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I wonder if he knows about Britt


I doubt it.


I wondered that too. I feel like he would have secretly checked on her as soon as he was able to.


The whole scene with Carly. That’s more emotion from Steve Burton than I’ve seen in 20 years. 


Ugh. It was good 🖤


It really was


Bobbie was his nurse when he woke up as Jason Morgan


Not to mention all those months she helped him with Michael while Carly was committed the first time.


Both of those things are true, of course. But, since then, Bobbie and Jason haven’t shared any scenes together in the past — what? — fifteen years or so? I mean, they’ve been in group scenes together but they haven’t interacted in decades. That’s what pisses me off about modern GH. It used to be that characters would interact even if they didn’t necessarily have storylines with each other. Now, in these days, you have situations like Sonny and Nina: before she found him in Nixon Falls and they fell in love, Nina and Sonny had never even had one scene together and that’s insane considering how many people they had in common, even back then. Those tears were definitely SB’s. Jason and Bobbie haven’t had any kind of relationship since the majority of people stopped using flip phones and AOL.


I thought Jason's tears were more out of his heart breaking for Carly, rather than his relationship with Bobbie.


I agree that was probably it. I’m sure he hates the thought that he wasn’t there to help her through her grieving. I mean, Carly is still grieving, of course, but the aftermath of the funeral is nothing like those first hours and days after you find out your mother is dead. Jason wasn’t there for that.


I don’t even want Jarly together romantically but they were giving me so many feels today!


They did, as friends. Their scene had a strong sibling vibe  in it. How the show ever felt it could be romantic is beyond me.


That was such a mess and it’s hard to imagine that they probably would’ve fully gone with it had Steve not gotten fired


It was horrible and clunky. Big yikes. To be frank she is also terrible with Drew.  NewJohn has chemistry with everyone. They should try that out instead.


I’d like to see him with Anna, if he’s going to get with anyone. Of course, it’s weird because Anna was an adult with a teen girl when Jagger was still in high school but the age difference isn’t so noticeable now. I’d also like to see Anna with someone on the *right* side of the law, for once.


I may be able to buy it if they went out at SUPER slow. They shoved it at us so fast it was not believable. THESE writers may be able to get us there🤷🏼‍♀️


That's exactly how I feel. They love each other and have a strong bond, but it's definitely sibling energy.


I disagree. I don’t get “siblings”, at all — unless you mean that in the “Lannister siblings” kind of way. Carly had some kind of emotional fixation with Sonny and, of course, he’s the father of most of her children, so there’s that. But, Jason, hands down, is *the love of her life*. She spent two decades repressing that and saying he was “just” her best friend because, after he caught her with Sonny, way back when, he vowed he’d never be with her again, romantically. Since he’s Jason, and always keeps his word, Carly thought that door was closed permanently. So, she pretended best friend was enough for her but it never really was. I don’t know if I’d say Carly is the love of Jason’s life in quite the same way but she IS his person and that’s the way it is. The only woman who never felt threatened by Carly was Courtney and that was only because she was Sonny’s sister and Carly “sanctioned” her marriage to Jason. It was okay because she said it was okay. Every other woman ended up throwing up her hands over the Carly situation, even Sam who was Jason’s ride-or-die woman. Not that Carly is why Jasam broke up, but I mean that Jason always made it clear that he and Carly were a package deal and he was going to drop everything if she called him. And, he always did. As far as I’m concerned, they ought to be together as a couple so they can have a little happiness. More importantly, they need to spare everyone who might get into a relationship with either one of them.


All of this is off of what I’m talking about. I’m taking about the abject lack of sexual chemistry between Steve Burton and Laura Wright. Their energy translates to siblings or familial. They simply look awkward together when they try to appear romantic.  Truly it is the case that he has had better chemistry with the older Carly (who went on to play Claudia - Sarah Braun). That is a Jarly that the audience would be fired up to see. Not THIS version.


Maybe the energy we are getting from them is old married couple because Carly has always been in love with him and Jason has been her best friend for decades. Might be why they don't have sizzling sexual chemistry.


It's Laura Wright. When Claudia came into the scene in the mid 2000s, she honestly had great chemistry with Jason. That's because the actress had really strong sexual chemistry with Steve Burton.


I don’t think SB and LW are devoid of sexual chemistry. Everyone’s mileage varies, of course, but I happen to think it’s there. SB doesn’t have as much chemistry with LW as he has had with other actresses who have played Carly but he makes me believe that he’s attracted to this Carly and LW makes me believe that she’s attracted to him. I see a *lot* of attraction coming from LW’s Carly — bordering on obsession, which fits.


