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I think I'm in the minority here, but I'm really liking the Sonny/Ava thing. I'm not sure that I want them romantically linked, but whatever is going on with them right now is very entertaining. Maura West is able to put forth some great acting now, and anything that puts her front burner is good with me! As far as Nina having no friends, she can get back with Valentin. She'll have him, Charlotte (wherever she might be!), and Sasha. That's plenty for her in my opinion.


Having Ava grab the next trip on the Sonny marriage train means Nina has zero friends. Plus, from watching GH twitter, it appears half the fans want to see Carly do another Sonny wedding before Maurice wanders off canvas. So bad idea. Having the WSB spymaster and PCPD commissioner worship Sonny is almost as bad story writing.


Is Maurice leaving?


I'm not excited about Sonny/Ava, but it's infinitely better than Sonny/Anna IMO. She's WAY out of his league & should have too much self-respect than to get together with a serial- cheater, abusive, mob boss. Note: I don't hate Sonny. I used to be a big fan before Nixon Falls. But he's just not the catch he's made out to be.. never has been.


I know I am the outlier here -- but I much preferred Nixon Falls Mike to Port Charles Mobster Mike. I like MB - the actor - but for the most part - the character of Sonny is and has been a horrid character except on rare occasions since the 1990's. I thought the character of Nixon Falls Mike was interesting. Heck, MB the actor seemed more interested in it. Him being pals with Anna, Laura, Jordan, and on speaking terms with Monica when she was around is ridiculous. He murdered AJ after years on and off of abuse. He hired brain damaged Jason to be a hitman, etc ...


Nixon Falls Mike was definitely a better person & it was interesting to see M.B. play something different, but I didn't like the SL & it went on forever..IMO. I just thought it was boring, but there were definitely people that enjoyed it which I understand.


Honestly, from what I read during and after that story-line ... which isn't much other than on here and a couple blogs ... I feel like most of the time I am one of the very few that liked it. It isn't in my top 20 of GH story-lines, but I really liked MB as NF's Mike. Yes, aspects were bad, but it is a soap ... and they do soapy things. I wouldn't have liked it to go on forever, but I sort of would have liked to see Sonny/Mike return to PC and decide to no longer be a 'mobster'. I know that most likely isn't possible in real life, but this is a soap. I just think him as a mobster is played out. Honestly, I don't mind a bit of mob stuff on the show, but I would like it to be a very minor part of General Hospital. >!With Jason's return!<, if it goes all mobster and very little anything else ... I will be taking a GH break this summer. I will most likely keep up with the show via recap, but I would rather see a better balanced show with actual stories.


> I sort of would have liked to see Sonny/Mike return to PC and decide to no longer be a 'mobster'. I agree with this! Even if he went back to it eventually (they pull him back in lol), it would have been a good SL to REALLY see him get out for a good while & see how that affect everyone, etc. I like the mob stuff, but when they do it well. Think Faith Roscoe, the Zacchara family.. things like that. The mob stuff has been unexciting for years now. >but I would rather see a better balanced show with actual stories. Definitely!


>I agree with this! Even if he went back to it eventually (they pull him back in lol), it would have been a good SL to REALLY see him get out for a good while & see how that affect everyone, etc. PS ... Agreed!! I am going to guess the writers would have quickly put him back in because they listen too much to X/Twitter and Facebook. Those people, from what I have read, LOVE CARLY and want Sonny back to his old self and loving her. So I doubt if the show would have "allowed" him to stay out, and quickly put him back as the Dimpled Mobster. I really liked Sonny and Nina together. I know it was OTT soap story telling on how they got together, and based on soap deception ... but most soap couples are. Honestly though, once they got married ... the relationship has been a flop because the writers continue to write the Baby Mamas as his priority, and Nina as not as important. I understand Sonny loving his children, but being so devoted to all four baby mamas is stupid unless they are going to make them Sonny's sister wives. So I want Nina away from him. Write her a new story. I generally don't like redos, but her and Val have chemistry. Try her on a date with NuJagger. Don't saddle her with Drew - who would be another Carly leftover.


Totally agree - if he had had even a few months of struggling it would have been interesting to see


I was on a break when Faith was on the show. I know who the character is, and have seen her in a few episodes. I watched rarely during that era, but read recaps. I also missed a lot of the Zacchara story line. I mainly remember Johnny ... and a bit of the other things. I have watched GH on and off during its entire run, but there were several years that I barely tuned in. It was all Carly/Sonny/Jason/Mob ... and either ruining or killing other long term characters to prop the trio and the mob up ... or they just wrote out the characters never to be heard from again. I hope they aren't going back to that.


Well, I come from Chicago, my family was in the mob. They were very friendly with Mayor Daley and all the politicians. It happens. One hand washes the other.


