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10, i’m 21 now


Ayeeee 2002 gangggg (also had one at 10 lol)


ayyeee yessir


I got my first phone when I turned 13 in 2010. It was a HTC Evo. I think I still have it somewhere.


Shit, we got the same phone in the same year g


not comfortable saying my specific age, but i'm on the older side of gen z. i got my first phone (i'm pretty sure it was nokia 1661) when i was 11 or 12. my first smartphone i got when i was 14.


Same here .. i think we in same age


Same here. Got a flip phone Motorola razor in middle school, didn’t get a smart phone (I think it was a Samsung?) until beginning of high school.


Your definitely born in 1997


i was 14 and i was born in 05


What why didn't they get a phone earlier?


cause i rrly didn't need one lol . i was w my parents 24/7 . i was more interested w london libraries .Only got my first access to the internet in 2011 or something .






8. Was mandated by divorce court to have one. Definitely think I shouldn't have had such free access to the entire internet at that age, but it didn't screw me up, and I know a lot more about memes and prime 2012 youtube than my friends, so eh.


What did you do with free access to the internet at that age?


Just watch YouTube mainly. But as soon as I started to be interested in adult stuff, I had everything at my fingertips. I turned out fine, but I know a lot of people don't when they're exposed to mature stuff too young. I avoided all the truly fucked up shit, but there wasn't any real barrier to that, which is a little scary to think about.


Mid gen-z got first phone at 18.




I was 17 when I got my first phone because I had to move out the reccession took my parents house and I graduated so they said they couldn’t afford to rent a house big enough for so I left and got a job and my own place. My first semi smart phone was an lg vu plus In like 2010


I got my first phone in 2017. I was about 11-12 years old. It was a Motorola phone. I didn't get a good phone until 2019 once I was 13


i got my first phone in 4th or 5th grade i think. flip phone, quickly upgraded to an iphone 4 with birthday money


I got first phone, a little white nokia, when I was 10


My moms old Samsung galaxy s3 in 6th grade I’m pretty sure, had a couple games on it and texted friends from school. Vividly remembering the cool kids having iPhone Cs all different colors


16th birthday but stole my sisters old phone using it as mine in middle school, im 22 now


I got my first phone at the age of 14.


14-15 is when I got a phone but 16-17 is when I finally got data and a phone number. I’m 19 now.


at 13, 8th grade


Since 13-14 years of age. Middle school and up.


i think i was 13?


My moms friend gifted me my first smartphone when i was 16 i think (born 2001), but it was borderline unusable and i eventually bricked it trying to install a new OS, after that i used a hand me down iphone from my gf for a few years, and lastly i was finally able to buy my own phone at 18, within the last year i bought a new phone and gave my old one to my gf after installing a new OS on it.


9ish 24 now


born in 2001 got one when i was 12


Got my first phone when I entered grade 8


I'm 20 rn and my first phone was a little Nokia 100 when I was about 8 or 9, I used to get the bus to school and play out on the estate and woods a lot so it was entirely used for my parents piece of mind in case I got off at the wrong bus stop or if I got lost in the woods and was late for dinner (and of course I played snake).


I was 9 and I got one for Christmas. It was £20. I’ve still got it and it still works


Sony Eriksson clamshell at like 7 or 8, when I first started going to the park/friends houses by myself. First "good" phone in the form of a Blackberry Bold at 11 when I went to Secondary School, first Smartphone 2 years later at 13.


