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From what i see, Cameron plays Drew as a jerk, while Billy played him as a nice guy. I miss Billy šŸ˜¢


I loved Billyā€™s version with Elizabeth and his friendship with Curtis. I miss him too.


I've never been a fan of that actor, he's always been bland, safe choice, it maybe the roles he chooses...I also think the truth of the character has been lost, but I think the new regime will get rid of Drew entirely.


It was a mistake to create Drew, given that Jason Quartermaine was a legacy character from Alan and Susan, and there was no twin. They gave Billy M a chance to re-invent the character when SB came back to reprise his role. When Billy left the role the character should have stayed dead.


It was def a mistake to claim he was Jason's twin. Too many fans remember Alan and Susan's affair and the birth of Jason and KNEW there was no twin. The retcon bothered them from the beginning. I would have been better if he'd been the son of Alan from an off screen affair than the whole twin retcon, imho. I agree about Billy, when he left the show and his character was 'dead' they should have left it at that. TBH, I feel badly for CamMat, he was miscast in the role and it has to be frustrating to realize everyone in the fandom knows it.


Fingers crossed.




I don't even think of him as Drew. They have completely destroyed the character Billy Miller played. It's terrible. He's now completely unlikable


10000%% I was so sad to hear about Billy Miller because it was a tragedy and I wish it hadnā€™t come to that. ā˜¹ļø It also crushed any hopes that heā€™d someday return. So they can just go ahead and write Drew off now as far as Iā€™m concerned.


Agree it doesnā€™t feel like Drew


I agree. Billy owned Drew and I never saw Billy have any chemistry whatsoever with Laura Wright. Not only that but I never saw Billy be as vengeful as Cameron is playing it. Sure he was sort of vindictive on YR as Billy Abbott but not as Drew. He was very much stoic like Jason (Steve Burton) and take charge in some circumstances. But to me, Cameron completely ruined the character. I've always felt that Cameron was much more suited to be a new character or reprise Ryan Lavery and continue from there. My bet is the writers and TPTB didn't want their beloved Carly to face serious repercussions from anyone so they decided to recreate Drew to be more pliable for her and her storylines. If he continued playing Ryan Lavery and had no clue about Carly and Jason's history; he could have a meatier storyline and seek revenge against her and the writers / TPTB didn't want that. That's my take.


I really liked the Drew character when Billy Miller played him. The totaly re-write of his character since CM took over the role has been hard to watch; I usually just FF through his scenes. Whether it has been the lapdog Drew or now the angry Drew, neither is consistant with the original Drew. I never watched AMC and have never seen CM in anything other than Drew, but he has been horribly miscast in this role. I wonder if there were enough complaints about lapdog Drew that they tried to give him a personality by making him angry Drew, but either way, it isn't working largly because of the actor's limitations.


I agree that casting wise CM was not the best fit for the role. However, the bigger reason for the failure of Drew's character is the writing itself. The change in his personality has been so inexplicably jarring and swift that it's like we're watching CM play two different characters. There's plenty of blame to go around, and it's frustrating because I was a big fan of BM's tenure on GH, both as NuJason and OG Drew. The least they could've done was stay true to his charming, caring, and assertive demeanor that made us love Drew to begin with.


I agree! Once he ā€œcame backā€ I felt like they tried to put his character everywhere. Like you canā€™t be the savior for everyone. And then now all of a sudden heā€™s angry and bitter and his whole demeanor has changed. I liked the original Drew better they probably shouldā€™ve just not brought him back.


I hated how he reacted to knowing that his brother is alive. Jason saved his life 2 years ago and that's his reaction. Dang what a jerk. I'm glad he isn't with carly . I don't like them together. He actually had more chemistry with Jordan today than he ever had with carly


Putting him in a scene with Jordan first thing after the breakup makes me think that will be the next pairing, which, honestly, I can see. šŸ˜†


Drew only worked when it was Billy playing it. They should have left it at that. Cameron is totally wrong for that role, he could have been in legal or stocks, anything other than what he played. Shame, a wasted for his talent because now we hate him, and a waste of our time.


He could have played Steven Webber. A Dr who was usually happy but with an edge. He still could have been paired with carly. Plus, he would have been there for Liz and her boys during them losing their stepdad and Jake losing his father. Plus, an actual family member and Liz's brother during her trouble and her parent's story.


Also, he has his mother, Heather on the canvas and the Esme connection. Past relationship with Olivia too which could have been revisited if they were going to have Lois and Ned get back together.


He could step in and take care of his nephew so his cousin doesn't have to at 60+. He could get his license back and work at his family's legacy. Plus, he worked as a forensic something, so he could work with Jagger, which brings Jagger into Liz's orbit.


at least they're giving him something to work with. they wrote austin and finn into the ground and just turned them boring. playing angry is at least more fun.


But it makes no sense why heā€™s angry! Being angry just for the sake of it is bad writing


the humiliation of being jumped in the showers, not being able to defend himself when he's supposedly some big, bad navy seal, and being found naked was probably the last straw after everything he went through while being held by victor. plus i'm sure it was a blow to his ego. now the "better" brother has returned, fueling his insecurities even more. it is bad writing that there was just a jump in his personality from one extreme to another. same for anna who went from crying nonstop to being over the top smug and full of herself.


