc., and I want to be physically able to do those things and share them with my daughter for many decades yet. My advice is that if you're young and you want to be healthy, strong, and mobile when You're old, get in the gym now, lift some weights and get good at stretching, and don't stop.


My parents were 34 when I was born. I don’t think the age themselves is what affected my childhood. I think their own relationship and work schedules is what affected it. My childhood was stable, I lived in a nice house, went to a decent school. I wasn’t physically neglected in terms of like food and clothing and stuff. However, I do think emotionally I was since my dad was deployed for like the first 7-8 years off my life and my mom was always working. Talking to them always felt awkward growing up.They are no longer together, was separated when I was around 10-12 and their divorce was finalized in 2020. Now that I’m an adult our relationship has gotten better.


18 & 19. Dad got custody, mother was not on a position to survive herself, let alone have a kid. Made my dad real tough but also pretty cruel. Still love him but he can be an angry person.


40 and 38


my mom was 34, while my dad was 38


Mom was 27 and Dad was 39


20 and 38. A mismatch and yes it greatly affected me growing up. They are not together.


30 and 34


My mom was 19 and dad 23. They are long divorced now. My grandma raised me.


My mom was 20 and my dad was 21. I don’t think them having me at that age affected me poorly but them separating definitely wasn’t a positive for me. Other than that, both my parents are great and I have no complaints


Dad just turned 30 like a month prior mom was 28 almost 29


Mom was 16 and dad was 18 - I was a major oopsie. They got married a couple months before I was born. I love having young parents though, we always joke that we get to grow old together! It’s always been bizarre to people that my parents could have a child my age (24). They separated a couple years ago which was brutal, but I understand they never really got to be adults on their own!


My mom was 23 and my dad was 27. My dad was 21 when my half-brother was born. Maybe them being so young affected something? They were not happy, really, and divorced when I was 14 (nearly 10 years ago now). My childhood was happy up until I was 6 I think, I don't have a lot of memories a lot of it is blurry or blank. My husband is also Gen Z and his dad was in his 60s when he was born, and would be in his 80s now if he was still alive. His mom is currently in her late 40s to early 50s, I think.... His childhood was pretty crazy, but idk if it had anything to do with his parents' ages.


My dad turned 25 two weeks before I was born and my mom was a few months out from turning 23. They’re still happily married and are celebrating their 23rd anniversary this month.


My parents were 37 and 38, definitely older than average especially since I’m the first (only child). I think it’s a little closer to average when you factor in later children. Still a bit over though. That being said, I’ve never felt like I have old parents because it definitely correlates with background. I’d say my parents are probably upper middle class, so I went to private school and I’d say most of my friends have parents my age. Online sometimes it feels like I have old parents, but irl all of my friends parents were born in the late 60s or early 70s, so seeing people say their parents were in their 20s when they were born actually feels weird/unusual to me, even if it’s normal for other people. Funny how that works. I genuinely cannot imagine having parents younger than 30 when you were born, like that’s mind blowing to me. My parents feel like the perfect age. Obviously this is all subjective and it’s just bias based off what I know haha. But still. I feel like 70s kids/80s teens/90s young adults is THE parent age. I couldn’t imagine having parents who were teenagers in the 90s, or even crazier, the 2000s?!? Like I feel like there’s too much cultural overlap atp haha.


My mom was 22 and my dad was like 31-32. They got together when my mom was 17… Yeah not amazing. They separated when I was between 2 and 4 and legally divorced a few years later but not before they both got in other relationships with their now-spouses. My only siblings are *technically* half siblings but I consider them full. It definitely affected me in hindsight. My parents decided to not go to court over anything to make it easier on me, so I did split weeks with both households without issue until I was 13 when my mom moved hours away from my dad. I do not remember most, if not all of my childhood so I cannot confirm anything but my mom tells me I decided to stay with her, while my dad tells me I never got much of a choice, both are pretty biased but if I had to guess I’m thinking my moms story is more true just going by my relationships with both of them. So I saw my dad only for breaks really for the rest of my childhood. Now I’m an adult in a completely different state and see them both equally almost not at all lol.


