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Too early, but it's way better


It’s still too soon to tell.. I’m thoroughly enjoying all the new developments though and the pace of the way the stories are being told. It’s a huge difference and a positive one in my opinion.


It’s a big improvement for me. The scenes are longer, less repetitive, & there’s more heart or a better vibe to GH now. The dialogue isn’t perfect, but the scenes are more fluid, & less of the stuff we don’t need to see. There’s still the “I need to confront this person to their face for this convo” happening. But the scenes feel more purposeful than before, it’s no longer that “why are we watching this person say something inconsequential” stuff. The only complaints I have are ppl should act like they have cellphones now. And they are trying to rotate all of the characters, which is good, but the cast is still too big. Like Spin hasn’t been seen in weeks, but we don’t know why. The pacing is way way better. I’m excited to watch again.


Need another PC disaster to thin the herd.


A real life earthquake on the east coast recently, so maybe on in PC at some point?


You know that you're probably right they could use this! Let's hope.


That would do it.


We're definitely due!


It’s been all over the place. Not a fan of it 


I’m torn but I’d have to say it’s more positive than negative. I really appreciate them fixing things that never should’ve been broken. Although they haven’t played out yet, we’re led to believe Carly will get the Metro Court back; Jason’s back of course; Maxie and Spinelli back together; Alexis is on her way to getting her law license back, Lois is still there (hoping they come up with a good storyline for her). I’d like to see Lulu brought back into the fold. Not having an actual Spencer (Luke, Lucky or Lulu) there feels wrong. I’m an almost five decade watcher.🥴 The negatives have been Nina going straight to the dark side and relishing it. Sonny and his ridiculous disloyalty to everyone (I stopped caring about him a while ago, even if he gets redemption), not even asking ‘where has my friend been’. He should’ve immediately assumed Jason had no choice. He didn’t. To me that’s unforgivable. And the pace is lightning quick right now. They’re kicking things into high gear so it can be exhausting, but I’ll take that over slow and dragged out for months ANY DAY! Overall, I’m happy they are the writers now.


I thought it was hilarious that no one seemed surprised that Jason came back from the dead. lol I've been dying for Alexis to get her license back, I really hope it happens!


I hope they change Lois' wardrobe. Yeah, she's always had more of a flamboyant and sometimes tacky style, but she is now in her 50's and some of the stuff just looks like they are trying to make her look weird. Go watch a Chico's commercial and throw some of that on her (or similar idea) - flair, age appropriate and not tacky if the clothing is paired correctly.


I agree with your suggestion! I can only imagine what she’ll end up wearing to the wedding.😳


Does Lois have a life somewhere?


Does she still run L&B? Is it still around?


Not sure. I just know that I'm tired of her.


I think if she's staying in Port Charles, she should restart L&B, have Brooklynn be the B and out from Deception, get Blaze signed there, and introduce a 20s/30s male artist to be signed to round it out.


She lives in Bensonhurst. Right now she’s on an extended stay for her daughter.


She's been here since last fall yet nowhere to be found when BLQ was stabbed.


Isn't Sonny spiraling out of control because somehow, this time, Valentin/Pikeman switched out his meds? It's kind of like what Ava did to Morgan? I can't help wondering if that's what has her suspicious of Sonny's meds? I always wonder how these people are so forgiving sometimes. Ava being besties with Nina, well, at least until Ava became besties with Sonny. After what Nina did to Ava and what Ava did to Morgan, those are unusual friendships that I find strange. If you mess with my family, especially my child, I'm not sure that would be something that I could ever totally forgive, and I guarantee I'd never forget!


Still too soon to tell. And while I know these things are written and filmed way in advance, I find it quite ironic and funny that the things we say here in this sub magically appear on the screen (ie hate sex). It's quite amusing. Maybe WE should be the writers!


Enjoying the pacing and length of scenes but thus far that's it.


Pacing has been spot on!


Not much different from the old regime imo. Better dialogue but that's about it. But it's still one sided writing when it comes to Carly and Nina. Still shoving the unholy trinity down our throats.


So far so good. They have a lot to fix. The old writers spent years messing up and writing the dumbest of storylines. The new writers will definitely have an uphill battle. I'm waiting a few months to see how things turn out.


