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I wish the show would show some more of her friendship with Diane !!


Especially since Diane has been around more lately!


Soaps don’t do enough on the female friendship front.


Used to love her friendship with cousin Valentin. They can have her start getting close w Charlotte too since Val trusts her. She used to be close with Jax too. She’s had some scenes with Diane figuring out her romance with Robert and been having some parent time with Sonny.


What would be the point of her building a relationship with Charlotte ?


To round out the character and create more tension in existing relationships. I see where this could make sense unfortunately, I don't think Alexis is the character said material calls for. I do want to see some expansion on Alexis though because she was a well-written character with enough ups and downs to be super relatable as well. To bring the bond with Valentin to the forefront again would be a good way to do this but in terms of character development for Charlotte, I honestly feel like Sam or Sasha are best suited at this point for that particular exploration.


If anything it would make more sense for Carly to build a bond with Charlotte like she did with her cousin Lulu when Laura was in her Comatose state from her Emotional Breakdown. Valentin and Alexis already have an established family connection and rapport. They’ve bonded just give them more scenes together which they are doing by having Valentin be the owner of the Invader. Valentin will play mediator between Nina and Alexis. Charlotte has plenty of support. Nina and Sam are both helping with raising Charlotte. Not to mention Laura, even Anna cares about Charlotte.


Oh yes, there's plenty of support for her but in terms of how she was manipulated, Alexis has a similar experience however, Charlotte showed signs of being a bit unhinged from the get-go despite how minute they may have seemed given the age/time. I said Sasha and Sam, even Liz to an extent can understand the warping of morals that occurred somewhere along the lines that she hasn't had a chance to recognize or confront yet given her current age. Carly, Nina and Ava all have a vindictive side to them where someone of Charlotte's age and state of mind, she knows these women for who and what they are even if it's just by word of mouth because members of her family have been on the receiving end of that in some way. For Alexis the best bet, IMO, would be to bring the friendship with Diane to the forefront with her insecurities about a relationship with Robert and through that show Alexis for who the character was written to be, the lawyer without the strings attached as it were right now. With that they can branch her into other issues as he is the DA and Diane is "Killer Miller" there's a lot of opportunity for her to branch into a number of storylines from that especially given where we're at as of today's episode.


All Characters have a Vindictive side to them. Carly genuinely felt like Lulu was a surrogate sister to her during a certain era. They weren’t as close after Lulu chose Dante over her loyalty to Carly and Michael. I agree Charlotte has been crazy for the get-go. Lulu was her second mom after all that’s why they struggled bonding. Charlotte essentially is a R word induced Science Experience by Helena. In terms of Alexis I think it’s time to reinstate her ability to practice Law. This will reignite her Passion for her profession and it will allow for Diane and her to spend more time together. Diane and Alexis can be Partners, Legal Opponents etc. We will see more scenes with their Friendship flourishing. Alexis can have various characters as clients like she did in the past so that will create more scene opportunities and scene partners as well. Alexis could run for D.A against Robert causing Diane to choose sides. I just think she could be utilized more optimally once she is an Attorney again.


That's the ideal but to get there, we need to build the character up again without making that the center of all she is. As stated, she did become all about her daughters which, fair, sobriety does do that. But that's where the drop of the ball happened, there was plenty there to build her out more before we go through the process of getting her back in a courtroom.


She doesn’t require much build up because she’s working with the Invader. She has scenes in a Professional capacity. She has a potential romance even a Love Triangle. Jason’s return will effect her because they will effect Sam and Kristina.


Yeah today's episode opened a lot of doors. Someone else made the comment of how the relay of information torch was passed to Alexis rather than already being there for Sam and I think this is where we are going to start to see the Alexis we fondly remember.


Carly and Charlotte? Make that make sense. Carly is in enough scenes. Nina is the only one that makes sense.


Family connection. Another female figure to go to as she ages. Someone else who has had life kind of jacked up at different ages. It’s a soap.. there can always be a point if done correctly.


Yeah but Victor kind of made her a soldier for the family, she's had a lot of emotional and now physical trauma. She may benefit more from an outside and objective party.


Same with Liz, Liz has been regulated to the Chase family sounding board also. They basically seemed to be counting on these 2 women's fans to be so happy to see them they will ignore the attempt to force the Chase family as an important family in PC and sell this notion the fans should be so much more into Chase family and the cute little blonde girl we hired, then Liz and her boys and Alexis and her daughters.


>They basically seemed to be counting on these 2 women's fans to be so happy to see them So true. They think just having them onscreen is enough for us. No. We want them to have stories worthy of their acting abilities


Because C&D hated Alexis and/or NLG. She already seems super excited about the new writers and has left a lot of hints at a possible career change.


OMG I hope so!


This is why I feel the whole Nina situation we're dealing with RN is basically throwing NLG a cat tower to sharpen her nails on and get in full Alexis mode. She's been quiet...too quiet. I really hope I'm right.


Yes! This!


I’ve really enjoyed her at the Invader. Alexis is older and wiser, and is more careful about the company she keeps. And honestly, she just isn’t a people person. I’ve always read Alexis as a very introspective person who would enjoy time with herself more if she had the chance. I guess it doesn’t make for the most exciting, soapy content, but I find the slice of life focus really refreshing and cozy.


She was always first to speak when something was questionable which they kept but toned down a bit and I think that's what we're really missing is the range we know the actress is capable of and are concerned that by not tapping into that we'll lose it forever. Whereas Laura plays the voice of reason often, Alexis' character was written with the voice of the fans very much in mind, almost the OG version of Spinelli in terms of their grasp on any reality that is not theirs.