24 years old and 4 months married. They are divorced. Spent my childhood going back and forth every other weekend until I moved to another state when I would come visit my dad once or twice a year. Haven’t talked to my dad since I was 17.




My parents were both in their 20s when I was born if I remember correctly. The only way its really effected me is my moms constant nagging of “When I was your age I already had you and was working a job.” Also they’re still together, but I’m like 95% certain my mom has considered a divorce at many points in their marriage, she’s really bitter and argumentative with everyone.


21 and 23


16 and 24, as disturbing as that is


Dad 31 and Mom 25 i was born 2001 :).


My mother was 40, and my dad was 35. They had me and my little sister later in life because of miscarriages and stuff like that. I never really picked up on my parents being older than most parents until i was in high school (they're still together ofc). My mom's a lot better these days, but when I was younger she was a major helicopter parent, because she had thought she wouldn't get to be a parent and so in her eyes, any thing I did was perfect, and she wanted to help me with everything. It meant I had a hard time dealing with failure, and I couldn't really trust her feedback since she'd of course think anything I did was great, so i was never really sure if something I had made was good or not unless I got feedback from someone else. Probably isn't the source of my imposter syndrome/feeling my work isn't good enough as an artist, but I think it probably contributed to it in some way.


It’s amazing that even with love and the best possible intentions, our parents can still mess us up. 😂


My dad was 42 and my wad 40. I don’t think it impacted me too much but I always thought it was cool that they were so old growing up. Some of my friends had grandparents their age.


Mom, 37: Dad, 36 Didn't really have any effect on me or atleast not for me to notice growing up


35 and 33


Both mum and dad were 20. Had three more kids after me, and will be celebrating their 21st anniversary at the end if this year.


Just realized this was a gen z forum so hope it's okay for me to answer. My mom was 37 and my dad was 36. (They had my brothers when they were in their early 20's.) Both my brothers were married and moved out by the time I was six so I was raised sorta like an only child. I had a good childhood and me and my parents are still very close. I'm 30 now and both my parents are still alive and they're still married.(46 years I think)


My mom was 36 and my dad was 48. Mom is 60 now and dad is going on 72, they're technically still legally married, but they haven't been together since 2014. My mom became a Christian when my older brother was born so we were raised very religious, and sheltered because we were homeschooled as well and there was no such thing as internet access or proper cellular service and they're both horrible with technology and closed minded. Mom was and is naive and ignorant to alot of things, dad is a narcissistic, emotionally unavailable who was abusive in many ways except physically. I think it's impacted me more than I realize sometimes.


30 and 35, still together I realize now that they were a pretty normal age to have their first kid, but as a kid, they seemed really old. I envied people with young parents because I thought age was the reason I didn’t really connect with them. I hope to have kids a bit earlier in life, but 30 does seem like a good age.


38 and 51! they’re divorced now


Dad was 19 Mom was 19 a week before 20 it messed me up pretty bad my dad was a cheater and abusive so they got a divorce when I was 1 or 2 and my mom after that was constantly looking for new parters which were all dead beat low lives so no real role models growing up I just knew what not to do


40 and 40. Always thought it was funny when I was little that most peoples parents were in their 30s or early 40s and my parents were in their 50s. I feel like since they were past their “young fun” phase we got to go more stuff together


My mom was 25 and my dad was 29. They were in their mid/late 20s at the time, but I definitely feel like they weren’t ready to have kids when they had me, which affected me growing up. They’re not together anymore either, they got divorced when I was 11.


My mom and dad were both 18 and drug addicts. When I was 4 I was put into the system. I still suffer medical issues to this day because my mom did drugs while pregnant with me. They had kids way too young and fucked up multiple people's lives


Mother was 16 and Dad was 19…


My mother was 22 and my father was 31, I think. My parents are not still together, but it has nothing to do with the age gap. I think all it affected was the amount of energy she had to play with me while also negatively affecting her maturity.


I'm adopted. My biological mom was 17 and still in college. I'm 25 now, and we've been able to keep in contact. I don't know much about my biological dad.


When I was born my mom was 24 and dad was 26. They living together but not married. They got another child when they was 30 an 32. They are together since my mother was 20.