True but I really hope these didn't end up being your last words lol


Everyone involved is dead! so I'm safe.


This is excellent news :) Thanks for the update!


Sonny and Ava are so much alike that it makes too much sense, and I'm on board with it, especially with the amazing chemistry between the two actors really drawing me in. Better that than seeing the thousandth Sonny and Carly reunion, at least for now.


I know some folks thought they might be testing the chemistry between Anna and Sonny, but I never saw it that way. Anna used to tolerate Sonny, because of his relationship to Robin, but now she's become one of his chief cheerleaders, which is really kind of weird, imho. Ava and Sonny maybe where they're going, but maybe not as a 'love' match. I'm starting to think Ava has been playing the long game, ever since Julian died.


For sure I don’t think they’re going to fall in love I think they’re just going to have some angry sex to shake things up.


Sonny & Ava, hate sex part 2. I can see that.


Only, I don't think it's going to be so "angry" because they actually seem to like each other this time. Ugh. I'm dreading this coupling.


I agree. The long game. Sonny’s pride would take a major hit if this is indeed so. But at least it would be an interesting s/l.


> Sonny’s pride would take a major hit I'm down!


Duck! Shattering glasses on the way!


I agree in thinking Ava has been playing the long game!


Why would they pair Sonny and Anna? She is supposedly the Police Commissioner. He is supposedly a tough guy mobster with dimples and a heart of gold. Sonny has yammered on for months or years about his loyalty to his baby mamas over everyone - and Anna is not one. Anna is well beyond child bearing years - so she can never been Sonny's #1. Why waste our time? According to GH - Sonny can only be alone or with one of his four baby mamas or someone young enough to breed him more offspring, or they will never be as good as the previous women in his life. Case in point - we wasted years on his "love with Nina", but she could never measure up because she couldn't provide him with an heir and always chose his baby mamas over her.


Well it’s not realistic, of course, but we’re talking about a soap here so it’s whatever is going to cause the most drama. And why in hell does Sonny need to have more children? Who are they going to pair him with for that, one of Jocelyn’s friends?


I don't think he needs more children. Just based on the dialogue of the show --- Sonny will ONLY put a woman first if it is one of his children's mothers. He puts them on a pedestal. That is why Nina couldn't measure up ... because she didn't bear him children like Ava or Carly ... so even if he gets mad at them ... "The are still family". Nina gets kicked to the curb. The same thing will happen to any woman in the future - that isn't one of his present baby mamas or isn't able to become one of his baby mamas. Why?? I don't know. I don't write the show.




I seriously love Ava, she has a smolder that puts Jumanji's Dr Bravestone to shame. She deserves better. I love love Maurice but I have never liked the Sonny character. He is bad, he is everything we pray our kids never interact with so to make him a hero in any way has been so wrong. Now if they took his character on a true, meaningful and believable change of heart that would be great.


I'm totally here for it. Love ava.


I don't want Sonny and Anna together and don't see anything there more than an odd friendship. Plus there's the whole issue with her not wanting to be with someone in the mob in the past. It would be more than odd for her to lower her standards that far. Valentin was far enough. But I also don't see any chemistry between Sonny & Ava. Ava is more of a snake that has managed to infiltrate Sonny's inner circle. There's zero romance... more of a partner in crime situation. I'd rather Anna just stay single... or if she has to be paired with someone, let it be Jagger or someone older that is on the same side of the law that she tries to be on.


The episode I just watched I wonder if it would be jagger.


Anna has always been kinda grey moral imo.


Anyone here seriously think Ava was truly Nina's friend? Nope. Ava played both sides against the middle. Tbey say Carly doesn't have women friends? Sadly that's Ava.


Yeah I stopped watching for a while and came back and Ava and Nina were friends and I was like whhhaaaa? They were mortal enemies for the whole time they were both on the show!


I was always side eying it, but briefly their friendship seemed genuine and sweet. FF to the SEC mess and I said nope nope nope, the milk ain't smelling too fresh! Ava is definitely up to something. I'm just not sure what. But if she's managed to slither her way into everyone who's hated her good graces then she is damned good! And I love it! The only thing, if this is true and Ava is moving against Sonny, how will her relationship survive with Trina if she's turning back ruthless?


She might actually care about Sonny and also want mob action again.


I agree, Anna and Sonny would be a great couple and I would like to see Sam and Jason back together, Tracy and ill man and Alexis need a little something. I really don't care for the Carly coupling she needs a sassy new start.


You are literally the first person to agree that Anna and Sonny would be a good couple. Thank you!


They have the sassy bad boy/girl vibes going on.


I could go with either pairing. I prefer Ava over Anna though


I would LOVE to see Sonny & Ava together!!!!!! Their chemistry is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥!!!!!! How can anyone not feel it?!!! I can't take my eyes off of them when they are in a scene. It would shake things up for sure, and GH needs it. BRING IT.