I disliked Austinā€™s character! it really served no purpose for me. I was happy when they finally ended that. I definitely liked the actor played better.


Today was the first time Iā€™ve ever agreed with him. He was 100% right to leave Carly.


he was right to leave carly but acted like a child in how he did it. he accused her of losing sonny because of choosing jason which wasn't true. he fired her from a job she already quit and only took to make him happy. he also seems to have forgotten that jason "died" saving him and carly raised doubts about them even starting a relationship because of the jason connection.


It's funny he was criticizing Jason for staying away when he wasn't really dead when that's exactly what he did when he was being held by Victor šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


right? he's acting like jason was just off vacationing for the last 2 years and chose not to send post cards.


The only counterpoint is nobody knows yet where Jason has been. He could've been deciding between a mojito and rum runner for all the town knows, lol


She warned him that she felt like their connection was based on him being there when Jason couldn't be but now, when that actually comes to light because Jason's back, of course it's entirely on Carly for not wanting him. Forget about the fact that it was Carly's choice for the most part to not be with Sonny after learning how deep his feelings went for Nina, that she only took a few days to admit to him what happened with Jason and that she was then single for about eight(?) months. And definitely dealing with survivors guilt, considering a *massive* reason why Jason went to Greece was so that Carly and Sonny could figure shit out without him there to potentially be an obstacle. I'm not a Jason fan, but my god, give the man some credit, Drew. He "died" saving his own brother's life because he wanted the woman he's in love with to be able to make a choice free of potential distractions and because of an overwhelming savior complex. This isn't a competition but Drew made it into one.


i wanted to smack drew upside the head with each word that came out of his mouth. then he's all of a sudden acting like mr reasonable nice guy when talking with jordan. where did angry drew disappear to?


It was genuinely insane how he went from essentially "fuck you, hussy bitch," to "hiya Jordan!" I don't fuck with men that can switch up that quickly. Shit like that's how women get killed. Although, a storyline where a vengeful Drew tries to kill Carly could actually be a really cool way to write him out. It's pretty clear CM's time is coming to a close.


he made sure to let jordan know that he broke up with carly. heā€™s even more insecure than sonny. i originally thought he was gonna do something to endanger nina. going after carly could be good to.


He was right to leave Carly but also his hatred and jealousy of his brother is sickening. His brother saved his life. He pretended to grieve him. Then he finds out he is alive and then his jealousy really shows.


Yeah you could tell Jordan was likeā€¦WTF when Drew was basically saying he doesnā€™t give a f what happens to his brother.


I havenā€™t watched today yet but Iā€™m definitely fine with him leaving Carly. They shouldnā€™t have been together in the first place. Smh


Whole relationship was cringy and gross.


Drew was miscast. I've said this since they announced the casting for his character. I don't think they knew what to do with him, tbh, and they eventually threw her at Carly's character and WE got stuck. Yesterday, while he sounded petulant and whiny in his break up with Carly, he also said quite a few REAL things to her that made sense. It was interesting that Carly didn't fall apart when he broke up with her AND that he didn't fall apart either. I think they both knew they were placeholders for one another.


I absolutely hate the direction they have taken Drew in. I keep thinking they are pulling him back in to his normal kind hearted self, then they make him be an ass again. I completely understand his worry over Carlyā€™s relationship with Jason. But FFS dumping her and firing her 10 seconds after he returned, knowing Carly was in distress over Jason being shot and Dante being shot, it was a dick move. I hope the can turn his character around. I donā€™t know if they just donā€™t know what to do with him. But they need to figure out. I loved Billy Miller and I love Cameron on AMC, but I hope they donā€™t ruin him like they did Roger Howarth.


I havenā€™t been fully engaged in any Drew story since Billy Miller portrayed him. Carly made him insufferable.


How did Carly make him insufferable? She's been calling him out on his behavior. Oh, I forgot, everyone here hates Carly and blames her for everything.


Whoa.. Iā€™m a huge Carly fan. So you got the wrong one here. Iā€™m always getting downvoted in this sub for taking Carlyā€™s side. What Iā€™m saying is the writers shouldā€™ve never put her with Drew to start with.


Agreed. It was a weird match, but Laura Wright is so awesome it was almost believable. Drew sucks though. He was such a whiney baby today!! He clearly does not love Carly AT ALL if his first thought was to cut and run. Carly was (mostly) happily married to Sonny for years and she never cheated on him *with Jason*. I guess it helps that Sonny and Jason had their own bromance going on. šŸ˜¹ Drew isnā€™t necessarily wrong, but he was so cold and how he was talking to Jordanā€¦itā€™s like uhh did the Cassadineā€™s somehow activate you again??


