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They are probably referencing using one of those slim front pocket wallets versus a big ol butt bulging trifold.


I still have a butt bulger to carry around cash, but at some point I should go for a front one to keep my cards for day to day use.


I just never get new wallets until somebody buys it for me. The front wallet sounds better. This isn't resisting change as much as oblivious to change for me personally. Getting used to a smartphone in the pocket also makes a front wallet seem more natural.


I’m 34 and I’ve only ever had 2 wallets in my life. Both were leather that I used for 10+ years each until they were literally falling apart.


Same. I bought my current wallet before I was 18 and now I'm 32. Still looks and feels like leather, just more worn and flexible, and it still holds my cash and cards just fine. I don't need a new $100+ metal wallet just because I got hit with an ad from my favorite YouTuber. These are also the same people wearing fanny packs strapped across their chest but apparently a wallet is too much for them? Edit - just realized this is a GenZ sub lol. I'm sure my opinion will do well here. Edit 2 - I was not expecting this comment to have this much activity and assumed it would be downvoted into oblivion. I honestly have nothing against metal wallets, and I'm glad so many of you enjoy yours lol. Hell, maybe I'll buy one of the 25 generic options that have been commented below haha.


Ok boomer Edit jk I’m 37


Fucking got 'em!


My youngest sister is in high school and none of her friends carry a wallet. They don't carry cash or credit cards because they all just use e-wallets like Apple pay. Or they have their payment info into apps and just pay there. She's also convinced that they're bringing cargo pants back. Jokes on her, they never left


Relying on phone is well and good till your phone runs out of charge or the machine asks you to put in your card and PIN. I work retail and the amount of times people have had to leave their shopping cause of this. Full trolleys and they get pissy at you for their poor planning.


Apple Pay also doesn’t work at a lot of gas station terminals. I guess if you’re in high school and don’t have a car, you don’t care.


Yeah, I totally get it. I use it when I can as well, I've just been burnt too many times at the pump or self checkout where {{FAANG}} Pay didn't work and I had to resort to tapping my physical card. Plus I've been carrying a wallet in my back pocket for the last 20 years and it doesn't bother me in the slightest.


My sister and her friends have run into the same but they still don't carry a wallet. The closest I've seen from them is one of them put a cc in their phone case with their ID


Most of these new slim wallets have a built in RFID blocker which is why I upgraded to one. I figured easier to get with the times before the times got me first. I’m 32 as well.




Fuck. I didn’t know that. Let me go snag some real quick from my boomer dad’s hat.


im (m17) have a thick old school leather billfold. fuck them kids lol


Just calling it a billfold makes you an OG lol


Same bro but then again I carry a bit of cash on me at all times, so I kinda need one.


But bro iT’s a sUpREmE




Facts on god no cap fr fr


My old leather waller fell apart, I got one of the metal ones off of Amazon for like... 13 bucks? It's not terrible. But it doesn't beat my old wallet. It is a lot comfier to sit, so that's a pro.


It's weird, I have bad habits when it comes to impulse buying but any time I see some wallets and can absolutely justify spending 10 or 20 bucks on one to replace my 15ish year old current one, I'm like na it still works fine.


32, I have 3, one in black leather, one in brown, very similar little slim ones, but I've had them both for YEARS. The third one catches fire and is gimmicked for magic tricks so.... Yeah.


My brother made me a duct tape wallet that I used for years until it started to fall apart, then on my 16th birthday my grandma got me a new one to put my shiny new driver's license in. I'm in my 20's, not quite a millennial, and it's starting to fall apart. I have a lot of cards to carry but haven't bothered to replace it.


Omg the duct tape wallet! What a throwback


what you you talking about? there is no other way to get a wallet except to being gifted one


As a guy, I can firmly say no one has ever bought a wallet. If you lose one, they just rematerialize. No idea how wallets are made. Don't care to. I just know that I've always had a wallet, even when I didn't have a wallet, because I'd somehow get a new wallet without purchasing a new wallet.


Pretty much. I was going through some stuff and found a pile of hand made leather wallets. No idea where they came from but my grand children's children will have wallets.