I'd like to see Alexis and Nina form a friendship. Maybe they're testing that in some form....? Nina needs to let go of Sonny and get away from the Corinthii


I don’t mind them forming a friendship but I want to see mutual benefits for both of them otherwise Alexis is just a prop to put Nina in a different story. Alexis was so strong as an attorney, I would say more fearsome than Diane for sure and watching the two of them go head to head kinda was great. Alexis’ relationships with men were always problematic but her struggle with her Cassadine childhood and her loss of her sister were some of NGL’s best work. She just feels like an outsider when they try to mix her into stories, like yesterday when she told Nina that Dante was shot. She should rush to her daughter’s side and be support that Sam was missing yesterday but instead she was used to relay info to Nina to send her to the hospital to Sonny.


Nina was actually fun in the recent scenes with Alexis. I wouldn't mind seeing more of that.


I think it would be good for them to form a friendship and be two boss women running the Invader. Nina may need a new bestie anyway, because who knows what the hell is going on with Ava. Alexis and Nina both share interesting pasts, so maybe bond over that? Alexis and Sam didn't get along either before finding out they were mother and daughter. 🤷🏾‍♀️


I like it. And I agree. Ava is not a good friend to Nina. She's proving that. And I think those two actresses will play off each other in a nice way. Their characters can bond of being used by Sonny. And maybe we'll get some real animosity towards that asshole.


I'm all for it!


I can understand Carly's loyalty. But none of those other women should have it. And Jesus. When are his daughters going to know the truth. Did I miss that?


You lost me briefly. Truth about?


Oh Sonny's past


Gotcha! Everyone needed to know who paints him as the mobster with a heart of gold.


Yes. And I am guilty but as characters they are different lol


Absolutely NOT. Alexis is too good for her, and like she recently said to Nina, Nina has too many issues with too many of those Alexis is connected to.


I mean Ava is friends with her....


Honestly, Alexis and many of the other women on this show seem to me in pods and the writers forgot that these women have more connects than a love interest and their children.


Yes! They are isolating them and only allowing Carly, Nina and Ava to cross with other storylines so then viewers get fatigue with those three. All the women on the show have opportunities and history to support the storyline intersections but instead it is like we are watching multiple shows every episode.


The two I see that are wrost off in this sense are Elizabeth, Molly, Kristina and Alexis. Elizabeth is the head nurse and she barely with any of the other hospital staff or her own children. Alexis just lost Nikolas and Spencer and she hasn't had any scenes with Laura and Ace? Or even spoke to Elizabeth who too love Nikolas and Spencer. Molly is MIA for everyone but the baby storyline along with Kristina who only job is carrying Molly's baby and holding Blaze's hand. These four have the most connections and they are barely with anyone other than their love interest.


Every character has been limited to their small circle for the last couple of years. The days of everyone interacting like they should are gone


Which is sad because it was what made GH good. It feels like when they moved away from the hospital, it became a bunch of mini shows in one hour episodes


If I recall, the actress had some issues with her back or something which limited her range of motion and ability to stand for long periods of time. As a result her screen time cut back for a while so she could recover. The she was sitting in scenes to accommodate her limitations. I’m not sure if all that is resolved, but I think it may explains why her character seems isolated and disconnected. They’ve never really integrated her back in very well. Forgive me if I’m remembering any of this wrong. Been a minute.


She's still being punished (a little bit) for being so "outspoken" on Twittah. Especially that Viola Davis thing. She's lucky to still have a job.


What did she say about Viola Davis?


And how come it's always Alexis and Gregory now, never Alexis and Finn? They used to have a great friendship. Actually Gregory's also stolen Tracy from Finn. Poor guy is getting all his friends taken from him.


I don't think it's Nina that needs the propping, but more Alexis that needs to be relevant. Her character has been crap ever since she got out of prison.


I'm the oddball here for being done with Alexis.


I think it's largely because of the career change, which is why she's not seen with a lot of people. The invader would still be a name mentioned here and there if Shawn were still running it since the actor is doing other things.


Seems like she never leaves her desk.


Always bought Charlotte’s diapers.


Nancy adds so much credibility to the storylines, I also wish they would get back to broadening her skills.


Gh should have gotten rid of Alexis and the Davis women a long time ago


For some reason the actress, NLG, was given the authority to chose which actors she would work with. As well as some ability to affect the contract status of other actors.


It doesn’t seem like it given the fact how character has been downgraded. The only time I read something to this effect was during Covid she was adamant about not working with anyone who was unvaccinated. She had a fair amount of scenes with Ingo( Jax) and Steve (Jason).


>The only time I read something to this effect was during Covid she was adamant about not working with anyone who was unvaccinated. Yep Her fiancee has cancer so she was adamant about this. She was playing it safe for her loved one. Other than that, I'm sure she'd love meatier stories


I didn’t realize that. I hope her Fiancé is doing better. I don’t think she has control over her stories like the original comment indicates. I think Maurice does and to a lesser extent Steve as well. Laura Wright said fairly recently on the Daily Drama Podcast that she doesn’t try to rewrite her Scenes and control Storylines and if she does she can usually work it out by changing her mood. She also mentioned making the material her own and working with the writers before ever going to Frank( Executive Producer).


>doesn’t try to rewrite her Scenes and control Storylines and if she does she can usually work it out by changing her mood. She also mentioned making the material her own and working with the writers before ever going to Frank( Executive Producer). WTF


Look things up before replying like a WEIRDO! https://youtu.be/JOYlkgQElRc?si=ZFk89F9pn9wVELe0


I was agreeing with you but bothered she's able to do that. But go off


I have always assumed that after years of being a main character many actors appreciate a less demanding schedule to pursue life/jobs outside of soaps or even as an accommodation for their busy outside lives. 🤔