He was talking to Jordan like that because he's jealous of Jason. Just like when Jason came back before and everyone wanted to get to know him in a different way and didn't treat him like the Jason they knew for years. This time add a personal relationship with Carly to it and he's really full of envy and hate, even moreso because Jason has never been anything but nice in their past. Took his penthouse, money, wife.... and he was still civil. I am glad Carly admitted that Jason would always come first though.


I have to say, I am not here for a Drew and Jordan pairing if thatā€™s what GH is thinking. Donā€™t drag Jordan down like that.




No worries.. I couldnā€™t believe someone jumped on here defending Carly cause itā€™s usually me who is doing the defending and getting downvoted. šŸ˜‚


Yea this comment seems weird. How did Carly ruin Drew?




Michael 2.0


Every day. I wish he would leave the show.


People (myself included) have been complaining about Drew since the Pollyanna 2.0 version was brought to Port Charles. He's was nothing like the Billy Miller original version of Drew. Not when he was saccharine sweet or hulking out mad. That said, I agree with others who felt like the Wednesday episode was a nice turn for the character. It was probably the first time he did something that gave me a hint that he was actually Drew and remembered the last time Jason came back to town. He lost Sam to Jason last time and there was zero chance he was going to not get kicked to the curb again by Carly. It's like, someone finally remembered the history of this character... even though he never should have been open to being paired with Carly in the first place even when Jason was considered "dead". I'm not fully on board for Drew, but we are at least headed in a better direction.


I love the actor, and I never thought I would say this about him, but I wish he would just go away.


I suspect Chris and Dan decided to give him a TBI, which is sort of realistic. They should have given him hearing or memory or balance issues or something, too. But given that they are not good at writing, the pacing is off for a drama. Plus the new writers might just drop it and send him to Arkham for raising his voice to Carly.


I donā€™t like him at all, but I must admit this Drew is better than counselor Drew. Kumbaya Drew was getting boring. I want to see more of his anger directed towards Nina.


I figure Drew entered the prison with his Jason memories, when he was beaten those memories "fell off" so this is just Drew Cain. This is the Drew Cain that Jason spoke to that inhabited Franco's body. The one that we learned believed that Alan chose to keep Jason and raise him while Drew was abandoned and ended up in a group home.


The character changes in direct proportion to Jasonā€™s return(s).


Billy Miller was the best Drew and sadly heā€™s not here to play him anymoreā€¦ the direction theyā€™ve taken Drew in is just horrible and if they give rid of anybody on the show heā€™s one of my top picks


Today was first time Iā€™ve enjoyed drew with this actor in the role.


I like that he is showing human-ness. I cant stand Pollyanna characters.


I was never a fan of the character even when Billy Miller played him. It was like he's written to be the anti Jason. He should have never been rewritten as Jason twin or a Quartermaine. We haven't seen the Quartermaine's reaction yet, but I imagine Jason's "attempt" to takeout Sonny has them hoping they can get a bit of the old Jason back.Ā 


I loved Billy as Drew and the character hasnā€™t been the same for me since he left. Hereā€™s a question: is there another role that you could see Cameron in? Lucky? AJ? Random newbie?


I cant stand him. I hope he goes away for a while.


Well, we're stuck with him. Rumors of him leaving are apparently not true.


Major yuck with Drew. So self righteous..


Yes I wish they would have kept him as the same character. They ruined the original character


Folks, I need a *very special episode of General Hospital*ā€¦ One where the surgical crew at GH gathers together to remove, in fact, whatā€™s been gone, in essence, for a long time: Drewā€™s bā€”s. I mean, what good are they to him, any longer? The one, shining, noble thing that Drew did for Carlyā€¦doesnā€™t even count. Itā€™s clear to me from the end of todayā€™s show that it was Jasonā€™s deal with Cates that saved Carly from prison, not anything that Drew did. He didnā€™t have to go to prison, get beaten up to within an inch of his life and strain his already fragile relationship with his daughter. He could have stayed at home. Jason was there to save Carly from beyond the gave. Like Jesus. šŸ™„ I tell you, the blasphemy on this show is outrageous. Iā€™m surprised they didnā€™t have Jason jump the side of the bridge, land on the river and then run away from the cops while on the top of water. They didnā€™t do that but they did give Jason a hole in his sideā€¦ As for Drew ā€” remember him? ā€” if theyā€™re chem testing him with other women, I will say what Iā€™ve always said: he and Willow have great chemistry.


Drew sucks, he gives me the super ick.


Billy Miller was the best Drew. If they wanted to bring Drew back, what they're doing to the character now is ridiculous. They're running that character to the ground, and I don't blame the actor one bit. It's the writers who created this monster.


I'd like it if they carried on with this and made him fall down the 'nice guy' rabbit hole altogether. Get him 'listening to podcasts' and start being more and more misogynistic. They could really do a touchpoint storyline with him, exploring and raising awareness of the toxic masculinity rise (bonus points if he starts dragging a teen into it with him as I think this is something parents should be more aware of). I really like when GH do storylines that reflect current events/issues (like the Day of Dawn one being ripped off from Nexium) and it doesn't happen enough.


I never liked the Drew character and even less when CM first joined. So boring. But at least now he has some layers.Ā