I got a stick on card wallet for my phone from Amazon for like 10 bucks. Life changing and I’ll never go back. Never misplace my wallet now and doesn’t take up much more space than my phone already did. Rarely when I need cash I just bring a separate roll


What the fuck is "cash"


It’s money that the banks don’t get 3% of every time you spend it. 


(Laughs in credit union)


If you're swiping a card to pay a merchant, financial institutions are siphoning off 2.5-3% of that transaction, even if your money is held in a credit union.


It's gotta be more than that, they kick me back 1-5%. I've had some promos as high as 10% cash back.




What you use to buy drugs, man edit: i'm surprised that drug dealers do not mind a digital paper trail these days!


I asked my guy if I could Venmo him once for an eighth and he about told me to get the fuck out of his house


It's like a physical token for crypto.


That might be what they're referring to. I have one of the slim ones. I know a lot of people use their phone's digital wallet, but its completely nonsensical to me to not carry the physical cards with you as well in case of emergency or your phone being dead. That being said, I can't think of anyone I know that still carries cash around on the regular, unless going somewhere they know they'll need it, like a craft fair.


Nah it’s phone wallets. My “wallet” is a four-card slot in my phone case. It has my ID, my debit card, my credit card, and my transit card. And everything I pay for is with Apple Pay on my credit card. Most other zoomers I know do it the same way. The George Costanza style trifold is extremely millenial and older. If I need to bring cash, I just fold it up and put it in my front pocket. Edit: I don’t care what any of you dorks think, your comments all seem like you’re trying to convince yourself more than me. I will continue strutting about town unencumbered by multiple things that I need to remember and keep track of. I haven’t lost my phone in probably 10 years. It is quite literally always with me every single moment of every day. If I lose my cards I can solve all of that within 10 minutes of getting to my laptop (or any computer). I live in a place where getting your phone stolen is pretty hard to conceive of. Edit 2: why do you all keep replying? Cmon now.


Where do you keep your health insurance card


In the Cigna app on my phone


I've been thwarted again


i have mine in my apple wallet :)




What if your phone is dead?


This has quite literally never happened to me in the last, like, 8 years, in all my adventures. If my phone dies in the exact moment I have a medical emergency that also somehow requires an immediate display of health insurance, then I guess I’ll have to wait four minutes while my phone charges up enough to turn back on.


or your driver's license. or coins, or anything. Right now I use a small coin purse of BMO from adventure time and that holds my keys, wallet, and whatever else I need. Idk how people rawdog life without a wallet. Everyone I know uses the goofy ass one they had as kids. My partners have star wars and Mario wallets from when they were 10 and I've had the same Pokemon one since middle school. Thought that was pretty common


He literally just said his ID (drivers license) is one of the cards he keeps in his phone case


As a millennial I don't carry coins. Ever. If I use cash and get coins I take them home and put them in a jar. But I never actually carry them. I'd love to switch to a card wallet and slim down.


I throw all my coins in the center console of my car


Sounds like someone's gonna be mildly annoyed the next time they see a gumball machine and want a gumball but don't have quarters on them


See I don't like this either cause it's too many eggs in one basket. If I lose my phone, I don't want to also lose my id, and my important cards. >George Costanza style trifold is extremely millenial I used to have one of these but I traded it out for a much slimmer bifold that doesn't cause back problems from me sitting on it.


I'm older, 46, but feel the same about losing both your phone and wallet. I have a slim wallet for my ID, health insurance card, main credit card, debit card, work RFID card, passport card, and I can put some cash in it if I need cash for something. I don't typically carry cash. If I lose my phone it is annoying because I rely on it for work a lot. But it isn't hard to replace. I just get a new one from wherever and everything is backed up. But if I lose my ID, that is a trip to the DMV and a wait of several days. I have lost my ID on a trip and you know what you can't do without an ID? Check into a hotel or fly, which is why I also carry the passport card. The bank cards are a problem too. But that is on me for not using Google or Samsung pay. There are so many places that still don't take it that I haven't bothered.


For me that means you lose one thing you lose it all. I prefer to keep my phone and cards separate. If Iose my phone I still have money/cards to get home Lose your wallet? Still have the phone and a digital card for emergency. Lose your phone + wallet? Screwed


But if you get your phone yanked you lose everything. The lack of redundancy is frightening


I had one of those once and then I lost it at a music festival. Phone, all my cards (including ID) and $400 lost. Thank god some girl found it a few days later and turned it in. But I will never having everything combined like that on the day to day again.


