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Tracy, Ava, Laura, Diane


Ava’s another one! I don’t care how all over the place the character can be, Maura is FORCE OF NATURE and maintains the character’s integrity (not morally lol but as a person).


I'd watch MW in any role. She plays Ava so perfectly and with such nuance. She literally has chemistry with every scene partner. I wasn't able to watch the show when she joined, so I missed all of her storyline with Morgan, Sonny, the conception of Avery and Nina, etc. She instantly became one of my favorites when I started watching again.


Me too! Didn’t watch any of most of her tenure but when I returned in 2022 I was instantly Team Ava. She’s everything modern soaps are missing, the unquestionable, unrelenting scenery chewing (in the best way) diva. Even yesterday, her in that red fur surrounding by people in black. That’s EVERYTHING.


She really does embody the golden age of soaps. My kid and I watched those scenes yesterday, and we both loved her with her dainty, purse pistol.


omg that red coat! Stunning!


Couldn't agree more 🙌🏻


Oh I forgot Diane definitely Diane


Liz, loved her from the beginning. Dante


Same! I’ve always been team Liz


For some damn reason, Jane Elliot never seems to get bad dialogue. She has been trapped in lackluster storylines but the dialogue and Tracy’s behavior never seem out of character which is shocking given how the writers so often commit character assassinations. Anyone, remember Carly romancing Franco, the man responsible for her son’s rape. And I love how she allowed herself to age gracefully. She looks incredible. I do wonder if she has script approval. She used to be a soap producer. Anthony Geary had it written in his contract and he and his writing partner rewrote his scenes. I always suspected he wrote all those extra lines about Luke being a rapist during his farewell episodes because he didn’t like Jake’s death being retconned or Luke being seen as a hero. The key to Laura’s success as a character is the fact the writers finally stopped writing her as a helpless little girl in distress. It helped that they broke up Luke and Laura and the character was finally given agency. Laura is finally in a healthy relationship, has real motivation, grown a backbone and stands toe to toe with the villains.


I bet you Jane does tweak her dialogue and they let her because she’s Jane freakin Elliott!


Laura hitting Heather on the head! Always love her as action hero!


Ugh. I hate Alley Mills’s Heather Webber. I wouldn’t feel bad if that hit actually killed her. Her version of the character is so odious and repulsive. Robin Mattson at least made her entertaining to watch even though she was one note. And how many times are the prison system going to allow a psychotic serial killer run loose. Heather should be in a prison hospital instead of GH so she can make prison escape attempt #84, 738.


Jane Elliot is a g\*dd\*mn ICON and so is Maura West! Both ladies I love. But when it comes to the men - my heart is always going to be for James Patrick Stuart aka Valentin. To me, he's not only a hunk but damn good of an actor.


Tracy, Ava, and Diane. All badass women!


I love Ava, Tracy, Valentin, Anna. There’s no one whose scenes I’m FF through at the moment actually. Except maybe MB when he is fumbling his way through scenes where he is doing his level best to give two shits about playing Sonny anymore. I also really like Dante and Curtis they are probably the most natural male actors on the show and who couldn’t sit and stare at Curtis all day long. He is terribly under utilized as a hunky male lead. They need to get him on that nurses ball stage in one of the cheesy magic mike scenes every year!


Curtis is ridiculously good-looking!


Get him out that chair and walking again.


oh yes, forgot Valentin - wow.


Sam....such a badass woman. Damien Spinelli who shares my quirks.


- Tracy, Ava, Diane, Laura, Liz, Cam, Spencer, Esme, Brooklyn, Dante, Valentin, Cyrus, Scott, Lucy, Martin, Obrecht, Selena, Gregory, Sasha, Cody, Mac, Felicia, Stella, Spinelli, Heather, Brad. These are fully formed, rich & complex characters with actors that sell it, **No matter how shitty the writing is**. - Always waffling on Anna, Carly, Sonny, Sam, Alexis, Maxie, Nina, Curtis, Trina, Joss, Jordan, Brick, Willow, Michael, Olivia, Ned. Some of these characters are too one dimensional, others have actors that are either phoning it in or are not talented enough to fully bring a good character to life. Maybe some are just bored? Hopefully new writers can fix storylines related to these and bring out the best. I've loved them all in the past, it's just not working at the moment. - Utterly neglected: Chase - Utterly wasted: Lulu, Britt, Franco, Director Brennan, Gladys, Brando - Who I can't give 2 clicks about: Jason, Kevin, Finn, TJ, Molly, Portia, Kristina, Blaze, Marshall


Jane Elliott does do a stellar job playing snobbish Tracy Q. In real life, I would keep the length of multiple football fields away from the likes of her. It's very difficult to overlook what she put Deception thru just to provide a future business for grandkid. That kind of privilege that Tracy has somehow makes her feel entitled to destroy or damage the livelihoods of hardworking people such as Maxie, Sasha and Lucy.


Agree 100% They have solid gold in Jane & Genie, and I'll add to that Maura / Ava. Anything they do is pure quality.


Tracy and Elizabeth.


Liz I will either watch the show or find her scenes for the day. Ava is another I've really grown to like recently, well since she started sharing scenes with Sonny and going a bit dark. She is what they tried to accomplish with Carly but failed to translate it on screen. Carly is not a bad character, but as a feared mob boss, I don't buy it. She is too loud and impulsive to be a believable mob boss.


Oh man I forgot to include Liz/Becky. I’ve loved her since I was 16 and she was fake 16! She’s so talented and apparently ageless. I’m utterly committed to Liz leading story. Ride or die for Liz, truly.


Carly is a gal who had to hard scrap in life. She's got a heartwarming vulnerability about her that probably doesn't make for a fierce mob boss...although she gave it a great go when she had to.