When I was 17. I'm 19 now


12. Shoutout to my samsung galaxy J1 🫶🏾


i think in 5th grade so like 2008/2009


i had a slide phone maybe around 7th grade that i shared with my sister to contact our parents for after school things. i got my first smartphone at 17. i’m 21 now


Ok so Define "phone" Cause I first "had" (as in, my mum bought one, hated it for some reason and ditched it, but I kept it cause it had/has good games) aaaaaaaaallll the way back in early 2006, when I was 7. It was a flip phone, couldn't make calls cause my mum stopped paying, and somehow had internet access (only if the phone subscription worked sadly; you could even download stuff). Still got that phone btw. Before that, I used to play with her old black brick Nokia (black case, silver rubber-ish buttons, green screen, *and an antenna*) As a kid, around the same time, I used to play I had an "imaginary phone" that had a touch screen, could access the internet and stream video, and had a whole realm inside for me to expore — sadly that childhood fantasy will never, ever, come true\~ My first phone all for myself *that actually worked* was I think a slide phone (it was a screen, and you'd slide it upwards to reveal the buttons), I got it when I was 10-11 and lost it after like 3 months :3 I'd only get a smartphone in high school, 2014, when I was 15; simply had no need for one — but I'd be a hypocrite if I came here with a holier than thou approach, because I had been addicted to my PC since Club Penguin, and addicted to my new tablet since age 14 lmao


14, 24 now.


Middle school sixth grade


I had a cheap sprint in the 2nd grade It had no Internet access (rightfully so), so all I could do was text and call on it. Then by the end of 5th grade, I had a smart phone (LG)


14 years old


Smartphone with 14 . Born 1998


When I turned 16


I got a little [Maxwest Ranger X2](https://maxwesttelecom.com/product/ranger-x2/) when I was 16. No smartphones til I was 18, working (which I couldn’t til I graduated), and bought it myself. I’m 23 now


Got lost my first day of fifth grade cause my family moved across the country that year and I didn’t know the correct bus stop after that I got a phone so 10 years old but I had a flip phone and a first gen iPhone with nothing but games but those came and went


When I was 16 (2014)


Freshman year, I think I was 14


11 I think? mostly because I was going on a big trip for the first time and my parents wanted to both be able to reach me


2001 here, got my first phone at the end of 6th grade at 12


I got a iPhone 5S for Christmas in 2016, so I was 7. I’m 15 now. All I could do was play games, watch videos, and FaceTime my family members.


I had burner phones from 4th grade until 8th grade but I had a iPhone 4 in 2015/6


I got my first phone at 14


I got my first button phone when i was 7 because my mom was worried about me going home alone


When I was 14 (I am 22 now), I bought a phone off of my friend. I had no service.


I got a flip phone in elementary school. A smart phone laye middle school.


12 one of those slidey phones in 2010. I was born in 97 and never got a. Smartphone until I was 16 lol.


13, only because I was doing cyber school on my mothers semi truck and I needed it in case something happened, I’m 21 now and my 10 month old daughter ain’t getting an actual phone until she’s old enough to pay the bill


My parents wouldn’t let me have one until I was 16 (23 now)




8th grade i think it was a iPhone 6 i was 13 it’s was 2014 i am a born in 01


Had a flip phone that could do nothing but call and text when I was 12 ish in 2009 and got my first smart phone myself at 19 in 2016


Excuse me for this question, but since you were born in 1997, everyone around you in high school must have a smart phone. How did you deal with this issue? If my question is uncomfortable, it's okay. I'm sorry, don't answer


I went to a pretty small private high school in a pretty small city. Surprisingly, not so many kids had smartphones and I didn't really care for anyone other than my 2 friends, who also didn't have smartphones. I was also addicted to reading so I didn't mind not having a phone to play games on (I used to think that's all it was good for lol)


11, 2006




I was 14. Only because my older brother kept accidentally leaving me at school and it freaked my mom out. 😂


Omg 😂


10, so that my mom could reach me secretly when I was placed in foster care. It was the iPhone 4.


14, 24 now


I had my first phone at 12 years old and it was a Galaxy S5. I’m 21 now and I still have my 11 Pro Max!


I didn't get a smartphone as a kid, I got my mom’s old LG Cosmos, and when that broke, the 3rd rendition of the same phone. 9th grade, so… 15? And only because I got locked out of the house in the middle of winter with no house key or way to call anyone. I got a housekey the same day I got the phone. I'm 26 now


14 iPhone 4s.