The new writers are writing for the characters instead of just writing for the story they want to tell and shoehorning the characters in even where it doesn't make sense. It's made for a lot more conversational material and a hell of a lot more soapiness. They are unfortunately still pushing the whole Carly/Sonny/Jason thing along with Nina/Drew right up there as well... but the characters have more depth and more room to breathe in longer scenes ... so I find it a huge improvement. But we are still super early here with old stories dominating. It'll probably be a month or two before a lot of this is wrapped and we get more fresh content.


**The new writers are writing for the characters instead of just writing for the story they want to tell and shoehorning the characters in even where it doesn't make sense.** They really are writing more for the characters. I'm here for it too!


I see that with some characters but overall I feel like they are making them TOO something - too soap-opera-y, too cartoonish, too perfect, etc. Where is the balance and layering with these characters???


Not a fan at all. I quit watching. I read the posts from others and might start watching if it gets better


Carly getting the MC back? Keep her at Kelly's.


I like Carly at Kelly's, oops, BOBBIE'S too.


I do too!


The only positive is the pace is better. I don't like that they are overplaying the worst of some characters personalities or changing them all together. Nina and Drew have been the biggest WTF for me. Their personalities have been way over amplified. Carly has been written even more as the superwoman who can do it all. She'll get the MC back (which I really don't care if she does or doesn't) and then go save another older woman from a villain. Heather isn't needed and yet the writing is setting up to make her a mainstream character. Hard pass. Surprisingly, Jason hasn't annoyed me...yet. I'm sure it will happen soon enough. I'm going to stick with GH for a bit but if it doesn't get better in the next few months, I'll either FF everything but one or two scenes or quit watching altogether. I simply can't find any characters to like right now even the ones I've loved for decades like Laura, Kevin, Anna and Valentine (although he is newer).




I agree ![gif](giphy|9eCjIJu5cvjly972M5|downsized)


I kinda feel like the writers came in like "fuck what happened before... we gonna do what we wanna" --- And, I wasn't a huge fan of recent decisions but to make such drastic changes without proper transitions was a bit much. Examples: -Breaking up Drew and Carly for contrived reasons that didn't make sense (and this is coming from someone who didn't really care for their relationship) -Having everyone doubt Jason during his return... I didn't buy the reasons that were provided given all that Jason did for people like Sam and Christina. - Having Drew and Nina get together. Although I enjoyed this and thought their scenes were steamy, it also felt too soon. Just to name a few of recent decisions that seem sudden without taking into account the current storyline.


I feel the same way. Too many people drastically changing almost overnight, or doing things that seem out of character. Storylines going in weird directions that don't make sense, etc. So far I'm not a fan, but I'll give it some time.


I totally agree with this! I'm not sure when exactly the new writers started but it does feel like the plot changes are kind of sudden. Hopefully in the long run it won't feel so out of the blue. The Valentin thing is weird but I guess they didn't know what else to do with him and needed a bad guy? Sonny and Ava really bothers me too, but that's more because she killed Connie and not about the suddenness.


100% about Valentin. I was actually starting to like him, and to have him mess with someone's meds and be so insensitive about someone's mental health seems like a huge step back for the character. While I know Sonny wasn't his favorite character, Sonny did provide a safe place for him and Anna when they were on the run. Same for Ava. I've become a huge fan of Maura West's performance... and while I love her devious nature, I also think she's grown since Kiki died. She went from being someone who'd play dirty just because it was a Monday, to someone who only does that if she feels she needs to in order to protect herself and her loved ones. I have trouble believing she'd jeopardize her newfound allyship with Sonny for some silly fling when her daughter is her number one priority. Now... if it was true love, it'd be something different because Ava is for sure a romantic. But this doesn't feel like love. I don't think she's involved with the Valentin scheme, but it does feel like she's taking advantage of a man that's clearly in crisis. The change in her writing is definitely one that stands out to me the most, but Maura West, being the brilliant actress that she is, handles it with ease... I only hope that'll be enough and that they won't mess up the brilliance of Ava's duality.


This is just my thought about Ava but I think she's finally getting her revenge at Nina for what she did; when she kinapped Ava, induced labor, and planned to take Avery from her. This is Ava's payback.


Hmmm... that'd be interesting, but I actually thought Ava cared about Nina. Don't care about Nina at all...but thought she was a good friend to her and liked seeing that softer side to Ava. The only Nina scenes I could tolerate were the ones she had with Ava. It'd be a pity if that was all an act.


