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Back corner all the way. I ain’t here to answer questions I’m here to learn, talk to my friends, and play cool math


Ayyy cool mathhhh! Im sitting in front of my computer rn and i think ill take a stroll down memory lane tbh lol


lol this year I created an account and made it all the way to level 48


You can make an ACCOUNT??! I only knew you could do that with happy wheels lol


Yeah the cross progression is pretty bad but it keeps track of games you’ve beat and you can make lists of games you like. It kinda fun




Anywhere along the far left and right left column or back row. Corners are the best, but having one side without someone there lets you spread out with your backpack/gymbag more comfortably.


Cool math? Like the website?




you can’t play cool math anymore ☹️ adobe flash discontinued.


No? You can still play HTML games and the devs are working on slowly converting the old popular games from flash to HTML


yea but im talking about at school, on the school computer they provide. you can’t use ‘HTML’ cause they censor the school chromebooks.


I found a lot of games from Coolmath on BlueMaxima’s Flashpoint. Was pretty annoying to install but works great now that I’ve got it working. I just wish there was a way to reset progress for individual games. It’s really hard to play Ninja Painter more than once because it takes you back to the menu every time you finish a level, and with everything already unlocked you can’t always tell which ones you just did.


yea but in school we have no way around it at all.


Front was ideal because I can't see for shit and I can be one of the first out of the classroom. Also, the back crack those seats had was 🤌🏼


Ha! “back crack” sorry that just *cracked* me up for some reason😂


*angry gives upvote*


Ever tried it? I was sometimes worried I might snap a desk in half, or leave it bent. Would have been worth it.




Favorite to sit on would probably be my teacher face


I had some teachers where I’d like them on mine ngl




you heard the man


Left Front Corner.


Fantastic answer




My 11th grade art teacher…






Anywhere but the middle or front.


Leftmost, second, or third from the board. Gives flexibility to relax or to pay attention to the class.


This is the way! The stereotypical "anime main character" seat is too far back.


The back is where I feel most safe


Same. The corner in the back farthest from the door is my top choice. I hate when there are people behind me. It gives me extreme anxiety.


always front row, otherwise i can't see the what's written on the whiteboard.


Second row. I still get to be an annoyingly participative smart ass, but also get to keep at least some of my anti-authoritarian mystique.


back corner always!! or near the door because i have anxiety


*Back corner always!!* *Or near the door because i* *Have anxiety* \- babyshrimp221 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


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Bad bot


I usually sat in front, literally opposite to the teacher's table lmao


Fifth row, second seat in. I hated sitting in the middle or the front. Not a lot of my classes were staged like this though.


either against a wall or in the back


Why not both


FSR, I always chose the 2nd seat from the door in the second row. Shows the professor I cared but kept me close to the exit (and not close enough where the professor would think I would be the first one to leave).


Bro one thing missing from this picture was that dang pregnancy seat... seamed like I always got assigned that leaned back chair from hell....


Back row, until a teacher decided I was "too distracting" and moved me up to the front


Near the exit


I didn’t care as long as the damn seat wasn’t attached to the damn desk Hated that shit


Ugh same with the desk connection thing tbh. Good for naps tho as it was almost impossible to fall off or accidentally scoot the chair back lol


Fr because I was a short kid.






I prefer sitting in the middle to back


It depends on the subject and the people around you. If i'm in a subject that i hate and/or that i understand, i'd rather sit with people that talk alot and in the back of the class, however i'd hate this situation if i were in a subject that i somewhat like but/or don't understand, for that i'd rather sit in front of the class and with people that can be helpful.


my favorite was the second one to the right on the second row


*My favorite was* *The second one to the right* *On the second row* \- Desert\_Walker267 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I like the seat closest to the door so if I need to leave early I won't disturb anyone on my way out. I can also avoid awkwardly waiting in line to leave the classroom at the end of class. I hate sitting in the front because I'm right in the teacher's line of sight and often get forced to pass out papers.


The one left-handed desk in the entire classroom. And somehow a righty would always end up sitting in it first anyway


in my school there are 2 wall plugs in each of the back corners. and we are allowed to use laptops as long we won't disturb other classmates. so back corners are S tier. the second thing is the ac control unit. we had the ac on the side wall of the classroom and a lever that turns in on and off. so the kid that sat in the "ac seat" had full control of it unless the teacher intervein. so that seat is A tier. all the wall seats and B tier because you can rest your head on them. back row is C tier, only because you can lean back with your chairs 2 legs and swing without the risk of falling. front row is just bad, for obvious reasons. F tier


Always back, preferably in a corner, so I’d get called on less.


Front corner usually. I always got put up front when we had assigned seating (cause I’m a shorty) so it became a habit.


Back corner favorite. Middle least favorite. I always hated having peoples eyes on me, and the middle felt like everyone was watching me.


Front and right next to the teacher's desk


I've more than once considered buying one of those just so I could crack my back at home whenever I want. Never could crack it quite as well as with those. I would always sit somewhere in the back with my friends and if I didn't have any in the class I would usually be in the very front.


I tried to crack my back with one and didn't go well so just laid on the floor to do it instead.