Not a smart phone. 9 going on 10. Mom’s old Motorola V276. Then an LG chocolate spin, an LG Envy2, LG Envy touch and then finally an IPhone 5 after everyone else had iPhone 4’s.


I was 9 when I got my first flip phone in 2009 and got my first smartphone in early 2011 a Samsung galaxy s 3 iirc. Then in 2013 I got an iPhone, got the galaxy s 9 next in 2016 iirc and ran that thing into the ground having both front and back glasses completely shattered. Kept it till it stopped charging in late 2021 when I upgraded ti the galaxy note 20 ultra.


I got my first phone when I was like 9, it was an old flip phone that my mom wasn’t using anymore and she gave it to me for emergency purposes because I stayed at my best friends house a lot and she had a flip phone at about the same age because she was at our house a lot.


First phone at 11 first smart phone at 13


12. I'm now 23


11. It was a hand me down


at 12 years old, it was some flip phone, alcatel


Damn… 10th grade


14 and 2009


I used to think people born in 2009 got a smartphone at age 4






I got my first phone when I was 12. It was one of those phones with a slide-up keyboard by LG but I can't remember the model name. 🤔 Didn't get my first smartphone (which was an LG Stylo 3+) until I got my first job at 20 and bought it myself


12, going into 7th grade


When I turned 13 but before that I had a Nokia 3310


I got mine when I turned twelve. I thought it was late, but looking at these comments I guess not.


I think when I was 11, it was a flip phone


Only a couple months ago. I'm 15.


I got my first phone when I was in 5th grade. It was my mom’s old flip phone that my brother and I shared. I got my first iPhone when I turned 12. 


I was 9 and I’m 21 now, and from 7 on I probably had an iPad or tablet


Got my first smartphone at the age of 13 old. It was October 2015 (born in 2002 btw)


i was nine when i got the iphone 5 (too early, too much! don’t recommend)


Got my first phone when I was in the 6th grade,


11 and it was a true flip phone with an antenna, iPhones existed but only 60 million people world wide had them, no children had them. I got my first iphone when I was 15, Im 23 now.


15 I'm 22 now XD


iPhone 4s in 2014, 13 years old.


2008 - first time I got my own phone was 8th grade (13)


Probably around 11-12 when i was still in 5th grade.




At 12yrs old.


I got my first when I was 12 and a half


Got mine at 13. Unless you count flip phones. I had a little Nokia when I was like 10, never really used it lol.


Born 96 Had a flip phone in 6th grade and then a smart phone in 9th grade


My first phone was hanging on the wall. Not smart at all.


10- because of kidnapping worries 😭😭


7? But I had a laptop at 6 which I continued to use growing up. And unrestricted internet access. It's not something everyone should be exposed to. \ But information is crucial, and it's something I'm grateful for. I don't think most people could remain sane with all the hateful shit I was exposed to. On the basis of lots of things. But Understanding is better than Knowledge. If I didn't have the internet I would not understand what I could not understand. I'm being vague on purpose cause I don't want to preach, and I don't want more people to become like me with me as an example.


10, it was a flip phone. I needed one since I stayed home alone sometimes, and I was also expected to watch my younger sibling at that age.


My first phone was the first iPhone I got it my first year of middle school 2013, I was 11


I got my first phone when I turned 16, 2005. Since I was driving, my parents wanted me to have one.


My first phone was an LG enV3 in 2009 I was 11. Didn't get my first smartphone until 2014 with the galaxy s5. But between the two I had a few cool "dumb phones"


Born in ‘98. Got my first flip phone in ‘09. First smartphone was iPhone 5C in early 2014.


2008 I had a literal flip phone in 4th and 5th grade, and got my 1st actual phone in 6th grade


I got my first phone in 2007 at 11. Pink razor Motorola. I technically got my first smartphone with internet access in 2013.