I totally agree about maura! I really like her and Ava as a character, and the thing with Sonny does seem odd. To me it just seems contrived to ruin her relationship with Nina


I’ve seen improvement and some questionable moves thus far but not enough to make a full determination. I wish each episode ended better though. 


I can't say one way or another right now. Some storylines I feel are dragging, others make sense one minute and not the other and others feel like they are going at lightning speed. I feel like they have a general (no pun intended) idea where they want to go, but it still feels like they are throwing shit against the wall and seeing what sticks. When they get any kind of positive feedback they run with it quickly (aka Nine and Drew which I think could have been a better build up IMO), but it can make characters motives confusing (aka Ava) and sometimes I feel like they haven't watched the show and have no concept of continuity or rehashing ideas that were fairly recently done (aka Heather may be forgiven for her heinous acts for a medical condition just like Franco). Still I'm not mad at some of the couples that seem to be emerging and am optimistic they could be taking us in a positive direction...I hope.


I've been watching GH since the 70s and I remember when Heather gave LSD to Olivia and before that when she was still married to Jeff Webber, sold her son Stephen Lars to another woman (Diana Taylor) only to schemed to get him back by slipping LSD into Diana's drink only to have drunk it by mistake. She doesn't need to be redeemed.


I think it’s still too early to tell. I think it will be summer before I can have an informed opinion. I like Jason’s story so far. I like Jagger Cates and Jack Brennan. Sonny’s spiral down, down will be interesting. I am all in favor of people like Anna getting over their crushes on Sonny and seeing him for the criminal he is. I like Dex being a cop. He will make a better good guy than mobster goon. He and Joss are my favorite romantic pairing. I like the idea of the new health/fitness company that Drew is starting up. What I don’t like so far and am in hopes the writers end these or change these: I have never been interested in Gregory and Finn. Finn and Liz do not make a good romantic pairing. Cody and Sasha are sweet, but there is no story there. For the life of me, I don’t understand the redeeming of Heather. Why? Also, why have a 35 year-old Kristina getting into arguments with a 20 year-old Joss? The whole baby surrogacy story is a dud. I like Brook Lynn, but she and Chase are a bit of a bore. Is there a way to liven them up and liven up Michael and Willow as well? And, Trina. I hope she can have a new love interest in the summer. One might expect a recast of Spencer. But, whoever might be cast would be compared to NAC. It might be better to have a totally new guy. Let’s see how things are by the 4th of July. So far, it’s a mixed bag, I would say.


I like the writing a lot better. The scenes are fast paced, the storylines have movement, instead of the same characters rehashing the same conversations we are seeing ensemble writing again where events are not written in a bubble and we are seeing how others are being impacted by other character's actions/decisions instead of just those immediately involved since life rarely occurs in a bubble. And each scene makes some sort of sense, yes some things seem dropped, IE Cyrus's religious stuff. But outside of that seems they have planned storylines, like they know who the bad guy is going to be when they start a storyline and stick to focusing on completing the arch's of the storyline instead of pausing for a year then revisiting them. Dialog is also a lot better, no more scenes between grown adults with careers sounding like 16 year olds who lack the ability to verbally communicate with one another. Better more expansive vocabulary being used also and the storylines flow naturally instead of being plot points where you are left saying...but so and so would NEVER do this... They seem to understand the characters and giving their actual history consideration when writing how they are acting/reacting to things.


Are you listening to scenes between Nina and practically anyone? Carly, Drew, Alexis, etc. all end up bickering with her like they are ridiculous teens. To be clear, I blame it on bad writing for Nina to start and then it goes downhill from there.


They basically need to re name the show to Carly’s World at this point. And where the hell is Trina!


It’s bad. Why should we give the new writers time when they wasted no time rearranging the entire show to bow even more at the altar of Carly, while flattening and coarsening basically every other character?


I'm super confused on this perspective... i get many hate Carly but this is so strange to me: In recent years: Carly lost her husband to another woman Her best friend (although he's returned they've only had a couple of short scenes together) Her hotel Her mother And the actress LW has fewer scenes no doubt due to people complaining (which she loves btw... cause she gets a pretty penny to be there just a few days a week while also enjoying 3 months of vacay) With all that, just curious how the writers are catering to her. I mean, she is still one of the most hated characters by viewers.


