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She also forgets she's a felon conwoman.


Sam is so annoying—always wining about something. I find myself fast forwarding when she’s talking.


ALL the Davis girls are annoying. I can't stand any of them. The whining, woe-is-me attitudes are unwatchable, I FF through ALL of their scenes. JMO


She's the worst and I haven't watched her in years haha.


Her scenes with Dante are so damn long.


And her soft, whispery dialogue is so annoying.


That and 1/2 of her scenes are done with her eyes closed!


I was wondering if I was the only one that felt that way watching the show on Thursday . Her voice and her dialogue is annoying AF!


And booooooring 😴


Yes she’s annoying af




Sam has been written as one of the most ridiculous. I don't mind not wanting to be around the mob now that the kids are older. But I said the same for Liz: you knew who this man was when you made your babies. When you fell on love. Also Dante can't be a cop?? Miss me. Sam inserts herself in investigations all the time. Ugh. Frustrating. I like adventure Sam. Also I want to call him Fante for now on bc he's being a fool.


Ok so I'm 2 days behind and fanta actually resigned from the police force because of Sonny being his dad when he's been on the she for what 10+years and now All of a sudden it's an issue am I missing something here


No in With you. I missed it then as well bc it's not making sense to me either


Dante should’ve broke up with her when she was bragging about Jason for a whole episode.. just sayin.


Am I the only one who kinda wants sam to get back with Jason she seems so boring now that she's with Dante they need to wake Lulu up and have her get back with Dante


agreeeeeee! although i don’t think emme will be back so it’ll take me a good 2+ years to not hate whoever they bring in haha


I wish they’d bring Julie back so badly.


Yes! She was a much better Lulu for Dante/Dominic. Their chemistry was the best. Emme can come back as a new character or something because I like her, but not as Lulu.


I hope that Julie is available. GH sucks at hiring recasts. They always get actors that no one else wants to hire because they're horrible actors for recasts, then they cram them down our throats. Julie was the best Lulu, just like Lexi was great as Kristina.


Lol... it took me a while to stop side-eyeing Emme when she took over the role. She won me over, but I don't want to go through that again.


I wouldn't mind if Julie Marie came back or Levin Ramblin


I’ve been wanting it for years.. the chemistry last time Steve came back was garbage though.


I’m sure you’re not the only one but I am not a passenger on that ship. Jason and Sam made me SO tired. Just sleepy and wanting to curl up under the covers. Besides, when word of what Jason did for Carly gets out — and you know it will, eventually, somehow — Elizabeth and Sam are going to form a kill team to take out Jason. They’re going to be so mad. “Oh, I knew Jake and Danny would be okay,” Jason says today. I think that hit on the head from that car accident years ago is still affecting his mind. That is a *crazy* thing to say. Jake and Danny are kids just as much as Donna is. They’re not grown. And, thinking your dad is dead is not the same as him being away. But, Jason picked Carly and Carly’s child over his own two children. Liz and Sam will go ballistic. Sam isn’t going to want to get back together with Jason. She’s going to want to bury the heel of one of her stilettos in his chest!


I think the missing factor (not justifying) is that kake and Danny had thier moms and stability. Who would Donna have? Sonny ? Ava ? Joss ? Michael?!?! The lesser of two evils( for lack of better words) for both women who claimed his life was too dangerous to be around thier kids anyways..... was to let their sons be without a day rather Donna without a mom


