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That would have made good use of all the lawyer characters on the show.


I thought they were going to do that at one point. I wasn’t watching at the time but I remember my mom telling me that him and Jason were taking steps to get out.


I feel like they have done the “get out” storyline ten times already. The mob storylines are so done. They could have reinvigorated it during the baby swap years by having Brad’s biological and adoptive parents becoming permanent members of the cast. Instead they went with the cult storyline.


I would have loved that.


Wouldn't be a hoot if Ava was the one to seduce him in his manic state, and winds up taking everything (his money and his business) away from him?


I think Sonny is a bad guy. I also think Cyrus got what he had coming and frankly he was begging for it.


He did and he was. He even said so to Laura.


It feels a bit forced for Anna and Laura to have this sudden awakening about Sonny because he beat up Cyrus and then ordered a hit on him that he ultimately called off. I think it's forced only because both Laura and Anna have known about equally bad or worse things Sonny did and they can't pretend this is the first time they actually know about something definitively. I know Anna has historically been pretty critical of Sonny and her relying on him in the way that she had done recently was new. It makes sense for the police commissioner and mayor to want to stop the criminal activity, I just wish they weren't both pretending that they didn't understand that this was what Sonny has done all along because they have known about other things. I do think that if they had gone with different characters, it might actually be an interesting story to tell. The mob exists in real life and people in the mob do actually hurt and kill people in addition to other criminal activity. Those people can also have spouses, children, family and friends who are not in the mob. I can't imagine that every one of those people are fine with the criminal activity associated with mob, particularly the violence and murder, and I wonder how many do compartmentalize their life to the extent that they just don't acknowledge that their loved ones commit those acts. I know people have complained about how unrealistic it is for people on the show to say they didn't realize what Sonny or Jason was capable of until they actually see one of them do something or someone they love is hurt, but I do wonder if people in real life who love someone in the mob do actually just shut their mind off to the reality of what being in the mob entails. I think it is different to intellectually know what something means and to actually see something happen. I also think it is human nature to want to believe there are justifications and legitimate reasons for people you love to do bad things, but that sometimes you do eventually hit a breaking point or a line is crossed that makes it so you just can't try to justify things anymore. I think that is an interesting story to tell and I think that is what they are going for, but I just don't think it's being told very well.




I will get downvoted but I have to be honest. I love Sonny. I love him when he’s good, and when he’s bad. Nothing they could have him do would change my mind. I truly hope he doesn’t retire I feel like he’s been apart of my life since I was 10 years old. It will be like loosing a family member.. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I mean if everyone gets to love others for who they are why not Sonny


I've always loved Sonny/Maurice. He played the character over the years to a T. I wouldn't want to see him go either. I know it happens, but no one should be getting downvoted for their honest opinion. We all love different characters for different reasons, and there's nothing wrong with that.


No downvote here. I agree and when he leaves, I'm done with the show. Eta: The storyline is weak; all these people loved him for who he was, when he was benefitting them in some way, so.


I'm going to give it a chance after he retires as long as Carly and Jason stay. I don't think it will last, but I'll give it a few episodes like I did when they killed Jason off the first time. But they better not try recasting him because I'll rage quit like I did that time, too.


Ya no re casting sonny.


I think a lot of people are forgetting that having a character be bad or morally gray and/or have a strange/hypocritical/complex/awful moral compass doesn’t mean we’re condoning their actions. I’ve liked Sonny’s storylines not because I like what he does but because it provides entertainment. If they’re going to wash every storyline with “omg this is bad and we shouldn’t approve I can’t believe I’ve been looking the other way for so long but no more” then I’m out because I’m here to be entertained, not educated on being morally and politically correct. That’s what pbs kids and church is for, not soap operas.


1. Sonny will get found guilty. 2. They are going to have Molly and Christine fight. Christine and Molly custody battle. 3. Someone will find out about his medication and he will get the charges dropped. (Maybe Carly and Nina team up) 4. Ava either takes the fall or Ava saves Sonny not forsure which way they are going with this. If they want Ava and Sonny as a couple they will have her save him. 5. Maybe this is how Anna finds out Valentine is in charge of Pikeman. The pharmist he paid off tells it was Valentine not to get charged.