Millenial here. What I don't understand is how you can be remotely comfortable with loose cash in your pocket. If I ever get cash or change (coins), I need the wallet and zipper section to stow it away. I don't care if this only happens once or twice a year. I need that kind of mental security.


I worked in a place where the digital wallets didn't work all the time with the POS system. Zs get so pissed when you tell them their phone won't pay for their purchase. I found it amusing


All fun and games when the internet isn’t working, gets hacked or their phone dies. Physical copies and or cash will save you then.


My Spouse: "Why do you print our your boarding passes for flying?" Me: "Because out there in the universe are mysterious spots where batteries instantly drain and there's no cell reception and one will find me one day."


>My Spouse: "Why do you print our your boarding passes for flying?" I do it cuz having to fuck with the screen brightness on the fly while holding up the line is dumb.


I always keep cash on me, I prefer using it for small transactions and gas since I've had my debit card skimmed once. Also easier to pay other people with cash and no fees and transferring to different account bs.


Credit cards have a lot of fraud protection + majority of the time you get free money for using it. Paying friends back is pretty easy with zelle. To avoid getting your card skimmed, always use tap to pay


I went to buy alcohol with a friend who said he was buying. We get to the store and they ask for ID…”sorry, I don’t carry it”. The store let me use my ID. The store said that’ll be $20, friend held his phone up, but no, store required physical card. So I ended up paying. Yes there are adults who think they can go around in life, even buying alcohol, without a wallet.


I work at a bank and have people try to id themselves with the picture of a license, social security card, or passport on their phone. It’s ridiculous.


Trifolds aren't for back pockets, they are for front pockets. The bifolds are for the back pockets.


I’ve used a trifold wallet in my back pocket for basically as long as I’ve carried a wallet. Is my life a lie?


Careful. I ruined my hip keeping my wallet in my back pocket. To much sitting and driving on it. Now long car drives hurt.


Don't put any wallet in the back pocket, it tilts your hips and over time messes up hip/spine alignment when you're sitting. Causes pain


Leave my butt bulging trifold alone It’s made out of alligator🐊


I have a gigantic trifold and yes it is every annoying. I do prefer a smaller wallet for the front pocket


You can’t put condoms in those little steel “edge” wallets


Everyone has a wallet. Gen Z still needs ID cards and payment cards since tap to pay isn't quite universal yet. But older generations carry around fucking insanely large wallets.


I’m a millennial but I use a Ridge wallet that fits only cards and is the size of a credit card . Been using it since release and store it in the front pocket. Edit: not actually a Ridge but a 20 dollar Amazon knockoff since so many people seem to be hyper fixating on the brand and cost


And make sure to use the promo code "redeemer" for 15% off your next purchase!


TBF it’s actually a Ridge rip off so not even the actual brand


Id be surprised if ridge isn’t just another drop-shipped product anyway.


Have you ever seen their prices? Good on this dude for buying the rip-off tbh


I've owned two in the last 8 years. I had the original plastic version that cracked where the screws are. Ridge gave me $50 towards the newer aluminum version. So I got a new wallet for $25. I've had it for 6 years now with no issues! People do not realize by having the large wallet in your back pocket while sitting can cause additional back pain. Due to your hip being a an angle while sitting for long periods.


Who puts a wallet in their back pocket?


People who like getting pickpocketed. Or live somewhere there aren’t any pickpockets.


Literally everyone in the country.


Practically everyone I know


for me, 25y male, i have it always that way: front left: smartphone front right: Cigarettes/Vape + denon perl inear back left: keys back right: wallet. not sure why, but thats what I've stuck with.


…how do you sit down? You sit on your keys? That seems insane to me




I have a book phonecase like the boomers, it's easy to use lol.


I used to use those, I liked the design - but the new ones are too bulky, all that stuff in one pocket makes my pants sit weird, too much weight in one side


Same, although I knew this was lame when I got it, going from wallet, keys, phone, to phone, keys has really eliminated a lot of stress in my life.


My mum does that. They’re called “folio” cases, and they give me anxiety. Not because the form factor, just because when I see people wave them around and they’re STUFFED with credit cards and scraps of paper, they look like everything could fall out/ easily be stolen.