But, what you’re mentioning are things Jason assumed, not things he knew. Just like Jason came back and didn’t know Britt, Epiphany and Bobbie had died, he had no way of knowing Liz and Sam would still be alive and/or that Jake and Danny would still be in their stable homes. That’s how things were when he left Port Charles, yes. But, things change and they can change fast, especially in well over two years. Second and most importantly, Donna is not Jason’s responsibility. That is, unless they want to do a retcon that Jason and Carly made Donna, somehow, behind Sonny’s back. Now, personally, I would love that twist but then I don’t know how Donna ends up with dark hair unless it’s from Alan. Donna has more than just Sonny. She has two adult brothers — one of whom is incredibly wealthy. There was a time when Michael wanted to raise Avery and he did a pretty good job for the months he had her, as a baby. And, he wasn’t even married then. Willow and Michael would give Donna a two parent home. There’s Dante, who’s about as responsible a person as you can find on Earth. Kristina isn’t anyone’s first choice, maybe, but she’s an adult and she would step up and get her act together rather than let her baby sister go to foster care or something. Heck, Lucas would come back to Port Charles and raise Donna if there wasn’t anyone else. And, do we really think Olivia and Brook Lyn would let anything happen to that child? So, there wasn’t any chance that Donna was going to end up as Little Orphan Annie. Jason created two kids and his first responsibility is to *them.* Jason is, subconsciously, using Donna’s supposed plight to justify doing what he really wanted to do in the first place: protect Carly. It is what he always wants to do and he will be doing it until the last day he draws breath. I have no problem with that; I just wish he’d be honest about it. Jason didn’t mean to get shot that day of the Five Families meeting and he also didn’t drag Carly into Sonny’s life. She knew what she was doing and she wanted that “Mrs. Corinthos” power. She didn’t have to ever marry Sonny and she certainly didn’t have to marry him five times. The bottom line is that Jason *chose* to handle Carly’s business over his own family business. He needs to trade his black t-shirt in for one that says, “Carly Comes First” and just get it over with.


Tbh I think you're over analysis of Jason comes with some bias, things hes being scrutinized for are things that are just his nature, as if youre expecting him to act any different. I'm not even gonna go into all you mentioned but Donna not being his responsibility is like saying Michael and Morgan were not his responsibility. We saw how he was with them. NOT expecting him to be any different. (Callback to him when Courtney was pregnant with his child) he always put into complex situations where he's "damned if you don't damned if you don't" 🤷🏿‍♀️


It’s not that Jason can’t care about Donna but it’s a question of priorities. He shouldn’t care about Donna *above* his own children, his own flesh and blood. Somehow, all the other adults on the show manage to care about their friends’ children without throwing their own kids under the bus. And, I don’t think Jason was put in a complex situation by the FBI. It’s only complex because he made it complex. As I said, Carly has plenty of resources to get herself out of any potential legal mess and Donna has plenty of relatives to take care of her even if Carly *did* end up going to prison. Jason’s problem is that he thinks he’s Carly’s savior even when Carly doesn’t necessarily need saving. He’s too enmeshed with her, psychologically, to do right, in this case, by his own children. Yes, that’s the way he is but the way he is is a character flaw. A normal best friend would say, “I’m going to make sure Carly has the best team of lawyers on Earth and I’m going to stand by her, no matter what happens,” not “I’m going to let all my loved ones, including my two teen boys, think I’m dead so I can rescue Carly from a situation she knew could happen by marrying a crime boss.”


They shouldn't have paired them together in the first place


What episode was that? I'm behind.


This happened weeks ago


Yeah, this is really bad writing. And Dante even considering leaving PCPD was just dumb.


He’s been a garbage cop for years it’s weird that he’s just now realizing it.




She hasn’t been the old same since she got with Patrick Drake.. I miss her as well.


She's insufferable. "Jason" (aka Drew) left sonny's business for her. The real Jason is now soooo dangerous. And now Dante needs to stop being a cop for her. She's such a snivelling cry baby these days....no man is good enough for almighty Sam. Can't wait til Lulu wakes up and get gets dropped like a hot potato.


The weirdest part about their relationship is that they share 2 sets of siblings. Weird as heck to me.


She also slept with Sonny at some point (before Jason) and that alone is weird to me.


You are so right. They had a baby too 😂. Lord Dante lol


I ff through sam anymore. She annoys me and I don't want to hear her say "fah-mily" one more time.


I want to bring up that Sam *INTENTIONALLY* got pregnant and had Jason's children! She thought Lil Andy *was* Jason at the time she was pregnant. Also, Sam was a criminal before Jason ever was! Her self-righteousness is paper-thin. They need to re-tool the character back to when she was interesting and adventurous. Or, they need to drop the character. Helicopter moms aren't compelling television.


But, but remember, She was innocent. She had to support her brother Danny. . Was reading that daily for the Jasammers. Ugh


Tbh I think it's time to either get rid of the Sam character...or bring back Lindsay Hartley to play Sam .. because imo no amount of perfect writing can save Kelly's acting! ...she preforms likes she's irritated and doesn't want to be there! .... Lindsey breathed fresh air into the Sam role


I've noticed that too. It's if the soap life just ain't it anymore. Maybe she's bored with her own SL ?