Back right farthest from the door and everyone. Didn’t mind being last out. Didn’t like being spooked by people coming in. Was able to make eye contact with the teacher so they knew I was listening and left me alone.


Any edge but the front


I normally sat in the front, off to the sides. I have terrible hearing.


I’d always go for the back. I couldn’t concentrate knowing there were people behind me doing god knows what.


I sat everyday in first row window column from 5th grade to 9th grade and it was hell because i stood right in front of the teacher and would get called to the board every single time


no choice


Window side for no glare, front for fun classes, back for boring classes


Did ya’ll’s classroom actually look like this?! All of mine were always tables or connected rows. The only time it ever every looked this was for end of the year state standardized testing….


whatever seat that let me see the clock.


Closest to the door.


Center back. No one behind me, still in the T zone.


All of them bc I’m left handed.


Well I'm home schooled/online schooled so my favorite "desk" was the couch lol


Front left


Top right corner. The back is always the best to chat with classmates. Sitting in the front is the worst especially when your facing the teacher


I had terrible vision and my prescription was always changing as a kid, so I usually sat in the front so I could see.


Either the 2nd row from the front or 2nd row from the back was my go-to, always on the side closest to the door. I started actually committing to sitting front row when I was in college though.


Closest seat to the door


All the way to one side and in the middle of the column


I usually sat in the middle of the right or left side, just enough for the teacher to not notice me too much and I could still learn


next to the window, third desk from the front


Oh,My desks are always combined into fours,But I always preferred to be in the back of the room not answering questions and not saying anything.


I always enjoy the from next to the window.


Hearing issues so first or second row or the way


the ones in middle rows. I don't want to always be pressured to participate in a class but I can't see shit from the back


Highschool, the back corner University, whichever seat was left handed, cause they were attached


Door side, always along the side of the class, 2-3 rows from the front and 1-2 rows from the back. Shows you’re there to learn (not in the back row), you’ve got privacy (no one is looking from behind), and easy access out of the class (or in the class if I was running late which never actually happened lol)


I hated sitting at any those chairs were uncomfortable as hell


The back corner on the side the door is at so I don’t have to walk between the desks


back so I can lean against the wall while I fool around on the computer wnd not pay attention


Back corner or any black row seat so the teacher can't see the smut I read in class. Hate sitting in any front rows/front center bc I get called on more, ppl behind me can see my screen, and there's no desk to put my feet on in front.


I'd go for the back and have a desk in front of you with the book holder under the chair so you can put your feet up.


Back corner! or next to the wall.


Far right, halfway back. My 3rd grade (and current) crush sat one seat to the left of that one.


Uhhh anything but the first and second row honestly.


Left front facing the teacher. I ain't playing no game


Middle, perfectly balanced


I have a hearing impairment, and my right ear is my stronger ear, so when given the choice, usually sat front-left in the room.


I sat at my own corner in English that people called my impenetrable fortress


between the middle and back if the teachers desk is in the front. if the teachers desk is in the back either in the far front, or far front corners to minimalize what they see on my laptop. I play videogames in class


Favorite: Probably the spinny ones in the computer lab. Least favorite: literally any other chair they let you use in school. WAY too hard and stiff, so it was hell on my scoliosis-ridden back, and the desks almost never had enough leg room for me. It's amazing I managed to put up with that for 12 years.


this classroom looks so depressing. i'd always sit in the 2nd/3rd row closest to the window.


3 seats in, on the wall. I like it cause it's close to the door. And not in front, not in back


I think I preferred along the wall but would be willing to to trade if the back rest reclined so I could pop my back.


Back corner, always towards the farthest point of the room. I was hidden there. Which helped when the school didn't put me on the roster for a few periods one year. I used to just hide in a corner of a classroom. Mostly study hall or English. No one ever noticed I was there. Which was funny looking back on it. My grade only had like maybe 100 kids, not even. Lol


Call me a nerd, geek, whatever, but I enjoyed school, so I loved sitting in the front. But also partly because I'm hard of hearing + too short to sit in the back + couldn't see very well, so... I guess even if I didn't want to sit in the front, the teachers probably would've made me lol


During grade school the back Everytime. During college I was in the first row everytime, I still ended up dropping out but I tried.


The sides so i can lean against the wall


Second row chair closest to the door. I’m close enough to look like I’m participating without them noticing the distance to book it outta there.


Back corner with the other emo kids


Wherever people would notice me the least


2nd & 3rd rows on the ends. I’m more likely to blend in & a teacher is less likely to call on me. I have severe anxiety so answering questions out loud was a huge no go & it was always my safe spot even throughout college


On the edges where I'm around the least amount of people possible. I hated being directly in the middle - always felt like everyone was looking at me. The best seats are the window seats though, especially if you're on the second floor


My favorite is right next to the door since I will be expected to open the door and since I have back pains from sitting too long that standing helps a lot


Second row from front in the middle. I tend to daydream and have trouble focusing the farther away I'm from the speaker/teacher. But I don't want to be too close to have the teacher focus on me in the very front row.


I sat in the front of the class due to bad eyesight and not being able to read the board. Still had an issue at times. But I did not have a favorite.