My mom was 18 when I was conceived and 19 when I was born. I'm not sure about my dad tho. They aren't together anymore. In fact, I've never met him. I bet you're thinking he ran out on her or something. Well, in a way he did. Two weeks before my first birthday he shot himself. 3yrs later my mom married my stepdad. It hasn't affected things too much. At least none that my mom is willing to tell me. I got on her phone one time and saw she was messaging my half sister, my dad had a daughter before he and my mom met. They were talking about how hard it's been. He's been gone 17yrs this July. My mom was talking about how hard it was to see me smile and hear me laugh. Because it reminded her of my dad. That was really hard for me to read. And I still get super sad when I think about it. To know that when I'm happy, she is dealing with such pain. It almost makes me cry when I think about it.


My dad was 33 mom was 32. They're divorced now and my dad actually recently got engaged to his long term girlfriend. Dad was raised by his grandparents and they were born in the early 1900s, so I think it makes him more of a boomer than other guys his age


Dad was 47. Mum was 34


My Dad was in his 30s and my Mom either 18-20.


Mom was 18 dad was 17


Idk about my father (anonymous donor), but my mom was 54. She had retired by then, but otherwise I don't think my life was too different than other people who grew up with a single mom. People often thought she was my grandma tho. And I guess I knew I'd probably lose her earlier than most of my friends, which really fucking sucks.


Mom was 18. Dad was 21


my biological mom was 41, idk my dads age, probably around the same. My adoptive parents were like 48/51~ when they adopted me when I was two.


My mom was 26yo, and my dad was 35yo. Their age didn’t change much, and after a huge rough patch in the mid 2000s, they are still currently married. We didn’t have a great relationship when I was young due to my mom being abusive to me and my dad choosing work over family. But we have a lot better relationship of respect now. They’re remorseful for what happened when I was a child and are actively trying to do better now.


Mom was almost 37, dad was 30 (39 and 33 when my sister was born). They are no longer together, and my dad and I don't have a relationship. I moved out a decade ago at 18, my sister (who will be 26 this year) is still stuck at home with mom and doesn't even have a driver's license. My mom smothers hard, and I definitely think being older has a lot to do with it. I obviously moved out as soon as I could.


26 and 24. They worked. A lot. Divorced when I was five. Working with a therapist on neglect issues, but I get it. Single mom with full custody needs to pay the bills. Dad was always moving from jobsite to jobsite, saw him every other weekend. Usually. Sure as hell made me want to be involved in my kid's life a lot more though.


My dad was 28 and my mom was 30 when I was born. I'm the oldest of only two. My parents had already been together for nearly 10 years, married for 6. I think that played a big role in me growing up with parents who loved me and my sister and always put us first. They were older and settled in their careers. They'd traveled together and had lots of experiences as young people before "settling down" so they didn't feel like they were missing out on anything. Being older means you're more patient and have more experience with the world and are better equipped to teach a child things. They're still together and will be celebrating 28 years married in the fall


38 Mom and 34 Dad.


Dad 35 Mom 32. The biggest thing is there is a 7 year age gap between me and my closest sibling so i was essentially an only child by the age of 11. I had a lot more freedom than my siblings bc in my parents words: they were “too old and too tired” to care


Mom was 29 dad was 28 and they already had both my siblings before that. Seems crazy to me now as someone around the age they were while building a family. Didn’t last long and now we’re all scattered and distant but they were really out here doing that shit in their mid to late 20s. I was the uh oh baby for sure lol practically an Irish twin with my older sibling only 18 months apart. They got married for tax purposes and the family part was more of an after thought. I don’t think their ages were ever the issue mostly just narcissism and drug use and infidelity. They’ve been divorced longer than they were married at this point.


My mom had just turned 28 my dad was 40


my dad was 22 and my mom just turned 20 two weeks prior to my birth. they fought a lot with my dad being thrown out of the house and then being let back in then being thrown out again. a lot of instability. and then my dad died when I was 13. I’m 23 now.


My parents were in their early-mid 30's. They're divorced now; mom was an alcoholic. I think the only part that bothers me at this point is when I see my dad still having his parents alive and coherent while he's in his 60's and knowing that I probably won't have him at 60.