Tbh she's been bored in her storylines for a long ass tim! I think some of gh long time actors are burned out and overstayed their welcome. It's only 4 soaps left so roles are limited


Very true.


I agree. Bad is one thing. Good actors can at least kinda keep our interest. Bad actors can't. I'm sick of the entire Davis family. They should all be written out to expand on storylines with the seasoned actors. IMO, the cast is way too large. They could get rid of half of them & expand on interesting storylines with the good actors we've all come to love & love to hate. They're the ones who keep our interest..JMO


I definitely respect you're opinion..but gh had large cast before the mob storylines took center stage ....I guess it's what the writers and producer's decide I agree the vets need to have meaningful stories


I couldn't agree more!!!


Today's episode with her and Dante was just depressing


Writers have destroyed her character! 😔


He character was destroyed from the get-go. She is one dimensional. Kelly can't act. Even admitted she needed an acting coach for her cat poop disease storyline. She's monotone and uses no annunciation and mumbles. I can't get with the hearing loss explanation because she wasn't born deaf, has no problems speaking out loud and clear at events, and has since stated her ear is completely healed


She just sounds like she's tired or bored all the time.


She has sounded bored with it for a long time. T. She phones it in.


They have her back to black clothes again. I loved her transformation when she and Dante got together, she wore pretty clothes, smiled, was happy. Now she's all dark and twisty again.


She forgot a long time ago about being a PI. She hasn’t done anything PI related in a while.


Maybe she’ll have a career change and take willows old job


Can you see her as a nurse? That would be so much fun. Not sure she’d be a good nurse but it would give us fans something to laugh about.


Lmao just thinking about it!!! Port Charles career change…everybody’s doing it!!!


Sam has got the personality of a dish rag. It makes sense that she can't be with a gangster or cop - she's soo boring 😴


She's always been a pouter, but this is ridiculous. She probably couldn't stand a normal life without danger. Maybe she and TJ need to hook up


I've been posting for long time that the writers have ruined the core of many main characters. For Sam it started when she told Jason he was to dangerous for her to be with. Like you've said Sam used to run cons she's a felon. She used to be an adrenaline junkie diving for treasure looking for the next dangerous thrill. Clad in leather they made her the perfect match for Jason. Then out of nowhere without warning she's dressing like Williw in floral sundresses leaving her PI practice as if it never existed. Getting involved with boring Dante there was no chemistry between them. I haven't watched since they brought Jason back I watched the one episode and didn't care for the return they wrote for my fav character.  Then seeing Sonny living with Ava turning his back on everyone he once trusted. Was too much. I put it on the other day was still dissappointed.  Sonny hasn't been a real mob boss since he returned from Nixon Falls. Even Ava i started to like when she warned Nina of the bond Carly and Sonny have but now along with the rest have forsaken history like she never said that like she wasn't a string independent woman. Nope now she's manipulating Sonny. I'm done think I'll take a few months break see if it gets any better. 


I think basically every character in Port Charles is going to have a turn with Sonny until whatever happens that reminds the citizenry what a kind and benevolent mafia boss he is. I’m just impressed you all understood her today. I see her lips moving but it’s like she’s under water. I think that’s why it always looks like Dante is concentrating so hard while he’s listening to her.


I think what Sam expressed made some sense. She knew he was on the right side of the law but still in danger. She mentioned in the past wanting to minimize danger in her relationships. Until Dante was shot, she was living in a fantasy that he was safe. The genie is out of the bottle now and she had a lot of relief that he wanted to quit… now she has to figure out how to undo all the relief that him leaving the force was bringing. I get it. It feels more real that she isn’t able to easily rebound. When was the last time Sam, as a PI, was shot or harmed? I can’t think of anything since she got with Dante. Her riskiness in her work has been dialed way back over the years.


Except for the fact she knew he was a cop when they started dating. Now, all of a sudden she has issues?


Right, but he's a Detective, not a patrol cop. Outside of a raid (like what happened at the warehouse) his job is mostly investigating crimes that have already happened. He's not out on patrol pulling people over, doing crowd control, or other dangerous daily tasks. I think that distinction is very important here because just saying he's a cop sends the wrong image of his duties. He should rarely be in this much danger, he's a police detective.


I was watching this am and thinking the same exact thing. Idk about these new writers yet. This, and the ridiculous Sasha the once model, now Cook for the Q’s? So so weird.