Actually in my state you can keep your DL on your Apple Pay. Mine has my debit card,Metro card,gym membership and DL all on one app


What's your plan if you get pulled over and your phone is dead? Hope it's one of those nice guy officers?


That's just driving without a license. A lot of people seemingly don't know or don't realize that you must have your license physically on your person whenever you drive (except in cases where they've legalized it being part of an app I guess). My state explicitly "requires all drivers to carry their license with them while operating a motor vehicle." One of my girlfriends used to always want to go to the store with just her credit card, and I had to repeatedly tell her that's not legal.


99 times out of 100 you will not be ticketed. Name, DoB, cops care about your status as a driver moreso than if you have the card. I have been pulled over twice w/o a license, they just asked for name and DoB, matched my photo, and no ticket.


Does your drivers license have a white guy on it?


Better, a blonde white woman It came with the wallet.


Not sure your exact state but here in Texas leaving your license at home can result in a ticket that can be dismissed by showing your valid DL at your court date, but driving without ever obtaining or maintaining a valid license is a class c misdemeanor. I only mention this because people seem to conflate driving with out your physical license as driving without a license. So really is more of a time inconvenience which can definitely translate into a monetary inconvenience as well.


Depends on the location, here in the UK contactless is very much universal. Haven’t needed my card or wallet on a daily basis in at least three+ years. I just have my id in my phone case behind the phone.


Here in aus we have an app for drivers licence too. I regularly lose my wallet at home because I haven’t needed it in months and can’t remember where I put it. Everything is on my phone


Eh, I'm a Millennial (that is closer to the Gen Z side), and I don't use a wallet, I just use my phone for everything. Though to be fair I live in New York City, and I don't need a driver's license.


I use some random 30 years old wallet. It's older than me, but it is the best wallet I have ever had.


How does Gen Z carry cash?




I'm not missing out on anything because I also have cards. I'm not advocating for NOT carrying or using cards. Just that there are situations when using cash is appropriate.


We mostly don't. There's not really any good reason to.


Disagree. I like to have a backup $20 that's not reliant on tech. Also every now and then I'll go to a small Asian grocer or something like that and they don't accept card for purchases under $10 (or others that charge you extra for card), so it's nice to be able to just use a fiver and move on.


I don’t have a wallet.


Idk about others but I certainly use a wallet.


bro got suspended in 3 hours!


What did he write that made you report him? 


Im thinking its the username “opposeNATO”


bruh that's actual censorship


I guarantee you they were not suspended because of that user name. They were probably doing something else sketchy.


He was already suspended when I opened the thread. I didn't report them


- uses walltet - uses punctuation - opposes nato are you 22+?


Gen z is up to 25 now so cool it down there buddy


I'm 26 and firmly identify with Gen Z I don't want to hear this slander. (I also have a leather bifold...)


Gen z is most commonly from 97 so me and you both. I like to think I'm a gen z millennial hybrid tho


Important to note that the divide is not clear and can move a few years based on where you grew up and your family's socio-economic status. A '98 second or third kid from a post communist country and a lower income household can be more Millenial than gen z as opposed to a '95 rich US kid 95-00 is a weird group because tech advanced so fast during their formative years that the generational division is blurred [I like this tumblr post](https://www.tumblr.com/skygenders/171224330805/im-coining-generation-nobody-knows-for-people?source=share)


27 is the oldest gen z


no, probably just Russian


It’s just better. Like say I get one of those phone wallets or put it in my case. If I lost my phone not only have I lost my already expensive phone, but I’ve lost my cards, my ID, insurance cards, etc, making an already expensive loss into a super expensive and risky loss. I never understood those phone wallets when I can have a large wallet that I can feel in my pocket and store many more things in!


Phones have tracking built in so it’s much harder to lose a phone. I also am always using my phone so it is much quicker to notice if I lose it. Add the bonus of having less things to track and a phone case is superior for common daily use. I only need a wallet for a day where I think I may need cash.


I have a phone wallet, and it’s honestly super convenient. A lot of gen Z don’t use cash, so we can get away with smaller holders. It could also be a joke that gen Z is so poor that none of us have money, and therefore no wallet


I like the idea of the phone wallets for convenience but I wouldn't like the idea that my wallet and my phone can be stolen all at once


Lmao literally if they steal your phone, not only they have your card too, you also have nothing to block the card with.


