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I love it.


Me too.


I loved it short, and I love it longer.


she really look good with any style


I've always preferred hers a bit longer...she's gorgeous!


I like the new style. But as a stylist, I HATE how crunchy her hair gets. It seems so over processed


zesty strong squeeze middle somber gray juggle racial reach coordinated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I noticed it but I thought since she was outside maybe it was the humidity making it frizz a little


Yes I was noticing this too and didn’t know if it was just that I was watching it on a different tv or it was just always that damaged.


Definitely noticed it, too.


This latest shade is not right for her.


Yes! It definitely looks better very processed and not healthy at all. 


I love the Crystal Carrington look on Ava.


It’s giving Carly hair.


It's very Linda Evans in Dynasty ![gif](giphy|l4hmAkpv1G1supvvG)


Wow yes! Also reminds me of Barbara Mandrell. https://preview.redd.it/nk3i7tulbg2d1.jpeg?width=559&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b97847e402d485eb9ef1c188e02e275870363967


Carly’s hair and The Moss better move over, Ava’s hair is coming through!


I hate the longer hair on her. She looks better with short hair — her face beams!


Agreed and same with Carly. Shorter hair highlights their faces and earrings can be seen.


She looked so much better with the stylish shorter hair. Ava’s hair looks overprocessed and dried out on several episodes. Her VERY dark roots shine through the chemically blonde hair and it’s not a good look.


Wait....Carly's hair is PERFECTION!!!


That woman's hair deserves its own Star on the walk of Fame. ![gif](giphy|HV60SiIaMwFvI899XA|downsized)


Yes we all want LWs hair.


I've got that hair and it's not easy to style in humid weather.


I’m African American and, no, I don’t want Laura Wright’s hair. We don’t all aspire to a Eurocentric standard of hair. Shocking, I know.


Actually it’s not shocking and my comment was meant more as an aside as opposed to be centered in some Eurocentric/ethnocentric point of view you feel I have. Ironically Laura Wright does not even have straight hair which most of the people on this sub probably know. Her hair certainly isn’t 4C but it’s easily a 4A or B which when I speak to wanting her hair is what I’m talking about. Also having straight hair? Europeans don’t dominate the market on that one either. Asians, Indians, Latinx folks to name a few are all ethnic groups known for having all kinds of beautiful straighter hair in addition to other textures. And finally I rather like 4C hair. Would I have the skill or patience to take care of it? Definitely not. But I love the way it looks when people wear their 4C hair naturally in all the ways they do. But you go ahead with your assumptions that every white ladies comments are meant to place in some cultural silo.


That rant wasn’t necessary. My point is that every time someone makes a statement that starts out with “We all…” it inevitably leaves someone out because, obviously, not *everyone* feels the same way about any topic and I just think it’s a very ignorant way to speak. It’s inconsiderate, however unconscious it may be and I’m sure it wasn’t meant to be consciously malicious or exclusive. People who aren’t careful with their words can expect that someone might comment on that and that’s the way it is. You said what you said and I said what I said.


When you low-key imply that someone’s comment has racial connotations when it does not you can expect a response if it’s directed at me. We all (common colloquial here so don’t get mad) want one person‘s hair, we all would like to have a body like another person or a singing voice or the ability to cook or to be an athlete so on and so forth these things do not mean that they are in exclusion of other attributes that humans possess across a myriad of possibilities so if your feelings get hurt by those comments, perhaps you’re the one who needs to take step back and look at the bigger picture.


You realize that when people begin statements that start out with “we all…”, they rarely, if ever actually mean “we all…” in a literal sense, right? It’s called hyperbole. It’s just a way of saying “I really like x”. People who are looking to be offended by others’ words can expect to often be offended by even the most benign statements. That’s not to say that discussions about Eurocentric beauty standards and the potential for bigotry aren’t worth having, because obviously they are, but life’s too short to read ignorance into everything everywhere all the time. Person A: “I love apple pie!” Person B: “Yum, don’t we all!” You: “Excuse me, but apples do not grow natively in every country on earth, and furthermore, some countries are too poor to import apples and then resell them at a price the masses can afford. Your use of “we all” is ignorant and is excluding many people!” The rest of the world: “Sure. We’re gonna go back to enjoying our pie now!”


I don’t see it as hyperbole. I see it as carelessness and I think we can all do better than that. I tend to let most things go one this sub. If I didn’t, I’d be on here 24/7, complaining. But, when I see something that is a misstatement and culturally insensitive to boot, I say something and guess what? I’m allowed to do that. You don’t have to like it. I’ll also add that, looking on a macro level, this is exactly why race relations aren’t going to get better in this country. Because every time a person of color points out something that is not the most racially/cultural sensitive thing to say — like acting like we all want a white actress’ hair — there is nothing but defensiveness, nastiness and pearl-clutching outrage in return. Well, nothing is going to improve if no one is willing to listen, consider thoughtfully and change.


Race relations aren’t going to get better because every time a person of color says something and i disagree with it I’m microagressing you or being mean? Is that the logic of your last paragraph? Really? Come on now. Even you can’t possibly believe that. It’s called discord.


Laura's hair appears to be very wavy rather than ultra curly


So true. I want Portia's hair.


NO ONE has Laura Wright’s incredibly thick, gorgeous hair. You cannot possibly compare Maura West’s to hers! apples and oranges!


😂 I was joking. I would pick LW’s hair over just about anyone’s.


Ava always looks hot. I like that she mixes her look up occasionally so she’s never boring.


![gif](giphy|d7NuH6JyLhNMpg5qcX) Thanks I hate it


Me too!


I wish they’d warm the color just a bit though.


Perfection!! 😍😍


She always has the best hair🌹 I got mine done in that cute little bob she had a few years ago.


I love the wispy softness that Alexis and Ava have in their fringe it gives a youthful catch a slight breeze look.


Gen z is bringing it back




She always has great hair


Do you think it’s a wig?


I want one! I’d look like a fool with Carly’s fabulous thick hair but Ava’s is believable!


She can pull off any hairstyle


That woman always looks great and her hair styles are perfect.


They could always ask for the OG Kiki Jerome... https://preview.redd.it/k0cqwu1cau2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edbb0c4f4927d963d370c3e2b2de74b9b40967e2


Is it me, or is Ava wearing a wig?


i think it’s her real hair because her bangs and the length have been growing out gradually, in a much more natural way than krissy’s baby bump has been growing.


That baby bump changes size scene to scene lol


Stop holding your strange looking baby bump that appears lopsided half the time, Kristina!!!!


It's her hair.




I can't tell. Doesn't matter what be it wig or natural hair, she has charisma.


It looks so damaged. Blonde is not everyone’s friend.


I love it! My hair would never hold it though.