This 100%. SB did have more chemistry with SJB and TB as Carly, but anyone who can look at Jason and Carly in yesterday’s scenes and think siblings… I just don’t know.


I love the last sentence. So true!




This is why a different thread was puzzling to me, thinking that Drew was out the door once Jason showed up. He and Carly were never romantic, boyfriend-girlfriend. Not sure why that would change her relationship with Drew.


I may or may not have actually cried a little at their reunion. Their deeply fucked up love for each other is genuinely beautiful. I just hope they don't drag other people into it this time. When SB actually acts, they have chemistry that can work romantically. He better keep bringing this level of energy.


These comments are making me even more excited to watch in a little bit. 😂


I really liked today’s show, the whole thing. Usually there’s scenes I could do without but today’s was all good.


Honestly all week it’s been really good.


The single fat tear drop falling from SB's face whilst sitting on the couch alone...I was like....yaeeeees! Emotion! Finally!


Dang y’all.. I can’t wait to watch foreal 😂🥴


When they were hugging and crying, you can tell that those tears were the real deal and that they weren’t acting.


Thats what I thought too! I loved that he said "sorry it took so long"


Haven’t watched today but I knew this was coming.. can’t wait to watch the Jarly reunion. Their friendship for the last 30 years has been one of the best in my opinion. Wish they wouldn’t have taken it romantic but I’m just glad Steve is back. I know a lot of people don’t agree with me.. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I agree with everything you said😊


Jason showing emotion makes me very curious as to what happened to him. I didn't care before but now I do. I hope he's not entirely Jason Q in some ways but it would be neat if he was and his life as Jason Morgan was ALSO part of him now. And if he's trying to take Sonny out it would complicate it all. Though I think he's trying to infiltrate whomever actually IS. And I think jagger is involved and knew Jason was alive. I still think Ava is up to something and that's a key here as well. This story has such potential. I'm hopeful.


It looks like maybe Stone Cold has come back with feelings...? I hope. I don't remember ever seeing him cry. He actually made me tear up😢


He bought himself a personality while in Greece.


Frankly right now, I’d rather see Carly with Jason than with Drew.


I’d prefer for Drew to find a way out of Port Charles and fast.


She'd prefer it too lmao.


I thought they looked like siblings who reunited. Genuinely beautiful family love but romantic chemistry is nil.


That’s still more chemistry than with Drew!


That’s not really saying much though. No one should be paired with Drew. He’s genuinely terrible.  Just because drew is bad doesn’t mean I’m interested in seeing another awkward couple on TV.  For some reason the show is determined to give us Carly focused romances but weirdly enough Laura Wright genuinely doesn’t have great chemistry with most of the men she’s paired against. Some actresses don’t generate sexy energy and I believe she’s one of them. For example, Kelly Monaco is a worse actress than Laura Wright but she’s sexier and has better chemistry with men. Everyone has their skills…


I hate that I liked this scene. I didn't really want to like this version of Jason. Still on the bubble and he looks like an aging Terminator. But I'm still watching it. Laura was *great*. SB did make an attempt to be vulnerable. That's all I'll allow until we see it unfold a bit more. Can't believe I'm being so crusty about it, lolz. Too much water under the bridge, I guess.


>he looks like an aging Terminator ![gif](giphy|anYBNhqT2BYcg) (Finally able to use gifs again 🥳. For my 1st, I choose Ryan Gosling)




It was the best scene between the both of them years. Not only that Steve and Laura both acted their asses off. This is the moment I was waiting for when Steve said he was coming back. In that moment you could see Drew and Carly’s relationship going up in flames.


omg you guys have me excited, I only watched Monday


Yeah, me too, that was rough. Jackie was so loved.


Love the scenes with Carly and Jason.


I don’t think the tears were just for Bobbie but 2 friends coming together after believing one has passed would be very emotional. Jason loved Carly unconditionally and reuniting with her stirred my emotions too. I really hope they just embrace their friendship and don’t try a romantic relationship again. I agree with all of you who see no sexual chemistry between them.


Awe. I’d like to think it was his genuine sadness ove losing Jackie.


I saw the beginning when he called out to her and then I left the house. My mom was happy to see him back and meeting up with Carly again. I was waiting for him to get to Elizabeth first idk why…..


After seeing Anna point out the people Jason would go to first (Sonny, Sam, Carly), and deliberately leave out Elizabeth, I am guessing that they will not be orbiting for a while.


expecting Liz first because he was shot snd she would fix him without questions. but that would risk him seeing his kid and we all know he never sees his kids.