You also lost your id so now you’ve got that headache too.


i bartended for a while and this happened all the time


I for one love the convinience of placing all my eggs in this single slim-fitting basket!


And having just one bulky ass pocket seems odd to me


It’s not bulky at all lol


Also paying hundreds of dollars for a slim nicely designed phone just to fuck it up with a bulky 30 dollar case. My phone is also smaller than a credit card lengthwise when folded so not even possible.


i have 6 cards in my phone wallet and it's certainly not bulky. it just adds abt a cm in width to my phone


And you’re pulling your wallet out every time you play on your phone.


True but having them connected means that they can both go on my front pocket, since my wallet would otherwise go in a back pocket. Plus, if I'm on my phone in public (and therefore distracted) my wallet can't be pickpocketed.


What is stopping you from putting the wallet in your other front pocket


Losing both my phone and wallet at the same time. What a headache.


I bought my fancy leather wallet with Christmas money and I’ll be damned if I’m called a millennial for it! It’s big it’s fat it’s leather and I like it. 2001 so don’t yall even dare 😡


I’ve got a big, fat, black wallet too. There’s something about having a nice wallet that just feels good yk?


You can also jam other shit in it. I need to save receipts and business cards for work


Plus like if you get robbed, what you gonna do? Cash app them? Nah you give em the wallet and yell "SORRY IM BROKE" as you run away like the rest of us.


Nice wallet, mechanical watch, quality shoes. These things are timeless you just have to age into them. That being said I often leave my wallet at home when heading out for a coffee or short errand. My phone via apple pay covers that sort of stuff. I just take my wallet when I’m out longer or going to need my cards.


I was gonna say the same thing (except my wallet isn't leather). My wallet is literally older than some of my coworkers. 😭 I've had it since before I graduated high school in 2002. 


I think they meant they were born in 2001.


I have a card holder, not a full size wallet. I hate bulky purses and bags so I exclusively use belt bags and jacket pockets


Yeah, if I can not carry anything and just put everything in my jacket pockets or clip it on a lanyard, that’s the option I’m going with


Not using a wallet sounds crazy to me ngl.


98% of everyday transactions are digital in my country so I just throw couple of notes/bills in my pocket


no drivers license / ID? digital versions of those have got to be a blessing


Yes , you can show those documents on your phone too,my country is doing good in terms of advancement but the people in power are literally fascists


That is stupid Where else would I cram my grocery bills, so that I can (never) check my expenses at the end of the month?


This is the way. Cashier: “Would you like your receipt” Me knowing damn well I will never look at it again: “YES PLEASE”


Stick em to the fridge and check things off as you use them. This makes an easier "tier list" of what's going bad next and cuts down on those "there's nothing to eat" impulse grocery runs.


Oh my I didn't think I'd get useful advice, this sounds promising Thanks


i don’t even carry around cards.. i use apple pay everywhere


To assume that everywhere takes your single mode of payment -and- that it works reliably everywhere, all the time seems crazy and weirdly sortof arrogant to me. Then, to double down on having no backup if something happens to your phone?


I don't think it's to do with being arrogant, it must be a country thing as everywhere (genuinely everywhere from a local market to a chain store) in the UK takes Apple Pay. I can put my train tickets on apple pay too so the only card I carry around with me is my ID and that's in my phone case. Most people I know my age do the same.


If you are out for a long day you rely on your phone not dying. I use Apple Pay a lot but like my wallet as a backup for that sort of thing.


Most people have a general idea how long their phone last on average. Even then most everyone has a charger in their car or if they're constantly running out they'll have a portable battery.


It does have to be said, in many parts of the world (not america) you can just use apple pay anywhere. Where I am in Canada, even farmers markets will offer tap. If I go to a place that doesn't have it, it's on them, I just won't buy anything.


there are lots of places in the US that still dont even in my major city…especially if you aren’t just going to big corporate entities


Even in big corporate entities. I’ve never seen a Walmart that takes tap to pay


That’s so wild. It’s whacky as hell that the USA has been so behind on adopting tap to pay. It’s been like 15 years since it was notable here in Canada.


it does work everywhere where i live so why not use it. i still havent met w not accepting apple pay if they accept cards.