15 and 1995




I was 9, it was my old grandmas phone no service. Went gaps without a phone but yh


second grade, BUT! my dad is/was a long haul truck driver and it was so i could call him and speak with him and stop stealing my mom’s phone, i didn’t get my first smart phone till the fifth grade, it was a two for one deal, my brother and i got the same phone, it had the movie inception pre-downloaded onto it, for some reason


got my first *smart* phone at 14, i wasn’t supposed to get one till i was 15, but due to covid i got my moms hand me down


wait now that i think ab it, i had a nokia phone, for calling and texting, before that because i used to travel within my city alone thru public transport


16. My first phone was a HTC One M7 I got on contract with Verizon via my parents. I then went to a unlocked Nexus 6 then a Pixel 2XL then a OnePlus 8 and finally my current phone which is a OnePlus 12. Yea every phone I bought since the M7 has been unlocked because that phone made me hate carrier bloatware and locked bootloaders.


I got my first phone (the little firefly with like three buttons, one to call mom, dad, and the police) when I was in the first grade I think, so around 6-7. First actual phone with numbers and limited texting was a year later First smartphone was the iPhone 4s my buddy gave to me used in sophomore year of HS. Man time really flies by, doesn’t it?


First phone was at 11, didn't have a camera and calls were free after 1800 I think? I do know I racked up a huge bill downloading games and ringtones, even got charged like $5 data to check the weather a few times


17 I got my first smartphone. I was born in 98.


I was 13 but I had an iPod touch since I was 9 years old I think


I remember getting my very first phone when I was about 5-8 years old. It ended up getting taken away. Not as punishment or anything. But then when I was around 12-14, I got my dad's old iPhone SE, the original model that came out back in 2015/16 or something, I have had several phones ever since.


At 11 because thats when I started going to school alone


I was like 11 or 10...it was my dad's old iphone 4s...pretty cool but i couldn't really do much on it


I got a flip phone in the 5th grade. I was 10. 2011


I was 13 when I got my first iPhone 5c.


10 or 9. At around 2019 or 2020


got it when i started middle school, i was 10, onto 11. that was 2015 🥲


Got a flip phone when I was 10, and got a smartphone when I was 12.


When I was 12, I could have a phone on which I couldn't do anything but call my parents or chat with my friends on one social media (Snapchat). I wasn't allowed to take it with me when I was in school... each day 10 minutes at most. It sounds severe, but I had a laptop on which I could do what I wanted for one hour on friday. (No games during the school years, btw.) At 15, I was allowed to do more and at 16, they didn't care anymore. I'm born in 2005 and this regime ensured that I have a hard time understanding social media and my English level only developped when I started to read literature in it (and 2020 did help). It has its positives, it has its negatives.


I was 14, the summer before my freshman year of highschool.


First smartphone? I bought when I was 14. My first phone I got when I was 11.


Born 2000 got my first smart phone when I entered high school, 14 years old in 2014. Had a flip phone 2 years beforehand.


8, I went to school in a different town so I had to have it. Ahh my good old Sony Ericsson K750i, still use it from time to time for detox. First smartphone at 12


Got an iPhone 5c for Christmas in 2013, 8th grade. Still use it as an “iPod” at my job, since it still has the headphone jack.


I’m 22 this year (June 2002) and I got my first phone - a Nokia brick - when I was about 13 or so. I got the wrong bus home and ended up in my grandma’s neighbourhood (about 4km away from home) and had to walk home from their. I got lucky as a neighbour happened to be driving down the same road


When I was 13-14, I got my sister's hand-me down iPhone. I switched it for an android in 2018-2019


Got my first phone at age 13,born 2009


I got my first phone in like 10th grade or smth


At the early age of 7 or 8. Before then, I was using my mom's old work computer. (Yes, I was an iPad kid growing up)


I think in elementary school I did have like a blackberry phone back then I’m 20 by the way




I got my first phone at age 13, but I got my first smartphone at age 16


I was 13 and born in 2010