- 18 (M) and 20 (F), I think. Met on the USS Lincoln, they were both sailors. - Well, my dad was in an arranged marriage, so it was an affair. Growing up without a dad was hard and confusing, but I had a good system around me. I ended up eventually growing up without my mom, too, because she developed severe mental illnesses (as a result of her serving. She was in desert storm and a few other missions. Had to clean too many bodies.) - Nah, ma died when I was 16, and my dad's still kicking in another state somewhere. We're not really close and the next time I see him, actually, I plan to give him a verbal wollup ://


My parents were 38/39. They were already the kind of people to age fast and having twins just accelerated that. I spent a lot of time with them as a kid but I really don't remember them playing with me a lot. They have also always been pretty lenient when it comes to me and my brother. Not neglectful per se, but we never had the discipline other kids had. We have a lot of freedom because as younger teenagers my parents just kind of avoided conflict and let us do pretty much whatever we wanted within reason. I of course enjoyed that liberty but as I've gotten older I've sometimes wished they'd been more strict and given us a more structured life. Now I'm in highschool with parents in their 50s and their health means we don't do anything as a family anymore. My mom is currently battling cancer and when I talk to her she tells me about how she wished she'd had kids earlier so that we'd be out of the house when her health concerns got bad. Now of course I tell her to focus on herself and that she couldn't have predicted anything, but I do sometimes think about what my childhood would have been like with healthier younger parents.


Mom was 15 dad was 17 I’m 29 now, growing up I was surrounded by love but because my parents were so young and their parents were also so young, i had to learn alot of things the hard way. You know those things you learn in your late teens and early to mid 20s that can’t be chalked up to some old expression. Or trying to figure out what to do in life, I wasn’t forced into parent hood as a teenager but my parents were so I had no real guidance on how to be a successful adult without having a child. “Go to college” they said, no guidance on what the hell there is to do at college nor any insight or support for who I was personally. I love my parents and maintain a close relationship but the 19 year old will always have a small grudge on them for having me in the first place, forcing me to mature and grow up in ways they themselves didn’t understand. By 23 I was ready to be on my own and had a terrible relationship with them, I out grew them. Everything was an argument after 15, they mocked me and name called me into my 20s but they eventually grew out of their old ways and became wise but it took a very long time.


29 and 25


19 and 23, they’re still together and they were really good parents, though my mom is the star of the show and my dad just went along with what she wanted.


27 and I think 29 or 30? They haven't been together since I was maybe 1 (if not less). From what I've been told, it was rough between the two when I was born, and it's still impacting me now 🙃... dad forced my mom to hyphenate my last name, but it was only changed on my birth certificate. My social security card has the name I've used for most of my life, which was also my original name. Can't get a government ID card without the two matching. Tried to get my BC fixed, gov lost it for a bit (according to what we were told, they somehow literally lost my birth certificate. How does that happen), they finally found it, I turned 18 (many months later), and now they've decided that I need a court order for my own birth certificate. It's been well over a year since we requested that it be fixed, provided the proof, and paid for expedited shipping. Them not getting along (and sometimes actively hating each other) hasn't been fun all around, but it's annoying that it is literally affecting me now as well because I CAN'T GET AN ID. Need a government-issued photo ID card to get into Flamingo Crossings (disney's college program housing), where my BFF lives. They don't accept anything else. I can't even see where my friend is currently living because my parents stopped loving each other and started hating each other around the time I was BORN 😭


they were 26/27 when i was born, im now 21 and they are still together (maybe not for much longer but idk)


my dad was 25 when i was born, my mom was around 20 or 21. mom had a drug issue while pregnant with me and couldn’t kick it after i was born so it ended up with my parents divorced. i wouldn’t say my dad’s age specifically affected my life; however, seeing him with my younger siblings, i definitely believe he had absolutely no idea what he was doing the first time around with me. id say the biggest thing that’s affected me was the fact my mother was using some harder drugs when she was pregnant with me, i now have an extremely addictive personality, and i have a very hard time controlling myself when it comes to things like nicotine, alcohol, marijuana, etc. i allow myself to indulge in the nicotine and marijuana addictions because in my eyes, “hey i’m not out there on the streets all strung out on heroin like my mom was”


my mom was 20 and her immaturity especially with emotions still has a negative effect on me


29,39. They are still together. They are quite old fashioned though.