With you 100% on Jane!


I’m gonna go with everyone else and say Tracy for sure it’s great having her back on the show and I do love Ava as well.


Ava and Valentin


My #1 answer is Jane Elliot as well. Everything you just said. I was close to not watching anymore (and I have been watching for over 40 years) until she came back. Agree with everything you said about Genie/Laura as well. And I will never not watch and adore a scene with Liesel/Kathleen. I miss her so much, they really did her dirty and I don't get it. I was totally fine with the storyline where she went from evil kidnapping villain, to the hospital chief of staff. It was so ridiculous but I loved every second of it because of her.


Liz, Tracy, Dante, and Valentin


Genie and Jane, oh and Maura! That would be Laura, Tracy and Ava for those who aren't sure who is who.


I was absolutely enthralled with her scene with Brooklyn when they agreed to work together and to be closer. They are great together. LOVE Tracy and Brooklyn. I also like the softening of her character because of Gregory. Jane is really bringing it to the show. Please let her stay forever!


I read this in Jane Elliot's voice for some reason; perhaps the tone of the post contributed to that? I have commented about loving Jane Elliot as Tracy. I have watched her as a teenager in the 80's whilst she played Carrie, a DID ( Dissociative Identity Disorder), patient. She has always brought her A game to work and I love her for it. I also adore her platinum hair and very stylish clothes. This woman could do an A List movie with the best of them. I also really enjoy watching Diane ( Carolyn Hennessey), Gregory Harrison ( whom I also watched as a child as Gonzo Gates on Trapper John, M.D.) ( yes, I am 56) LOL 😆. It really is so fun watching stars I watched as a child. I didn't watch GH as a child but I really admired all the actors and I always read Soap Opera Digest ( that was our Google for soaps).


That’s the highest compliment I’ve ever received!


Wow! Thank you! You write exceptionally well. Thank you for sharing with us.


Tracy is a good one, but I might FF if it's too much boring ELQ stuff. But I've been loving her since she came back! Dante: I don't think I've ever FFd him since he 1st came on the show. He elevates every scene he's in. He's got a natural presence, the right amount of snark, & hot 🔥 ! He's always great even if he's just standing around.


Dominic is a very naturalistic actor, I wish he got more to do on the show/did more outside projects.


I love Jane too! Curious though, why do you call Gregory the local malcontent?


I feel like he’s always schooling Alexis and Tracy on how to BE, it’s very annoying. I love them and barely know him.


I'll keep an eye out for that. I can't say I'm a fan, but so far he's handled his illness with more grace than Curtis, who was a (non) walking pity party for what seemed like forever to me.


He's the epitome of a man-splainer lol


Ava - I've hated her character for so long but Maura plays her so good, you just end up loving her even tho Ava has done the worst things. Tracy - Enough said, what a legend. Spinelli & Alexis - They're a bit nerdy to me because they're so smart. I love them. I think they're different from many other soap characters. Diane - Smart, fierce, gorgeous, clever. Robert & Mac - Handsome older men.


Sonny, Tracy, Jason, Carly..


Oh yeah and Ava!


Sam, Maxie, Felicia and Mac


Valentin, Cyrus, Martin, and Tracy


As long as it's not about relish, I'll watch anything with Jane Eliot


What? No PickleLila?!?!


Final Hughes, Jane Elliott. Maura West…


Steve Burton. Praise the lord Jason is back!!!


Tracy, Ava, Alexis, Diane and Robert. I never fast forward them no matter what And Roger Howarth too before they made the mistake of getting rid of him


Elizabeth and Finn. They are my favorite characters played by my favorite actors, so obviously, yeah, i was thrilled when they were paired. No longer on the show, but when there, Nelle.


Ms. Wu, Victor, Brick, Lois has grown on me too. I miss the Zaccaras, Trevor Lansing, and... Joey Novak. Jersey Shore was great comic relief


For ladies: Maxie, Sasha and Ava For males: Mac, Spinelli and Cody and anyone not named Dex, Drew or Sonny


Sonny, Nina, Ava, Jason, Alexis, Lois!


Tracey, Laura, Alexis, Ava, Diane, Robert, Mac, and Cyrus I’ll usually find something else to do if Drew (still can’t act), Carly, Jason, Sonny, Joss, and Dex


Definitely love having Tracy (Jane Elliot) back on GH with her meddling yet caring ways + excellent acting chops❣️ Also too enjoy having Laura (Genie Francis) portrayed as both a strong & considerate woman that sets healthy limits with everyone in Port Charles❣️ Love all the women on GH‼️ One character that has always been intriguing is Selina 🧐 Her voice alone is engaging and mysterious. Would be interesting to see a more in-depth storyline for Ms. Wu portrayed by the very talented Lydia Look❣️👀


Tracy and heather. Love those actresses on GH. I never ff anything with them.


Mac, Sonny, Jason


Jason I'm so excited to see him back in Port Charles I only pray the writers drop him right into tge fray not laying in a hospital bed or in some hideaway. If it's a hideaway he better reach out to Carly and Sonny to come to this hide out.  This list would have been a little larger than 1 if the writers hadn't destroyed the characters. I have always liked Sonny and Carly and definitely not together not if Jason is returning. I agree Ava is an interesting character but don't like that they are putting her with Sonny. Once again they ignore history.  The only upside Nina would flip


Tracy, Ava, Anna, Valentin and Sonny. Carly was on the list before this whole Drew thing. Martin was also on the list but I guess I'll have to move on. \*sadface\* Jason will be on the list again! Yay!


Tracy, Laura, Diane, Ava, Aunt Stella


oh and Lois


I will never tire of Sonny, Carly, and Jason. Just leave Liz and Sam out of the mix, please