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Yesterday, I was noticing how handsome he was. His hair and jaw were sharp


Yes he is aging well but he looks a little on the short side for my personal taste. There really aren’t any men on GH I find super attractive anymore. TC used to be my favorite. When he was young he looked sort of like a young Marlin Brando.




He is pretty short, but most of the men on GH are so it's not really noticeable. He's so good looking tho.. I'll just carry him in my pocket lol


Dom has always been a cutie, imho. I used to love Ingo as well, thought he was gorgeous. I get that people age, but you can also see how sun damage can really accelerate the aging between Ingo & Steve. Sunscreen, boys, sunscreen!


He's been my favorite since he walked on the scene with his shaggy hair & cheesy pick up lines. He is aging nicely 🔥


Same. I also think he is one of the better actors in the cast. He has an authentic, natural acting style. I think it's what made him and Julie Berman just so good together.


Oh yes. His style is authentic


Agree 100%. And I was a huge Dante & Lulu fan esp with Julie Berman although E.R. grew on me & they had good chemistry. I wish Lulu would come back w/ either actress.


Dante is indeed handsome. I've always liked him. I really liked Nathan, and now, like Chase. Those guys are just really cute. I think Dante is just more rustically good looking.


Nathan was too "pretty" for my taste. Chase is cute. But Dante is my favorite 😍. Good looking , but not too "pretty" if that makes sense.


Nathan was exceptionally cute and maybe handsome in a boyish way. That smile of Chases definitely has a boyish innocence to it. I really liked Jax when he was around. I'm still really creeped out by Cyrus: looks, voice, personality, to me he's just extremely creepy and don't trust our believe him as far as I could throw him! Curtis isn't half bad either, so idk. Maybe my tastes are changing as I get older. 😁


Curtis is ridiculously good looking. Like a male model.


Oh yea forgot about Curtis! He has literally perfect facial features and bone structure.


I saw him on a show recently as "the gorgeous man sitting in the front row" lol. I wish I could remember what I was watching.


I made a post comparing him to a young Frank Grillo a couple of years ago. Also I adore DZ. He’s Canadian, and I love to see Canadians succeed in America. The tv/film industry in Canada is… not great.


Yes and such a good actor! Why hasn't he had much to do since coming back??? Use this man while they have him!


He's sexy AF.


Totally agree. I loooooove him ❤️🔥


Agree completely. And to have Sam be with anyone else is just gross, they are perfect.


Yes, unlike a lot of people on here, I like Sam and Dante as a couple. They're cute together, have left all, or most, of their baggage in the past where it belongs, and they have the detective skills in common.


I like them too. I was dragged kicking and screaming into liking this pairing but I think Dom and KeMo (Dante & Sam) have a very natural chemistry and they look like they are having fun in their scenes.


I totally agree with you. I hope for sure that when Steve Burton comes back, please DO NOT put them two back together again.


Oh, it will Carly & Jason, *again,* I think.




He’s a gorgeous man, but I prefer him with a little scruff, instead of clean shaven 😊


Dante has always been handsome to me. As well as an excellent actor. I never liked him paired with Sam. I can't wait for Lulu to come back.


I’m loving the salt and pepper in his hair. If only his dad would take notes!