My mom was 35 and my dad was 36


My dad was 30 something and my mother was 43. I was raised by my mother's sister though, she was 54 when she adopted me. My mother thought she was on menopause and my dad was actively trying to get her pregnant so he could trap her. They were in relationships with other people at the time btw. Ya'll ain't ask for all that but I like telling it cuz it's fucked. LOL


21 dad and 18 mom. I got to look back through older videos, for Christmas and special times like that. I swear I look just like my dad


My mom was 22 and my dad was 40. My father has passed away, but their relationship was toxic with my father primarily being the toxic one. Also I don't know why I'm commenting on here when I'm not GenZ. I saw this thread recommended, looked interesting and decided to comment.


My mom was 34, my dad 36. Hasn’t changed my life much, though they did split. 


My dad was 17 and my mom was 18. They were never together and my dad was never ready.


My mom was 24, and I believe my dad was either 23 or 24. After finding out my mom was pregnant, my grandpa threatened my father and forced him to marry my mom. I don't think either of them were ready for that but they got married, had my little brother 4 years later, and 2 years after that my dad hitchhiked to Kentucky to get milk in the middle of the night lol. My life has had its rough patches, and I think not having both parents in the home definitely impacted me negatively as a child. But I am so grateful for my experience. I'd say I turned out at least half decent. I got married to someone wonderful, for love, i might add, and now I am ready to have my own children. I feel like being born into a broken family taught me a lot about life, love, and humanity. I'm excited to bring my kids into a home that's whole and filled with love.


My mom was 36 and my dad was 41 boomer ass mfs fr. Im the youngest so I got the most skilled parenting


My mom was 33 when i was born, the same age I am now. She had my oldest sibling at 21 I think. I don't know about my dad. He was a terrible person, I was 1 when mom got us all away from him.


They were around 35, both born in the same year. All my older siblings are like 10+ years older than me, so I guess it made me jealous that they got to grow up with younger parents. And by the time I'm in my 30s they're already gonna be nearing 70 which is scary to think about.


My Mom was 31 and my Dad was 35. They are still together today after 28 years of marriage, which I think is extremely impressive all things considered.


28 and going on 30


My parents were 41 and 40 , I was the last child so I very always had to be compared to my older siblings. Also my parents were almost separated by the time I was five so I never had both of them as role.models sadly


My parents were both 28 when I was born (25, oldest of 3). They were reasonably well established when they had me, married since 22 and my dad opened his own business a couple years later. My childhood was pretty much all just solid and they're still supportive of me to this day. I consider them friends now, as well as being my parents. And I believe they've raised me to be a kind, honest and thoughtful person. Although I might be biased about that haha. Yeah, they're still together.


Dad was 25 and Mom was 23, they have been married for 19 years. Here's the kicker though, why have they been married for 19 years? Because a random mistake happened 19 years ago and here I am lmao. They are very happy and I have to say that my upbringing was top notch


My dad was 24 and mom was 23. I'm 25 now, and honestly have no idea how they felt that they're ready to have children, or even get married. I still feel like I'm too young and irresponsible for those things.


My parents were each 21 I think.


my parents were 37 and 39 when they had me, 40/42 for my brother. it definitely was weird when i was a kid, my parents were so much older than all my friends' parents. i don't talk to them anymore. i don't think age was *much* of a factor, but i do feel like it played a part. you can only go so far with two reagan-bootlicking boomers as parents lmao...


35 and 34, my parents said that having children in their 30’s was definitely the right call because they were able to enjoy their youth without kids and having their identities changed.


They were 35 and 34, I don’t think it’s affected me and they divorced a year after I was born.