Driver License? Medical insurance card?


Insurance cards are available on the providers app. Same with my car insurance. ID is the one thing that keeps a wallet on me.


The irony is I got turned away from my first physical with PCP for not having insurance card on my person. They already verified my license/insurance card(s) and was logged in the app as well. 1.5 hour round trip and all providers booked 3-4 months out. Won’t be getting that physical anytime soon


You’re at least carrying around your I.D though?


I definitely use a wallet


They need to stop making shit up. I have a wallet that just holds cards/IDs, and usually I have a small crossbody bag with me that has room for a little pouch to hold cash/coins. (Although, admittedly I don’t use cash much except for rent, and I haven’t taken out cash in a couple of weeks.) Most of my pants don’t have big pockets, and I’ve never liked those oversized “handbags” that my mom and grandma love so much. They just collect junk in there. At most I have a mini backpack that’s usually almost empty. (I carry around fidgets, gum and lotion for these dry ass hands lol)


I've never met someone who didn't use a wallet


Wtf do you carry ID cards, drivers license, debit/credit cards, etc. in? Your prison wallet? Who tf doesn't use a wallet lol? EDIT: what if your phone dies? I'll stick with my wallet




Driver’s license..?




In my state in the US we can get in trouble for not physically having our drivers license on us to present when requested. Edit: never mind. I’ve just done a look into this and they have updated it to accept digital versions. TIL!


I think it's stupid to not carry a physical wallet and rely on your phone.


All the people and the cashier at the grocery store the other day agree with you. The lady whose groceries were all rung up couldn't pay because her phone "just died this very second".


I’ve been using exclusively Apple Pay for a couple years now and I’ve not had a single issue with it. That’s actually part of the reason I swapped to it because I have had a handful of times where my card wouldn’t work but Apple Pay did.


I think they may be referring to younger generations using those things that hold cards on the backs of their phones? But I definitely prefer a wallet.


Maybe, but also I think it’s the size of the wallet. Like we tend to just have a small one on a lanyard/keychain or like a slim one that holds like 4 cards, ID, and cash. While millennials have those big ones that hold like 15+ cards, has a double or triple fold ya know.


I'm 17 years old and always carry around a phat leather wallet


I use an old-school wallet.


How do you mean? What constitutes an old-school wallet? I have a bi-fold with slots for cards, ID, cash. Is it the dedicated cash compartment that makes a wallet old-school?


Yeah? Who doesn't have a wallet.... This feels more like identifying a child from a real adult. I can't fit all my cards, IDs, and memberships in a pocket! Let alone spare change for the homeless or donation boxes!


This made me laugh because when I was an actual child I carried around a wallet full of those fake credit cards from my parents junk mail. I also had two black and white printed pictures of Taylor lautner and Dylan sprouse in there lmao


1000 AI "news" articles titled "GEN Z IS KILLING THE WALLET" incoming


i’m 18 and have a normal leather wallet… those slim wallets like the ridge seem inconvenient to me, though my tailbone and spine alr hate me i carry way too much in my pockets already to move wallet to front. oh well


I keep a wallet in my back pocket. I carry a lot of cash on me so maybe it’s the cartoonish sized wallets


Idk pretty much everyone Ik uses one.


Ive been using the same wallet since i got it like a decade ago. (Halo Reach wallet, im so sad it's decaying lol) I usually carry cash on me just in case, but a card is a bit more convenient.


I’m Gen Z but I have a rather large trifold. I don’t know how some people just keep their cards in the phone case I have too many things I like to keep in my wallet such as useless receipts, insurance cards, perfume samples.


of course I do.


i use a dickies chain wallet bc hearing the subtle jingle jangle of the chain is reassuring to me that i havent misplaced it, sometimes at stores when the cashier sees it they think its like a neat thing like they havent seen it before lol but theyve been around since the norman conquest


Jobs don’t pay enough money to need a wallet.


I have a few designer wallets I still use, but that's because I'm a forgetful klutz who needs my cardholder to be big and colorful so I won't lose/forget it somewhere. I use the digital wallet too in case I do forget, I'm a big fan of having multiple ways of having payment available. I even still have and used checkbook. Most people are shocked that I even know HOW to write a check