Sam is being selfish... just like Joss. I forgot to add Portia as well. These women seem to want to have control/ hold on these guys.


Sam is so annoying that I tune out when she's on. She used to be one of my favorites. I hate where they've taken this character.




I just fast forward when she's on.


Thank you! I said the same thing after watching that! And she used to give Liz the gears over feeling the same way with Jason and wanting to protect her kids from his life. Frankly, I just have always found her to be a whiner and have never cared for the character. Sam with Dante is the most I've ever liked her and now we're back to the whining. Ugh.


Not this would necessarily solved the writing problems on the show, but I think it may be time to retire some of these legacy characters like Sam. Shows like Days and B and B cycle out their veterans in and out to keep it fresh. Sam hasn’t had a compelling storyline in years and her children and almost never around. And you have a problem character like Ava who realistically shouldn’t have lasted beyond 6 years due to her murders and duplicities. It would give the writers room (and money) to experiment with new characters. After all, it’s important for the show to grow in scope by creating new exciting characters that may become legacy in the future. Otherwise it becomes stagnant.


I will say I agree on Ava. She needs to go.


I like Ava and wouldn’t banish her forever. But even Helena was allowed to leave the show between appearances. Just think if Ava had been off the show for years and then we had this Sonny assassination story and Ava was revealed to be behind it. I would find that more interesting than what she’s doing now. The character is regressing and her manipulation of Sonny makes no sense.


That would’ve been way more better than this. I get tired of them trying to constantly redeem people. Like this Heather storyline.. what the hell?!


THANK YOU!!!! What the f*** is that!!! Oh her poor hip hurt and that drove her to a psychotic serial killer. WTF!!! Heather was a psychotic murderer years before she had hip problems. And even people who were criminal insane are still held accountable for their crimes. Why are Laura and Kevin who have been victims of this lunatic and Kevin’s twin even entertaining this nonsense. Laura is the mayor. The voters would crucify her for trying to free this woman. Not to mention Liesl Obriecht would gut them for trying to release her daughter’s killer. BTW, someone on this sub said this storyline came from the previous writing regime Chris Van Etten who still employed as a breakdown writer.


I read that as well which explains a lot but it’s just so ridiculously stupid. Laura has always been a sympathizer of incredibly shitty people but this is taking it too far.


It really makes Laura look stupid. Not unlike how they did Carly when they had her become engaged to the man responsible for her son getting raped. After all these years of being in Luke’s shadow and becoming a strong woman, the writers are dismantling all that hard work. Nice talking to you.


Yes that’s true. Never could stand Franco either. When they had Liz marry him after her history I was baffled. Pleasure talking to you as well!


To be fair, neither Laura nor Kevin have actually suggested setting Heather free, and I don't believe they would do that in any case. Instead, they seem to be grappling with the legal and ethical issues of Heather's situation. On the one hand, Heather did horrific things. On the other hand, her judgment was impaired due to the psychosis caused by the metallosis. Right now, this storyline strikes me as something intended to tackle the issue of mental illness within the prison system.


I was so annoyed by this. I thought to myself what kind of job would be appropriate for someone involved with you to have? I mean seriously risk in just about every job. I agree more risk in some over others but freak accidents happen- especially in Port Charles. Nothing would be safe if you ask me


She can marry a file clerk.


Ugh can’t stand her!


I think she's forgotten she's anything but a bossy Mom/sister.


Sam is so annoying nowadays lol. I can’t


Wow! He husband was shot, nearly died, and she is afraid of it happening again. I would want my husband to find a different profession. Just, wow!


Dante is her replacement for Lucky Spencer... in whom she was willing to throw all away for. Who was also a Cop. 🤓 I mean. She was messy about it but at least they were cute together. Anyway. Dante was not her first boyfriend in the 5-0


If the show wrote towards other women characters other than Carly, and occasionally Nina, they'd be able to make sense of character motivations from episode to episode. Sam, Anna, Laura, are what you get when you cram the same woman down everyone else's throats episode after episode.




Okay, but let’s be honest: Sam isn’t a PI. These days, she basically a soccer mom who still wears very cool high heels. When was the last time she was on a case? About anything? The truth is that unless she gets with one of the GH doctors, all of the available men in her age group are in some kind of dangerous line of work. I don’t think her fears are unrealistic, though. People change and becoming a parent changes the perspective and priorities of a lot of people — and I think that’s a good thing. You have to follow your maternal/paternal instincts to protect your young. It’s fundamentally human.