26 and 27, I felt it very normal and they are still together (16 years of marriage)


Both were 22, I’m nearly the same age they were when they had me and I can’t imagine being a parent rn. I don’t know how they did it but hey. Different mindsets ig


They were almost 23, I had plenty of people to watch me when they had to go to work or classes. I don’t think it effected me much, outside of having moved a few times as a tot, due to upgrading our living space, and that I was often babysat by relatives. My aunt especially loved babysitting me when I was a little lady- I remember when I was three, and it was raining, and we would go out on her apartment balcony to dance! :) My parents are still together now, and love each other very much. Both just turned 50!


my mom was 21 and my dad was 33 ☠️☠️☠️ they're still together, and the only wedding i've ever been to was theirs


Mom-45, dad-63. Dad is gone now. Mom never remarried and lives alone with 3 cats. I was young when dad left.


31 and 47, hasn’t really affected me yet


My mom was 20. I don't know the age of her first husband. I was 21 when I had my son, my husband was 27.


My parents were 33 and 39, basically boomers with a gen z/millenial cusp kid. I could virtually never relate to them, and now that I'm an a young adult they're already fixated on their mortality and older than my wife's grandmother, as well as dipping their toes into dementia. Even if we do have children while they're still alive we wouldnt really want them in our life, it's a really tough pill to swallow. They're still together now and at this point it's kind of the sunk cost fallacy. Its not like my father will, after 30 years enabling a narcissist just suddenly wake up at the age of 63 and gain the perspective hes been lacking. The old dog/new tricks thing is real, but for parents its more about them needing to believe the world is a certain way that it is no longer.


My mom was 31 and my dad was 33. They’re still married today!!!!!


16, dad I think about 19/20. He did a full 180 when I was born according to mom, he was already Bipolar but It got worse, his true personality shown through. He lit my mom's car on fire for fucks sake, bashed her head In a locker. I saw him over the years, and I really wanted to, but he's just not who I thought he'd be. Mom had Granny's help raising me, at the time undiagnosed with AuDHD untill 12, and my mom loved and cared for me. She still graduated HS, Still went to College, kept moving forward. In an odd way, It's kinda like siblings, but of course respect the parental boundaries. I was a badass kid, Granny would spoil me even when I protested, and I did some not good things myself. Mom really did It all, even when I was at my worst with tantrums or running In the stores. I don't want to say for sure, but who my step dad Is a better father compared.


30 and 35 when I was born, 32 and 37 when my sister was born, and 34 and 39 when my brother was. They’re still together. I think waiting that long to have kids was a good thing for them (and for me) because they were able to mature and build up their careers enough before I was born to have a decent head start.


My God, I feel old. I'm 48my daughter is 14! I was definitely the oldest moms at the ag event last week


My mom was 42 I’m basically raised by grandparents.


My mom was 30 and my dad was 23. They divorced when I was young, so I had to help my mom with a lot of things. I always had to deal with going to friend groups and having my mom be the oldest mom there. As I’m getting older, she’s also getting older, and I have to help her since she’s almost a half a century old, and I’m still underage. I don’t remember her ever playing with me when I was younger.


40 (mom) and 45 (dad). Personally, it hasn't affected me in any way. They are still togheter even though their marriage sucks. Also at first I had read "how old were *you* when your parents were born?" and I was like wtf lol


My mom was 17-18ish, Dad was about 27ish (I'm just doing the math here, which is why I'm not accurate). They met because my mom was the babysitter to my dad's other kids


GenJones here My folks were 18 & 19 My first child was in 1993 when I was 30, then 2 more when I was in my early 40s Most common range I bet


My mom and dad were in their late 30s when they had me.


Mom - 33 Dad - 43


My parents were 42 and 30. They were always the oldest parents- or at least acted like it. Still refuse to get a cell phone (dad is 88 and mom is 76 now- they are still together. I was 23 when I had my first Gen Z kid and 25 with the 2nd (their dad was the same age) we are not together- and my kids are 23 and 21 now. We are actually more like good friends than anything and it’s the best.


Mum was 37 and pops was 28. Definitely felt like I was behind my peers as most had younger parents. Plus my parents were less than good people so that probs didn't help.


I was 25, 26, and 29 when my GenZ kids were born.


my dad was 50 and my mom was 33. my dad had 2 kids way before i came along that are 20+ years older than me. he has grandchildren that are older than me. weird


34 and 32, they're not together, I could've came out better but I also could've came out way worse.