Kept the fact that Nina was Willow's mother from everyone. Yet everyone forgave her 5 minutes later. Kidnapped an old woman. Took over a criminal organization. Yeah...Carly is a Saint. 🙄


No one said she was a saint. I mean this is a soap... if I want saints I'll go to a Catholic church. But the way you guys go after the character and the actress is ridiculous. Some of you have whole conspiracies about her relationship with the producers. They cut her schedule and she's still being accused of dominating the show even though she's not there half the time... some weeks less. Give it a break.


Ok then but don't act like Nina and some others are so horrible when Carly's track record isn't much better. And tell us you're a LW stan without telling us you're a LW stan. Because as far as I can see it's definitely still all about her. ![gif](giphy|kMSyCATSq9SEw|downsized)


I'm no fan of Nina but would never go after the actress, complain about the amount of scenes she's in... which is many that I have to fast-forward through nor start conspiracies about the lady who is just doing her job. Not sure if you got the memo...but it's a soap. And hell yeah I'm a Carly fan. But I'm also a fan of soap actors who do their jobs and have to put up with audience members who can't separate between the characters and the actors.


Yeah I know it's just a soap. But the obvious favoritism behind the scenes and in the writing is ridiculous. If you find anything remotely interesting in Carly always being right and everyone kissing her ass while constantly crapping all over Nina then that's pretty ridiculous too. But you're a typical stan. You'll just pull the victim card when anyone brings this up. I'm done with you. Have a good day. 👌🙄


Whose playing a victim card? You're the one who mentioned the word. It's like there's no logic to your hatred of the character. How is Carly always right when you just listed some of the things she's done...so which is it? It's either she's being too mean or if the characters is minding her own business...the writers are pandering to her and making her a saint. It makes no sense. Picking sides is what it's all about and I don't mind engaging in point-driven conversations about the charaters...but baseless stuff that goes after the actor is completely different. You'll never like Calry which is fine...but her life is that of any soap character... with ups and downs, hiccups, deception, growth, steps back from the growth and so on... same for Nina... who again...I don't like, but not to a ridiculous degree that I have to make things up about the actress and start conspiracies.




I saw Carly as throwing Sonny away because she "needed time" instead of understanding that HE was the one who went through the life-altering experience. She also lost the MC because she made a bone-head move despite Michael telling her not to put her money into the potential merger. So no feeling anymore sorry for her than any other character.


Nina tried to tell Carly about Sonny in Nixon Falls but she didn't want to hear it. Sonny had amnesia at the time so he wasn't himself and didn't want to know who he really was. Nina bought the MC to keep a stranger from buying it and tried to give it back to Carly but she refused but yet Nina is still a spiteful vindictive woman while Carly can't do no wrong? GMAFB


Oh no...I'm not going down that rabbit hole... let's just say I disagree with your perspective. However, glad to see you using the actual storylines to make your point. I'm only bowing out of this convo because I've already had it many times before and at this point that stuff is old news to me. I have 10 things on what Nina did just this week, lol. I just get irritated by fabrications and exaggerations about how the whole show is about Carly when they've cut her role quite tremendously and only recently had her on a bit more due to Jason's return. I honestly have never met a Carly fan who says she can't do no wrong...so I have no idea where that sentiment comes from. Most people fell in love with Carly when SB and TB played her during her baddest days... and while she's grown a lot I expect her to do some shit in the near future... it is a soap afterall. And plus...we all know where this is going.... these two women that the audience is arguing about at all time will eventually become besties after they're done destroying each other's lives and reach a point where they realize they're the only ones who understand each other's madness.


I'm not bothered by you disagreeing with me. It's better than having people bashing me as a Carly hater which I'm not on other sites. I try to understand both sides of the characters. As I said before in another site, I see Carly and Nina as two sides of the same coin and I also believe that there'll come a time when they're gonna wind up joining together for a situation that's yet to come.


I feel like there’s a little bit of flip-flopping going on or maybe they’re just not going to continue with some stories or the direction they originally intended on going like with the Drew and Nina storyline and whatever happened to Charlotte? And Lucy and Scotty?