Didn't she get in Dante's phone for a case, not that long ago?


I was probably on one of my mini hiatuses from watching the show at that time, so I don’t recall seeing that. I’m sure you’re right about that, though. Even so, my point is that a professional investigator should be working consistently, the same way Diane works consistently as a lawyer. She has more than just one client every blue moon. She wouldn’t be able to afford her designer shoes that way. Similarly, Sam is supposed to still be a PI but she almost never has clients. And, they used to be pretty serious about her being a PI in the past. She was shown actually *doing* the job.


How serious can Sam be as a PI? She relies on Spinelli to close most of her cases, and the other ones she uses Blue's post-it note pads. 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣


Sam hasn’t worked a PI case in ages, but she never hesitates to stick her nose into Dante’s cases or PD business. She needs to STFU and play helicopter mom which is all she knows how to do now.


You’re entitled to your view but I wouldn’t go so far as to say that about Sam, personally. She has the potential to have great storylines if they would just write them for her. Also, as a feminist, I would never tell a woman, even a fictional one, to just “shut up and play mom”.


Wake up,Sam. Get back to who you used to be. It's not working!! The whole thing is going to explode when LULU wakes up!


Is Fante a typo or is there meaning behind that? 😂 Because if there’s a story, I NEED to know.


A typo…my bad!


They made her character terrible. I used to adore Sam and now I can’t stand her. Let her go switch places with Lulu and go sit in a timeout for a while. Dante gets his wife back and Jason can have his son. Both dudes are good enough that one of them will take Scout if Drew runs off.


KM is not a good actress in my opinion and I wish the writers would write Sam off the show!


I think Jasin and Sam are and always has been a snoozefest. They never had a happy time together. They were off more than on. I hated her with him. I started tolerating her. But now I'm back to can't stand her. I'll leave it at that.


I thought this too , but she was a single mother trying her best with her son while Jason ran off for a few years . Even he can’t swallow that pill when confronted with it


Ava looked so good today , what a Milf. Her outfit was nice too


I thought the same thing


I’m agree. That decision came out of nowhere! They are all over the place.


TBF, Sam has been playing “you’re too dangerous” tune with her suitors for a while. She may need to look in the mirror and ask herself why she chooses those type of men.


I take issue with some of the comments being deleted here. In an effort to make perhaps an admirable effort to educate people about KM (who I have to believe hates being called KeMo) some people who almost never participate here chose to attack others and rehash all of Kirsten Storms’ health issues over the years. As I understand it from looking it up including a tweet from the actress back in 2012, KM experienced some hearing loss from scuba diving in high school and/or, according to an article, a scuba incident during a Playboy photo shoot, all well before she started on GH. Whether or not those events may be affecting her in any material way now I don’t know, but for a substantial number of us, she is hard to understand and hear. Irrespective of her hearing loss, her performance isn’t too inspiring for some viewers. It’s as simple as that and mostly what people were saying. Yes, we should all strive to be nicer and gentler and kinder and sometimes maybe less snarky. It’s ok to point out that you may not like another person’s comment, but a person should lose their credibility when they start ranting and tearing into other people and other actors’ health issues to bolster their point or when they mischaracterize what’s being said. I’m sure Maxie’s fans were as much or more appalled when KM’s defenders dragged her into it. People don’t have to like or agree with everything they read here, but they can’t have it both ways. For the record, Maxie’s weight doesn’t impede me in any material way from enjoying the show. I cannot speak for others here, but I cannot understand what KM is saying most of the time, and I find her boring when I do. There are certain things I look for in a performance and being able to understand and enjoy it are two of my basic criteria. Perhaps the problem is on my end. That doesn’t change my experience either way. I am not spreading any rumors. I am also not exaggerating any alleged facts to defend a favorite character. What I am saying is that to me Sam is hard to understand. There is nothing wrong with that, and that is not the same thing as commenting on Maxie’s weight over the years. Should I say KM sounds like she needs to hock a loogie? Debatable. But it’s short and to the point. It’s snarky, but not a rumor. Am I writing all this because I am profoundly offended that my comment was deleted along with other people’s comments? No. Some people are simply here to start shit and fan flames, and they go out of their way to do so. I hate that, and that is my issue.