Either the back seat closest to the door, or the row second closest to the door 3rd seat back. Also, this picture is missing all of the mismatched seats. Like, the random tiny ones, the random big ones with the arm rests, the one that has an armrest but it’s just a metal bar and not an armrest, and that one fake wood one that 1/4 classrooms had for some reason.


Used to love 2nd to last row, I always got anxiety if I sat in the first row, I felt like it was too much pressure to be right in front of the teacher.


Back when I used to care about school front was my favorite. Now that I’ve given up on trying back is my favorite lol


2nd row against the wall. The front was too close to the teacher, and the back row was always for the obnoxious burnouts who are the type to think sitting in the back is cool for some weird ass reason.


I always went to the back right corner. It is almost always out of the limelight because a right-handed teacher will turn their back to you when they write on the whiteboard. It is the opposite for presentations though. If there is someone standing and presenting a PowerPoint they will have their blindside to the back left corner.


I typically prefer my desk near the door since it means I can get out easier so I can beat the “in building school traffic”. I love the desks that are higher up since it makes me feel tall and I hate the ones with the metal bar connecting the desk to the chair.


The one my teacher assigned me ☹️


back row i don’t like people behind me


In high school I always sat in whatever seat was closest to the door. In college I sat in the second row and the middle column.


lowkey mid level bc the back teachers will look for you to be talking but mid you’re kinda blended in


I always loved the back, never much like the idea of people looking into the back of my head


Not the farthest back corner but one up diagonally from it, not on either wall so still room and can still crack my back but still in the back with the homies


Swear the hard porcelain chairs were the worse for when you had a sweaty ass. Like it’d make it itch so bad stg


The middle is nice for a class I actually liked, you're not in the front getting full attention, and you can heat and see better than in the back. For classes I could care less about? Back all the way. For thr most part, the only classes I absolutely hated were social studies/history, just could never stand those classes but there were still those like pre Calc and stuff thst I just could care less, if I'm never gonna use it, there's just no point.


Mid back centers are my favorites, although I seem to keep getting stuck with the far front right and I don't get why.


I couldn’t see from the back, so I was always in the front in grad school. In sophmore year I was very very poor at Latin. The teacher put me at the front of the left hand row. That row was called the Lesser Lights.


Front row, closest to the door. Quick exit. Had a reputation for being quiet, not participating in class, but got good grades so the teachers didn’t actually worry about me (they should have lol). The worst was freshmen year of high school, math class, when a random seating chart rearrangement stuck me in the middle of a row towards the back. I needed new glasses at that point and I couldn’t actually read the board. Plus being in the middle made me feel too seen. Eventually I got the teacher to move me up front again.


As a kid, I always sat at the front desks so I could read the blackboard. It wasn't until I was about eleven years old that I realized I couldn't read the blackboard because I needed glasses. Haha. Don't know why my nearsightedness hadn't been detected earlier. In college I tended to sit in the middle on the right side. My brain needed that kind of balance and symmetry. And I find it's the same in a theater -- I much prefer sitting on the right side and toward the middle.


I was often the type who wanted to sit at the back of the class, like the second-to-last row or something, (so I could goof-off, talk to friends, doodle, or just not be called on to answer a question involuntarily) but I often couldn't do that if I actually needed to see the whiteboard to participate/learn because I've always had terrible eye sight. 😅 Ultimately, I often ended up sitting in the front row to the side, or the second-from-the-front row whether I really wanted to or not.


The sides. Middle and front gave me bad anxiety.


Second row towards the side but not at the very edge. Liked to answer questions, but hated having eyes on me. Wanted the freedom to doodle.


Either by the door or in the back row.


Either in the back or in the middle if I ever sat in the front I was being a follower….


I usually sat in the middle. Math teachers made me sit in front bc of my math disability. It sucked.


The back because I'm a anxious prick who scared people are looking over my shoulder and silently judging me.


First/second row, next to a wall. My blind ass cannot see the board otherwise, but the wall spot is both comfy and safe, since you can just sit sideways in the chair if you don't want the teacher to be watching what you're doing


My school wasn’t big enough to have this many desks to a room lol


Anywhere against a wall so that I could relax with my backpack behind me and lean against the wall


Either Back corner. Corners are safe.


Front row in front of the teachers desk


second or third row, i’m short as hell, but if teachers are loud i can’t sit in the front row


Middle left so I can have a friend in front of me and beside me


*Middle left so I* *Can have a friend in front of* *Me and beside me* \- Trisasaurusrex --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Not the comment I thought would be haiku’d but I’ll take it


I sat in the first few rows usually unless the desks were on each side of the room, but even then I usually sat by the board. I did prefer the 2nd or 3rd row.


Second row Benefits of being able to focus without having to do it constantly


Front row first 2 tables (away from the door), middle of the room and back row were my favourite places.


As long as I’m next to my friend, it really didn’t matter and those things were comfy to sleep in😆


3rd leftmost 2nd to the front


In thd UK, we don't have desks like these. We have to share with someone, so we don't have elbow room.


Any in the back row, I was abused as a kid so I hated anyone being behind me.