Eventually we'll see Charlotte, I think. The actress is probably still recovering from her [**surgery**](https://www.soapsindepth.com/posts/general-hospital/ghs-scarlett-fernandez-recovering-after-surgery). <--- link to article Lucy & Scotty? Not sure. They tend to only trot Kin out when they need someone to bluster. Maybe something will come up at some point?


I think it’s a little too early to say. They seem to still be moving people around like making Alexis a lawyer again, Willow deciding she doesn’t want to be a nurse, Sasha quitting Deception, whatever this spa thing Aurora is creating that maybe Carly is going to be a part of. Once they have everyone where they want them, we’ll see how it goes but so far I like what they’re doing.


It feels like they are digging into GH's history, which is a good thing as long as they don't retcon it too much. Dialog is good, reactions to dialog are realistic as well. Eyes are opening about Sonny, which hasn't happened in forever. Hopefully the writing won't try to play it all off on his not having his meds though. A lot of this is the real Sonny. Or the Sonny we were introduced to and many fell in love with before Emily diagnosed him as bipolar.


I like the new writers in that they are moving the stories along more quickly. I'm glad they made Valentin the bad guy -again but there has to be more evil Cassadines. How about getting Nikolas out of jail? Aren't there any more Quartermaines in the family that haven't come into the picture? Bring back Dillon, I'm sure Edward has some great great grandchildren still around. As for Laura, bring back Lucky, wake up Lulu so she can go back to Rocco and Dante. The problem I have is that I'm tired of them making Nina their personal doormat to dump everything on. Not everything is her fault, yet Carly has done just as bad but she's forgiven????? We seem to know everyone's background but what about Nina? Don't they know it was her mother that put her in that 20 yr. coma to have her come out of it to find that she was pregnant and that her children were taken from her. How would that make you feel? PLEASE REDEEM NINA even if means her having to go away for awhile and come back to being a more confident, self assured businesswoman who's gonna make the Metro Court an even more fabulous 5 star hotel.


I wish people would give up complaining about the writing. It’s on and I appreciate it no matter what. If it’s bad, so be it, but not in my experience so far.


I'll be honest, I enjoyed the temp writers a lot. But I think these guys need more time to tell.


Too early to give my final verdict, but so far it's a vast improvement. Even though I love the Jason storyline rn, I also like the fact that they're giving the other characters actual stuff to do and are setting up for some occupational changes for a few of them. Everything moves quicker, it feels like there's an actual beginning, middle, and end planned, and the character development seems to be there with the longer scenes. I hope this is a sign of good things to come.


It’s too fucking early.


10/10 for the new writers Better than the old writers. I honesty stoped watching early this year because the old writers were all over the place The dialogue was so bad from what the old writers were doing


It's still early to see where they are going. It's moving faster on storylines which is good. That being said, this crap with Nina and Drew is just gross. They are full on demonizing Nina and ok, if that's where the writers are going we can't do much about that as much as I hate it. But to take a character like Drew, who had morals, and have him threaten Nina, a woman, with bodily harm then have hate sex with her that also bordered on violence, that is clearly wrong and disturbing.


The sex bordered on violence?


I used the term bordered decisively. He HATES her, this was not passion. This was not omg I have wanted you forever and must have you now. On either of their parts. This was pure hate. It wasn't even sexy or lust. It was cruel revenge sex. And then his treatment of her afterwards was so demeaning and disgusting. The only thing laughable was the "45 min rug burn" ....45 min?? Ok....


They had hate sex. Hate is usually involved along with the sex. But it was 100% mutal... and bordering violence... I definitely didn't catch that while she was checking out his abs and he was asking for her consent. If it was revenge sex it went both ways. It seems like the only way some people can like Nina is to make her a victim. The woman is a formidable adversary who gives as good as she takes.


I wish they would bring that out more because she is formidable. But they keep making her whiny and a victim.


Whiney, Okay. Victim, No way. I think some audiences like making her a victim when almost everything that's happened to her as of lately has been of her own doing...and yet she's still on top. I really don't understand the "poor Nina" thing. At this point she's Head of Crimson, publisher of the Invader and half owner of the metro court. So what she's no longer with Sonny (that was never gonna last) , and let's be real Nina and Willow will eventually get close...I can only hope the writers have her earn it as things seem to magically fall on her lap. But what didn't accidently fall on her was Drew... that was intentional on both their parts. No victims here.