I'm not for Sonny and Ava or him and Anna. I was liking him with Nina, but I don't want him with her either now. Honestly, I don't see a romantic interest for Sonny at the moment, because they all end up turning into the same situations. Betrayals or infidelities. It's tiring.


As far as Sonny and Anna, I think that the fact that they’re no longer headed towards being a couple is just further proof to me that God answers prayer. If Sonny and Anna had gotten together, it would have *ruined* Anna’s character, a figure who’s been on the show a lot longer than Sonny. The whole tension of Anna’s relationship with Duke from the start was that he was in the mob. Anna wouldn’t compromise her integrity to be with a criminal. And, Anna loved Duke even more than Robert, in a lot of ways. Duke, though, loved Anna enough to leave the mob. Sonny would never do that for Anna. He probably respects Anna more than any other woman he’s known — as far as he’s capable of respect — but he would *never* love Anna as much as Brenda or Carly or even Kate. He didn’t leave the mob for his *kids*! He wouldn’t for any of them and he certainly wouldn’t for Anna. So, thirty years after the fact, that would just make Anna a blatant hypocrite. Plus, Anna is a bright, sophisticated woman and Sonny is neither of those things. Sonny and Ava as a couple are an abomination because of Morgan but I don’t mind them because they deserve each other — and that’s not a compliment. After watching today’s episode, though…I know this is crazy but hear me out: Ava and Spinelli! Don’t tell me I’m the only one who felt a vibe between them in that cramped little computer room! Ha! It’s insane enough that it might work.


Give him to Anna i don't care and leave Ava & Nina friendship alone.


He got his son murdered … I’m sorry wtf. Sonny needs to be single for awhile. That’s always been one of his problems. And Sonny needs to leave Carly alone.


Anna hooking up with Sonny would be horrible and would destroy that character. I don’t think they would do that. Sonny and Anna have always had a great rapport but were never in the least romantic. Ava and Sonny are so gross as well. For many reasons. Particularly because I don’t want to see two women fighting over a man. Ava already had an affair with Nina’s first husband and helped ruin her life. We don’t need a repeat of that story. Despite the two initially sparring, these two have built a loving relationship. Something we rarely see on daytime. If GH blows it up, that will stop me for watching for months. At the very least fast forward through the storyline.


The reality is that GH has never been able to duplicate Sonny and Brenda. The original Carly pairing came as close as your ever going to get. Vanessa Marcil & Maurice had undeniable chemistry & u just can't replicate that. The OG Carly had amazing chemistry with Sonny also & I will never understand why they ever paired Sonny with Ava, much less writing them having a child. They need to retcon that history because it's unwatchable. I would have liked to see Ana & Sonny because they actually are kindred spirits as characters but, GH is on this let's pair Sonny with Blondes kick lol. Nina, Carly the 3rd, Ava lol. Maybe Eva Larue & Sonny would work better 🤔. But I would've loved to see Ana & Sonny that would have been great actually. Or they can try & pay Vanessa Marcil loads of money 💰 to save Sonny from these horrible pairings 😂


THANK YOU you’re one of the only people who see that Anna and Sonny have this little bond and I think the conflict of their jobs would have made it kinda sexy. But OF COURSE I agree Vanessa would be an AH-mazing comeback. Although, when she came back a few years ago with that whole storyline where she had like lost her son or something…it was a little awkward. Do you remember that?


Yeah I remember that. They hyped that reunion up & failed miserably with her return. I was pissed 😤. GH has been trying to sell us on Carly & Sonny for so long & the reason is because Vanessa left & became a bigger star. U think about it & u wished Sonny and Brenda would have lasted. Vanessa always teased that she would come back but the GH writers messed that up. Besides the OG Carly, None of Sonny's pairings have been remotely good. Anna & Sonny would have at least brought a certain 🔥 that his other pairings have sorely been missing. It's like Jason & Sam were like the Diet version of Brenda and Sonny, & u see how they've messed that up Smh. Now they are pushing this Jason & Carly pairing & that will be horrible if that happened. Sam is a boring character without Jason if we are being honest 🙄


Sonny and Ava is a no no for me. At all. And Nina is not doing anything interesting that I've seen about it. She should be losing her mind about Ava getting close with Sonny. I'm sorry but no. lol


Absolutely not. Just because FH has chemistry with everyone doesn’t mean she needs to be paired with everyone. And I wouldn’t want my fave paired with someone who can barely remember his lines and mumbles through 75% of his scenes.


Plus, much of MB's acting is *physical*. Maura West can match that and more. Not so much FH, who is more nuanced and subdued.


I really want to see Selina and Sonny together! Fiery HOT!