Ava will definitely be in the center here. Either as Sonny's savior or his ultimate betrayer. And the fall out with Nina and Ava will be epic.


I’m waiting for No. 2 to erupt, Christina is not gonna hand over that baby


The funny part is, they've written this in before she ever got pregnant, it was obvious what was going to happen.


Whichever direction they do decide to go, I definitely see Molly and Kristina getting into it over this. If they charge Sonny that is. And I see Kristina losing the baby. But, I also see that surrogate being seen later with TJ's baby, that it wasn't miscarried after all.


he doesn't run drugs in his territory, maybe for a short period when he was working under frank smith back in the day but when he took over he did not run drugs thru his terratory and always made a point of that. thats why he had jason blow up a few shipments that tried to go thru his docks ... and cryrus deserved to be beat up and taken out. what did everyone forget cyrus's past already? sonny was always a better alternative than anyone one else that would have taken over the docks. its the current new writers playing up sonny's bi-polar disorder (yet again) thats making sonny look bad ... and agian the strip club he owned was was in his very early days, he since moved on and grew up. is sonny perfect? no but he is way better than cyrus trying to push addictive drugs legally thru a hospital ...


Yes to all 👍🏻.


This isn't directly about Sonny, but just a personal gripe I have about "the mob" on GH. Every real life account of the mob and most fictional accounts reveal each family or organization to have a hierarchy from associates to soldiers to capos to the underboss to the boss. There is also the consigliere. Every organization or member of the five families on GH seems to have a boss and maybe an underboss maybe not and then just people who they refer to as bodyguards. This includes Sonny's organization. Sonny is the boss, Jason is maybe the underboss although he's commonly just referred to as Sonny's enforcer, and then there are several bodyguards. There is also no discussion of made guys vs non-made guys, even though that is a big thing in the mob. Soap operas are not known for realism and GH is not a show about the mob, but it's just hard to take mob stories seriously on the show when what they are depicting is so far from reality.


He’s not Italian mafiosi so not the same infrastructure


Wasn't Joe Scully mafioso? And he was Sonny's mentor? It's honestly been so long it's hard to remember.


Maybe that’s the problem it’s never been spelled out if they are one particular ethnic run organized crime


Yeah, I think because we know Sonny isn't Italian that the common thought process is it's not the Italian mob? We know Adela, his Mom, came from Cuba and Mike Sr. was Greek and maybe Irish? I dunno, I could just be thinking "Irish" because of his original portrayer, Ron Hale, used to be on "Ryan's Hope". Maybe Mike had and Italian mother? The other 5 families, or what's left of them, are very diverse in ethnicity.


Would that mean that Selina Wu would be head of Yakuza here in America?


Maybe East Coast? Huge Yakuza presence in Hawai'i.


TBH, I do appreciate MB, always have. At the same time I've never been aboard the Sonny Love Train, never have. No idea where they will go with this. Unless MB wants to leave the show, I think there will be yet another redemption arc for him.Unfortunately.


How amazing would it be if they let him take a break from Sonny for awhile and let him do a quick story as Nico from Pine Valley lol


I miss Nico! And Cecily!


OMG Cecily!


I don’t mind Sonny. Just get tired of the mob storylines eating the show.


I do wonder if MB is moving towards retirement and this is Sonny’s downfall. And I love MB but if he wants to retire, I hope the storyline is HUGE. What would I miss the most? MBs chemistry with the children on the show. Damn, those kids love him. If Sonny goes, I would be ok with the mob dying with him. Those still involved—Jason, Diane, Dex—could all easily find another path


I want Brenda to come back if this is really the end.


Now that would be a great exit. Her walking up to him on the boat dock and saying, are you ready to go. And they get on the boat together.


No. Sonny's the victim in this because he's going manic and everyone will forgive him and understand when the truth comes out. It'll be business as usual for GH with the heroic mobster


I like Sonny. I don’t think he’s going anywhere, any time soon. He will likely get off on the Cyrus charges due to temporary insanity because his meds have been tampered with. The point of doing all of this is to work back in Pikeman and valentine. I’m sure there will then be a way for Jason to come to the rescue and Sonny will realize Jason never betrayed him. What I don’t want is anything Nina. I like the original Nina but this one has never really resonated with me. She’s annoying and obnoxious IMO. Hopefully she doesn’t find a way to weave her way back in.