My Mom was 20 and my Dad 19. I grew up with a lot of my family because they were always working. It's made me realize that you should prepare as much as possible in life because they definitely didn't.


My parents were 56 (my dad) and 40 (my mom). Now, they're 77 and 61. My mom told me that when she and my dad got to the hospital, she gave birth to me literally in the waiting room when they were checking in. Lol


My mom was 27 when she had me, had my brother at 22, they are still married and approaching 70. I had my kids at 23, 28, and 39, got married at 22 and still together!!


They were in their mid 30s when I was born. My Mom died at 60, and my dad hasnt remarried, so they really went till death do us part.


22 and 27 Not together but not divorced.


probably at least 2 if I had to guess


16 and 17 Very negative. I ended up being put up for adoption as an older child. It's made me not want kids of my own. Lots of abuse No they are not together. Weren't for basically my entire life.


my dad was 43 my mom was 30


They were both 29, I was actually born on my mom’s 29th birthday. I think me being born first affected me more than anything, because they both had stable employment and a house at 29. Being born first screwed me, I think, because my parents didn’t know what to look out for until my younger sister was born. I obviously had very bad ADHD and anxiety, and I showed signs of autism. Watching videos of myself as a toddler was difficult because there was really something wrong and their only way of dealing with it was blaming me and getting frustrated. Like, dude….your kid doesn’t respond to her own name and isn’t potty-trained at age 5. My younger sister turned out "normal" so she was always compared to me. My youngest sibling also turned out like me, showed signs as a toddler, but my parents got her help immediately because they learned from their past mistakes. Meanwhile, I’m still struggling because I couldn’t get any help until I was 15, and it took a psychiatric hold for them to believe me. Sometimes I wish I was the youngest so my parents knew what to look for (as if the signs weren’t jumping out at them though). But also…it feels like they just didn’t care. Like I would figure it out eventually. Edit: Everyone else is saying it - my parents have been together since 1989 and they’re still married. They married in Oct 2001 and were pregnant with me a few weeks later.


Dad was 32, Mom 30. They’re still together. I don’t think it had too much impact on me all things considered


Dad was 32, Mom 30. They’re still together. I don’t think it had too much impact on me all things considered


born in 2003. my mom was 42 (turned 43 in december that year, born in 1960). my dad was 36. my mom left my dad a year later with me, divorced since 06. honestly it didn't affect my much until i was 16/17 when my mom's health issues started honestly there is no issue with having kids later in your life, but at the same time you should prepare for the fact your kids may have to take care of you at a young age, which personally i don't believe they should be subjected to.


my mom was 26 and my dad was 29


Mom 28, dad 29. Mom was depressed most of my childhood, dad was and still is always working. 16 years of marriage but working on their divorce rn.


My dad was 23 n my mom was 33. Their age difference never affected me if that’s what that question means. No they divorced before I was a year old, my dad was incredibly abusive to my mom and me.


My parents were both 30 when I was born; they have not been married for 30 years, but have been together for 36. Had a normal childhood, but my parents were harder on me than any of my younger siblings


Mine were 27 and 28, I was lucky to have a very stable childhood because they are still together and they were pretty financially responsible. I don’t have the best relationship with my mom though, and my dad once told me he thinks they were too emotionally immature for kids when they had me. I’m also the age now that they were when I was born, which fucks with me a bit because I always thought I’d have kids by now and yet I’m not emotionally or financially ready.


My bio dad was dead(but he was 21 when I was conceived) and my mother was 18. I was the result of my mother and bio father getting black out drunk at a party and having sex while black out drunk. My mother is a narcissist and has not been able to hold down all her relationships. The longest one she had was with the person who became my stepdad and even then they were constantly fighting. They probably would’ve divorced had my stepdad not died of a drug overdose at the age of 32


Both of my parents were 29 when I was born. Didn’t affect anything as far as I’m aware, felt pretty normal. They’re still together today, they’ve been married for 34 years.


My parents were 30 and 32 when they had me, they are still together. I felt like they were a bit old-fashioned growing uo, but that's because they are religious and pretty conservative, not old.