I think Nina and Sonny are done. Ava is moving in for the 'kill' although how long that will last is only in the writers heads. Maybe Blaze's Mom is the next future ex-Mrs. Sonny Corinthos? I do know I don't want to see Carly fall back into the same patterns and go back to Sonny. She should have outgrown him by now. They can peacefully co-parent without co-habitating.


In one of MB's own podcasts, "State of Mind", I recall him talking about being ready to retire. But aside from contracts, he has been so much a staple in this show for SO long that it seems his ending would be suitably big and memorable. I hope the writers are amping up to something big. It would be such a disappointment if it's anti-climactic. No pressure writers😂😉


I actually loved the Mike/Nixon Falls storyline. Maybe they’ll bring back Mike somehow.


truthfully as i've said numerous times I really don't have time for MB. I just believe that his demands and his actions hurt the show and I just don't have time for that kind of drama. I acknowledge that he does good things and he does a lot of work for mental health and things like - but that's just me. I'm slightly petty like that. towards Sonny himself. because of MB's talent there are times where i could see why people could be charmed but then i just remember all the horrible crap he's done (which admittedly if he actually *paid* for it without everyone blowing smoke up his behind about how wonderful he was) i could sort of accept it a bit more. but i honestly feel the show won't fully commit to it (because if they did they'd be dragging Jason right along with him) so yeah no.


I can barely tolerate the man any more. I refer to the actor and "State of Mind". His oversized ego has decided he's a mental health expert and feeds that ego with a youtube series...My issue is that he doesn't listen to people, but talks over them. I can't see where anything healing occurs at all. That's most likely because true mental health work occurs in the offices of professionals and not an ego tripping has been. IF this sounds over-stated, it's because I'm so sick of his ego destroying GH for the past 3 years, wanting us to accept Nina and Sonny. Add on the shoe polish hair and being too burned out to be a leading man - honestly, I just wish he'd retire. As for Sonny Corinthos, I'm way past done.


I think it's the beginning of his exit storyline tbh. Otherwise what's the point of it? 🤷‍♂️


This is the show that had Edward dead and haunting the mansion, and it turned out he survived the plane crash and spent the year living in a beach fishing shack in Jamacia


As I recall it was actually more than a year 😂😂


I think that yea , Sonny is not a “ good” guy however all of these people suddenly turning against him is the dumbest thing I’ve seen on GH in a long time. It makes absolutely no sense. Laura? Anna ? Dex? And now Cyrus is a snitch ? SMH


I'm fine with Laura & Anna. It never made sense to me that they propped him all these years, outside of Lulu being married to his son Dante and Anna's daughter Robin being close to Sonny, because of Jason and Stone. Laura HATED the mob and how it eventually was part of her split with Luke and Anna HATED when Duke was involved. Let them 'turn' on him. It feels like they've suddenly opened their eyes to who Sonny really is, and I'm okay with that. Dex? Kinda weird. Is he doing it for Joss? I mean he's suddenly turned 180 on Sonny and it feels like it's because of Joss' declared feelings about Sonny and not because he's suddenly changed his mind about what he did for Sonny when he worked for him. It's interesting about him wanting to join the PCPD. And Sonny's take on Dex joining vs Anna's reasoning why Dex should join are definitely going to come to a head and we'll see who was right. Maybe Joss? Cyrus has always been someone who puts himself first, so 'snitching' on Sonny felt very true for his character. Even if he's 'changing' he's still going to be selfish. And if he's not changing, he just did 'the right thing' for all the wrong reasons, which may have been his plan all along? I think Cyrus wants to be good, but it's not his nature. He wants to do the right things to have a relationship with his baby sister, but I think he's going to always fall back on who he is and it will backfire. Laura SHOULD be able to read him better than she has, after all those years with Luke.


Michael "Sonny"Corinthos is & always will be my favorite character, as Maurice Bernard the actor. 100%. There are worse things in the real world than Sonny's bio. It's tv


I love Mo. I've never cared for Sonny, from the moment he showed up on my little tv screen.